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BDSM Club Series Box Set

Page 63

by Claire Thompson

  The keyholders were serious players, each of whom paid dues for upkeep, and had full access to the state-of-the-art equipment and gear. With no family, George had bequeathed the building to the current keyholders, with the property held in a trust. George’s private quarters, now Phillip’s, were on the third floor, which Nora had never seen.

  Phillip finally turned his attention fully to their guest. “I was just going to put on some fresh coffee. Then I’ll be happy to give Mr. McQuade the full tour.”

  “No, thanks, that’s okay,” Charles replied. “Nora and I will show Jack around. You just go on about your day. Sorry to disturb you so early on a Sunday morning.”

  Phillip looked like he was about to protest—even to insist, but then he gave a small shrug. “All right then. Be sure to lock up.” He flashed another false smile, and he was gone.

  The three of them headed down the hall to the next play space. Charles pushed open the door and flicked on the lights as they stepped inside. “Welcome to the punishment room—just the thing for naughty little slave girls.” He flashed an impish grin Nora’s way.

  Charles had never put her in the puppy cage or chained her on the torture rack, inviting public punishment as some of the Masters did from time to time with an errant slave. If and when Charles did punish her, it was in the privacy of their home, though it had been quite a while since she’d done anything deserving of punishment, thank goodness.

  “What’s that?” Jack moved toward the large shiny metal globe hanging by a thick chain from the ceiling.

  “Ah, that.” Charles moved closer. “This unique device is called a head cage.” He touched the globe, causing it to gently sway. “It’s excellent for sensory deprivation during a session.”

  Jack, too, touched the cage, peering at it curiously. “Is it safe? How does one breathe when it’s in place?”

  “Air holes—see?” Charles pointed. “These small holes here keep airflow within the cage. It opens like this.” He released two clasps and the globe split vertically open like a flower blossoming. “Pretty neat, huh?”

  “Very,” agreed Jack, his gaze suddenly focused on Nora. “Perhaps a demonstration with your lovely sub?”

  Nora managed to bite back the words of vehement protest that had leaped instantly to the fore, though she couldn’t stop the sudden stab of panic that twisted in her gut. At the same time, a sensual warmth moved its way through her. The result was a heady combination of fear and lust.

  Charles put his arm around her shoulders. “One day Nora will get to experience the steel head cage, when she’s ready.”

  Jack lifted his brows. “And how will you know when she’s ready?”

  Charles tightened his comforting grip around Nora’s shoulders. “I’ll know because she’ll ask me for it. She will kneel down before me and sweetly ask permission to be placed in the head cage, won’t you, sub Nora?”

  Though Nora couldn’t imagine ever doing such a thing, she trusted Charles. He would never do something she wasn’t ready for, and so she replied simply, “Yes, Sir.”

  Jack sighed, and Nora sensed his intense longing for a connection such as Charles and she shared. Her heart went out to him, even as she racked her brain for a potential partner for him.

  He shrugged and smiled, though his eyes looked a little sad. “Maybe I’ll find a girl like Nora one day. Speaking of which, how does Hawthorne Dungeon work for single members? Do you have subs on the premises?”

  “All members are permitted to bring friends and play partners here. It’s never been a problem. It’s very timely that you should ask about subs on the premises, because up until now we’ve never had that, but Phillip’s been pushing for it. He’s already interviewed a few candidates. He’s looking for submissives willing to serve members who want to scene but don’t necessarily have a partner. These will be trained subs, available for sessions on an on-call basis. You would negotiate the scene of course, and there would be an additional fee to cover the cost of their services, but at least this way you’d know you were going to scene with someone who could hold her own.”

  “That sounds about perfect for someone like me.” He waved his hand around the room. “This place is amazing. Where do I sign up?”

  Charles grinned. “It is pretty great—one of the best-kept secrets in the city. Phillip can take care of the details with you, but I’m glad you’re excited. And you haven’t even seen all the rooms yet. Let me show you the rest.”

