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Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1)

Page 4

by A. K. Evans

  Despite the lack of sleep last night, the long day I’d had, and the nap that I did not get to finish I was still so restless. I hadn’t felt this way in so many months, and usually worked myself to utter exhaustion, but Wes had gotten me all worked up. I rolled over toward my nightstand and opened the top drawer. I pulled out my vibrator and with one hand controlling the vibrator and the other at my breast I thought about Wes’ arms around me, his body pressed to mine, his lips kissing me, and I came. Minutes later, though much later than my usual bedtime, I was asleep.

  Chapter 4


  I had a really busy weekend.

  I woke Saturday morning and spent the better part of the morning doing laundry and cleaning. I went grocery shopping that afternoon and then made some calls to Nikki and Monroe to catch up with them. They were doing well, but both were bummed that my birthday was the following weekend and we wouldn’t be spending it together. I tried not to get too upset and knew that despite my sadness over not seeing them I was in the right place for me at the moment. On Saturday evening I went out with Emme and Hannah. In fact, it was pretty much the first time that the two of us had gone out with anyone else since we moved to Wyoming. We went for dinner and drinks and had a great time. This was mostly because it was a mellow evening out. Nothing too crazy and certainly not more than either of us was prepared to handle at the time.

  On Sunday I slept in and it was glorious. I hadn’t realized just how exhausted my body was. I had received a text from Wes late Sunday morning, which is what woke me.

  Thinking of you.

  It was such a simple text, but it made me smile. It felt good. At the same time, it completely freaked me out. I decided to respond.

  :) I was sleeping.

  Wes: Didn’t mean to wake you. Though, considering it’s nearly 11am, it sounds like it’s been a good weekend so far.

  Me: I actually wasn’t out that late. I think I’m just overworked and exhausted. :-

  Wes: Well that doesn’t make me feel any better.

  Me: Ok, then. How about — if I hadn’t been sleeping when you texted I’m pretty certain I would have replied with, “Same here.”?

  Wes: Now I feel better.

  Me: So, what’s the rest of your weekend looking like?

  Wes: Getting a workout in and then going to my parents’ house later this afternoon. Today is their monthly family Sunday dinner. You?

  Me: Nothing too crazy. Catching up on sleep, getting some things done around the house, and helping my roommate on a project she’s working on.

  Wes: Ok. I’ll let you get to it. See you soon.

  Me: Later, Wes. ;)

  I then got to it. I spent the rest of my Sunday doing just what I’d told Wes. I finished tidying up around the house, spent some time with my designs, and then helped Emme with a wedding album she’d just finished up for some clients. She was an incredible photographer, but she always asked my opinion on albums she put together before she presented them to her clients. I think she thought with my graphic design passion I would have some incredible insight to changing the albums. She always did such an amazing job, though, that it was rare that I made any crazy suggestions. After I helped her, I made good on my word and caught up on my sleep heading to bed rather early.

  Before I knew it, Monday morning had arrived and I was getting ready for another week of work. On the bright side this week gave me a little something to look forward to as Saturday was my birthday and Emme and I had planned to go out to dinner.

  I had an early morning shift at First Tracks so I was out of the house before Emme was awake. The early morning shifts on a Monday were always busy. I thoroughly enjoyed the people I worked with as well as the patrons, but I hated doing this job day in and day out. It was exhausting and more than anything I realized I was not feeling personally fulfilled working there. Then again, when I took the time to think about things in my life in general I was not expecting happiness anymore. I really needed to learn to accept that I’d be doing what I needed to do to survive and happiness or fulfillment was not likely going to be part of the equation. The occasional night out with Emme, Hannah, Greg, or all three of them might be the extent of happy I’d see in my life.

  My shift had ended and I made my way out to the Jeep. The one thing I realized I missed at work today was Greg. I knew he was on his way back from Utah and that got me excited about coming in to work tomorrow. I could not wait to hear all about his trip and the meeting with Tony’s parents.

