Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 3

by Неизвестный

  Rex’s hair was jet black and still cut just as short as it was the first day of boot camp. He had a perpetual five o’clock shadow and a dimple on the left side of his mouth that drove women crazy, although Jack didn’t see what was so special about it. And for some reason the women loved Rex’s light green eyes. After Jack had picked up his bed partner for the night, he decided to head back to the hotel while Rex had stayed behind, surrounded by several women.

  The next morning, Jack was walking his “date” back down to the lobby when first one, then two, and, finally, three women walked out of Rex’s room. They seemed deliriously happy and were asking him what he wanted for breakfast and telling him to get some rest because they would be back for more. Jack shook his head and laughed. If ever Jack had doubted Rex’s skill with the ladies before that night, he would never again. That night was just a prelude to Rex’s many conquests. The funny thing was, out of all of the women over the years, none of them seemed to mind. They always looked at it as though Rex was doing them a favor, and they were grateful. Yeah, Jack had no doubt Rex could handle their dates for New Year’s Eve, with or without him.

  “All right, man, but hurry up. They’re already tipsy, their inhibitions aren’t very much to begin with, and they’re already getting crazy. I’ve tried to slow them down on the champagne, but they won’t listen. Oh, shit! I gotta go. They’re starting to kiss, and I don’t want to be left out. Hurry up!”

  Jack heard a very loud click and started silently cursing Johnny for making him be here. He was the owner, this was why he paid other people. The next time Johnny came in, he was so fired.

  Jack turned back, figuring he’d start cleaning up so he could get out of here on time. It was already ten after seven. Ms. Somers was the only member left, and she would probably be on her way soon, too. He grabbed his broom and cleaning bucket and headed back out to the main gym area. There she was, still. Now she was working on her arms. Jack, never being one to comment on a member’s workout before, was silently struggling over whether he should say something. Jack knew a lot about fitness, and he knew she was overdoing it. Unless she was training for a decathlon, and even then she was probably pushing it. His conscience won out, and he decided he better say something.

  He came up behind her and cleared his throat. She didn’t turn to look at him. He saw the earphones and realized she couldn’t hear him. He touched her shoulder. She was hot and completely soaked in sweat. She jumped as she turned to him. He was startled by her look, she looked sexy. Her blond hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She had a nice, slim face with cheeks that were full, as if the only amount of fat on her were stored there. Her lips were the kind you would see on an advertisement for lipstick. They were full, almost pouty, and rose colored and sensual. Her eyes were a deep shade of green that reminded him of Christmas trees, and they looked at him, wide-eyed with surprise. Usually women looked like hell once they were deep into their workout, but she had a healthy flush on her face. Her face was glowing with sweat, and he caught himself wondering if that was what she looked like after sex. He had never seen a woman sweating from, or during, her workout and thought, damn, she was sexy. What was different about her?

  Pulling out her earphones, she took a deep breath. “Hi, how’s your nose? I, again, am so sorry. I was worked up, and I had a shit day, to say the least. Is it okay?”

  They stood their staring at each other. Unconsciously, she brushed her hair aside, in an obvious primping effort. He found it cute that she showed a little bit of her feminine side when looking so disheveled.

  “Um…Did I give you a concussion or something?” she asked with a pleasant, yet nervous smile.

  “What? Oh, sorry, I’m fine. Only hurt for a minute. Actually, I was just debating on whether or not to come over here and tell you that you are dangerously close to dropping. Your workout has been going on two hours now, and I have been watching it. It hasn’t been a light one.” Good job, Jack. Gain control of your libido. Who cares if she suddenly is the damn sexiest thing you have ever seen?

  “I know. I have a feeling I’m going to feel it tomorrow. I better hit the showers. Thanks for being concerned, though.”

  She jumped up and headed towards the locker room. He watched her walk away. She didn’t wear revealing or skimpy workout attire like most women who came here. She had on a worn and faded Rolling Stones T-shirt and some old, ratty shorts. But he had a feeling there was complete heaven hidden under those ordinary, faded cotton clothes.

