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Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1)

Page 21

by A. K. Evans

  My eyes got wet and I could feel my nose stinging. I seriously loved this man so much. He knew I wouldn’t leave her and he didn’t want me to have to make that decision.

  “I love you, Wes. I really, really love you,” I said.

  His eyes warmed as he smiled at me and asked, “We’re going to Aspen, aren’t we?”

  “We are definitely going to Aspen.”

  Chapter 27


  I was in my Jeep on the way to brunch with Greg and Hannah. It was Saturday morning and I had just left Wes’ house. This was, of course, after I’d had morning sex with him following a marathon of nighttime sex.

  Last night was the second night I had spent the night at his place. I was comfortable doing this because earlier in the week, a couple days after Wes asked me to go to Aspen for the X Games, we went to my place and Wes talked to Emme about it. Thankfully, her schedule was open for the dates we’d be in Colorado. The next day she told me that she was going to be spending the night out on Friday night at Zane’s so that they could get up early and head to the mountain. He needed training time and she wanted to get some practice shots in before the event. I still did not know the full story on what was going on between the two of them, but she was happy and content so I was giving her some time to get it sorted before pressing her on it. I knew she’d share it when she was ready.

  I had finished my first full week at Blackman Boards and I absolutely loved everything about my new job. My co-workers were great, especially Flo. She and I had really hit it off and I always spent a couple minutes chatting with her in the mornings. She was hysterical and I realized after only two days why Wes put her in that position. Flo was always in a joyful mood whether it was first thing in the morning or after a long day of work. Her people skills were exceptional and she could multitask like no other. Wes hit the jackpot with her.

  The workdays passed so quickly for me. From the moment I got into my office until Wes would come in to get me for lunch, I was consumed with work. We’d come back from lunch and I’d dive right back in until it was time to go home. There were even a couple days where I asked Wes if we could get lunch to go so I could hurry back to what I had been working on.

  Zane, Stone (who I found out is named Xander; Stone is his last name), and Luke had stopped in to the offices briefly during the week. I had an opportunity to chat with them about what I had in mind for their designs, but I didn’t get much time as they were all in a hurry to get back to training. They were mostly open to whatever I thought would look good and preferred that I put a few things together and then let them give input from there.

  Needless to say, work did not feel much like work and before I knew it the week was over. Seeing as it was only my second night at Wes’ place last night he took full advantage of it. Tired was an understatement, but Wes made it so worthwhile. I told him before I left this morning that I’d be back after brunch with every intention of catching up on some sleep. He gave me his sexy half grin and then kissed me goodbye before I walked out the door.

  I was now pulling into the parking lot of the cafe Greg, Hannah, and I were meeting at and I was feeling famished. I guess all the sex last night really helped with working up an appetite. I parked, got out, and made my way into the cafe. Immediately, I spotted Greg and Hannah.

  Standing up to give me a hug, Hannah said, “Hey Charley. How have you been?”

  “So good, Hannah. How are you?” I asked.

  “I’m doing well.”

  “Girl, you look well and freshly fucked,” Greg said as he gave me a hug.

  “Seriously, Gregory? Could you say it a little louder? I’m not sure the other patrons heard,” I said.

  Thankfully, he hadn’t announced it to the entire cafe since we were sitting in a corner booth toward the back.

  He just smiled and winked at me.

  We all sat down and the interrogation began. They threw question after question at me, rapid-fire. The waitress finally came over to take our order. Talk about being grateful for a reprieve!

  After placing our orders, I decided to lay it all out for my friends. I realized that’s just what they had become. My friends. Even though I hadn’t shared much of anything about my life with them when I worked at the diner and the coffee shop I realized over the last couple weeks working with them and just now with how much interest they were showing in my life that they were true, genuine friends.

