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The Advocate - 01 - The Advocate

Page 22

by Teresa Burrell

  “No, my immediate concern has been Alexis and Sabre, so I haven’t had a chance to do much else. I know Detective Nelson is working on it, though. You may want to talk to him.”

  “I’ll give him a call. By the way, things are heating up back here.”


  “Adelle decided to go to the press, and she stirred up quite a bee’s nest. Honey’s picture has been plastered in the paper and on the local news, which is good in a way because someone might see her and report it. It is especially newsworthy here because of the Murdocks’ political connections. But the phones have been ringing like crazy with false reports, and it has us all jumping.” Joe thought about Sabre again. “I wonder where they are. I sure hope she’s all right.”

  “She’s a survivor, Joe. If anyone can get through it, Sabre can.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Just keep us informed, and I’ll do the same.”

  “Thanks, I’d appreciate it.”

  Joe couldn’t keep his mind off Sabre. If he had just known this information sooner, maybe she could have avoided Murdock. Joe checked his messages and saw he had a call from Howard. He called him back.

  “Sabre, Alexis, and Murdock are all missing,” Joe told him when Howard answered the phone. Joe gave him the details.

  “Do you think Murdock has them? Or maybe one of the thugs you’re trying to round up has them all?”

  “Well, we’ve stirred up a lot of commotion here with the arrests we’ve made, but the timing wouldn’t be right. They were already abducted before we arrested anyone. So, unless something leaked out, Murdock’s taking them is the most likely scenario, but why would he?”

  “Based on the information I’ve gathered here, I think it has to do with the connection between Ron Brown and the Murdocks. When Elizabeth and Gaylord moved to Dallas, Elizabeth joined a gym, the same one Ron Brown used. They became friends, and shortly thereafter she introduced him to Gaylord. The three of them socialized some. They took a weekend trip together to Atlanta once, but other than that, they usually just went to the local races. Gaylord loved the ponies and anything else he could bet on. He gambled pretty heavy and sank deeper and deeper into debt.”

  “And Ron, did he gamble?”

  “No. He bet occasionally, but he didn’t have the sickness. He went to the races just because Elizabeth asked him to. They’d gotten pretty close.”

  “Were they lovers? Ron and Elizabeth?”

  “I don’t think so, but they were real tight. They saw each other almost every day at the gym and often had coffee together. She confided in him, told him things no one else knew.”

  “Was Gaylord jealous of Ron?”

  “It appears so, but he never confronted either of them. Instead, Gaylord found a way to use Ron to his own benefit,” Howard said.


  “Our theory is he knew enough about Ron to know he was a rescuer and he cared about Elizabeth, so he set him up. Gaylord was in debt to two different crime bosses, one from Atlanta and one in the Dallas area. The Dallas group had been trying for some time to spread their territory and wanted to take over the Atlanta area, but in order to do so, they had to get rid of the leadership there. Because of Gaylord’s family connections and his own dealings underground, he had a lot of information on the Atlanta group.”

  “Was his family involved or aware of any of this?”

  “No, they’re as clean as a whistle. They did know he gambled, but I think they just looked the other way. They didn’t disown him or anything, but they saw a lot less of him.”

  “I’m sorry; I interrupted you. So how did he use his information against Ron?”

  “Well, Gaylord couldn’t do anything himself because he knew the Atlanta group would take him out. So, he leaked the information to Ron through Elizabeth. The weekend trip to Atlanta took place so Ron could meet some of the guys and later be able to identify them. Of course, Ron didn’t realize it at the time.”

  “What purpose did that serve?”

  “As I said, Gaylord had Ron pegged as a rescuer and he turned out to be right. He knew Ron would try to save Elizabeth if something happened to her. Gaylord had some thug nab Elizabeth and force her to call Ron. As she had been instructed, she told him she was being held hostage by the Atlanta guys and to go to the police and tell them everything he knew about them.”

  “And he did?”

  “Exactly. As a result, we had enough information to cease the operation in Atlanta, which in turn gave Dallas a chance to take over.”