  Chapter 3

  Five minutes until closing and everything was done. Why it took his employees so long to get it done every night baffled him. All he had to do was wait for Ms. Somers to leave and he could lock up and head on over to the private party at Rex’s house.

  “Goodnight. Have a good one.” She ambled past him looking clean and refreshed. Her hair was still damp, and she wasn’t sweaty anymore, but she still had that flushed look on her face, and he wondered again if that was her post-sex face.

  “Yeah, drive careful. Happy New Year.” As he said it, she stopped dead in her tracks. What had he said?

  She turned, looking stunned. “I can’t believe it. I’d forgotten that it’s New Year’s Eve.”

  “What? How could you forget that it’s New Year’s? Have you been living under a rock?”

  She slumped in one of the big, soft leather chairs by the front door. She buried her face in her hands, and her whole body started to shake. Oh, shit, what had he said to make her cry? Jack headed over to her, knelt in front of her, and started to rub her shoulders. “Shh, its okay. I don’t know what I said, but I’m sorry. Is New Year’s hard for you?”

  She looked up suddenly, but there were no tears. Was she smiling? She was laughing. What the hell? “Okay, now I’m really lost. What’s so funny?”

  Tamara started laughing to the point of actual tears. He stared at her in complete astonishment. This chick had to be the craziest one he had come across in a long time. She finally managed to control the giggles and compose herself. She looked at him and gave him a genuine look of contentment as she patted the top of his head.

  “Thank you. I needed that laugh more than you realize. My day was horrible, and my workout was so good at helping me forget it that I had forgotten that it’s New Year’s. I was just surprised at my flightiness. And I thought, in light of my day, it was almost funny.” She gave him another pat on his head and got up.

  Jack watched her, still kneeling on the floor. She was one strange lady! He walked to the back office, got his cell phone and jacket, and walked towards the front entrance.

  Just as Jack was walking out the front doors of the club, he saw a man approach Tamara, coming out from behind a tree. She did not look happy to see him.

  She felt energized and like a huge weight had been lifted off of her. Sure she was mad that her boyfriend and best friend had betrayed her, but she didn’t love him. And to hell with Shelby. Who needed her anyway? She walked out of the gym.

  “Tamara, I need to talk to you.” Brent came towards her from behind a large evergreen parked by her car. Her good spirits died quickly.

  “Brent, what are you doing here? I have absolutely nothing to say to you, or that little whore Shelby. No, wait, I do have one thing to say. I plan to burn my kitchen table, it suddenly completely grosses me out. I expect to have a new one delivered at your expense, no later than next week.” She began to get into her car, and he grabbed for her and spun her around.

  “Don’t be like that, honey. Let’s talk. We’ll work it out. We have to. I love you.” He was holding onto her tightly, and she realized from the glare of determination in his eyes that he honestly believed that they would. How could he?

  She had tried to break it off with him at least a dozen times in as many months. Now she had caught him with another woman, her best friend, on her kitchen table, and he honestly thought it would be okay. She never had thought so before, but now she thought he might actually be crazy. She tried to wrench away from him, and
he held her more forcefully. As he pushed his body into hers up against her car, there was no hiding his arousal. Looking into his eyes deeper, she noticed that he looked violent and ready to take her by any means necessary. She had never seen this side to him before. She would have welcomed it months ago, but now it just pissed her off.

  “Let…Go…Of…Me…Now, Brent!” She tried to push him and found he was overpowering her. Her muscles were already sore and becoming stiff from her workout.

  “I suggest you let the lady go, and I’m not even close to being kidding.” Jack stood a few feet behind Brent. “Let her go now, or I will give new meaning to the term cruel and unusual punishment!”

  Tamara looked over and saw Jack looming behind Brent. He really was not kidding. Brent didn’t move, didn’t let go of her, and just stared Jack down over his shoulder. As if Brent’s stare was going to intimidate Jack.

  “Suit yourself, asshole.” Jack grabbed the back of Brent’s jacket with such force it even took her by surprise. Jack threw Brent to the ground and towered over him.

