Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1)

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Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1) Page 17

by A. K. Evans

  “What is this, Wes?” I asked.

  “Remember that project I told you about that I’d been working on?” he asked in response.

  I nodded and stared up at him.

  He held the gift out to me and said, “Merry Christmas, gorgeous.”

  My throat was tight. He had spoken of this project several times. I thought back to the conversations and remembered thinking how important it seemed to him. The only thing that existed for the last couple weeks for him was this project. And now, knowing it was a Christmas present for me I was struggling to keep it together.

  “Wes,” I whispered trying to fight back tears.

  “Open it, Charley,” he said as he placed it in front of me.

  I stood up from the couch and tore the wrapping paper from the box. The box was white, nothing outside giving away the contents contained within. I opened one end of the box and peeked in. Realizing what was inside I looked back up to Wes and said with a huge smile on my face, “You got me another snowboard?”

  “This one’s special. Take it out,” he answered.

  I pulled the board out of the box spun it around and felt my knees buckle at what I saw.

  Wes immediately wrapped his arm around my waist to hold me up, “I’ve got you. Are you ok?”

  I stared at the board, my eyes filling with tears, my nose stinging, trying to swallow past the lump that had formed in my throat. More than a month ago Wes gave me a board and a bunch of gear so that he could teach me how to ride. I appreciated what he had done, so much, but this was too much. This was my board. The bottom of the board had my drawing on it. The ocean wave cresting as the sun set behind it, Taj’s footprints walking from the wet sand heading out to the ocean. On the top of the board another one of my drawings dedicated to Taj, a simple sand dune, his surfboard spiked into the sand.

  “I don’t know what to say. How did you do this?” I asked Wes, my voice barely a whisper.

  “Wanted to give you something special. Saw how much those drawings mean to you, how much Taj means to you, and wanted you to be able to have him with you while you ride. Told Emme what I wanted to do and she got the drawings for me.”

  I didn’t know what to say. My eyes were filled with tears and I stood there taking it in.

  Do you like it, Charley?” he asked.

  “I love it, Wes. Thank you so much. This means everything to me,” I said as I set the board down and curled into his arms.

  “You’re welcome. There’s more, though,” he said.

  “What? No. Wes, this is enough. More than enough,” I insisted. “Besides, I feel really bad now because I don’t have your gift here with me to give you. And, my gift for you is nowhere near as magnificent as this.”

  “Charley, this gift has two parts. You just saw and I explained the first part as to why I did this. The second part is still the board. I know you’ve been looking for jobs to get your career launched and you haven’t had much success. I want you working for Blackman Boards. I’ve got the new lines coming out and they need designs. The second part of your gift is you seeing this board realizing that beyond what it means here,” he said holding his hand to my heart, “it also needs to mean something in your head. Your work is fucking phenomenal, baby. The best gift you could give me here on Christmas is to tell me you’ll work with me at Blackman Boards as the senior graphic designer.”

  I gasped. “Are you serious?” I asked.

  “Would I joke about this? Of course, I’m serious.”

  I was in deep shit. I loved Wes. Down to my bones, I knew I loved him. If anything ever happened to us I knew at that moment I’d never survive it.

  “I always loved Christmas,” I said. “As a little girl growing up Christmas was always a special time. Taj and I were so lucky. We had great parents who made sure that our Christmases were filled with joy. When I was fifteen, Taj had just turned eighteen. Our parents were killed in a car accident on their way home from a New Year’s Eve party. Their car was hit by a drunk driver and they were killed instantly.”

  “Charley…Christ, baby.”

  “Ever since they died, though, Taj took care of me. We only had each other. He worked hard to make sure I had anything I needed. It was rough for the first few years, but despite that, Taj insisted on giving me the best birthdays and Christmases. I remember always thinking I’d never be able to repay him for everything he did for me. When he died, I didn’t expect to ever do anything but just exist on holidays. Then, you come into my life and I have never had to experience a birthday where I just exist. And now, Christmas is here and you’ve proved again to me that it was worth giving in to every fear that I’ve had about becoming close to someone again. This Christmas has been incredible, Wes.”

  I stopped, taking in a breath. Wes continued to hold onto me and let me pause for a moment. Then, I continued, “I know, unfortunately, better than most, how precious time is and how short life can be. I don’t want to live with things unsaid because I know time may take that opportunity away. So, with that said, I need to tell you that even though I know it’s only been a very short time I don’t want to let another moment pass without saying this and telling you that I love you, Wes.”

  I felt his body go solid, but he said nothing.

  I continued, “I’m sorry if that’s the wrong thing to say. I’m sorry if you aren’t ready to hear it, but after this, I know I need to say it. In fact, I’ll say it again…I love you, Wes.”

  I barely got the words out of my mouth before Wes lifted me up in his arms and pressed his mouth to mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he put his hands on my ass and continued kissing me. Wes carried me to his bedroom, never breaking contact with my mouth. He put me on my back in the bed while his body settled over mine. Finally tearing his mouth from mine, Wes framed my face with his hands and stared into my eyes. His emerald eyes were smoldering. After a few moments of silence, silence that said so much, Wes’ mouth came crashing back down on mine. Not long after, our clothes were tossed all over his bedroom floor.

