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Wolf Born

Page 12

by Ann Gimpel

  He grabbed a breath to buy himself a moment and nodded. “All right. The only thing left to complete the ceremony is we shift and make love as wolves.”

  Her forehead creased in confusion. “Hey, that doesn’t sound so bad. I had a really hot time when we were wolves, and I can tell you my wolf has been chomping at the bit ever since. She’s relentless.”

  “Tell me about it. You should live with mine. On a more serious note, there’s one more part. Johannes will be in the room. At a point in the mating, he’ll mark our wolves with the ritual mating stone. It’s why one of the elders must be present. We can’t mark ourselves.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Just in the room, not part of our lovemaking.”

  Max nodded.

  “Whew!” She blew out a breath. “That doesn’t sound so bad. With all that buildup, I was afraid I’d have to do something truly terrible.”

  “Not on my watch, you won’t. Now or ever.” A savage protectiveness roiled through him. He wanted to crush her against him and never let go.

  She clapped her hands together. “Bring it on. I want whatever will make us belong to one another forever.”

  “I’m really proud of you.”

  She shot him a grin worthy of the Sirens. “I’m proud of me, too, but let’s save all this mutual admiration stuff for later. You’re looking pretty sexy with your blond hair backlit by the fire. I think I’m ready, plus it will be a relief to let my wolf out to play.” Dropping her robe over a chair, she shifted.

  “Johannes,” Max called.

  He strode into the room. “I know. I felt the magic.”

  Max draped his robe over Audrey’s. In moments, he found his wolf form. Audrey nuzzled him and licked his snout. His wolf cock hardened, springing out of its furry sheath. It was hard to stand still. He wanted to run and leap and jump and throw back his head and howl at the moon outside the windows. Audrey put an end to that by sticking her snout between his back legs and licking him shamelessly. Her tongue felt sensual, bringing back memories of her human mouth on his human cock.

  The bulb at the base of his cock started to swell. He pulled away from her tongue. “I can’t get too excited or I won’t be able to penetrate you.”

  “Lots of new rules.” Whuffling with lupine laughter, she turned and planted her butt in front of his snout and then looked at him over her shoulder. In the clearest invitation imaginable, she twisted her tail out of the way, clearing a path.

  Max surged forward and grasped her chest between his front paws. His jaws closed around the side of her neck, and he sank his cock inside her vulva. She yipped softly and pushed back against him. The base of his penis expanded, locking them together. Max felt sudden heat lance down his side and understood Johannes had marked him. He’d mark Audrey right below Max’s cut where the blood could drip and mingle.

  Excitement hammered through him. Lupine sex was simple. Enter, swell, come, since wolves lacked hands or mouths for elaborate stroking or foreplay. That she’d spent so much time licking him was unusual, probably reflective of her just learning to shift. And then he stopped thinking. His balls tightened and spewed. Her muscles clamped around him. She whined and then howled her joy as rhythmic contractions cradled him.

  Their bodies stilled. Johannes came close. He touched both wounds and made certain some of Audrey’s blood entered Max’s body. He chanted over them in an arcane shifter language. Only the twelve elders retained knowledge of their ancient tongue. A sense of peace and rightness filled Max. His love for Audrey burned bright in his mind and heart. So this was what the mate bond was like. Better than my wildest imagination.

  When his cock subsided enough to withdraw and Max shifted, Johannes was nowhere in sight. Good man. Understands it might be awkward until we’re dressed. Audrey watched him shift and then shifted, too. He handed her robe to her. “There.” He was grinning like an idiot but couldn’t stop himself. “The deed is done.”

  “I feel different somehow.” She gazed into the fire. “It’s like there’s a slender, glowing thread connecting us. It starts just here,” she pointed at her solar plexus, “and flows across the space between us.”

  “Yes. I feel it, too. Audrey, darling. My love. You’ve made me the happiest man alive today.”

  “You couldn’t be any happier than me.” She melted into his arms.

  Sporting a grin as broad as Max’s, Johannes came back into the room. “Maybe we could finish dinner. I made chocolate soufflé for dessert. It will be out of the oven soon. You have to eat it immediately. They don’t stay pretty for very long.”

