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Universe Online - Enter the Game: Complete Edition

Page 3

by Ryan 'Viken' Henning

  But first, I should backtrack just a bit. Over a year ago, SD came out with their Dive Pod, which was hands down the best equipment for VR players and games when compared to the old helmets or VR Goggles that other companies had been using. Sure, while they are able to project VR into the retinas in order to translate data into brain waves and vice-versa, thus simulating the VR’s environment, there are issues.

  Mainly concerning immersion. Simply blinking could cause a noticeable 'lag', for instance.

  That, and there is a hard limit to how much information can be translated directly through the optical nerves. Especially for someone like me, who cannot freely use their eyes. As games got more advanced and graphic quality started soaring, they started hitting the limits of information transference.

  The Dive Pod does away with that by using direct neural connection. Lay in the pod, close it, shut your eyes and WHAM!, you're somewhere else. It is truly awesome. Even I'm not sure how it really works.

  It’s such a great breakthrough that other game companies have been trying to lease the pods for their own games and development. SD cuts them down every time however. Their Pod is completely proprietary. It was also basically useless. At least until now, a year and a half after its unveiling, the Dive Pod finally has its own game.

  Sales have jumped through the roof.

  The sole reason is because of Universe Online. A true Science Fiction experience. Gone are the classes, skills, and abilities of fantasy games. Well, not really. In a sense, skills and abilities still exist in Universe Online. Just not in the format most people would recognize.

  The second reason was the scope. It isn't just a single large world, or even multiple 'realms' tied to the mortal world like in most of the fantasy games that have come and gone. No, Universe Online is one super-massive galaxy, with an estimated two hundred and fifty billion stars in a stellar formation shaped similarly to our very own Milky Way.

  No one really knows for sure about the total number of stars, though.

  There is also more being found and added all the time.

  No two stars are the same. The planets, moons, asteroid fields and the potential for wealth and life are all unique and distinct. It is so realistic that it’s driving not only gamers crazy, but scientists, geologists, and cosmetologists crazy as well. Not to mention the spaceship fanatics or the alien 'lovers'.

  If you thought the world was full of crazy, deranged people... You have no idea. Half of all people with -religion- are blasting Universe Online for being heretical in the extreme. While the other half are being tempted to worship it as the birth of a new god. Like I said, crazy peoples.

  As for me... I just want the experience. The ability to move, to do what I want. To strive for something. To build and destroy and start all over again as my fancy takes me. To test myself with everything I can or could do.

  It is why I blink at the TV, triggering the sensor that shuts it off while I lean back into the custom Dive Pod in my hospital room. While the vast majority of Dive Pods are oval egg-shaped machines with a sliding top door; mine is an open one without a door or most of the sides. It is also full of a slightly warmed gel that allows me to sink into it before hardening around my body. It was custom built with safety measures in case something goes wrong.

  The truth of the matter is that my muscles are so atrophied that I have to use a full body brace in order to move even the tiniest bit; while being hooked up to all sorts of sensors and an IV in my rather useless left arm. A personal ventilator is also wrapped around my throat like a thick white and blue collar. The only thing missing is the 'WHHHHMSSSH' sound to make me Darth Vader, Jr..

  Sad to say, I cannot even keep my own lungs inflated without the assistance.

  But the real feature of this custom Dive Pod is how it’s wired directly for my neural pattern. Unlike most people, who move around and run and jump without ever really considering how or why they are able to do so; I know that the neurons in the brain connect and reconnect to form various patterns that the brain uses in sequence to perform bodily actions.

  What happens when you've never been able to use them? Those patterns don't form. And it is the vast majority of those patterns that VR's tend to look for when reading the mental map they create by reading your brainwaves. I've jumped into quite a few games where once inside, I was unable to do much more than sit down, not able to move much at all.

  To say it’s embarrassing is an understatement.

  My new Dive Pod is different though, and it was one of the first things that I expressed my doubts about when I was chosen as a beta tester, six months ago. Solar Dynamics got back to me and did a full brain scan without showing even a hint of hesitation, and uploaded the data directly into the pod they'd delivered only hours before. I was able to jump in without any issues at all. It was... heavenly.

  It's part of the reason why I was able to kick so much ass during the beta.

  Just the memory of it brings a weak smile to my lips as I lean my head back slowly into the rest and close my eyes.

  -Dive Begin-

  -|- -|- -|-

  -User Detected-

  -Beta Tester Recognized-

  -Loading Meeting Area-

  The soft feminine voice sounds against my ear before the blackness clears from my vision.

  I'm back in that white space, sitting in the same chair as before. This time, there isn't a table in front of me; and instead there's a large curved console, with the self-same woman from the Beta Test sitting behind it, reading through a holographic panel with line after line of scrolling text.