  I tapped out a quick text to him.

  Hi Gregory. Just making sure you are coming back to WY?

  He responded immediately.

  Tony and I are on our way now.

  Me: Hope all went well for you this weekend.

  Greg: It was AMAZING. Tony’s parents are freaking awesome, Charley. They are so supportive and invited us both back out for Christmas with Tony’s entire family.

  Me: That’s awesome, Greg. I can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow. Safe travels!

  Greg: Thanks, girl. See you tomorrow!

  I tossed my phone into my purse, fired up the Jeep, and made my way over to Parks Ridge. I pulled into the lot and made my way over to my usual parking spot. I noticed Wes’ Tahoe was already parked in the spot next to where I typically parked. I felt the butterflies fluttering in my belly. As I pulled into my spot I realized Wes was in the Tahoe and once he saw me pull in he climbed out. I found it odd that he didn’t hop in on the passenger’s side. Instead, he walked around to my side of the Jeep and opened my door.

  “Did you eat, gorgeous?”

  I pulled my eyebrows together at this and answered, “Yes.”

  “Great. Get out,” he demanded, and then walked away.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, shocked at his demand.

  “Today is day one,” he replied loudly now standing at the back of his Tahoe.

  I hopped out of the Jeep and walked around to where he was standing, “I’m sorry, I’m confused. Day one of what?”

  He was rummaging through the back of his vehicle and pulled out his snowboarding gear. He pulled out his boards, turned to me, and said, “Your snowboarding lessons start today.”

  I stared at him, my eyes huge. “What?”

  “You said you wanted to learn how to ride. I’m going to teach you how to ride.”

  No, no, no. I was going to lose it. I could feel it coming. I could not do this. I needed an excuse…fast. “Um, I can’t do this today. I haven’t ever done it before, but I’m pretty certain that my current attire is not appropriate for learning to snowboard.”

  He laughed and shook his head, reached back into his truck, and pulled out a bag. He held it out to me and I opened it. Inside, there were all the trimmings for a proper snowboarding outfit, including thermals, pants, jacket, gloves, goggles, and helmet. My jaw dropped and I looked back at Wes, who was still smiling.

  “I…You…I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. You sat here last week and not only did you tell me that you wanted to learn how to snowboard, but also that you basically do nothing to let loose and have a good time. You can’t just work your life away and miss out on all the fun. You are going to have a good time today…with me.”

  My eyes started to feel wet. “Wes.”

  “No arguments, Charley. We have a lot of time before you start work and can get a lot accomplished in the time we have. Let’s go.”

  I stood there, staring at him. He continued to grab the rest of the gear and boards out of his truck and then closed the rear tail gate.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “I guess I’m learning how to snowboard today.”

  He grinned a huge grin, winked at me, and then walked toward me to kiss me on the cheek.

  We made our way into the lodge so that I could change into appropriate boarding attire.

  Just over an hour later there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that ice packs and Ibuprofen were in my near future. I had been up on the mountain (on the beginne
r’s slope) with Wes and I’d fallen more times than I cared to admit. There wasn’t a single part of my body that did not ache.

  On the bright side, I realized that had it been smooth sailing I would have likely been riding down a trail thinking too much and had a breakdown. I was willing to have a bruised ass if it meant not having to think about things that would have really sent me into a tailspin.

  After I changed out of the snowboarding gear and back into my clothes Wes and I made our way back out to the parking lot with the bags and boards.

  “I appreciate your offer to teach me, Wes. This must have been absolutely brutal for you.”

  “It wasn’t that bad,” he replied. “It is expected that you’ll fall when you first learn. I sure did. In fact, I can remember trying to teach myself how to do it and I failed miserably. It wasn’t until I received actual instruction that I really picked it up. To be honest, I’m actually surprised at how well you did.”


  “I’m not kidding, Charley. For your first time on a board, you did fantastic.”

