Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1)

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Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1) Page 18

by A. K. Evans

  “I see. So, you sure you weren’t just trying to fill a position and an office space by hiring me?” I teased.

  “Considering I’d like to have your office be in the same room with my office, no. However, I will leave that decision up to you. You can have your own office or after I show you mine you’ll see I have plenty of room to set you up in there. That said, even if you weren’t my woman and I saw your work, I would have wanted to hire you. You need to start believing that you are that good, Charley.”

  “I think we should have separate offices,” I stated. I knew if I was in the same space with him it would be unlikely that I’d be able to focus and actually accomplish anything.

  “Ok. Let’s go look at them,” he said without hesitation.

  We walked through the upstairs and passed several open office doors all the way to the end of the hall. Wes stopped at a closed door directly in front of us and opened.

  “This is my office,” he said.

  I frowned. “Well, see, now I’m rethinking the separate offices.”

  He chuckled.

  His office was big. No. It was huge. Windows lined the entire wall directly across from the door behind his desk. The desk was mammoth, but even in its enormity it was not too large for the space. His desk was tidy, too. The office also had its own separate lounge area furnished with a couch and two armchairs that matched those in the first-floor lounge, and a coffee table. The coffee table had several snowboarding magazines adorning it and like the walls downstairs, Wes tastefully added boards to his walls on either side of the room along with pictures of snowboarders riding the pipe mid-air doing tricks. His entire space screamed sophistication. I loved it. And it was no joke that he could have comfortably fit me in the office with him and I would have still felt like I was in my own space. “You’ve got a great space, Wes. I must admit that it’s certainly tempting to shack up with you in here. Can I see where I’ll be working?”

  “Sure. Follow me,” he said as he strode to one of the two doors on the right-side wall of his office. Pointing to the other door, he said, “That’s the bathroom.”

  Ok, so he had his own personal bathroom in his office. I guess that was normal for the owner of a company like this.

  Wes opened the other door and we walked into a mostly bare office space that was about half the size of his, but even still was a large office. There was a desk in the middle of the room and it had the same row of windows along the wall behind the desk as his office. There was a nice leather chair behind the desk and a coffee table with a love seat and two arms chairs in the corner farthest from the door that connected the two office spaces. The walls were bare.

  “This is a huge space, Wes. Are all of the offices on this floor at least this size?” I asked. I was worried. I didn’t want to come into the company as the girlfriend of the owner and get special treatment, which would likely lead to animosity from the other employees.

  “I know what you are thinking, Charley. Get it out of your head. There are twenty private offices on this floor and while not all are this size, a good majority of them are. You don’t need to be concerned about getting preferential treatment. I want you close to me and this is as good as it’ll get for me if you don’t want to share a space with me. That said, nobody here will even think twice about you being in this space. You are highly qualified for the position and I treat all of my employees fairly.”

  I licked my lips. I loved that he not only knew what my concerns were without me needing to come out and express them directly, but he always took the time to address those concerns honestly. And, what I loved even more was not just that he wanted me close to him, but more importantly his confidence in my ability to be a great graphic designer and an asset to his company.

  His eyes dropped to my mouth and I walked closer to him. I rested my hands on his chest, tipped my head up, and said, “Ok, Mr. Blackman, this space will do.”

  “Happy to hear that, Miss Meadows,” he said giving me his wicked grin. “Now, I have spent several days sitting at my desk thinking of taking you on that very desk. Since we’re here in your new office, I think I’d like to take you on your new desk. We’ll get to my desk another time. Give me that pretty mouth.”

  I slid my hands up his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then, I gave him my mouth as he picked me up and carried me over to my new desk. After he made it to the desk he squeezed my ass before gently placing me on top of it. His hands went to the hem of my shirt, pulled it over my head, and then they removed my bra while my hands made their way to the hard muscle of his abdomen. He helped me by pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side next to mine. At the same time, I kicked off my sneakers. Wes’ hands made their way back to the waistband of my yoga pants.