  “It all seems so hopeless sometimes, doesn’t it? You work so hard to get rid of one criminal element and another just takes up where they left off.”

  “Yes, it does. In this case, they moved in there before the convictions came down. We were their pawns, too, just like Ronald Brown.”

  “So why wasn’t Gaylord ever arrested?”

  “We could never pin anything on him. He knew a lot of people, but he had no involvement in their operation. We couldn’t prove he had his wife held hostage. He made it look like the Dallas bunch kidnapped her. It probably was their thugs, but we’re pretty sure Gaylord planned the operation. We tried to force him to testify against Dallas, but he couldn’t see any advantage to it. I expect the Dallas group would’ve killed him if he had. I’m sure it also helped clear up his gambling debts.”

  “So he cashed in his wife for some gambling debts?”

  “Not exactly; I think he just used her to help wipe out Atlanta. He had become pretty jealous of Elizabeth’s and Ron’s relationship by then, and he blamed Ron for the problems in their marriage. By setting Ron up to squeal on Atlanta, he evened the score with Ron, and at the same time, taught Elizabeth a lesson.”

  “Some lesson, getting rid of your wife,” Joe said.

  “I don’t think he initially planned to get rid of her. We’re not sure what happened there. But it got real messy, mostly because Steve had figured out too much, I think. So they had to get rid of him and probably her as well.”

  “So with Steve and Elizabeth gone, and with Murdock and Davis in their pocket, Ron could testify against the Atlanta leaders, Dallas could swoop in and take over, and no one would be the wiser.”


  “So what happened to Ron?”

  “Keep in mind, I wasn’t a part of this operation. I’m receiving all the information secondhand, but from a reliable source. The file reads he was on his way to Montana to go fishing. They found his car at the airport with his fishing gear still in it. Nothing further is reported.”

  “So what does it mean?”

  “It means he’s either dead or in the witness protection program, but at this point I don’t know which. That kind of information isn’t easy for even us to get into, but I do have a way, and I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.”

  “Thanks, Howard. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your efforts.”

  “Hey, it doesn’t come close to what I owe you. I’ll be in touch.”


  Sabre spent another night with virtually no sleep. She woke so exhausted she couldn’t think clearly, and her wrists and ankles felt like someone had sliced them with razor blades. At first she’d been terrified, but her fear turned to anger. She sat in the armchair near the fire as Alexis fed her oatmeal. She didn’t feel like eating, but forced herself in order to keep her strength up. She put her head against the fold at the top of the chair attempting to get comfortable, not an easy task with her hands tied behind her back. Her body wanted to sleep, but her mind rebelled. She replayed everything she could remember from the moment Murdock walked into the room at Jordan. Maybe it would help her to understand what he wanted and, in turn, somehow help her escape.

  Sabre sat straight up in her chair and gasped. Murdock had said yesterday she “lived in a new condo.” How would he know? She had never told him or Alexis. She remembered something else he had said, and it took her breath away. When he gave the blessing, he’d said,
“Bless Alexis’ mother and Sabre’s brother, wherever they may be.” Terror returned and she gasped. How did he know she had a missing brother?

  She looked up; through tired, blurred eyes she saw Murdock and Alexis cleaning the kitchen. They did everything together. She thought what a good father he appeared to be in so many ways. What a shame he insisted on destroying his life, a life he’d likely have been sharing with his daughter in a few short weeks. Why would he be willing to risk it all at this point? Nothing made any sense to Sabre.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by Murdock’s voice. “Alexis, I’m going to go outside and gather some more firewood. You keep an eye on Ms. Brown. You know the rules.”

  “Yes, Father.”

  As soon as Murdock went out the door, Sabre said, “Alexis, we need to get out of here. We need to get away. Please help me.”

  “I wish I could, Ms. Sabre, but I can’t. Father would be very angry. Besides, he’ll let you go soon. He promised me.”

  “I don’t think he will, Alexis, because then he’ll go to jail. He’ll have to get rid of me. Do you understand?”

  “No, he won’t. He won’t hurt you. He promised.” Her voice raised an octave.

