Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Morgan, Nicole - Sweet Redemption [Sweet Awakenings 1] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 4

by Неизвестный

  Why was it when he said the word now, demanding she do as he said, that she felt completely turned on? Was she into that sort of thing, dominance? She never used to think so.

  She climbed in the backseat and struggled to get out of her clothes. It was a very spacious SUV, and the backseats had more room than she had seen in any other SUV, but it was still just a backseat. Just as she finished and threw her clothes on the floor, she looked up.

  He was turned in his seat, watching her. His eyes were blazing with desire. The look in them was alluring and seductive. It overwhelmed her.

  “Jesus, you’re beautiful. Look at you lying there naked against my creamy leather seats. You look like a virgin offering herself up for the first time. All ripe and ready to be plucked, all mine for the taking. Spread your legs for me, baby,” he said, coaxing her.

  His voice sounded deep and sensual. She did as he asked, although she wasn’t sure why. He leaned over into the backseat and somehow managed to wedge himself on the floor in front of her. She thought she knew what was coming next as he brought his head close to her pussy, but she couldn’t believe it.

  Was this really happening? He began to blow gently on her pussy, sending shivers through her entire body. She had begged Brent to do this. It had been years since anyone had done this to her.

  Before she could finish her thoughts, she felt the warm glide of his tongue slide up and in between the slick folds surrounding her entrance. She flinched, he held her thighs, spreading them further apart, and with firm hands, he began to massage them. Without saying a word and just by his actions, he was ordering her to relax and to take it. She looked at him. He was beautiful.

  He looked so masculine, so delicious. She wondered what he would taste like if she took him into her mouth and gently sucked on his hard shaft.

  She never had given a blow job to Brent because he again claimed they didn’t need that kind of connection. Come to think of it, she had only done it a couple of times in her life. She didn’t really care for it that much. She could take it or leave it, really and only did it because her lover at the time had begged her to. Still, she couldn’t help but imagine taking Jack into her mouth. The idea of it excited her like it never had before.

  He looked up and smirked at her, as though he was reading her thoughts. He reached his hands down, spread her pussy lips apart, and started to fuck her with first his fingers and then his tongue, in alternating rhythm. The sensation was so erotic.

  Tamara wondered if Jack had done this to many women before. She tried not to worry that most women probably took their time to get ready for him. She was sure they always had their hair and makeup done to look their absolute best for him.

  So why with her, was it different? Sure, she was freshly showered, but her hair wasn’t done, and she was wearing no makeup. Yet he seemed to be just as turned on as she was.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it anymore, he changed his motions and started licking and then sucking on her swollen clit.

  She had touched herself many times in the past year and a half trying to satisfy herself, but it had never felt this good. It was always more of a chore to find her release. But this, she had never felt like this.

  “Oh, God, Jesus, Jack, Oh, God, Jack, I’m gonna…Ooohh!” Her climax exploded, and she came as his face was buried in her pussy.

  He looked up from her, his mouth and chin covered in her wetness, and smiled. “You were saying, sweetheart? You’re gonna…what, baby? What are you gonna do? Come? Was that what you were gonna say?”

  He started to unbutton his jeans and peel them down his legs as he hovered over her in the close quarters of the backseat. She made quick work of his shirt, threw it off and onto the floor with her clothes.

  “If you think I’m done with you, you are dead wrong. I will personally see to it that you come again and again, many times, as we ring in the New Year together.”

  His cocky arrogance should have made her annoyed. On most men it did, but damn if it didn’t turn her on when he said that.

  She heard the faint tear of a package and knew he was putting on a condom. This was it. He was going to do to her exactly as she had asked.

  All of a sudden, she was nervous. Brent was never that hard to take. He wasn’t the longest or the thickest man she had ever been with, and he was the only man she had been with in over a year. Just looking at Jack, she knew he had to be large.

  Just as she was trying to brace herself for his inevitable size, he plunged into her. He didn’t even give her time to adjust to his size. He just thrust deep into her with no holding back.

  God, he was hard and so huge. Her insides seemed to be clinging to his cock as he began to slide in and out of her with a force she wasn’t used to. It was almost barbaric the way he was taking her. There was no finesse. It was animalistic, it was rough, and it was good!

  She began to relax and accept his size, enjoying the feel of him. He reached deep inside to parts of her that she didn’t know could feel so good.