  “Lift up, baby,” he ordered.

  I put my hands on either side of my body on the desk and lifted. Wes pulled my pants and thong down my legs and tossed them into the pile of clothes. Still resting back on my palms, my breaths quick, and my eyes hooded I watched as Wes took my body in.

  “So fucking gorgeous, Charley. Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  He put his hand under one of my ankles and kissed his way up the inside of my thigh. I quivered under the gentle brushes of his lips on my body. His mouth reached my sex and he swiped his tongue through my center. I moaned. He licked, sucked, kissed, and tortured my sensitive spot with his mouth. I could feel the tightening starting in my belly and at that moment Wes pulled his mouth away and stood. I whimpered.

  He was naked now having lost the rest of his clothes during the time he was working me with his mouth.

  “Want you to come with me,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  “Ok, honey,” I said, my voice a breathy rasp.

  Wes leaned over my body and took one nipple in his mouth. He nipped the hardened peak then soothed it with a swipe of his tongue before sucking. Turning his attention to my other nipple he repeated the same pattern. Finally, positioned at the entrance to my body his eyes came to mine and he pushed himself inside me.

  “Wes,” I groaned, dropping my head back feeling and loving the fullness of him.

  He took his lips to my throat and pumped in and out of my body. His lips covered my throat, collarbone, and jaw with kisses before he took my mouth.

  “Love this mouth, Charley,” he growled out.

  “Harder, Wes. Please.”

  Wes gave it to me harder, gripping my hips tightly with his hands. He eventually slid his hands up my sides, under my arms, and wrapped his hands over the top of my shoulders pulling my body down harder on him. His pace quickened. I was on the verge of an orgasm when Wes took my mouth again, planted himself to the root of his cock, and we came together.

  We were still breathing heavy minutes later when Wes spoke, “I think I’m going to love having you right next door to me.”

  “Me too.”

  “Love you, Charley.”

  “I love you too, Wes.”

  He pulled out of me and I made my way to the bathroom in his office to get cleaned up. After I finished in the bathroom, I walked out to find Wes dressed already. He gave me a packet of papers from his office that I needed to review and complete so I could become a legitimate employee. After, we locked up and left. We made our way to Wes’ truck and my cell rang. I fished it out of my purse and saw it was Nikki calling.

  “Hey Nikki!” I answered.

  “Are the mountains ready for another dose of the California girls?” she asked.

  I laughed. “Yay!! You and Monroe are definitely coming out?”

  “We’ll be there early Friday morning just in time for whatever the New Year’s Eve celebrations will be on Saturday. We will stay through New Year’s Day and leave on Monday morning to come home.”

  “Guess Emme and I are going to have to work our butts off coming up with one more really good reason to add to your list so that the next time you come out to Wyoming you don’t have a return flight to Cali.”

  She laughed. “Y
eah, you better get on that right away. Listen, my next client just showed up for her cut and color so I’ve got to go. Just wanted to give you the heads up and let you know we were coming. Monroe is sending the flight details over to Em tonight.”

  “Ok, Nik. Love you,” I said as Wes opened my door and I climbed into the truck.

  “Love you too, babe.”

  I disconnected the call and Wes made his way around to the driver’s side. He got in and started the truck.

  “Your girls making it for New Year’s Eve?” he asked.

  “Yep,” I said with a huge grin on my face.

  “You miss them, don't you?”

  “Every single day. They are my best girls and I really want them to move here. We joke about it with Nikki’s list, but I’m not expecting that they’ll actually make the move. They’ve lived in California their entire lives. This would be a huge change for them.”

  “Don’t rule it out. You never know what could happen. In the meantime, do everything you can to show them what they are missing out on.”

  “Got any ideas?”

  “When do they arrive?” he asked.

  “Friday, early morning,” I answered.

