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Dangerous Betrayals

Page 7

by Dover, L. P.

  John sighed. “Kennedy, I hate having to tell you this.”

  My stomach dropped. “What happened?”

  “A woman’s body was discovered in her home late this morning with her heart cut out. I didn’t hear about it until I got back to Belmont.”

  Reed growled and ran a hand through his hair. “What the fuck? Where?”

  John sighed again. “That’s what’s throwing me off. Originally, I thought he was going to kill his way up to Vermont, but we’re right back where we started from. She fit the exact same description as the other two: mid-twenties, blonde hair, hazel eyes, and living alone. Her …”

  “Oh my God, did I know her?” I cut in. If she was around my age and from Belmont, there was a strong chance I grew up with her. The thought terrified the hell out of me.

  John cleared his throat. “She wasn’t from Belmont, Kennedy. She was born in New York and moved down here last year. She was a nurse at Carolinas Medical Center. Her neighbor was walking her dog early this morning and noticed the front door was wide open. She thought it was suspicious so she called the station to come check it out. I’ve been out there all afternoon.”

  “Have you questioned her?” Reed asked.

  “Yep. Apparently, the victim worked a lot, but one of her fellow nurses mentioned a guy she was seeing. Cody Smith was his name, fitting the exact same description as the other Smiths. We’re still looking into them all. Again, we have no fucking clue on the bastard.”

  I looked over at Reed. “How the hell are we going to find this guy?”

  Reed’s brows furrowed as if he was deep in thought. The more I found out about the case, the more nothing made sense. Reed leaned over on the counter toward the phone. “Was there anything left at the scene like last time?”

  The line went silent and my heart dropped. Another couple of seconds passed and then John blew out a nervous breath. “There was a torn-up picture of Martha and Kennedy beside the victim’s body.”

  The air whooshed out of my lungs. What did it all mean? Reed picked up his phone but kept it on speaker. “As soon as Kennedy and I get to Wyoming, I’ll be able to start working with some of our new surveillance technology, that will help me pinpoint the locations and similarities of the situations. In the meantime, send me every single bit of evidence you find.”

  “Will do,” John agreed. “We’re having a televised press conference first thing in the morning. I’m sorry, Kennedy, but there’s no way we can keep this a secret any longer. The good thing is that you’ll be safe in Wyoming when word gets out.” It actually made me feel a lot better to know the world would be warned. “The only problem,” he added, “is that once we do this, the killer might lay low. It’ll be harder to track him.”

  Reed shook his head and I could see the glint in his eyes. “No, it won’t, John. It might take time, but I’ll find him no matter what. All we need is for him to stop killing.” He turned to me and I could see the wheels in his mind turn. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “I sure as hell hope so,” John said. “For now, you two stay safe. Be careful on your way to Wyoming. And Kennedy?”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Robyn’s going to find out about everything tonight. Be prepared for a very long, frantic phone call.” Hearing that made my heart hurt. It made me miss my mother even more.

  “I’m ready for it.” I hadn’t talked to her in awhile and she always had this calming effect on me.

  We hung up and Reed looked right into my eyes. “With this guy being in his mid-thirties with light brown hair, can you think of anyone in your mother’s life who fits that description?”

  I shook my head. “No. And I can’t think of anyone in mine either.” It was a complete mystery, one I was desperate to figure out.

  Chapter Nine


  Before leaving Kennedy’s house, I made sure all of the cameras were up and running. If there was any movement, I’d get an alert. We took a cab to the private airfield and Buttercup sat between me and Kennedy. When we arrived, my father’s nine passenger private jet waited on the runway. It really belonged to Ian since he was the only Chandler who knew how to pilot a plane.

  Kennedy stared out the cab window at the jet and Buttercup did the same. “This is so freaking awesome. We don’t have to wait in long lines.” It made me smile to see her excited. With everything going on in her life, I knew it had to be hard to enjoy things.

  I winked at her. “Exactly. Let’s just hope my brother doesn’t kill us.” Her eyes shot wide and I laughed. “Come on. We’ll be fine.”