  They lingered over dessert and port until Audrey started yawning. “You two can stay up, but I’m going to bed. I have no idea what time it is, but I have to be up early.”

  “Are you sure?” Max gazed fondly at her. “I’ll be up in just a few minutes. I’d like to help Johannes clean things up a bit down here.”

  “Oh.” A hand flew to her mouth. “I should help, too. Here.” She rose from her chair and began gathering dishes.

  “Stop. Brides shouldn’t have to do a thing but look fetching on their mating days,” Johannes said. “Run along. I promise I won’t keep your beloved for too long.”

  She went to Max’s chair, bent her head, and kissed him. “See you soon. I’m so happy. I don’t know quite what to do with all the joy. Every time I turn around, I’m crying again.”

  He rose and put his arms around her. “I love you. Keep the bed warm for me.”

  “I will. Oh!” She hurried to the carpet in front of the fire and scooped up their white linen bandages from the mating wounds in their thumbs. “What do we need to do with these?”

  “I’ll take them.” Max walked to her. “We’ll bury them together in a corner of the yard tomorrow.” He gathered dishes as she walked out of the room.

  Johannes followed him to the kitchen with another armful. “You don’t really have to help, but we could stand a spot of conversation. I got a call from Ryan a little bit ago. After I joined you, but before you shifted back to human.”

  Something tightened in the pit of Max’s stomach. He turned to face Johannes. “Tell me.”

  “He’s worried. He and Devon were working the vid feed. They hacked into some partial feeds. Looks as if there will be another attempt on your life. The splinter shifter groups are pissed you’ve eluded them twice now.”

  “What? Is this sort of a third time’s a charm deal?” Max asked. Johannes shrugged. “Never mind. I shouldn’t joke. Do you have details?”

  “Some. You’re scheduled to be at a press conference tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Yes, it’s in the Capitol Rotunda at two.”

  “You’re not going, but don’t tell anyone until the last minute. Something you ate at lunch made you sick. You’re in the john puking.”

  Max bit down hard and clenched his jaw. “And just where will you be while I’m hiding out in the john?”

  A corner of Johannes’ mouth twisted wryly. “You know me too well. I’ll be working the crowd and the surrounding area trying to flush out the sniper. Ryan and Devon are coming up to help me. By the way, they’re thrilled about your new mate. Kate’s coming along with them. She wants to meet Audrey.”

  “Wonderful about Kate. Maybe she can field some of Audrey’s questions.” He blew out a tense breath. “I still don’t like the idea of letting you fight my battles for me.”

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  “Sure. I could show up. If they had a clear shot at me, you’d be sure to find them.”

  “Too risky.”

  “My reflexes saved me the last two times.”

  Johannes locked a hand around Max’s forearm. “I don’t care. We worked this out without your input because what you were doing couldn’t be interrupted.”


  Johannes shot him a look. “You’re a mated man now. Better learn the meaning of compromise.”

  “Isn’t that when no one gets what they wanted?” Max made a sound between a snort and a
grunt and then threw his hands in the air. “I can’t stay mad at anyone today. We’ll play it your way. I’ll hide in a cupboard like an old woman and let you fight my battles.”

  “It’s only one battle, Max. There are lots more coming. See you in the morning.”

  Max headed for the kitchen door. Before he got all the way through it, he turned. “Thanks for everything. You helped make tonight really special—for Audrey and me. I’ll never forget it.”

  “You would have done the same for me. Give your mate a kiss and tell her it’s from me.”


  Audrey floated up the stairs, drunk on love and sex. The reality of the huge house, fancy furniture, and food that didn’t come via her wrist computer and ration coupons was all too much to wrap her mind around. I’ll just do this a step at a time.

  She stopped to run her hands over a life-sized bronze statue of a medieval knight. It looked like an original piece and quite old. The workmanship was amazing. The knight had a hawk perched on one of his gauntlets; it looked so real, she imagined it taking flight and squawking as it flew around the open stairwell.