  “I’ve got a few ideas then. I’ll make a couple calls to the guys. We can spend Friday on the mountain as a group and get dinner out afterwards. Then, we’ll start the celebrations with a New Year’s Eve bash at Lou’s. New Year’s Day we’ll have everyone over to my place.”

  “That sounds like a great time,” I said.

  “That’s what it’s about,” he said.

  At that, Wes put the truck in drive and pulled out of the lot. We decided to grab some food for dinner on the way back to my place. I texted Emme to see if she wanted anything, but she said she wasn’t home and would be in late. I found this odd, but didn’t press for details she may not have wanted to share. After dinner, Wes and I spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch watching a movie before heading to bed.

  Chapter 24


  “It hurts. Every spot on my body aches. I hurt so bad even my fucking fingernails hurt!”

  That was Nikki. She and Monroe arrived yesterday morning and Wes, true to his word, came through and got the rest of the guys to clear their schedules just to show my friends a good time. I had to admit, I was surprised by my girls. When I told them that we were going to spend the day on the mountain learning to snowboard, they were more than happy to go.

  We arrived at Parks Ridge early yesterday morning and had the mountain mostly to ourselves for a good part of the morning. Monroe had done really well. I am certain her many years of dance helped with her ability to pick up riding quickly. She was certainly no professional, but she didn’t wipe out much. Stone was clearly impressed by her. Zane stuck with Emme that morning giving her a snowboarding lesson. She did well, but she was mostly cautious as was her typical nature. She quickly recognized her limits and stuck to them. Any time she nearly went down Zane was there to catch her before she fell. If she went down, he went down with her. Seeing that made my heart squeeze.

  And then there was Nikki. Poor girl. She tried so hard, but it was just not happening for her. She wiped out so many times it was unreal. I had to give it to her, though, she was determined. By the end of the day she managed to get down a smaller hill without falling. Luke stayed behind her the entire way and when she reached the bottom of the hill we all cheered for her.

  After the guys spent the entire morning and the better part of the afternoon riding with us only briefly taking a break for some lunch in the lodge, I told them that we could probably use a break, but would love to watch them ride pipe. They seemed to have never-ending stamina and were all about it. The girls were more than ready for a rest, and secretly, I knew they were excited to see the guys ride. Em brought her camera and wanted to get some shots so Zane walked her back to the car to get the camera and they met us over at the pipe.

  The guys took the next two hours to ride while we watched, chatted, laughed, and Emme took pictures. I knew I missed the four of us being able to be together all the time, but I had not realized just how much I not only missed being with them, but also just how much I needed it.

  After the guys finished on the pipe, we all went out for dinner. Dinner went well and the conversation was easy. I hadn’t wanted Wes’ buddies to feel put out by my friends and either they covered it really well or they were thoroughly enjoying themselves. I wasn’t going to complain either way. After dinner, Wes and his friends took us back to Emme's and my place. They hung out for a bit and eventually left giving my girls and me some time with each other.

  We stayed up late and everyone slept in this morning. The girls and I had brunch followed by some shopping and an early dinner before this evening’s festivities. We were now in the process of getting ready for the New Year’s Eve bash at Lou’s.

  Well, most of us were getting ready. Nikki was barely moving.

  “Get your ass up now or you’re going to make us all late,” Monroe said to Nikki.

  “How do they do that every day? My body is going to need a vacation from this vacation. I’m serious. Something that results in feeling like this the next day and doesn’t involve a series of orgasms preceding it is so not worth it in my book,” Nikki responded.

  “Don’t worry, Nik. I’m sure if you let Luke know how fragile your body is right now, he’ll take good care of you,” I said.

  “Yeah, I agree,” Emme chimed in. “He seemed pretty cozy with you yesterday. I’m sure he’d be more than willing to help you heal.”

  “He’s going to have to carry me around all night tonight at this rate. I can barely roll over in this bed,” Nikki informed us.