  “Alexis, come over here a little closer to me,” Sabre coaxed, thinking it might be easier to get through to her if she could look her straight in the eye.

  “I can’t, Ms. Sabre. When Father is out of the room, I’m not allowed to get too close.”

  The door opened and Murdock came in, carrying a load of firewood. “It’s a beautiful day out there. Alexis, why don’t you go out and play a little. The fresh air will do you good.”

  Alexis picked up her jacket and started for the door. “Have fun,” Murdock said. “Just stay in the front where I can keep an eye on you. I don’t want anything to happen to my little girl.”

  “Yes, Father.” Alexis seldom ever said anything to him except, “yes, Father” or “no, Father.” She seemed complacent, almost comfortable in the role. Murdock didn’t seem to notice any difference. Sabre knew a different Alexis, the one who wouldn’t stop chattering.

  “Don’t try to influence her. It won’t work,” Murdock said. “I know the minute I turn my back you’re trying to convince her to help you. Don’t waste your time. Alexis will never defy me.”

  “Why? Because you have her scared to death?”

  “No, Ms. Brown, because Alexis loves me. We’re a team. We’ve been close since she came into this world, and we only got closer after her mother left us.”

  “What do you know about my brother?”

  “Plenty,” Murdock said smugly.

  “Why, when you gave the blessing yesterday, did you say ‘wherever he may be’?”

  “Well, you don’t know where he is, do you?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “So he’s missing, just like Elizabeth. I just asked the Lord to bless them both. I’d think you’d appreciate it.” He added, “A good looking chap, that brother of yours.”

  “How do you know what he looks like?” She knew full well he was playing her, with no way for her to stop the game. She knew he wouldn’t let her stop at this point anyway.

  “You have his photo on your credenza, in your office.”

  “But you’ve never been to my office.”

  “Oh, right. It must’ve been in your condo on the mantelpiece. Or upstairs in the hallway?”

  Sabre jolted, spooked. He’d not only been in her office, but in her home. “Have you been stalking me?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t exactly call it stalking. I just like to keep an eye on the enemy.”

  “Why do you think I’m the enemy?”

  “Why? Because you ruined my life, that’s why. First you take my wife and then you take my daughters.”

  “Your wife? You mean Peggy?”

  Gaylord sneered. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’d never marry that little chippie. She’s worthless. She’s been nothing but trouble ever since I met her. If she hadn’t been carrying my child, I’d have dumped her a long time ago.”

  “So you mean Elizabeth?”

  “Of course I mean Elizabeth. What a lady.” Sabre saw him slip away for a second to what must have been a better time.

  “I didn’t even know her. How could I take her from you?”

  He didn’t answer the question, continuing with his game of cat and mouse. She could see he had something big to taunt her with. “You’re just alike, aren’t you? You go around acting like you want to save the world, but instead you destroy people. You destroy families. Well, I’ll destroy his, all of it.” Gaylord paced now, speaking louder.

  Sabre didn’t bite. “Did you put the bat through my mail slot?”

  Murdock’s mouth turned up in a smile, apparently proud of the maneuver. He quoted a riddle, in an eerie Vincent Price tone.

  Color, a pretty, bright red

  In the darkness, toward the light;

  He took his hand and he swirled it around Sabre’s head, like a bat zooming in and out, saying “Circling, circling the head.” He brought his hand back and swooped in with one quick move. He took a step back, then leaned his body towards her. His face inches from hers, he said, “causing sheer fright. Boo!”

  Sabre knew he wanted to see her squirm, so she tried her best not to show just how frightened she felt. “Alexis was at my office when you did that. She could’ve been hurt.”

  “Yes, that was unfortunate, and I scolded Alexis for running away. She shouldn’t have been there. I never would’ve done it if I’d known, but I think it taught her a good lesson. Don’t you?”

  Sabre didn’t answer his question. “The lizard – did you put it in my bed?”

  “Cute little things aren’t they? Boy, did you scream!”

  A chill went up her spine. “You were there the whole time?”