  “I can’t stand a man that gets his kicks by pushing women around. Get lost, or be treated to a night in the local ER, courtesy of yours truly.”

  Brent stumbled to his feet, glared at Tamara, and said with complete determination, “This is not over. Not by a long shot. I will get you back. You’re mine, and you always will be!”

  “Not a chance, pal. She’s all mine. So I guess it’s your loss.” Jack said it as he walked over, put his arm around Tamara, and gave her an affectionate kiss on the side of her neck. Brent stared for a moment in disbelief and then stalked away. He got in his car and screeched out of the parking lot.

  Turning to look up at Jack, she felt a blush form on her cheeks. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. He was getting the better of me, and you definitely saved me. I won’t keep you any longer, though. Have a good New Year’s Eve. Bye.”

  She climbed into her car as he just stood there looking at her. Why was he staring at her like that? She started her car and rolled down the window to thank him once more, hoping that would stop his staring and he would be on his way. Then he began to laugh at her. Why was he laughing at her?

  “I’m sorry, but I’m just curious. How far do you think you’re going to get? I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure it was your friend who slashed all of your tires. Well at least these two anyway,” he said as he pointed to the front and rear driver’s side tires.

  “What?” She got out of the car, stalked around it, and looked at her tires in dismay. Sure enough, that asshole had slashed her tires, all four of them. Oh, sure, she hadn’t seen him, but really, what were the odds it had been anyone else?

  “I don’t believe this. Aahhh! Who in the hell does he think he is?” Tamara began to vent while pacing back and forth. At first she just talked out loud to herself, but Jack was standing right there.

  “First he is the most boring boyfriend in the entire world. And I mean boring, I can’t begin to tell you when the last time I had an orgasm was when I wasn’t by myself. Then when I try to break it off several times, he won’t let me. Oh, sure, I could have forced the issue, but he always made me feel so damn guilty. Telling me how much he loves me. I beg him to be more adventurous in our love life, telling him I need more. But, he tells me he can’t because when we make love, it is so special, not dirty. Then I leave work early today and catch him fucking my best friend, oh, I’m sorry, I mean my loose neighbor from across the hall. Oh, and did I mention it was on my kitchen table?

  “There, of course, is a huge scene. I kick them out, get stuck driving in the most ridiculous traffic because five whole snowflakes hit the damn ground. I come here to forget about the time I wasted on that worthless piece of shit. And when I finally do forget, you make me laugh harder than I have in a long time, making me realize this is a new beginning for me. Then, finally, the irony of the whole thing is that it’s New Year, and I am finally free of the asshole. But now he has made sure that I will have to deal with his sorry ass in the New Year by filing a police report, filing an insurance claim, getting new tires. Oh, damn it, damn it, damn it! I could just…I could just, Oh, crap!”

  She ran to him, grabbed him by his jacket, and pulled him down to meet her in a kiss that was not subtle. It was hot and greedy. She was sure she was drinking him dry, devouring him with every swipe of her tongue, like a woman starving.

  Little did he know that she was starving. She needed release. She needed a man—a real man—so desperately she was aching from the pain of it. Their bodies pressed closer together, and she could feel the sensation caused by her nipples being pressed against his robust chest. It was driving her mad. Could he feel how instantly her nipples had hardened? She could feel his arousal meeting her own. He brought his hands around her hips and pulled her even closer. His hardness was evident and pressing against her belly as he started to grind their bodies together. He was seducing her with his body. After several minutes of intense, passionate kissing, he pushed her away. Holding her shoulders, he looked at her with apprehension.

  “Wait, hold on just a second. Are you okay? I don’t think you’ve taken a breath for five minutes,” Jack said, just as breathless from the kiss.

  Feeling several emotions swirling together, anger, frustration, despair, and the desire he stirred when he kissed her back, Tamara took a chance on what she wanted.

  She took a deep, steadying breath and answered his concern. “I’ll be fine, but unless you find me completely unattractive, you are really going to piss me off if you do not take me somewhere right now and fuck me until I scream!”

