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BDSM Club Series Box Set

Page 99

by Claire Thompson

  “Look, Morgan. I’m in love with you. I want to be with you. I want our relationship to move to the next level—to a fully committed D/s relationship. I know in my heart and in my bones that this is the real thing. I also know a connection like this comes along once in a blue moon, and I don’t plan to fuck it up by rushing you in any way. If you need more time to make a decision about us, I’m totally cool with that. I’m not going to go anywhere without you, and if that means staying here in the States for a month or a year, that’s what I’ll do, okay?”

  Morgan smiled, a glow of happiness filling her at his romantic words. “Thank you, Sir,” she said softly.

  He nodded. “Good. Glad we’re clear on that.” He flashed a grin. “Secondly, there’s the issue of Tom’s BDSM club, and what your obligation to him is. He’s coming to the party tonight, so we’ll take him aside and talk it over. But first I want to ask you a question we’ve sort of been skirting around over the past week without addressing directly. Do you want to take that job at the club?”

  The question surprised Morgan. “You mean you’d let me? I just assumed since I’m your sub now, that you wouldn’t want me scening with strangers.”

  “I’m not talking about what I want or don’t want. I genuinely need to know your mindset about this, and I would totally respect your decision, whatever it might be. Let’s be very clear, love. While I own you in a spiritual, D/s sense, and treasure the gift of that ownership, I would never ‘not let’ you do something.” He used his index fingers to draw air quotes around the words. “You are an independent, strong woman, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. If you decided that working at the club made you happy and was something you wanted to do, I would totally support that. Period. If you decided you wanted to go to college and get a degree in art history instead, I’d be one hundred percent behind that as well. As I mentioned, I have means, and nothing would make me happier than helping you to follow your dreams, whatever they might be.”

  “What?” Morgan stared at Aaron, her mouth falling open. “College? Me?” Even as her brain tried to laugh off the idea as absurd, something opened in her heart—a longing, a yearning so intense it nearly took her breath away. Her lingering love affair with the art at the museum, and her secret fantasy of perhaps someday being a curator had always been just that—an unattainable fantasy. But here Aaron was, acting like it wasn’t only possible, but a perfectly reasonable goal.

  “Sure, college, you,” he laughingly replied. “Whyever not? You’re smart and dedicated, Morgan, and I have the strong feeling you’d ace whatever you set your mind to. You’ve told me of your love of art, and we have some excellent universities back in London. In fact, entering on a student visa would be a great way for you to get started over there. If you were to come, I mean.” He said the last words as lightly as the first, but Morgan sensed the sudden intensity behind them and understood he truly wanted her to come with him, from the bottom of his heart, but would not press, no matter the cost to himself. If it were possible, she fell a little more in love with him at that moment.

  “Gosh,” she breathed, still reeling at the possibility of getting a college degree. “That would be awesome. Beyond awesome.”

  “So, I take it that means you’re not especially interested in working for Tom?”

  Morgan shook her head. “No. You’ve kind of ruined me for casual scening.” She laughed. “I enjoyed working there because it gave me a chance to experience BDSM without having an emotional connection with the clients. I thought I was keeping myself safe that way—keeping things uncomplicated. That was before I learned from you how intense and beautiful D/s is when love is added into the mix. Since I fell in love with you, I can’t imagine just going through the motions with a bunch of strangers.”

  Aaron nodded. “I get that. And I’m sure Tom will understand when we explain how your situation has changed. I don’t think his business will fail as a result,” he added teasingly.

  Morgan suddenly felt as if a thousand pound weight had been lifted from her shoulders as she permitted herself to acknowledge how much she didn’t want to take that job—not now that love had entered her life. “But there’s still the bonus money. I already used up most of it paying off credit card debt. What if he wants it back, and who could blame him if he did?”

  “Money is a detail, love. I told you, I have plenty of savings. Before I was a trainer, I did very well as a chemical engineer, and I had substantial stock options in my company. When it was bought by a much larger company, I received a very pretty penny, part of which I used to buy part ownership in the BDSM facility, the rest of which I have invested, rather successfully.”

