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Universe Online - Enter the Game: Complete Edition

Page 22

by Ryan 'Viken' Henning

  Too bad the Hauler only has enough space for one in the ship itself. The rest are hauled into space in one of the containers. The containers are reusable, so I take them with me.

  Unloaded, they have far less weight and mass, so I'm able to put the pedal to the metal.

  We make it back to the Station in only a little over ten hours.

  These new people have the same issues as the original crew did, and we all get a bit of a laugh at them. By now, people are bouncing around and working on various projects, getting our own small community on the space station up and going.

  Including what looks to be two new Mining Tugs, and a larger ship that I don't recognize.

  Yep, I'd sent these guys with a dozen bots to scour the hangar bay in the other direction from where I'd originally found my first Tug. Using the Tug and flying was a whole lot easier than trying to go through the station's corridors.

  “What's the new ship? It seems to be in pretty good condition.” I ask to one of the women mechanics who'd come over to do a check on the Hauler and start the repairs and/or optimizations of it.

  “Ah, Boss. It seems your hunch was right. There are proper mining ships up here. This is one we've found. Go and check it out while I'll work on this POS.”

  She's short and to the point, but that's quite alright with me. I prefer having people who are interested in staying busy and do the work they enjoy. So I make my way over to the new ship.

  It’s about twice as large as a regular Tug. Definitely twice as long, and maybe just a bit smaller than that on the width and height. Three stories tall, give or take.

  This one lacks any sort of arms, but instead I can see an aperture near the front of the ship. Aaah! A tractor beam! Cool!

  Wow, this ship has a whole bunch of new toys.

  I check around its exterior and then go through the airlock. It’s hooked up to power already, and inside there are people scrambling around.

  “Hey guys. What have we got here?” I ask almost as soon as I step inside.

  “Yo Boss. This thing is a beaut! Dual mining lasers, tractor beam, and an 80 ton storage hold. Crew of four, including a full living compartment similar to the tugs. Engines and systems to match. Oh, and a pre-Foundry.”

  The one who answers is a guy who's taken a tentative lead in organizing the mechanics and technicians. They tend to not mingle much between themselves, so there’s often friction when they come against each other during work. But this guy has many of the skills for both. So far he's been able to do good work in organizing these mixed nuts.

  “Cool. Pre-Foundry? Care to explain?”

  “Okay, let me see. Ah. It starts the processing of many of the materials you can mine out of asteroids. It isn't a full system, though. Mostly it's used to remove the rock from the raw ore, like a separator. Except in this case the ores are also slightly cooked, so their purity goes up from the standard intake. It also lessens the work on the primary foundries or smelter units that get them. And since mass is removed during the process, we’re able to get more useful material per run, a very significant amount over time.”

  Oooooh! I nod my head. Sounds like a good thing to me!

  “Unfortunately it is quite power intensive. While most of the systems here will run on stored battery power, when paired with the engines the ship will require fuel to operate for extended periods.”

  Damnit! Well, it doesn't matter -that- much. We've already constructed another six solar arrays and gotten them into place along with my original. We have more power than we know what to do with, or store, for that matter.

  And we did get fuel from planetside. We might as well start using it.

  “That's fine. So is she spaceworthy? And what's the estimated intake rate for a mining ship like this? Will it beat the Tugs?”

  All good questions that I need to know the answers to.

  “Ah, yeah. She can be taken out right now, boss. As for the rate... Triple, at least. If not more. It is a far more powerful system. Using lasers instead of a metal drill bit does away with the heat management all together. You could quite literally slag an asteroid if you aren't careful though. That leads to sprawling of materials, which will be a big mess to clean up.”

  I nod and grin, slapping the man on the shoulder.

  “Good! Let me do a check while you guys finish up. I want a tug out there mining as well, while the other two act as haulers. And think of how to retrofit them with a system that'll let them be used like our Hauler, without messing with what makes them a tug. Shipping stuff around is going to be very big here soon, so we might as well start thinking about it.”

  Yep, even without regular freight ships, you can still get around with hauling things physically around.

  The guy nods and starts calling out orders while I make my way around the inside of the mining ship. It’s definitely larger than the tugs. The entire bottom floor is taken up with storage and the power core and energy supply. The back half of the second floor is engines. The main computer and the systems responsible for the mining lasers and the tractor beam are there, along with more storage.

  The top floor has the living compartment, which is the size of the tugs, except for four people. It has even more storage and the pre-foundry unit, along with the cockpit. Another two seat arrangement.

  Pilot and miner. The other two of the crew are either for shifts or to take care of all of the equipment.

  It is a really nice setup. I'm happy with it!