  “No, not the whole time. I slipped out after you parked yourself on the sofa for the night.”

  “You did it all – the flat tire, the beach?”

  Murdock walked into the other room and returned with a bottle of cologne. He sprayed a little in the air in front of her nose. “Maybe this’ll help.”

  “Kantor,” she whispered, recognizing the cologne. “Why Kantor?” She already knew the answer. What she didn’t know was how he knew or why he was doing all this.

  “Well, your brother loved this cologne. Didn’t he?”

  So much swirled through Sabre’s mind, frightened and confused. The thing striking her hardest … Murdock had just used the past tense. Did he know something she didn’t? “How did you know? What do you know about my brother?”

  “Oh, I know plenty about Ronald Adrian Brown.” He said the name with contempt. “I know he lived in Dallas. I know he worked out at the gym every day at ten o’clock. I know he drank espresso and drove a Porsche.” Murdock watched and seemed to enjoy every twitch in her face as he delineated his knowledge of her brother in a quicker tempo. “I know he had a dog named Patches, a mother who still bakes his favorite pie on holidays, and a sister named Sabre, who worshipped him.”

  He leaned over Sabre’s chair and put a hand on each shoulder. She could feel him tremble. He looked her straight in the eye, saying very slowly, “I know he pretended to be my friend, and he loved my wife.” Murdock remained in that position – looking directly into Sabre’s eyes – for several seconds, in complete silence. Finally, he let go and stood up.

  “Gale and Beth,” Sabre said in disbelief. “You’re Gale, and your wife is Beth.” She remembered Ron talking about this wonderful couple he had met. The last few months before he disappeared, he had spent a lot of time with them. She knew he shared a special relationship with Beth, but she never suspected any kind of romantic interest. Besides, it wasn’t Ron’s style. Although quite the lady’s man, he had strong convictions about not messing with another man’s woman. Whether or not something went on between Ron and Beth didn’t matter at this point, Sabre decided. What matters is what Murdock believes. Sabre felt sick. “Did you kill my brother?�

  “No, of course not.” Murdock smirked. “I just helped him become the savior he wanted to be. It’s not my fault he talked too much.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “I don’t know for sure. I just know there are some circles where if you talk too much, you don’t live to tell it.”

  “Am I going to live to tell this?”

  “Now, what do you think, Ms. Brown? You’re a smart lady.”

  “Did you plan this from the beginning? Did you come to California to kill me?”

  “I needed to leave Atlanta for a while. California seemed like a good idea. I remembered Ron telling us about you, so I decided to have some fun, pay him back for what he did to me.”

  “But the juvenile court case – how did you get me on your case?”

  “Pure coincidence. I didn’t even realize it was you until after we’d left the courtroom. I heard someone call you Sabre.” Murdock smiled. “You got thrown right into my lap. I didn’t even have to track you down.”

  “So what happens now?”

  “Well, you’re not much good to me anymore, Ms. Brown. Yes, you and yours will definitely have to go, but you won’t know when.”

  Sabre remembered Honey. “What did you do with Honey?”

  “You don’t need to know about Hon … .” Murdock stopped as Alexis walked in. “Alexis, did you have a good time?”

  “Yes, Father.”

  “You must be hungry. I’ll start dinner. Go wash up and then come help me,” he instructed.

  Alexis followed his direction and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. When Alexis left the room, Sabre tried to pick the conversation back up where they left off, but Murdock, not responding, strolled into the kitchen area and started dinner.

  After dinner, Murdock and Alexis cleaned up the kitchen and then sat down at the dining room table to play some games. Alexis convinced her father it would be more fun to play with three so he untied Sabre’s hands, but he left her feet tied. Everything seemed so crazy to Sabre. She didn’t have any experience with kidnappers, but she was pretty sure this was not the norm. She sat at a table eating pumpkin pie and playing games with her captor, the whole experience bizarre. Most of the time she had her hands and feet tied, and she was in excruciating pain and suffering from sleep deprivation. The food, on the other hand, tasted four star, but every time she ate she felt like an inmate on death row having her last meal.


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