  They started down the hallway when Charles stopped suddenly. “Wait, let’s go down to the basement first. I want to save the harem room for last.” Charles’ eyes sparked as he gazed at Nora. A shiver of excited anticipation moved through her as she understood he had plans for her.

  “The harem room, huh?” Jack said. “Sounds intriguing.”

  “It is,” Charles agreed. “But first let’s check out the basement, shall we?”

  As they clambered down two flights of stairs, Jack laughed. “You don’t even have to join an exercise club. Just running up and down all these stairs keeps you fit, huh?”

  “Actually,” Nora volunteered, “there’s an elevator next to the butler’s pantry. It’s incredibly slow, but it’s handy for folks who might need some assistance.”

  The entry to the basement was like any other in the old neighborhood, with cement flooring and a setup for the washer and dryer, but there the comparison ended. Charles led them first into the small converted space that housed the medical dungeon. Inside stood an adjustable exam table complete with leather restraint straps. Various shiny, scary looking tools covered in shrink-wrap lay in wait on a stainless steel table beside it. Nearby sat an authentic dental chair, also retrofitted with restraints, metal dental mouth gags and dams at the ready.

  “Lots of room for the imagination in this space, eh, Doctor Finch?” Jack teased.

  “Oh, yeah,” Charles replied enthusiastically. “Especially with a patient like my sub girl.” Nora and Charles had passed many a sexy hour in the small but well-equipped space, indulging in some of Nora’s favorite erotic fantasies that included the handsome, sadistic doctor taking undue advantage of his patient.

  As they entered the second, much larger space, the pride was evident in Charles’ voice. “You won’t see anything like this in any of the clubs.”

  “Whoa,” Jack breathed as he took in the room. The walls and floor were tiled like a communal bathroom, complete with drains set at intervals along the floor. The space contained a full-size submersion tank, as well as bondage equipment and hoses for erotic water play. Black rubber aprons and full-length leather gloves hung neatly along one wall.

  “And you have full access to this whole place, 24/7?”

  “Yep,” Charles said, adding, “though, as you saw, Phillip’s big on making sure we schedule appointments.”

  “Where did he come from, anyway?” Jack asked. “He seems kind of young for a position of such responsibility.”

  Charles shrugged. “He’s probably thirty, thirty-one, I can’t remember exactly. He comes highly recommended from the West Coast. Big player in the Seattle scene. Managed a couple of the trendier underground clubs there. Excellent references.”

  “So you found him how?”

  “Internet. We placed an ad at some of the better-known sites. We had a couple of other guys interested, but they didn’t pan out and he was available, eager and has done a good job so far. Though,” he added with a rueful smile flashed in Nora’s direction, “he does exhibit a certain arrogance that puts off some of the members, the women especially.”

  “It’s not just arrogance,” Nora said earnestly. “It’s something else—something underneath. It’s almost reptilian,” she added, trying to find the right word. “He strikes me as cold. Even cruel. I feel it whenever he’s around—it’s like something icy slithering down my spine.”

  Jack raised his eyebrows. “Whoa,” he said. “That’s pretty damning.” He turned to Charles. “Is that the kind of person you want running this place?”

  “Oh, well,” Charles said, flushing. Nora knew he still thought she was overreacting. “Nora has this highly developed intuition, I guess you’d call it. She feels things other people don’t. But by the same token”—Charles put his arm around Nora’s shoulders and gave her an affectionate squeeze to lessen the sting of his words—“my sub girl’s got a very active imagination. She can sometimes jump to some pretty wild conclusions as a result of those feelings she gets, without really giving someone the benefit of the doubt. It may not have been unanimous, but the choice of Phillip as Master Keyholder was agreed on by the majority of the members. Whatever personal feelings we have for the guy, he is doing a good job so far running Hawthorne Dungeon.”

  Nora pulled away from her husband, flustered and a little angry at what seemed to be his trivializing of her feelings and dismissal of her concerns.