  Now I gotta get Celes and Luke over here, along with another pair of driver and miner. Actually, scratch that. With the two new tugs, we'll need to start working full two-men units in the ships. Even if they're on hauling duty.

  Especially if they're train-hauling like the Hauler ship.

  Aaaah, work is progressing nicely!

  I even take a look at my quest timer. 9 days! And climbing while I watch! Woo!

  That's a good thing. It means that more repairs or other actions regarding their life support is being done. Melting down the ice into water for my hydroponics. Physically working on the existing life support structure. Expanding the greenhouses. A multiple of smaller repair work in power and other systems all influence it, too.

  Simply dumping enough resources isn't enough though. Quality of life is just as important. Sadly our lack of production ability greatly limits what we can do with that at the moment though. I really want to start producing new mechanical suits, too.

  Especially the small suits for the kids.

  The thought brings a frown to my lips. It’s too vivid a thing for me to think about overmuch.

  They are far too much like myself back in the real world.

  But I shake the melancholy off and flop down into the pilot’s seat. I strap myself in, and comm down to make sure that everyone is clear.

  Then I start this bad boy up and fly out of the open bay with smooth motions of the control sticks. Just like the tugs, this one uses the self-same two-stick control scheme. So there isn't any worry about teaching others to pilot it. That's definitely good.

  Out in space, I slow down and start going through the computer. Hm. No luck on finding more reading materials. Not even a manual. Damn.

  “MT1, Allec, report.”

  I call out over the radio as I start making my way into the asteroid field. Because the Mining Ship is so much bigger, it’s harder to keep track of everything myself; but I eventually get used to using the tractor beam in order to nudge incoming rocks out of my way.

  Oh yeah, that damned thing is really handy. I want one~

  ”Heya Boss, TM1. Working on an ice asteroid at these coordinates. Base already sent word that you're coming out here.”

  It’s Luke's voice over the radio, since Celes is busy with her mining no doubt.

  “Yep. I'll be there in a little bit. Discontinue mining for now. We're going to dock and you two will transfer over here. I'm taking my tug back while you get an upgrade.”

  I could just imagine how they take the news, with Lu
ke grinning and Celes cursing that I disrupted her. She'll get over it.

  ”Roger Boss. We'll move to a place where we can do a hard dock. MT1 over.”

  Things are progressing. They are going rather nice now.

  Ah, it is almost time for me to log out. Damn. I want to spend even more time in the game.

  -|- -|- -|-

  I wake up with a groggy feeling, although it’s more of the feeling of oversleeping than it is the headaches or other side-effects that come from the various older VR goggles or helmets. I still end up blinking quite a few times to get my eyes to focus though.

  Ah. Both James and Karren are standing across the room, watching the TV that's mounted to the wall. I recognize the show. Universe Now. A news channel dedicated solely to reporting about Universe Online and its going ons.

  At the moment, the report is about... What the HELL?

  They're talking about an A+ Ranked Quest and a Drex secret? How do others even -know- about that?

  Last time I'd come out, I'd heard from James that the quest had caught attention. That tends to usually be what happens when a player gets such a thing. It can have major consequences, so it is broadcast to others in-game.

  About the Drex though? That's something too big to share, in my mind! Just what the freak is going on?

  ”Would one of you mind helping me up? I would really like to know what is going on.”

  The computerized voice that comes from the respirator unit around my throat seems to buzz with even more annoyance than usual, in reflection to my mood.

  Both James and Karren jump, and a guilty look flashes through both of their faces. Uh ho. That is never a good sign. It means one or both of them have been up to something.

  I'm especially suspicious of Karren. Her personality is bad in that manner. Too mischievous. To the point of disobedience in some cases.

  Damn, if I could only give her a proper spanking my damned self. Sometimes she can prove to be really childish.

  Oh well.

  And by extension James ends up being pulled along for the ride. His gentle personality when it comes to his coworkers and patients can be a real hurdle for him when putting his foot down on the matter.

  “Sorry about that, Allec. As you could see, things have gotten a bit interesting out here. Not only the quest, but there was a message put out by the game about the Drex secret, saying that it would shake up the Universe once released.”

  It’s Karren who acts first, putting on a cute smile and coming to help me out of the Pod. I struggle to raise a brow at her while being moved, and only succeed when I'm finally in my favorite wheelchair.

  Ugh. That's messed up. If I could have, I would have buried that secret as far underground as possible. It’s potentially too explosive. And the backlash it could cause against the Drune Rex could definitely be dangerous.