  The cab driver got out of the car and opened the trunk. I handed him the money and grabbed our bags. Kennedy got out with Buttercup and they followed me to the jet. Ian stood in the doorway, dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt, wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses with the biggest smile on his face.

  “What’s up guys,” he called out as he made his way down the steps. He went straight to Kennedy and held out his hand. “I’m Ian,” he said, slapping his other hand on my shoulder, “this one’s older, yet more handsome brother.”

  “You wish old man,” I joked back. He was five years older than me, but he was my favorite out of all my brothers. We were just alike.

  Kennedy giggled and shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ian. I’ve heard so much about the Chandler clan. I’m excited to meet everyone.” She bent down beside Buttercup and hugged her. “And this is Buttercup. I couldn’t leave without her.”

  Ian knelt down and Buttercup licked his face as he petted her. “She’s such a big sweetie. Might be about time I get my wife that dog she’s been asking for.” He stood and nodded up at the door. “Speaking of which, Grace is inside waiting for you. She’s excited to meet you too.”

  Grace appeared in the door, her dark brown hair in a side braid and clutching her chest. “Did I hear someone mention a dog?” As soon as she got a good look at Buttercup, she raced down the stairs. “Oh, my dear freaking goodness, she’s so cute. Ian didn’t tell me you were bringing a dog.”

  She hugged Kennedy which caught her off guard, but Kennedy smiled and hugged her back. “Her name’s Buttercup.”

  Grace let her go. “I love that name.” She bent down and baby talked Buttercup as she petted her.

  Ian cleared his throat. “Nope, not getting her a dog. I’ll be put on the back burner.”

  Grace narrowed her eyes at him. “You will be if you don’t get me a dog. I want one like Buttercup.”

  Chuckling, I draped my arm around Ian’s shoulders. “Better get her a dog, brother. If you don’t, she’ll get one on her own and I’d hate to see what she picks out.”

  Grace turned her glare to me. “Better watch it, Chandler. I won’t fix your favorite foods anymore.”

  That made me smile. “You still love me.”

  Grace took Kennedy’s arm and pulled her toward the stairs. “Let’s get you settled. I’ve already claimed the back of the plane just for us. The guys can cram into the cockpit.”

  Kennedy looked over at me and I nodded for her to go. She followed Grace into the plane with Buttercup right beside her. Ian grabbed my bag and slung it over his shoulder with a sly grin on his face.

  “What?” I said.

  Still grinning, he shrugged. “Oh nothing, I guess. Just curious.”

  “About what?” I asked, already knowing what he was going to say.

  He leaned in close, his voice low. “I saw the way you looked at Kennedy and vice versa. Something going on between you two?”

  I stared at him and then shook my head. “Not that it’s any of your damn business, but no. I just met her two days ago.” There was no denying I was attracted to her. Who wouldn’t be? She was a smart, beautiful woman.

  Ian followed me up the stairs. “A lot can happen in two days.”

  “Yeah, well,” I said, stopping at the door. “Kennedy’s not here for that.” Don’t get me wrong, if she was, I’d be down for it. Unfortunately, my only concern needed to be keeping her
safe. Once inside the plane, I looked back at Kennedy who was busy talking to Grace with Buttercup by her feet. I secured our luggage in one of the storage compartments and joined Ian up front. He shut the cockpit door and started up the engines. We slowly made our way into position on the runway.

  Ian grabbed the microphone and sat back in his chair. “All right, ladies, we’re about to take off. Hang onto Buttercup back there.” We took off down the runway and were up in the air in no time. Once we reached altitude, Ian relaxed. “Okay, brother, is there anything I need to know that you didn’t tell me on the phone?” There was a lot I didn’t tell him. I looked over at him and it didn’t take him long to figure that out. He glanced back at the door to make sure it was shut. “What’s going on Reed? Do you need my help?”

  “No,” I replied in all seriousness. “But there is something you need to know.”

  His brows furrowed. “Tell me.”