  She's so involved that she doesn't even realize I'm there until I clear my throat. She jumps a bit, and it’s quite cute, especially with the bounce.

  “Ah! Don't scare me like that!” She yells with a mock pout, and I simply chuckle.

  “Sorry about that. But it was still a good response. Thank you for the meal~”

  I tease her just a bit, bringing a blush to her cheeks before she clears her throat.

  “For someone in your situation, you are quite the flirt apparently, Mr. Renn.” She comments somewhat dryly.

  I only smile in response.

  “What can I say? I have no reason to hold back here because I can actually talk. I haven't been able to do so in real life since I was what? Seven or eight years old? You should have access to my complete medical history, given it was one of the prerequisites for my participation in the Beta Test. Also, just call me Allec. Mr. Renn is too formal for my taste.”

  My own reply causes her to nod, and she gives a slight rueful chuckle of her own.

  “That's true, Allec. I'm Gabby, and I've been waiting for you. No doubt you were wanting to jump right into the character creation process like the other 13 million other users that have bought their Dive Pods and then wait out the time until launch, but we need to talk first.”

  Her words take on a professional tone, and I straighten up in the seat, getting comfortable. To interrupt the character creation process for a personal meeting wasn't something I was expecting. So this is likely to prove rather interesting.

  I motion for her to continue.

  “Okay. Your outstanding performance during the Beta Test caught most of the company by storm. You were able to use the presets in such a way that we had programmers and managers face-palming themselves and screaming at their screens while watching the videos of you. It ended up being quite the riot.”

  “But afterwards... well, lets just say that it took months of constant meetings and arguing to figure out what to do with you. You have a talent, a great one that could prove most useful here in Universe Online. But there were those who were afraid of what you could so as well. Management is particularly scared of what you'd be doing during the interaction with other users.”

  Her words are candid, and after a moment I nod my head to her. She bites her lower lip before letting out a slight sigh, reaching forward to type something into the large console separating us.

  “So here's t
he deal. We can give you the regular Beta Tester bonus and ship you off through the classic character creation process and you can join the other users in the starting areas... Or you can take this specially prepared starting bonus and go through a trial before joining the other users.”

  Her words cause warning bells to ring in my head, but I take a deep breath to calm myself.

  “Give me the details.”

  My words bring a fleeting smile to Gabby's lips, and she presses a few more keys and suddenly a series of panels pop up before my eyes.


  Advanced Character Creation Package unlocked!

  Regular users are only able to influence the most basic settings of the character creation process by choosing their Race and starting Aptitudes and Aspects up to a certain point limit.

  They could receive bonus points by taking negative Traits that'd cause automatic drawbacks during gameplay.

  The Advanced Character Creation process unlocks all starting options, allowing the user to modify their chosen Race, Attributes, Aptitudes, Aspects and Traits. The starting points are also boosted, allowing a far broader range of starting options.

  Advanced User Account Information

  Advanced Users have no PvP protection.

  (Guards and soldiers will not assist the user even if attacked in a PvP safe zone.)

  Advanced Users death penalties are doubled.

  Advanced Users drop 50% more inventory upon death.

  Advanced Users gain a 10% bonus to training Attributes, Aptitudes, and Aspects.

  Advanced Users may trade unspent Attribute points from leveling up on unlocked Traits.

  Advanced Users can access Banks and Storage without the standard fee.

  “Do you accept?”

  I'm very careful to read everything that is put up in front of me. Even so I'm still forced to swallow, as if my throat had gone suddenly dry.

  Advanced Character Creation? I'd never heard of anything like that. Then again, SD leaked almost no information at all besides only the most basic of information in a User's Guide. Even I've read the guide several times over the last few months while waiting.

  But this... It flips everything on its head. The extra penalties balance out the helpful traits, but simply being able to do more from the start is also a big boost in itself. My mind is running a thousand miles a second, going over the pros and cons of what is being offered.

  And the 'trial' Gabby had mentioned before. The Beta Test had been like that. A trial to see what users could do in a dangerous and serious situation. I wonder how this is going to be any different.

  The thought excites me though, and a slow wolf-like grin spreads across my lips as I reach out and press the 'Yes' on the screen.

  The screen flickers, before disappearing with another 'DING' sound. I enjoy the feeling swelling up inside me, but after a moment I turn to look at Gabby with a raised brow. She's rather surprised, and her mouth is hanging open. At least until she shakes her head and gives a slight cough to catch up.