  “Wow, gorgeous, dominant and rich.” Morgan teased. “Did I just wake up to find myself in a fairytale?”

  “Oh, it’s way better than a fairytale, love. This is real life, and I want you in mine, if you’ll have me.”

  “I’m so excited, I could pop,” Diana said as Laura put the finishing touches on her makeup for the party. “I can’t wait to see Daddy.” It was strange to see Diana in clothing, as she’d been kept naked the entire time Morgan had been at the Chateau. She actually looked quite pretty in a sleeveless, shimmery gold short dress that reminded Morgan of something a flapper would have worn in the Roaring Twenties.

  “He’s going to be so proud of you,” Laura said. “How many orgasms so far today?”

  “Nine,” Diana pronounced triumphantly. “And I’m saving the tenth for him.” She beamed.

  “Having orgasms was never my issue,” Morgan said with a laugh. “My problem is holding back. It’s even worse now with Aaron, because he gets me so damn hot.” She laughed happily, but then added seriously, “I’m really trying, though. He’s working with me to learn both to come on command and not to come until he gives me permission.”

  “What a tough life you have,” Laura said in a teasing tone, but Morgan saw the flash of sadness in her eyes, and her heart ached for her friend as she thought, not for the first time, how lonely she must be, despite her protestations to the contrary.

  Catching Morgan’s eye in the mirror, Laura smiled and added brightly, “You look fantastic in that gown. It’s as if it were made for you.”

  Claudette had found the long, flowing gown in a closet of clothes she no longer wore but couldn’t bear to part with, and it was true that it fit Morgan just right, hugging her curves in all the right places. “I never looked as good in this as you do,” Claudette had insisted, “even when I was twenty years younger and twenty pounds lighter. You simply must wear it tonight, in celebration of your successful completion of the training program.”

  “Thanks, Laura,” Morgan said now, admiring herself in the mirror. The gown was made from blue-green silk the exact shade of her eyes, and she felt elegant and graceful in it, in spite of her short, spiky hair. “What will the house slaves be wearing tonight?”

  “Tara and I will dress in matching gold corsets Gerard brought back when he went to pick up Rick today, and Scott and Rick will be in black leather codpieces and boots, Gerard’s favorite bad boy costume.”

  Things were changing so fast at the Chateau. Kristen had already left with her new Master, and Tara had officially accepted the position of house slave. A new trainer was coming on board next week, and Aaron planned to stay until he arrived, to meet him and show him the ropes. Two new trainees would also be joining the ranks, and Morgan wished them well.

  It was odd to think she would be leaving the Chateau so soon. It had come to feel like home in the short time she’d been there, and she would miss not only the place, but her new friends, especially Laura. But at the same time, she was excited for the future. Aaron owned a small apartment in the city, and they planned to spend some time there while they worked out their next steps and made travel arrangements. Morgan couldn’t wait to take Aaron on a proper tour of her favorite museums and clubs.

  She also wanted to introduce him to her parents, who lived in Connecticut. Her dad would want to know what Aaron
did for a living, and they’d already agreed they’d stick with the chemical engineering background. Her mom would be impressed with his posh accent and good looks. Hopefully, she would refrain from making grandbaby noises for at least the first few hours.

  They had decided Morgan would travel first on a tourist visa to London, and then see about applying for a student visa. “One step at a time,” Aaron had said gently, taking away the last of her anxiety with his words. “We’ve got our whole lives in front of us.”

  The dungeon was sparkling and ready, the back table loaded with goodies, the house slaves waiting to serve the arriving guests in whatever way pleased them. It was still odd to see Rick’s shaved head, now covered with a week’s worth of stubble, but he seemed to have adjusted to his new look, or at least accepted it. As he waited by the champagne for the arriving guests, he kept touching his slave collar, which Master Gerard had apparently returned to him when he’d brought him home earlier that day.