  “Tell that to my ass!”

  “I’d be happy to,” he said, grinning at me.

  I looked at him and rolled my eyes. “I’m serious. I don’t know what hurts worse, my ass or my legs.”

  “It’ll get easier, I promise. Based on what I saw today I am willing to bet you’ll be able to ride down a blue trail before the end of the week. Sure, you fell a lot in the beginning, but toward the end of our session you were able to get from the top to the bottom of the hill three separate times without falling.”

  We approached the cars and I walked to the back of Wes’ truck. “Thanks for letting me borrow the board and all this gear,” I said. I didn’t want to think too much about why he had all of this women’s stuff.

  “That’s yours.”

  “I’m sorry. What?” I asked.

  “That stuff is all for you, Charley.”

  “I can’t accept this. Are you kidding me?” I hadn’t been snowboarding before, but I was not an idiot. I knew this all must have cost a pretty penny.

  “Why not? We’re going to ride again tomorrow. In fact, we’re going to have lessons every day for the rest of the week.”

  My body shuddered at the promise of seeing him every day for the next week. I had money that I had no intentions of touching, but with the extra shifts I had picked up at the diner I could afford to buy the stuff he brought. “Ok, but then you have to let me pay you for all of this. How much do I owe you?”

  “You aren’t paying me for anything.”

  “But, Wes…”

  “Charley, listen. Do you remember last week you were asking me if I worked?”


  “My name is Wes Blackman. I own Blackman Boards. Everything here is from my company and I don’t want your money. I just want to spend time with you and teach you how to ride. Besides, the way I see it, a gorgeous girl like you riding powder with my stuff outfitting you is free advertising for my company.”

  I stood there staring at him. “You own Blackman Boards?”


  “And you want to teach me how to ride?”

  He laughed. “That’s what I said.”

  I don’t know what he found so amusing. He was who he was and I was just me.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because I’m intrigued by you. You said you wanted to learn how to ride and I know how to do that. The fact that you are a great fucking kisser is just icing on the cake.”

  I didn’t know what else to say, so I smiled at him and said the only thing I could, “I don’t know what to say, Wes. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, gorgeous.”

  We put my stuff in my Jeep and he put his stuff in his truck. I watched him put his stuff away and I was, undeniably, a bit bummed. I was hoping he’d be walking me to my car after work tonight.

  As if he could see my thoughts swirling in my head he spoke, “I have to go get some things done at my new warehouse for the company. I’ll be back later tonight to walk you to your car. You work until close?”

  I tried to hide my smile, but it was no use. “Yes, but you don’t have to do that, Wes.”

  “Is someone else going to be here with you?”

  “I think Hannah is on until close with me tonight.”

  “Then I’m coming back to walk you to your car. You are a beautiful woman, Charley. Walking to your car in a mostly empty parking lot in the dark is not an option. Hannah isn’t going to be able to protect you, and quite frankly, she shouldn’t be walking alone either.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You didn’t. Now, do you want to spend the last three minutes you have left before you have to walk in there arguing about something that isn’t going to change or do you want to spend that time letting me taste those lips again?”

  How could I say no? I mean, he refused to let me pay for the snowboarding gear (and I assumed I’d get the same response on asking to pay for lessons) and he insisted on coming back to walk me to my car. Kissing him was certainly no hardship for me. I took two steps toward Wes and he put his hands at my hips. I tilted my head back to look up at him while he lowered his mouth to mine. We spent the next three minutes kissing. Then, Wes walked me back to the lodge and kissed me quickly on the lips before he went back to work.

  Chapter 5


  “So, when were you going to tell me that you were dating Wes Blackman? I mean, I didn’t want to bring it up this weekend because I was hoping you would, but I can’t stand it anymore. I want details,” Hannah asked as I walked up to the stand. She had a line in front of her, but that didn’t seem to bother her.