  So, I gave it to them. All of it. I told them all about my parents, Taj, and the reason Emme and I moved here from California. I filled them in on what life was like for me after my parents died, then after Taj had died, but before Wes was a part of it. Then, I gave them the good stuff. I told them all about life since meeting Wes. Of course, they knew what he did to help me pursue my dream career, but they didn’t know all the juicy details of our relationship. I gave them enough of that to satisfy their curiosity.

  “So now you’ve got it all,” I said as I took a bite of my French toast.

  “Damn. I knew he was something special, but now I’m just jealous,” Greg grumbled.

  “Did you forget that you’ve got a man already?” Hannah reminded him.

  “No,” he answered on a sigh as he rolled his eyes and shoveled a forkful of pancakes into his mouth.

  Hannah then got serious, “In all seriousness, I can’t believe everything you’ve been through. How is it possible you’re still standing?”

  “It’s Wes. He is the reason I’m sitting here with you right now sharing all of this. I’m not sure how he did it, but he helped me learn to live life again,” I answered.

  “I always knew there was something,” Greg said. “You were such a great listener anytime I needed to vent to you about my parents and the whole situation with Tony, but you had this look about you sometimes. Like you could burst into tears at any moment. You always managed to recover quickly and I’d think that I made it up in my head. I’m so happy for you, girl, so happy that Wes helped you heal.”

  I thought back to the times Greg would go off on a tangent about his parents and I knew precisely what he meant when he said I was about ready to fall apart several times. I hated that his parents couldn’t be accepting of his relationship with Tony. Life was too short. I would give anything to have my family back in my life.

  I tried to blink away the tears threatening to fall as I looked at him and said, “Me, too.”

  “Ok. So, tell us all about the new job,” Hannah said.

  I was so thankful for the change of subject. I am glad they finally knew the story, but I didn’t want to dwell on the sadness. So, I told them all about the new job. Then, they updated me on all the happenings in their lives, the diner, and the coffee shop as we finished eating.

  “It was so good to see you both,” I said as I hugged Hannah and Greg just outside the cafe.

  “You too,” Hannah said.

  “I’m calling your ass soon and we are going out. I’ll bring Tony, Hannah can bring her flavor of the week, and you bring Wes,” Greg said.

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” I said. “See you soon.”

  “Bye, Charley,” they said in unison as I waved to them and walked to my car.

  Fifteen minutes later, I pulled my Jeep into the driveway to Wes’ place and walked in to the house through the open garage door.

  I walked through the kitchen and looked in the living room to find Wes lounging on the couch, his legs propped up on the coffee table, and a book in his hand. He looked up as I walked into the room.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” he said as he closed the book and set it down.

  “Hey, honey,” I answered, making my way to the couch or, more specifically, Wes.

  “How was brunch?”

  “After the marathon last night, I needed sustenance. Brunch provided that so I’m good now.”

  “And your friends?” he asked, holding his hand out to wrap around my waist and pull me into his lap.

  I smiled at him. I loved that he cared enough about me to ask abo
ut them. “They are good. I filled them in on everything. They now know about my parents and Taj. They also know about you. Preliminarily, I get the feeling that you passed the test, but Greg is planning a get together with himself, Tony, Hannah, whoever her date may be, and us. He wants us all to go out together. I think he wants to check you out for himself.”

  “Sure. Just let me know when,” he immediately responded.

  “Really? You’ll go?” I asked. I was surprised by his quick answer and nonchalance.

  “Why wouldn’t I? Aren’t they your friends?” he countered.

  “Yes, but I didn’t think you’d actually want to go.”

  “Do you want to go?”

  “Well, of course. I mean, I’ve just recently started feeling like a normal human being again and if I’m going to be living in this town for the foreseeable future, I’m thinking it’s best I maintain friendships with people who I not only like, but who also seem to care enough about me.”

  “Then that’s even more of a reason why I will go. When are you going to realize I’ll always do my best to give you whatever you need, Charley?”

  “Today. I realized it at brunch, actually. I think it’s just taking me some time to get used to the idea.”