  Wes put his hand between my legs, “My gorgeous girl. Always wet and ready for me.”

  He teased me with his hands for a few minutes before positioning himself at my entrance. His hands went back to framing my face as he pushed inside me.

  “Oh, Wes,” I moaned.

  His thrusts were deliciously unhurried, gentle, and controlled. I loved when he did this. He would build me up slowly and draw out my pleasure. Wes brought his mouth down to taste my lips, my jaw, my throat, and my shoulders. One of his hands made its way to my breast and his finger and thumb played with my nipple, rubbing and squeezing it. I kept my legs wrapped around his body as my fingers roamed through his hair. Wes strengthened his strokes ever so slightly and my breathing increased as I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching.

  “Don’t stop, honey,” I said. “Please don’t stop.”

  Wes didn’t stop. He continued to increase his pace indicating he was right there on the edge with me. I tipped my head back.

  “Mouth, Charley,” he demanded.

  I immediately snapped my head back and gave him my mouth. Seconds later, I came apart with Wes. We kissed through our moans. When Wes tore his mouth from mine, he looked down in my eyes.

  “Now we absolutely must to get back to my place so I can give you your gift,” I said, feeling sated and happy in post orgasm bliss.

  He laughed and then said, “Not for nothing, but what you just gave me was gift enough. Knew you were something special the moment I saw you, gorgeous” he said pulling me out of my post orgasm stupor. “The more time I spent with you, the more I knew I was right. The day you told me I was giving you back your life, I knew then how much you meant to me.”

  I knew when he took me back to his place the day he got me off of work that there was something more going on when he had me in bed. He had been making love to me then.

  “So, I’m thinking what I just said wasn’t the wrong thing to say, was it?” I asked.

  “Not a
chance, gorgeous. Pleased as fuck you did,” he answered. “In fact, want to hear you say it again, baby.”

  I smiled at him, “I love you, Wes.”

  “I love you, too, Charley,” he said as he grinned back at me.

  We sat in silence for a bit letting the moment sink in. Wes broke the silence, “You haven’t given me your answer — you going to come work with me?”

  I pressed my lips together and tapped my fingers on them as I pretended to think about it. “Well, it’ll be highly inconvenient, but alright, I guess I can do this for you.”

  He grinned at me as his eyes warmed.

  Then, I got serious and said, “Wes, in all seriousness, I would love to work with you at Blackman Boards. This means so much to me. Thank you.”

  We stayed in his bed for a while, our limbs tangled. After a bit, we got up and got dressed. I grabbed my new board and Wes drove us back to my place.

  I was surprised to see that Zane was still with Emme. She and I made dinner while the boys hung in front of the television. I managed to get a few words in with her and made sure she was doing well after having spent the night before and then Christmas Day with Zane. She assured me all was good. I wanted more details from her, but knew that she would share when she was ready. The two of us exchanged gifts while we were waiting for the food in the oven to finish.

  After an amazing dinner and even better desserts we all hung around in the family room enjoying the holiday. Emme seemed more relaxed than I’d seen her in a really long time, so I was grateful for the time the guys spent with us. A little while later Zane said he needed to get going. We said goodbye and Wes and I gave Emme and Zane some privacy while they said their goodbye. Wes and I made our way to my bedroom where I gave him his gift.

  He sat on the bed and I handed him the wrapped box.

  “Merry Christmas, Wes.”

  He smiled at me and tore off the wrapping paper. Wes lifted the lid off the present and set it aside. He pushed the tissue paper out of the way and after looking at the gift looked up at me with an intense heat in his eyes.

  As I stood there shifting back and forth on my feet, I bit my lip nervously.

  He looked back down at the gift and gently ran a couple fingers across it.

  “It’s silly, Wes. Had I known you were going all out for Christmas I would have definitely gotten you something more…”

  “Quiet, Charley,” he demanded, interrupting me.

  I immediately stopped talking. My belly was full of nerves.

  “Not magnificent?” he asked, incredulously. “Earlier today at my place you said that your gift to me was not nearly as magnificent as mine to you. Are you kidding me?”

  I stared at him, unsure of what to say.

  “Do you like it?” I finally asked.

  “Is that a serious question?” he countered.

  I nodded and said, “I didn’t know what to get you. You can get yourself anything you want and I struggled to find something that I thought you’d like. This idea came to me and so I talked to Emme about it. She was more than willing to help me make it happen. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Wes looked back down at the gift that sat in his lap. He pulled the picture frame out of the box and a look of pure adoration flashed across his face. Given the newness of our relationship I didn’t know how he’d respond to me giving him a framed photo of me from a boudoir photo session I did.

  “Are there more of these?” he asked.

  I nodded, but said nothing else.