  “No one has any information, but several Companies in UO have started sending out search parties and ships in order to find out more. But the game only just started, so no one has any clues or enough creds or manpower to go around yet. Nor do they know you're on the other side of the galaxy. Why would that affect them when that part of the map is a big empty space?” (James)

  Karren gets a giggle out of James' words, and even I try to tip a slight nod to him as I'm wheeled up to the table.

  ”I need to get back quickly, so I'll put off the status updates for later. Time moves too swiftly in the game for me to relax much out here.”

  My words have a sobering effect on the two of them, and I'm quickly fed and cleaned up.

  But it still leaves me worried. About the Station, the Drex, the Drune Rex; and about the game itself. Why the hell put out messages like that? Just what is going on?

  I don't have enough information, and that's a scary thing in itself.

  I hate surprises like that. Damnit.

  -Dive Begin-

  -|- -|- -|-

  I wake up and find Celes over the bunk I was laying on, yelling and shaking me.

  “Allec! Wake up! Come on!” She was using her 'at work' bellow, but it seems my gaunt out into the real world had totally creep her out. She couldn't wake me up no matter how much she tried?

  “Huh? What's wrong, Celes?”

  “Finally! Bonehead, come on! One of the Tug's found something that you'll definitely want to check out yourself.”

  Celes was flushed in the face, but I ignore the rather cute reddening of her cheeks and along her ears and swing myself off the bunk.

  I'd made it back to the Station and had gotten everything straightened out with the newbies along with who'd pilot the tugs and sent them out after a final check-up. Once that was done, I announced that I was going to take a rest and logged out almost as soon as I was 'asleep'.

  It actually hadn't been more than a couple of hours in-game, but it seems that events hadn't stopped progressing simply because I was gone.

  “Okay Celes. Lets go see this thing.”

  I stand up and do a quick check of my suit and grab my helmet. I'm inside the barracks we'd made out of the scrap tug. It’s been expanded quite a bit, and outside I can still hear work being done, no doubt adding a new section to the already existing structure. But it’s insulated and airtight, with a proper airlock.

  Rows of bunk beds line the walls, while the galley kitchen and a couple of sets of tables and chairs had been moved to the back area, opening up more space for even more beds. There's even a set of workbenches against the far wall, for suit repairs and the like. Almost everything used in here had been salvaged from the rest of the station.

  And we're still adding on to it. With the station cold and dead, we don't have any proper rooms to put people. We're actually going to end up cutting into a couple more departments in order to get even more space to grow here soon.

  It’s turned into a major enterprise.

  I set the helmet on and it seals with a hiss, filling up with air almost instantly as Celes does the same and then I follow her out.

  It’s bustling outside. Various projects are going on, including some minor manufacturing work now. We got a couple of compact ore processors up and going, and are drawing in more than just ice now. Iron, chromium, nickel, copper, and damned near anything we can get our hands on. We break down scrap metals and ruined equipment for their parts, pieces, and raw metal to be put back through the machinery now as well.

  If the hold had an atmosphere, you'd be hearing the clanging of machines, people cursing and working, and the sweet sound of humming electricity running through every bit of it.

  From where I'm standing, it's a glorious sight. It would have taken me weeks or even longer to get this far if I had tried to do it all myself. Getting that call from Drune was probably the best thing that could have happened.

  But Celes leads me toward the other side of the hold, where the ships set down in the impromptu hangar. We'd had to mark out landing zones for each of them, in order to make sure that they will all fit into the space now. Each of the working tugs get a numbered spot and so does the real mining ship, and the Hauler. The Hauler isn't here at the moment though. It’s already on another pickup around the asteroid field and then will stop by here before making a circuit back down to the planet.

  The newbie pilots are good enough to at least do that without damaging anything. So that's a good thing.

  But one of the tugs is in, and two of its arms are holding something off to one side. Something it’s very gingerly placing on the floor.


  I don't recognize what it is. It’s like two beach balls had been squashed together. One is metal and has an obvious set of antenna arrays sprouting all over it. The other one... I recognize that black armor covering. It’s the same that the Drex use. But it’s cracked and dried out in some places; and is leaking a yellow fluid onto the floor from where it met the metal one.

  “Okay. Anyone know what these are? That one is obviously Drex, but I've never seen either of them before.”

  I ask as soon as I
get near the small group who are waiting to examine them. None of them are real scientists, but the mix of mechanics and technicians should be able to make up for that.

  “Ah, Boss. It seems Celes was finally able to wake you.”

  One of the men teases and even shoots a wink at us, and I can hear Celes give a rough grunt. But when I look her face is red again. Uh oh. Just how long did it take her to wake me?

  I don't even want to think about it right now.

  No doubt that there will be a reverse Sleeping Beauty story going around the gossip wheel here soon enough.


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