  “I’m not dating Wes Blackman. And how do you know him?”

  “I grew up here. Wes grew up here. He’s a local celebrity. How would I not know who he is?”

  I’d been living here for six months and it just became clear to me that I was not getting out enough. If Wes was considered a local celebrity and I hadn’t even heard of him it was safe to say that I’d kept myself isolated since moving here.

  “So?” Hannah pressed.

  “What? I’m not dating him. I just met him,” I answered.

  “And yet he walked you to your car last Thursday. Hmmm,” she said sarcastically as she tapped her fingers across her lips.

  “And Friday,” I added and continued, “And he’s coming back here tonight too.”

  “I’m sorry. Did you say coming back?”

  “He was kinda already here when I arrived following my shift at First Tracks. He brought a bunch of snowboarding gear and he gave me lessons. He just went back to work, but said he’d be back tonight to walk me to my car again.”

  Hannah stood there staring at me. Her eyes were nearly popping out of her head and her jaw had dropped. “He totally wants in your pants.”

  Then it was my turn to stare at her.

  The customer in front of her cleared his throat, which thankfully got her back to work and no longer focusing on my situation with Wes. I jumped in and took the next customer in line so that I, too, didn’t have to focus on my situation with Wes.

  I was thankful for the distraction of a busy night as it meant I would not have to discuss this whole Wes thing with Hannah. Unfortunately, not having much time to discuss the situation didn’t mean that it wasn’t consuming my thoughts. Despite my best efforts to not focus on all things Wes, all I could do was think of him (and the possibility that he totally wanted in my pants), and somehow, I’m pretty certain that was worse.

  It was about a half hour before closing time when things started to slow down. Hannah and I took the reprieve in stride and started working on some of our clean up duties.

  “Hey, I wanted to ask you if you’d mind picking up my day shift next Tuesday? I am willing to switch with you and can take your shift this Thursday night,” Hannah asked.

  “Sure. I just need to see if I can get someone to cover me at the diner. Nearl
y everyone there owes me a few shifts for covering a Saturday morning shift for them so I’m sure I can make it happen. Consider it done,” I answered.

  “Thanks, Charley.”

  “No problem, Hannah.”

  Five minutes before closing I saw the front doors to the lodge open and in walked Wes. He locked eyes with me and a sexy grin spread across his face. I felt the butterflies in my tummy and felt a smile tug at my lips.

  “Yep. Totally wants in your pants, girl,” Hannah said, snapping me out of my lust-filled fog.

  I turned to her with my eyes wide. “Hannah!!”

  “What? If Wes Blackman was looking at me like that and wanted in my pants, I’d totally let him.”

  “You’re certifiable,” I told her.

  “Charley, I’m not the crazy one. Look at him — it’d be crazy for you to let a body like that go to waste.”

  It was then I realized that I was seeing Wes for the first time in regular clothing and not snow pants. He had on a pair of olive green cargo pants and a black slim fitting pullover hoodie. He looked delectable. I licked my lips and heard giggling. I looked to my left and saw Hannah laughing at me.

  “He wants in your pants, girl, and from what I can see you definitely want him to get what he wants.”

  I glared at her.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” Wes called as he walked up to the coffee stand.

  Great. Now Hannah had more ammunition for her whole Wes getting in my pants idea.

  “Hi, Wes. We’re just about finished. I just need to close up the register.”

  “Take your time,” he said.

  I quickly finished up and Hannah and I grabbed our things.


  We all walked to the front doors and out into the parking lot. Wes turned to Hannah and asked, “Where are you parked?”

  Hannah pointed to her car which was closer to the lodge and on the way to where Wes and I were both parked. Wes nodded and we all walked together silently. I took the time to think about the fact that Wes seemed to be a true gentleman. He didn’t have to ask Hannah where she was parked, but I believed he was truly concerned and had she been parked elsewhere he would have made sure that she made it to her car safely.


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