  “That said,” Charles continued, reaching out to stroke Nora’s cheek, “would I ever let him within a thousand yards of my sub girl for a scene? No fucking way.”

  Somewhat mollified by this, Nora tried to lighten the tension their exchange had caused by adding, in what she hoped was a jaunty tone, “Not to mention, Phillip is too handsome for his own good. I never trust a guy who’s prettier than I am.”

  Both Jack and Charles laughed, Charles adding gallantly, “Impossible, my love. You are beauty incarnate, lovely beyond compare. And now would be a good time to show Jack not only our dungeons, but my sub girl’s remarkable submissive grace. Are you ready to do my bidding?”

  Nora slipped effortlessly into submissive headspace in response to Charles’ dominant persona, her vexation at being misunderstood slipping away. “Your command is my wish, Sir,” she said softly, causing her Master to smile.

  “Go upstairs and prepare yourself,” he said, his words sending a shiver of delicious anticipation through Nora’s psyche. “We’ll be up in a minute.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Nora left the two men and flew up both flights of stairs to the second floor. She walked quickly down the hallway toward the harem room. It looked different during the day, with sunlight streaming in through the high windows. The floor was white marble shot with gold, several well-worn but fine oriental carpets placed about the open space. Large, plump throw pillows were set strategically near silk-upholstered antique sofas and chairs.

  A wooden pillory hung in the center of the room, suspended on either side by thick iron chains. Nora had spent many a delicious hour with her head and wrists locked between the wooden slats, her Master subjecting her to erotic torture and sensual play that never failed to leave her thoroughly and properly used, and utterly sated.

  Nora quickly shed her coat and street clothes, which consisted of a blouse and simple skirt—she never wore pants or underwear, since it pleased Charles, and her, to know she was always accessible to him. Stepping out of her shoes, she collected her things and folded them neatly. She moved quickly to the wardrobe and opened her special drawer. Taking out the satin bodice, she positioned the stiff stays beneath her breasts and pulled the laced sash tight. Her breasts were clearly visible through the sheer fabric, her pierced nipples already jutting in anticipation.

  Next she pulled on the matching crotchless pantaloons, tying the satin bows at her thighs to properly expose her smooth, shaven pussy for her Master and his guest. She glanced down at the small diamond sparkling at her bellybutton and flexed her flat, strong stomach muscles in anticipation. Finally, she slipped the dozens of thin gold bangles that completed her outfit over both wrists.

  She heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs and then the men coming down the hall, their voices a soft, masculine murmur. She hurried into position, kneeling on a cushion near the door, arms behind her head, back straight, heart thumping in anticipation.

  “Very nice,” Jack murmured as the two Doms entered the room. “You’re a lucky man, Charles.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Charles said with feeling, his words sending a rush of warmth through Nora’s loins. “Nora is my true love. I may own her body and her obedience, but she owns my heart.”

  “I can see you’re still a hopeless romantic,” Jack said with a smile.

  “And you remain a hopeful one, am I right?” Charles shot back.

  A look of longing flashed over Jack’s features, quickly replaced by an impish grin. “Hey, Nora, do you have a sister?”

  “Lots of sister subs, Sir,” she replied with a smile.

  “Matchmaking later,” Charles interrupted with a laugh. “I want Nora to dance for us.” He moved to the glass breakfront that housed the sound system. The room filled with the soft, haunting sound of exotic Eastern musical instruments that wove together a complex, sensual rhythm. Nora rose to her feet in a single fluid, much-practiced motion.

  The men sat on the large red sofa. Nora looked from Charles, who smiled encouragingly at her, to Jack, who was eyeing her with a frank and appraising eye, the swell in his jeans testament to his appreciation. For a moment she felt self-conscious, half-naked as she was in front of a man who, though he was staying with them temporarily until he found a place of his own, was basically a stranger.