  Rick had sought her out to apologize, and it had seemed sincere, and she had assured him she accepted his apology, which was true. There seemed to be no room or purpose in her new life to hang onto grievances. Morgan was glad Master Gerard had been able to forgive him, too, and hopeful that Rick had learned his lesson, along with better coping skills from the anger management program.

  Scott and Tara waited quietly just inside and to the left of the dungeon door, Diana fidgeting excitedly beside them. Master Michael and Master Gerard were on the sofa, with Aaron sitting on an adjacent chair. Morgan knelt on the floor beside him, stealing glances at him as he talked quietly with the two men. He was wearing the white linen shirt he’d had on when she’d first seen him, rolled to just below the elbow on his tan, sexy forearms. The shirt was tucked into beautifully tailored black leather pants.

  Claudette was flitting between the dungeon and kitchen when the doorbell rang, and she rushed to get it as Master Michael rose to his feet to join in welcoming their guests.

  Apparently everyone had arrived at once, because suddenly there was a crowd in the large room. Morgan saw Tom and Ben. “There’s Tom,” she whispered nervously to Aaron. “And that’s his husband, Ben.”

  Aaron rose to his feet. “Let’s go say hello, shall we?” He held out his hand, and Morgan let him pull her to her feet. He stopped her a moment as he looked her up and down. “You look stunning, Morgan.” Staring into her eyes, he added, “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  She beamed at him, her nerves melting away. Whatever happened with Tom, it would be fine. They approached the crowd of guests, and introductions were made. They met Vincent St. George, aka Daddy, along with two other couples and a single Dom named Keith Benson.

  As Vincent, a large man with a loud voice, swept Diana up into his arms, Morgan hugged Tom and Ben, and introduced them to Aaron. “I love the hair,” Ben said to Morgan, who replied with startled but pleased thanks.

  “It suits you,” Tom agreed. His face softened with sadness as he added, “I’m so sorry you were put through that. Michael assures me Rick has been properly punished, and that you’ve come through the ordeal with flying colors.”

  “I’m doing good, thanks,” Morgan said. “It was scary, but he’s genuinely sorry, and I’ve had great support.”

  Aaron put his arm around her, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Morgan is strong, brave and courageous—excellent traits in a submissive.”

  Tom nodded. “I quite agree. It was that fiery spirit that made me want to hire her full-time.”

  “I’m not sure what Michael has told you,” Aaron said as he shepherded the group to a quiet corner, “about Morgan’s new situation?”

  Tom smiled. “He did mention something about a possible change of plans.” He looked at Morgan, still smiling. “Something about her falling in love with her trainer, and the two of you riding off into the sunset together?”

  “He said that?” Morgan blurted.

  “Maybe not in quite those words,” Tom replied with a laugh. “But I gather things progressed further than is usual during a two-week training stint. Why don’t you fill me in on the details?”

  “Sometimes love just has a way of finding you,” Aaron supplied. “Morgan has talked to me about your arrangements with her at the club, and she’s worried about her obligations to you, and letting you down if we decide to make a move out of New York.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Tom replied. “When Michael told me the two of you were thinking of possibly relocating to London, I just assumed our little arrangement”—he turned his gaze now to Morgan—“was off.”

  “I feel really bad, Tom, since you were counting on me. I can pay you back,” Morgan added impulsively, though she had no idea how—it didn’t seem right to just take Aaron’s money, however rich he claimed to be.

  “Pay me back?” Tom repeated, a puzzled expression on his face. “For what?”

  “The cost of this program. And the bonus money. The incentive to do the training so I could work for you.”

  “Don’t worry about the bonus money,” Tom said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I already told you when I gave it to you—that was yours to keep, whatever the outcome of our arrangement. As to the cost of the training”—again he shrugged—“I’m a total sucker for true love.” He flashed an adoring look at his husband, who returned his ardent gaze. “If you and Aaron find anything like the happiness Ben and I share, I consider it money well spent, indeed.”

  “But, Tom,” Morgan protested. “That’s a lot of money.”