  He gave me his sexy grin and said, “I’ll see to it that you get constant reminders then.”

  “Much obliged, Mr. Blackman.”

  I leaned in to kiss him and shifted my body so I was straddling him on the couch. His hands went to my ass as mine fisted in his hair. I rolled my hips over his already hardened length and he groaned. I continued for a bit until Wes’ hands moved to the hem of my sweater, lifted it over my head, and removed my bra. He pressed his face into my chest and sprinkled kisses over every inch of my breasts. I wanted to feel his skin next to mine so I removed his long sleeved henley. Running my hands along the hard, lean muscle of his arms and chest only left me wanting more.

  “You are so beautiful, Wes. And I mean that in every way that matters. Not only are you so good to me, but you have an incredible body,” I said.

  “Seein’ as it’s all yours, baby, I’m glad you like it.”

  “I really want you to fuck me now.”

  “Not going to say no to that, Charley. Lift up a minute,” he said.

  I lifted up and he pulled my bottoms off followed by his own. My hands were on his shoulders and he slid his fingers through my sex.

  “Fuck. Always fucking ready for me,” he rasped out.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” I said, moving one of my hands to him and positioning the silky-smooth tip of his cock at my entrance.

  Immediately, I dropped down on to him and felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Despite my earlier demand to get him inside me, I didn’t move for a moment as I soaked that up and took it in. I could have stayed like that and been completely content.

  Wes pulled me out of my own head and said, “Ride me, gorgeous.”

  I did as he asked and rode him. Slow at first, followed by harder and faster. Wes put one hand between us and found my clit with his thumb. My breathing grew heavier and his groans louder. I found that feeling growing deep in my belly and knew I wasn’t far from reaching my orgasm.

  “I’m going to come, Wes,” I rasped, my eyes fixed on his.

  He didn’t relent on my clit and pushed me over the edge. Only then did he ease up on my body as he watched me come down from the high.

  “Didn’t think it was possible for me to get any harder, baby. Then, I hear that raspy voice say my name right before you come and I feel it shoot straight to my dick. It’s the most beautiful fucking sound out of that pretty mouth.”

  I barely had any time to recover before his magnificent hands gripped my hips and held me firmly. I braced myself with my hands on his shoulders while he thrusted non-stop into me. He was relentless and managed to work me up enough that I felt a second orgasm building. His fingers put a bruising grip on my hips that hurt just a bit and I knew he was right there with me. I kept one hand firmly gripping his shoulder while I used the other to reach behind me to cup his balls and squeeze them.

  “Charley,” he growled. “Fuck.”


  And then I came apart again as he exploded beneath me.

  I collapsed on top of Wes and struggled to catch my breath. He held me there while he kissed my neck and shoulder. A few minutes had passed when he finally stood, still inside me with my legs now wrapped around his waist, and walked towards the bedroom. Walking through the bedroom, Wes eventually set me down on my feet inside the bathroom.

  “Go ahead and get cleaned up so you can take a nap,” he said.

  I nodded at him.

  He walked out of the bathroom. I did my business and got cleaned up. One of Wes’ t-shirts was sitting folded on the edge of the sink so I put it on. Walking out of the bathroom, I found Wes waiting in the bed for me with the covers at his waist on his side and folded back on my side. As beautiful as he looked I could tell something was wrong.

  Wes turned toward me as I climbed into the bed. I tried to pull the covers over myself, but he stopped me before I could. I was on my back.

  Nervously, I asked, “What’s wrong, Wes?”

  He didn’t say anything. He just looked at me, searching my face with concern covering his. His eyes moved from my face down my body where his hand was sliding under the shirt I was wearing. Wes still said nothing, but pushed the shirt up and exposed my belly. He winced as he looked down at me. I began to feel self-conscious so I moved my hands to cover myself when he stopped me.

  “Wes?” I asked.