  Her eyes moved back to Charles and, as she let herself fall into his dark, commanding gaze, the nervousness fell away like a discarded shell. She let the music move around and through her, allowing its mesmerizing rhythms to command her body. Nora’s body became an extension of her soul as she let the music and the dance claim her.

  Charles scooted forward on the sofa, gesturing for her to come closer. He placed his hand on her bare mons as she swayed before him. He pressed his fingers into her wetness and an involuntary shudder moved through her. He moved his fingers sensually inside her, the flat of his palm rubbing against her erect clit.

  “She’s extremely orgasmic,” Nora’s Dom calmly informed his friend, who was watching intently. “She can come on command, isn’t that right, my sweet slut?”

  A rush of heat moved its way through her body, splashing onto her cheeks—part embarrassment in front of Jack, but mostly pure, molten lust. “Yes, Sir,” she answered, her voice hoarse.

  “Spread your legs wider. Offer your cunt.” Charles rubbed harder, the friction perfect. Nora moaned.

  “I didn’t tell you to stop dancing,” Charles said softly, though with undeniable command. “Use your torso and arms. Stay focused on the music.”

  Nora nodded, a stab of shame moving through her at his reprimand. She knew better. She had forgotten herself because Jack was there. She executed an upper-body shimmy, moving her arms in graceful waves that made her gold bangles slide in tandem along either arm. Charles continued to stroke and tease her now-sopping, throbbing pussy, each perfect thrust of his fingers making it that much harder to concentrate.

  Finally it became too much. She was seconds away from an orgasm she couldn’t control or postpone. Sweat had beaded on her upper lip and at the small of her back and her entire body was trembling. Please, she begged silently, let me come, Sir. Let me come!

  Her beloved heard her silent plea. “Come for us, sub girl. Now,” he instructed, his palm grinding in perfect rhythm to the hypnotic music.

  Nora let the last vestige of tremulous control go with a cry of relief. The climax shot through her like a rocket exploding from deep inside, its sparks igniting every bit of her from her toes to her scalp. She nearly fell over, held up only by Charles’ firm hand cupping her sex, several of his fingers still buried inside her.

  Finally he pulled his hand away and held out his arms. Nora fell gratefully into them. Her husband held her tight until her trembling subsided and her heart slowed its pounding. She must have zoned out for a moment or two, because she only heard the last part of his sentence, “…was something else, didn’t I?”

  “You did, and I repeat,” Jack replied. “You are a lucky man. I can’t wait to learn more about this place firsthand. Where do I sign up?”

  “I can help with that,” a third voice interjected from the doorway. “Would you care for some coffee
and sweet rolls while we review the paperwork?”

  Nora whipped her head toward the sound of Phillip’s smooth, unctuous voice. He stood just inside the door holding a large tray laden with cups and plates.

  “Oh, hey there,” Charles said, his face a pleasant mask, though Nora detected his slight irritation. “Where did you come from?” He patted the cushion by his thigh and Nora moved from his lap to the sofa. She resisted the urge to cover herself in front of Phillip, in spite of his insolent gaze.

  Phillip entered the room and set the tray on the table near the couch. “Just doing my job,” he said. “Please—help yourselves.”

  They’d already had a large breakfast before coming to the dungeons, but Charles never refused sweets. He was one of those annoying people who could consume three thousand calories of pure junk every day of his life and remain as slim as he’d been in college. He took an offered roll, as did Jack. Nora declined, though she did accept a mug of coffee.

  “You may dress, sweetheart,” Charles whispered to Nora. She slipped gratefully to the wardrobe, glancing back at the three men as she removed her costume and put her street clothes back on.

  As if feeling her gaze, Phillip looked up suddenly, his eyes meeting hers. He smiled slowly, the curve of his lips at once sensual and cruel. Charles and Jack were speaking softly, and neither noticed his action.

  Nora turned quickly away, mentally shaking the man’s negative energy from her psyche. Despite his terrific references and supposed depth of experience, from what she could observe, he misappropriated the dynamic of D/s as permission to act like a bully.

  But did that make him evil?


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