  Out of all my brothers, I knew he’d understand. Then again, I could see him doing the same thing with Grace if she’d asked it of him, even if he did have reservations. I didn’t feel remorse or guilt when I killed a target; I was trained not to feel when it came to that. But Kennedy was different. “I’m going to train Kennedy,” I told him.

  Ian looked at me as if that wasn’t a big deal. “Good. I think everyone should know how to protect themselves.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Not only am I bringing her to Wyoming to make sure she’s safe, but I’m also going to teach her how to kill. She wants to help me find the man who murdered her mother.”

  His mouth gaped. “Seriously? That sweet looking girl back there wants to learn how to kill?” he asked, pointing at the door. Kennedy didn’t look anything like a killer.

  I shrugged. “Grace doesn’t look like a killer, but if I remember correctly, you both watched the man who tried to kill her die after she shot him in the knee and you stabbed him in the chest with a tree branch.” It happened about two years ago, but Grace had escaped her attacker just like Kennedy did. Grace was able to get her revenge.

  Ian’s brows raised and he nodded. “You’re right, and she came out of it stronger than ever.”

  “True,” I agreed. “I just hope Kennedy knows what she’s getting into. If she doesn’t, I’ll finish the job myself. Killing is in our blood, not hers.”

  Ian placed a hand on my shoulder. “I’ll help you in any way I can, little brother. But then again, we all know you’re the best. If the police can’t find the fucker, I know you can. Just be careful. It’s not only your life on the line this time, it’s hers as well.”

  And I knew that all too well. Kennedy wasn’t just an average woman. I didn’t know her well, but there was another side of her I had yet to see.

  Chapter Ten


  After meeting Ian, I could see how he and Reed were brothers. They had the same dark brown hair, green eyes, and joking mannerisms. Ian, on the other hand, had a lot of tattoos on his arms, but Reed didn’t. However, Reed did have some on his back, but I still hadn’t gotten close enough to see what all they were yet. If I was being honest with myself, I really wanted to see more of Reed. Who was I kidding though? His life was so much different than mine. It was as if we were from two different worlds, but when I looked at Grace, she seemed so normal, dressed in a pair of denim shorts, cowgirl boots, and light gray tank top with her chocolate-colored hair in a braid. Her eyes were almost the same color as mine but hers had more of a honey color to the hazel. She was a part of Reed’s world, yet I felt so comfortable around her as if I’d known her for years.

  “I hear you’re a high school teacher and that you love to cook,” Grace said, swiveling her seat so she could face me. That was obviously one of the perks of having your own custom private jet. You could turn the seats in every direction and have as much leg room as you wanted. I liked it.

  I turned to face her and unbuckled my seat belt. “I am and I do. I hear you like to cook too.”

  She beamed. “Oh yeah. Nobody can touch my homemade biscuits.”

  “And nobody can compete with my homemade soups,” I said, winking. Just thinking about cooking made me think of my mother. She was the one who taught me everything there was to know about cooking. Buttercup was by my feet so I reached down and rubbed my hand through her fur. “My mother could throw down in the kitchen. I miss her so much.”

  When I looked up at Grace, her expression saddened. “I’m sorry about what happened. Ian told me everything. That’s why I really wanted to be here today to meet you.” She took a deep breath and let it out slow. “I never lost my mother, but you and I have a lot in common, Kennedy. I don’t know if Reed told you, but I had escaped an attacker as well. It’s kind of crazy, but every female involved with the Chandlers has had their fair share of tragedy. It’s like we were meant to be in their lives.” Her eyes glistened. “I wouldn’t be alive without Ian and Reed.”

  “What happened?” I asked, eager to hear.

  Grace sighed. “I haven’t talked about it in forever. Some days it feels like it was just a bad dream. I don’t want to go into all the details, but I was kidnapped and thrown in a barn to be killed later. Luckily, I escaped and when Ian found me, he kept me safe until we found out who was responsible.”

  I leaned forward in my chair. “And then what happened?”