  “You are generous in the extreme,” Aaron added. “But regarding the cost of the training program, you don’t need to worry about that.” As Morgan looked at him in confusion, he put his arm around her, adding, “I’ve discussed that with the owners, and we’ve come to a mutually satisfactory agreement regarding my sub’s training.” He smiled warmly at Morgan. “It’s all taken care of.”

  “Excellent,” Tom enthused. “Now that those little details are settled, let’s party!”

  As if on cue, Laura appeared with a tray of champagne, and everyone, including Morgan, took a glass. Tom lifted his glass and said loudly, “To true love, wherever it may find us.”

  “Here, here,” cried Master Michael, who was approaching the group, Claudette beside him. “If I may have everyone’s attention, all of the house slaves are available for your use and entertainment. But before play begins, we have two graduates of our trainee program this evening—Diana and Morgan—both of whom have flourished in their development as submissives, each achieving her specific goals with grace and courage.”

  Morgan caught Diana’s eye across the room, her face warming with pleased embarrassment as people clapped and smiled. Diana looked a little nervous, and as Master Michael continued, Morgan understood why.

  “Actually, I misspoke when I referred to them both as graduates. Diana, in fact, has one last task to perform, and it would please her Master to have us all as witnesses to what she has achieved.” He nodded toward the couple, and by apparent prearrangement, Master Vincent led Diana up onto the raised dais as everyone moved to stand around it. The stage was empty, save for a single upright chair, a floor cushion beside it. Aaron put his arm around Morgan’s shoulders and she leaned into him, never happier.

  “Hi, everybody,” Master Vincent said, smiling out at the room. “I can’t tell you how great it is to be here, back with my little girl again.” He spoke in a pleasing southern drawl, his arm around Diana as she stared up at him with adoration. “As most of y’all know, my little girl is a terrific masochist who perfectly fits my sadistic groove, and she was always ready, willing and able to serve me in whatever way pleased me, except one. She was shy about her body and somehow unable to truly let go, sexually speaking. I tried to help her, but I think I just ended up stressing her out more. So, we’d heard about this great program here, and it was actually Diana’s idea for me to send her to the Chateau. I have to tell y’all, it was hard as the dickens to stay away, but apparently it’s been
worth it. My beautiful sub girl is learning to internalize and appreciate her sexuality, and today she’s accomplished the final goal her trainers here determined for her, and which, frankly, I didn’t think was possible. She’s come nine times today, and right now, with all you good folk as witnesses, she’s going to do it one more time, for me, and more importantly, for herself.”

  The room quieted as Master Vincent moved the stool to the center of the stage. As he sat, Diana placed the floor cushion in front of him. Her eyes on his face, she pulled her shimmery dress over her head, revealing her naked form beneath. They were facing each other, their bodies in profile to the room.

  “If it pleases you, Daddy,” Diana said, her voice quavering, “I’d like to come for you, Sir, using my own hand, with our friends as witnesses.” Morgan could sense Diana’s nervousness, but also her resolve. You can do it! Morgan urged silently. She sent vibes of courage and grace toward her friend, and knew Tara and Laura were doing the same.

  “That would please me very much, little girl,” he drawled. “Show me what you got, baby.”

  Diana lowered herself to the cushion. She leaned back slightly and lifted her knees, feet flat on the stage, her legs spread so he had a clear view of her sex. Her eyes fixed on his, she licked her fingers and then dropped her hand to her pussy. As she rubbed and stroked herself, her skin began to flush, her breath coming faster. Master Vincent was leaning forward on the stool, his eyes fixed on his naked sub girl.

  It wasn’t long before she gasped, “Please, Daddy, can I come?”

  “Yes, baby,” he cried. “Do it. Come for your sugar daddy.”

  With a small, breathy cry, she shuddered as a climax rippled through her frame. Her Master was on his feet. Bending down, he lifted her up into his arms and kissed her on the mouth as the room again erupted into applause and cheers. Morgan, standing close to the stage, saw tears running down both their faces, and the scene touched her in a way she hadn’t expected.


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