  “I want them. All of them.”

  “So, I guess that means you do like it?”

  “Gorgeous…it’s the best fucking present I’ve ever received. Now, get over here and let me love you.”

  With that, I joined Wes in the bed and let him love me. It was a better Christmas than I could have ever imagined.

  Chapter 23


  Blackman Boards closed on Christmas Eve and would not reopen until after the New Year. I would officially start working when the company reopened. Even though I was so excited to finally be able to do what I loved full time and could not wait to start, I had to be honest that I was still very nervous about pursuing my dream. I asked Wes to take me to the warehouse so I could see where I would be working and perhaps help get myself a bit more prepared. It was three days after Christmas and I finally wore him down and convinced him. We pulled into the lot outside of the building and parked. Wes met me at my door and took my hand in his.

  “I am so excited to see where you work,” I said.

  “It’s where you work now, too, Charley” he replied as he gave my hand a squeeze.

  We walked up to the front door of the massive building. The exterior of the building was ultra-modern looking done in mostly gray with three symmetrical white lines running around the entire building. The glass front door was surrounded by huge glass windows. There were several windows running along the first floor of the building and there was an entire section about eight feet wide close to where the front door was that had windows that went up and stopped about ten feet from the top of the building. Above the front door was the Blackman Boards logo affixed to the building. The same logo was also attached to the side of the building where it was visible from the road. The exterior alone looked sophisticated and sleek.

  After Wes opened the front door and let me in ahead of him I took in the monumental space. Upon stepping through the front doors, I walked into a bright area. The sun shone in from all the windows surrounding that expanse and there were hundreds of snowboards hung on the crisp white walls. There was a reception area about ten feet inside the front door. Off to the right in front of the reception area was a lounge area with a couple of light gray couches that had black, white, and charcoal colored throw pillows on them. A fireplace enclosed by mostly gray stone that had hints of whites, blacks, and browns throughout was off to the side of the lounge area.

  Also to the right, but behind the reception area were lines of individual white desks. Each desk was furnished with a computer and the typical desktop necessities. A filing cabinet was off to the side of each desk, and a few of the desks seemed to have some personal touches, such as a picture frame or an ink blotter whose calendar was filled with notes. It was evident that not all the desks were being worked from yet, but at least half of them were.

  “This place is beautiful, Wes,” I said, continuing to take in my surroundings.

  “Thanks. I’m happy with the outcome of the office area. When I first bought the building, this space felt like a dungeon and I didn’t want my employees working in that kind of environment. Everyone continued to work at the old site until the renovations were finished here. Now that the office renovations are complete I’m slowly transitioning the employees from the old space to this one,” he explained.

  “I love the boards hanging on the walls.” And I did. I took them in and realized that one day I might walk in and see boards with my designs on them hanging on these walls. The thought filled me with joy.

  As if reading my mind Wes said, “Going to have you up there soon, gorgeous.”

  I glanced at him with a smile on my face and he winked at me.

  “What goes on down here?” I asked.

  “Lounge area at the front for local clients waiting for a board repair when needed. Sometimes we do tours as well. Reception is self-explanatory. The desks here are for my employees who handle all customer service and sales.”

  “So where do you work? I assume you have your own private office, right?” I asked.

  He nodded and took my hand again. I followed him past the two rows of desks to the elevator that was located at the center of the back wall. He pressed the button to call the elevator. Off to the left was a room encased in glass that looked to serve as a conference room. It had an enormous table in the middle of the room with at least twenty chairs around it.

  “Conference room there,” he added pointing to the room. “Haven’t had any meetings there yet sinc
e the staff is still split between the two spaces. Around the corner from the elevators here across from the conference room are the bathrooms. A little further down the hall there is one of the employee break rooms.”

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened. We hopped on and rode up to the second floor. When we stepped out I found that despite the lights being off it was also a well-lit space. Windows lined both sides of the building, but only those windows on the right of the elevator gave a view to the outdoors. I walked behind Wes to the windows located on the left side of the elevator to find that those windows looked out into warehouse space.

  “The boards and some of the accessories will be made down in the warehouse there,” he said. “Your new board was made down there.”

  My heart melted a little thinking of Wes out in the warehouse building the board for me.

  “There’s so much equipment and machinery there. And you have racks upon racks of boards. How is it all kept straight?”

  “It’s a bit out of sorts right now since the renovations were just completed. The guys who work out there will get it sorted the first week back after the holidays. I bought the place because we outgrew the old space, but this needed the renovation work before we moved full production here. We produce a lot of boards and without the space being set up for us to produce efficiently we would fall behind quickly on production.”

  “And what happens up here?” I asked.

  “The offices up here are for the staff not involved in sales, customer service, or production of the actual boards and accessories. Essentially, my office as well as the offices for the marketing reps, team riders, specifically, Zane, Stone, and Luke, as well as team coordinators, human resources, materials and design engineers for the equipment, and now the senior graphic designer, and ultimately, the team she puts together are all on this floor.”


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