  She looked right at me. “We killed the douchebag. Really, Ian did, but I shot the asshole in the knee. All I wanted was for him to die a slow and painful death.”

  Hearing her made me realize I was in the exact place I needed to be. There was a reason Reed was brought into my life. He was the only person who could give me what I wanted. “You don’t regret shooting him?” I asked.

  “No,” she stated without hesitation. “There are times I wish I’d killed him myself, but Ian was blind with rage. There was no stopping him.”

  I looked over at the closed cockpit door. It was hard to imagine the guy I’d just met, blind with rage. Ian seemed so down to earth and fun. Then again, I never pictured Reed as an assassin. Grace stared at me curiously. “What’s on your mind?” she questioned.

  I shrugged. “A million things. I know what Reed and Ian are and what they do. When I’m around Reed, he’s always been so sweet. I don’t see how he could be a nice guy by day and a killer at night.” Grace’s smile widened and she snickered. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  She giggled again. “I thought I picked up on something when I saw you two looking at each other.”

  My heart stopped. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m saying you’re attracted to Reed. Not that I can blame you. The Chandler men are hard to resist. Ian used to flirt with me for months, but I was so afraid to get close to him. But then when I really got to know him, I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.” She beckoned me closer and I leaned forward. “Reed is my family and I love him, Kennedy. I know he’s got a dark side, but there’s no one out there better than him, well, other than Ian. Whoever ends up with him is going to be a lucky girl.”

  He sounded too good to be true. “Guess that means he’s single?”

  Her grin broadened. “You bet your ass he is. From what I can tell already, he’d be lucky to have you too. Like I said, all of us women in the family were brought to the Chandlers out of tragedy. This could be your time to find happiness.”

  What was happiness? There were days I smiled and looked like I was happy, but it wasn’t real. I’d lost everyone I ever loved. The one thing that would make me happy would be to find the man who took my life away from me. Until then, I had to keep on going.


  Grace and I talked the whole time on the plane and it made the time fly by. One minute we were up in the air, and the next we were in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The mountains were breathtaking and magical. I’d never seen anything like them. I couldn’t take my eyes off the scenery as Ian and Grace drove us to Reed’s ranch in Ian’s truck. Buttercup had abandoned me and climbed up front with Grace so she co
uld stick her head out her window.

  Grace pointed at a road to the right, but I couldn’t see what it led to. “Our ranch is down that road. The next street is Reed’s.”

  I was curious to see what his place looked like. Reed draped his arm across the back of my seat and moved closer to me. He smelled so good it took all I had not to lean against him. I looked at him and he nodded toward the window. “Every square inch of land you see here is under constant surveillance. No one gets in without us knowing.”

  It made me wonder why they needed so much protection. “Is that because you have so many enemies?” I asked curiously.

  Reed’s response was a mischievous smile, but Grace was the one who looked back at me and answered. “No. It’s because the Chandlers are uber protective of their women. Sometimes I think they forget we’re not helpless.”

  Ian grinned smugly at her and then glanced back at me. “Don’t let her fool you. She thinks it’s hot. I never hear her complain.”

  They bantered back and forth and I couldn’t help but smile. “Are they always like this?” I asked, whispering the words to Reed.

  “Yep. It’s quite entertaining. Why do you think I spend so much time with them?”

  Grace glared at him playfully. “I heard that. You’re supposed to be on my side, Reed.”

  Reed chuckled and tapped my arm. “We’re almost at my ranch.”

  Ian turned down the next street which ended up being about a mile past their own ranch. There was a large field to the left and nothing but trees on the right. It all reminded me of a western movie, and it wasn’t long before his place came into view with the most magnificent view of the Grand Teton mountains.

  “Wow,” I gasped, mouth gaping in awe. His ranch house looked like a log cabin, with a three-car garage. The backyard was an open field with a red barn to the left of the house. Ian pulled up to the front door and both he and Reed got out. Buttercup jumped out with them and ran around the front yard. I was still too in shock to move. I’d never seen anything so amazing.


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