  What to do about work? No way could she work for her husband, but since she’d already resigned, at least that wasn’t a problem. I guess I can go through with my plans. Since Max heads up the underground, I don’t have to worry about finding them anymore.

  She let herself into Max’s bedroom—no, she corrected herself, it’s our bedroom now—and flailed about finding the console panel that controlled the lights. Setting them on dim, she made her way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Her pussy was sore, but it was a sweet ache. It reminded her how much she loved Max.

  Audrey caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror that took up most of one wall. Three parallel lines scored her right side just over her ribs. Those must have been what burned like mad when she and Max were coupled in front of the fire. She fingered them softly. They were deep and would leave scars. “It’s like I’ve been branded,” she murmured and then smiled at her reflection, liking the concept.

  She rummaged about until she found a toothbrush still encased in plastic and brushed her teeth. Further exploration yielded a hairbrush. Her locks were tangled; it took a few minutes to sort them out. Stumbling from weariness, she dimmed the bathroom lights and made her way to the bed. It smelled like sex and Max. Feeling silly, she pulled a pillow to her face and inhaled. Even though she didn’t see how it could be possible after all the times she’d come, desire knifed through her.

  Ach. My clothes. We’ll have to get up at four so I can go home and get more. She tossed the bedclothes back and waved the lights up a notch. Audrey found her suit and blouse and stockings. Nothing was too badly wrinkled. Her panties had been ripped in two, but they weren’t important. She giggled as she remembered Max doing it and then got hangers from his closet. She hung her things with his, hoping his yummy, masculine scent would rub off on them, before retreating to the bed.

  It was large and empty. She wanted to stay awake until Max came upstairs, but her eyes threatened to close. She must have fallen into a doze, because his voice jolted her awake. “Sssh. Didn’t want to waken you, love. Go back to sleep.”

  She burrowed into his embrace. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. My mind’s racing a million miles an hour. So many things…”

  “We don’t have to solve any of them tonight.” His deep voice rumbled against her hair.

  “Probably not. We don’t have to get up quite as early as I’d thought. I can wear the same things to the office tomorrow. Everything’s intact but my panties.”

  “My ever-practical darling. So long as you’re not dead to the world, I have good news. Kate and Devon will be here tomorrow. Along with Ryan.”

  “Wonderful. Tell me a little about them.”

  He cradled her against his body, an arm beneath her head. “Devon was a cop for the City of Berkeley. They hired him for one of the tracker task forces and gave him the serum.”

  “Let me guess,” she murmured sleepily. “He shifted. They gave those guys way more than I took if what I read in the intel is right.”

  “Yes. He shifted. Before that, though, he’d been assigned to track Kate and bring her down. Problem was he was so taken by her, he couldn’t bring himself to do anything other than follow her. She used to work as a sex surrogate. He was so smitten, he even got a doctor’s prescription to visit her. The way they explained it to me, he had his first shift while they were making love.”

  “How romantic.”

  “Not exactly. It scared the shit out of him. Kate said he took off out of her office like a bat out of hell.”

  “But he came back.”

  Max nodded against the top of her head. “Yes. The mate bond can be pretty compelling. Anyway, they’re happy for us, and I know Kate is excited to meet you. Ryan’s done a whole lot of different things. In addition to a law enforcement background, he’s also been a makeup artist. He heads up security for the underground.”

  She settled against him, feeling warm and cared for. Audrey thought about what Max had said about the other shifters’ upcoming visit; an unpleasant premonition chilled her. “Is there a particular reason Ryan and Devon are coming?”

  “Astute of you to ask. They think there will be another attempt on my life tomorrow at the press conference.”

  She wrenched out of his arms and sat bolt upright. “You’re not going. You can’t deliver yourself up like a trussed pig.”

  He grunted. “Funny, Johannes said about the same thing. No, love, I’m not going. But we’re not telling anyone that. We’ll go out to lunch, and I’ll develop a sudden case of stomach poisoning.”

  Relief whooshed through her. “Thank God. Our life together just began. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen to me.” He held out his arms. “Come here. We both need to get some sleep.”