  Finally, he spoke. “Marked you. Fuck, gorgeous, I’m so sorry.”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  He bent his head down and placed a gentle kiss on each of my hips. He put his hand on one of my hips and with a strained voice he said, “Here, on both sides. I was too rough out there and put marks on your beautiful body.”

  I sat up on my elbows and looked down at my hips. There were two marks, one on each hip where his thumbs had pressed in. I remembered his grip getting tight right before he came.

  “Look at me, Wes.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment before he looked at me.

  “I’m fine. I don’t even feel it. You didn’t try to hurt me, and I know you never would,” I said, trying to reassure him.

  “I am so sorry. I would never hurt you like that, Charley. Ever.”

  “Wes, I know. It’s ok. Honestly, if you weren’t so upset about it right now I’d say I think it’s kind of sexy.”

  “What the fuck, baby?”

  “I will say it again. I know you’d never hurt me, Wes. It makes me feel good to know I made you lose control for that brief moment. Trust me, honey. It’s all good and it’s kinda hot.”

  He stared at me like I was a crazy person. “Don’t want to damage your ego now, but there’s no fucking excuse for me losing control and putting marks like this on your body. I’m glad you’re feeling good about this and didn’t get seriously hurt, but trust me, that shit’s never happening again.”

  I fell back onto the pillow, rolled my body towards his, and wrapped an arm around his waist. He stayed tense so I snuggled further into him and ran my fingers up across his body. After a few minutes he loosened up, put his head on the pillow, wrapped an arm around my back and hauled me into his side. He gently traced his fingers across my back and hips as I rested my head and hand on his chest.

  “I love you, Charley.”

  “Love you too, Wes.”

  “Now get some sleep, gorgeous.”

  “Ok, honey.”

  It took a few minutes as my mind raced replaying the conversation we just had. I knew Wes would always protect me and that I’d always be safe in his arms. When those thoughts finally settled in my mind, I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 28


  After spending a lazy weekend with Wes that went by too quickly, the next few days of work went by even faster. It was
now time to kick some ass. This was mostly because following my first week of work and this past weekend I decided that I wanted to have my designs on the boards at the X Games. It finally sunk in that this was what I wanted my whole life. I had the opportunity of a lifetime and could not let it go to waste. I told Wes about my decision and, as expected, he supported it wholeheartedly.

  The first few days after making my decision I spent my time designing, making adjustments, and then reviewing those designs. Once I came up with some that I thought would not only represent the fire line well, but also would pay a bit of a tribute to the riders themselves I took the designs to Wes. I had only ever had a few interactions with each of the guys and I didn’t know if my interpretations of them were completely accurate. Given that Wes grew up with them, I figured he’d be the best source before I showed the guys the designs. I didn’t want to insult any of them.

  Before showing Wes what I came up with I made him promise me that he’d give me his honest opinion. The last thing I wanted was him to just approve of the designs because he was worried about my feelings. Not pushing me to be the best I could be would not benefit anyone. It wouldn’t help me become a force to be reckoned with in my career and it wouldn’t help Wes to sell boards that didn’t have awesome graphics. Thankfully, he agreed to give me brutal honesty.

  With that, I showed Wes the results of my hard work. He absolutely loved what I came up with for Zane and felt it suited him perfectly. For Stone, though, he gave me a few ideas to help tweak the design to fit him a bit more. There was a little more to the story with Stone that Wes didn’t share claiming it wasn’t his story to tell, but he gave me enough for me to know the direction I needed to go with the design. He went through the rest of the graphics not specifically slated for Zane or Stone and found a couple that could be used for Luke’s boards. Since Luke road big air and the Elements Series boards for big air, the Air line, wouldn’t be ready for testing until after the Games Wes decided to put some of my designs on boards already in production that were meant specifically for the type of riding Luke did. Wes then picked out his favorite designs that he wanted to use for the fire line boards that would be mass produced. In addition to those, assuming Zane and Stone were happy with their board designs Blackman Boards would offer those as limited edition boards.


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