  “Luke’s got enough muscles,” Monroe added. “I bet he’d oblige you if that’s how you want to play this. Either way, whether you walk or are carried, you’re going to be ready on time so get your ass up.”

  “I’m going to need some Ibuprofen.”

  “I’ll get it,” Emme said, smiling as she walked out of the room.

  After taking some Ibuprofen, Nikki got moving and we all finished getting ready. Just before the guys showed to pick us up, Emme grabbed her usual group photo of us. Minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

  “I’ve got it,” I called.

  I opened the door and the smile on my face grew. My handsome man stood there with his equally handsome friends and they all looked breathtakingly beautiful.

  “Wes,” I said softly, reaching my hand out to his and pulling him towards me. As his body collided with mine and he snaked an arm around my waist I looked behind him to Zane, Stone, and Luke and said, “Hey guys, come on in.”

  As his friends made their way in, Wes leaned into me and touched his lips to mine, “Hey, gorgeous. You look absolutely stunning.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. Blackman,” I whispered and then put my lips to his.

  “Hey lovebirds! I know it has been maybe fifteen long, grueling hours since you last saw each other, but the rest of us are still here,” Nikki yelled to us when we were in the midst of a kiss.

  Wes laughed and then I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, “I’m sorry, Wes. Nikki is a little moody right now. Her snowboarding lesson yesterday left her feeling sore in places she didn’t know existed. She could barely get out of the bed to get ready.”

  I glanced toward Nikki and saw she was glaring at me. My gaze turned to Luke who was eyeing Nikki with concern.

  Mission accomplished.

  Monroe piped up and asked, “Alright, enough. Is everyone ready to go?”

  “Since I have my camera out, do you guys mind if I get a picture of all of us together?” Emme asked.

  Everyone was on board, so Emme set the timer on the camera on the tripod and we all huddled together for a photo. Then, we made our way out to the limo the guys picked us up in and headed to Lou’s.

  As per usual, Lou’s was jam-packed with both locals and out-of-towners hoping to ring in the New Year
with each other in the most fun way. I’d only been to Lou’s a handful of times at this point, but it was never once disappointing.

  “Elle’s performing tonight,” Wes said to me as we walked in through the door and into the saloon.

  “I know. She texted me earlier this week and told me,” I told him.

  Wes’ body tightened and he glanced down at me. “I didn’t realize you and Elle had exchanged numbers.”

  “Yep. At Christmas breakfast when you made a run to the bathroom. I like your sister. She’s so sweet.”

  His face warmed as he looked down at me and in a soft tone said, “Love that you get along with her.”

  I smiled back at him, “Me too, Wes.”

  Wes and I followed our friends to a table near the front of the room so we’d have a good seat to watch Elle when she performed. Our first round of drinks arrived not long after we were seated. Minutes later, Elle showed up.

  “Hey everyone!” she practically shouted as she made her way around giving hugs to Wes, his friends, and me.

  “Hi El, you remember my friends Emme, Nikki, and Monroe?” I asked.

  “Yes. It’s great to see you all again.”

  “You too,” Monroe and Emme said as Nikki nodded and smiled at Elle.

  Elle turned back to me. “Heard you start the new job on Monday. Congratulations! But you better get to working right away, though. The X Games are only a few weeks out and I want to see your shit on their boards when I watch the Games on TV.”

  My eyes got big and I turned to look at Wes. He chuckled and shook his head as if Elle hadn’t just dropped big news on me.

  “The X Games?” I asked him. My mind was racing and my stomach was in knots.

  “Oh boy,” Elle said before Wes could respond. “You haven’t told her about them yet, Wes? What are you waiting for? I’ve got to go get ready to get on stage. Have a great time tonight. I’ll catch you all later.”

  “Later,” Zane and Luke said.

  “Kill it, Elle,” Stone said.

  Nikki, Monroe, and Emme said, “Thanks. Good luck.”


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