  She lay back down. Fear beat an unpleasant tattoo in her mind. “Maybe it’s not safe for you to serve the rest of your term.”

  “Maybe not. I assess things one day at a time, love. If I sent my worries spiraling too far ahead, I’d never accomplish anything.”

  “My dad used to say something like that.”

  “Do you know where he is?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I’m pretty sure Loren does. Mom went into hiding with him. Couldn’t bear to be parted, I guess. I’m the youngest of their four kids. We didn’t really need them anymore, but I still miss having a parent to talk with. Dad was really wise.”

  “Do you have any idea how old he is?”

  “Not really. I did know he’d watch Mom grow old and die someday. He loved her beyond faith or reason. So much he didn’t care she couldn’t stand by his side throughout his life.” Something warm cracked open inside Audrey. Tears spilled onto Max’s chest. “I always hoped I’d find a love like that.”

  “And now you have.” He kissed the top of her head and then her forehead.

  “Daddy would really like you.”

  “I’m sure I’d like him, too. Hopefully, we’ll clean things up so he and all the rest can finally come out of hiding.”

  Chapter 13

  It was closing on noontime when a stunning woman with long, curly red-blonde hair walked through the elevator on the arm of a dishy Native American man. She wore skin tight jeans and a multi-colored top that hugged considerable curves. Gold jewelry circled her neck and wrists. Her companion was dressed in black slacks, a pale green shirt, and a battered leather vest. His hair was drawn back in a braided queue. Behind them was another tall, rangy man, with straight red hair tumbling down his shoulders and multi-colored eyes, shading to gold. He wore tan khakis and a blue and green plaid flannel shirt.

  “Hello.” Audrey smiled. “Welcome to the Governor’s office. How can I help you?”

  “You must be Audrey.” The woman grinned and strode forward. “I’m Kate Roman.” She rounded Audrey’s desk, pulled her to her feet, and hugged her. “I’m so happy
for you,” she whispered. “Max is just the best guy. We need to throw a party once this has all blown over.”

  “Thanks.” Audrey extricated herself from Kate’s embrace and gazed into dancing golden eyes. “From the sound of things, the celebration should be for you and Devon too.”

  “I want to meet Audrey.” The Native American man stepped close and jostled Kate playfully.

  Kate stepped aside. “Sorry. I’m hogging her. This is Devon.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” The Indian man with amazing facial bone structure and liquid dark eyes held out a hand.

  “I’m Ryan.” The redhead shook her hand, too.

  “Max is expecting you. Will you be having lunch with us? I wasn’t certain how many to make reservations for.”

  “It’ll be all of us,” Kate said. “It’s afterward that the boys have plans.”

  “Of course.” Audrey eyed Devon and Ryan. She switched to mind speech a bit awkwardly. “Take good care of him. Please.”

  “We aim to,” Ryan answered.

  “If it’s all the same to you,” Devon cut in, “we’ll push off now. If all goes as planned, we’ll have time to visit over lunch and dinner.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” Audrey watched as the men disappeared into the stairwell.

  “So.” Kate beamed. “We have a few minutes. Tell me everything.”

  Heat surged from Audrey’s chest and swept over the top of her head. “But I barely know you,” she protested.

  Kate laughed, a warm rich sound, it put Audrey more at ease. “Don’t mind me, hon. I worked as a surrogate for years. We don’t pull any punches. I thrive on juicy, intimate details.”

  “Are you still working?”

  “Oh my goodness, no. Once I met Devon, I knew I’d never make love with anybody else.”

  “With Devon, was it sort of instantaneous, like a bolt out of the blue?”

  “Exactly.” She switched to telepathic speech. “It’s the mate bond. It has such a strong draw, it’s impossible to deny it.”

  Audrey inhaled deeply once and then again, feeling more comfortable. Kate was just so likeable. Her bouncy effervescence was contagious. “Even before the mate bond, I sort of worshipped Max from afar. Quite aside from being the most beautiful man I’d ever laid eyes on, he was kind and considerate, and I used to spin fantasies about dating him once he wasn’t governor anymore.”


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