  “Alright. I didn't expect you to accept it that quickly. Next on the list is a personalized race you are free to use. It is... quite close to your real life condition, but comes with boosted starting points as well as an enhanced trait. This one is completely optional though, so you are free to decline and choose one of the other starting races if you desire.”

  This time Gabby's tone is low and more than a little hesitant. No one at SD is really sure how Allec would respond, but it was decided to be part of his starting surprise after his outstanding performance during the Beta Test. If he refuses it, well, no sweat off their backs. They could always recycle the race for later user in-game.

  I barely have time to arch a brow at Gabby when another window pops up.


  Drune Rex Race unlocked!

  The Drune Rex (Rexian) is a long-lost offshoot of the human race that separated from the greater part of humanity thousands of years ago. They are the descendants of a 2nd Generation colony ship that disappeared after its experimental faster-than-light drive activated properly.

  The ship never reached its intended destination and instead disappeared completely, greatly shocking everyone who was involved in the project. That branch of FTL technology was abandoned in favor of different alternatives, resulting in the modern Warp Drive.

  Unknown to the rest of the human race, the colony ship did drop back into regular space, on the other side of the Galactic Rim. Separated by millions of lightyears, there was no way to contact Sol again or turn around and return home. With barely any power and supplies left, they were forced to land on the first habitable planet they could find, named Drune.

  The planet of Drune was a lush, low gravity world; rich in plant diversity, wildlife, and resource deposits, but not heavy metals. With ready access to resources and no other sentient life on the planet, the colonists quickly established themselves and spread across the planet's surface. Most of the colonists were scientists, and soon a Democratic Technocracy came to become the predominant government type.

  But living on a low gravity world over generations caused a progressive problem that the Rexians failed to recognize until it was far too late to reverse. The constant exposure to low gravity caused a genetic trait to surface that weakened the bones of the body over time. By the time a child had grown into an adult, they were incapable of walking without support.

  Exposure to normal gravity conditions or higher often resulted in severe broken bones and fractures.

  Today the Drune Rex use specialized mechanical suits or powered armors to support their daily activities.

  Drune Rex Racial Information

  90% Movement Penalty without a mechanical suit.

  90% Penalty to Physical Attributes (Strength, Vitality, Agility) outside of a mechanical suit.

  Each point spent on a Mental Attribute (Intellect, Psyche, Awareness) counts as double.

  Luck Attribute has a starting value of four times (x4) the points spent.

  Newly gained Aptitudes receive double their starting points.

  Newly gained Aspects receive double their starting points.

  +4000 Character Creation Points.

  Racial Trait

  Rexian Determination.

  The will to never stop moving forward, regardless of how many times you fall.

  10% Bonus to training Attributes, Aptitudes, and Aspects.

  50% Bonus to training when trying to regain points lost by the Death Penalty or other penalties.

  When Vitality or Psyche drop due to lack of stamina or fatigue, points are boosted by four times (x4) their current value for 5 minutes. Causes severe fatigue afterwards.

  Do you Accept?



  This time I take a longer while to read over the racial information. It doesn't stop me from flinching though. It was like seeing a nightmare. But at the same time... The bonuses and the racial trait really nice. It would basically double what I received from being an Advanced User, and would greatly help should I actually die.

  There were pros and cons to it, but this time I turn my gaze to Gabby, who's waiting patiently and obviously trying not to fidget.

  “Can I ask you questions about this race?” Okay, my question is more than a little blunt.

  Gabby jerks at the sudden question but nods.

  “Yes, I can answer some things. For one, I'm to tell you that you will start out with a standard mechanical suit that'll boost your physical attributes to starting levels. You may modify or change the suit as you wish in-game using the required aptitudes and aspects, and materials. The better the materials and the higher the quality, the more you can get out of the suit.”

  I listen to her and nod, thinking on it a bit more. She'd answered one of the major questions I'd had, but then another one pops up in my mind.

  “Okay, why did they decide to make a race to take after me? I'm not vain enough be overly excited about the prospect.” My words are almost brutally honest,
and for a moment I see Gabby smile a little before it disappears and she clears her throat to speak again.

  “As for why... Lets just say it was for variety. All users have the ability to choose negative traits in return for extra character generation points. The starting races are balanced so that none of them has an advantage. The alien species that'll become unlocked later won't be balanced in such a manner. They'll depend entirely upon the simulated race, its history, and its interaction with the other users.”

  “We're basically asking you to be a guinea pig in this, and if you surpass the trial, the Drune Rex race will become unlocked for all the players who are interested. But you won't be started on the Drune homeworld or colony.” She says, breaking out into a bit of a smirk.

  It is obvious that she's enjoying teasing me. Still, I think for a little longer before clicking the 'Yes' button again.


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