  He seemed to be shocked by her declaration. She wasn’t joking, and she hoped he could see it in her eyes. She was having some sort of a meltdown, and he was the medicine that she wanted. He could turn her down, call her a cab, and make sure she got home safely. He probably would and should do that, but she hoped he wasn’t going to.

  He looked at her as though the idea of ringing in the New Year while he was buried deep within her was the best suggestion he had ever heard. “Lock your car, let’s go.”

  What? Oh, my God, he was going to do it. She couldn’t believe she had said that to him, and now he was going to take her up on it. She stood there in shock. She couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe.

  “Now! Get your stuff, and let’s go!” She looked down and saw an unmistakable bulge in his pants. She was startled and becoming even more aroused by the sight of it. She grabbed her bag, her purse, closed the door, and locked her car. Not more than a second later, he grabbed her hand and pulled her, almost dragging her to his SUV.

  It was a black Cadillac Escalade. She had seen it in the lot before and had always wondered who owned it. It was one of those top-of-the-line models. The kind she would never be able to afford.

  He opened the door, waited for her to jump in, grabbed her gym bag, and closed the door. Tamara didn’t know if her racing pulse was a result of anticipation or anxiety. She had never talked to a man like that before, let alone a man like Jack Peyton.

  She could hear him throw her gym bag in the back of the Escalade and slam the door. He came around to the driver’s side door, opened it, jumped in, and closed it all in one fluid movement. He was quiet, not saying a word as he started the SUV. He put it into reverse to back out. Then he muttered some words she couldn’t quite understand, hit the brakes, and threw it into park.

  She lunged forward a little at the result of his abrupt stopping of the vehicle. He turned and stared at her, piercing her with his eyes. His eyes always seemed like a deep blue, but tonight in the light of the parking lot, they looked almost black, like the abyss of the deepest parts of an ocean and just as dangerous.

  “Look, if we take this any further, Tamara, I have to know that this is what you really want. I know you were blowing off steam out there. But you have got me really worked up right now, so I need to know we’re on the same page here. I’m not like your ex-boyfriend, I wouldn’t want to force you into something.”

  He was dead serious, and she knew it. This was her only out, if she chose to take it. Tamara thought and realized that she not only wanted this desperately, but she needed this and deserved this. Why shouldn’t she ring in the New Year being ravished by one of the sexiest men she’d ever seen?

  “I want this. I want to forget about everything. I don’t want to think. I just want…to feel” Her voice was shaky with nerves, but she was more sure about this decision than she had been about anything else in quite some time.

  He stared at her. He was looking at her with an intensity that made her self-conscious and very aware of her plain, after-shower appearance. She looked down. He grabbed her chin with one finger and made her look up at him.

  “Tamara, what you said out there in the parking lot…the idea that I wouldn’t, or couldn’t, find you attractive is the most ridiculous and laughable thing I have ever heard. No woman, ever, has made me as hard as fast as you just did. There is nothing sexier than a woman that knows what she wants. If you’ll let me, I have every intention of spending all night showing you just how sexy you are.

  ”But right now, I’m dying. If you don’t climb into that backseat, strip off your clothes, and spread yourself out on my leather seats, I am gonna die. There is no way I can wait the ten minutes it would take to get to my place. I am in pain, I’m so hard, and I have to at least get a taste of you, get an idea of what’s to come. So get back there.” Jack cocked his head and tilted it towards the back seat, reiterating his request.

  She didn’t move. His thumb was caressing her bottom lip. She opened her mouth and nibbled down on it and sucked the pad of it. But still she didn’t move.

  “Tamara, I’m not joking. I want you back there, now!” Jack’s words were sharply delivered, and this time it was no longer a request, but a demand.

  Jesus, he was serious. Why wasn’t she scared shitless? The look in his eyes and the determination of his voice should have scared her, but it didn’t. She gulped and tried to swallow the huge lump that had formed in her throat. After staring at him for a moment, she knew she better do just as he said and just as he said it, now.


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