  Just as she was starting to move with him and enjoy his deep thrusting to the back of her womb, he grabbed and pinched her nipple, bringing the blushing centers to firm, erect little points of pleasure. Then he bent his head and covered one with his mouth. He sucked on one and then the other, alternating between the two. She didn’t know how he was able to take her pleasure to a higher level, but he did. The feel of him sucking on her hardened nipples as he pounded deep inside her was driving her mad.

  The site of her tits entranced Jack. Her areolas were rosy, and the centers were rigid and glorious. He never thought of himself as a tit man. He enjoyed the entire body of a woman. But Tamara’s were mesmerizing. They were so big - much more than a handful - and beautiful. The way they were bouncing with every thrust was driving him crazy.

  “Play with them, and rub them together for me. Make them feel good. Let me watch you,” he whispered into her ear.

  She didn’t know why she obeyed him, but again she did as he asked. He reached down and found her clit. “Your clit is so swollen,” he moaned as his body’s need for more took over.

  Tamara heard strange sounds and then realized they were being ripped from her own throat. He was doing things to her body she wasn’t used to.

  Jack continued to play with her clit, rubbing it with his thumb, making her squirm beneath his hand. She was on fire. She had never felt this level of passion or desire ever in her entire life. He was giving her exactly what she asked for, and she was loving every single second of it.

  “I can’t wait much longer, baby, I’m gonna explode. I want you to come with me. Come on, come with me.” His pleas were becoming more urgent with each word he spoke. “Just go with it, come with me, now!”

  There it was again, that demand. It overpowered her, along with everything else he did. Why did his forcefulness turn her on? Before she could prepare herself, she came again. The orgasm rolled over her entire body in waves as he plunged into her with first one and then a second deep thrust. He threw back his head. His entire body shook, and he half-shouted, half-grunted her name. He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily and not moving.

  Chapter 4

  Jack didn’t move or say anything for several minutes. She was so hot and wet, he loved it. Her taste was sweet and so different than anything he had ever experienced. He could almost swear he could taste her passion, her desire, her eagerness for more.

  He propped himself up on his elbows and looked down into her eyes. “Jesus, baby, that was the most incredible thing I’ve ever…Let’s get out of here. I want to take you to my place, shower with you, wash you from head to toe, and then make you sweaty all over again.”

  Tamara couldn’t move. She was shocked by what had just happened. She had never experienced sex like that before. He had thoroughly and wonderfully fucked her. Actually, he had fucked her until she screamed just like she asked him to. The thought that he gave her exactly what she wanted excited the hell out of her. And she certainly never had
climaxed like that before. Maybe she was dead, because this certainly felt like heaven. She stared at him, her eyes not blinking and frozen.

  “Hey, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Was I too rough? I thought I was making it good for you.”

  She still hadn’t moved, she was just staring, but finally she blinked and managed to swallow the huge lump consuming her throat.

  “I’m fine. I’m not hurt, I’m…” What? What was she? The word happy or even content couldn’t begin to come close to describing the feeling that had overcome her entire body.

  “Well, whatever you are, I hope it’s good. Is it, baby? Was it? Did I make it good for you?”

  What? Did he just ask a woman if he was a good lay? He knew he was good at sex. It was one of his many skills. Never had he ever questioned that before. So why now? But looking at her lie there so still, so stunning and so gorgeous, he knew that what she had felt mattered. He didn’t know why, just that it did. And that was pretty damn scary in itself.

  “Look, sweetheart, if you don’t answer me soon, I’m going to get self-conscious. What’s the matter?”

  Now, he was worried. Some of his past bed partners had told him that he could get a bit rough when he was caught up in the throes of passion. He certainly didn’t want to hurt her. He hoped he hadn’t.

  He was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing. Not leaving her eyes, continuing to gaze into them while he was still semi-hard and buried deep inside her, he reached his hand down to grab his jeans. He retrieved his phone from the front pocket and managed to answer it before it went to voice mail.

  “This is Jack.” He didn’t look at the caller ID and didn’t know who it was. He didn’t much care either. He was still staring at her as she was staring back at him.

  “Where in the hell are you? These girls are ready, man, get your ass over here.” Rex. Jack probably should have been there about fifteen minutes ago. Rex only lived a few minutes away.

  “Look, man, something came up, and I’m not gonna make it. I have no doubt you will find a way to satisfy those women. Happy New Year, man, have fun.”

  “Women? As in plural?” Tamara muttered under her breath. “God, I am pathetic.”

  “Yeah, man, you, too, bye,” Rex said before Jack hung up the phone and looked at her. In the past minute, her deep stare had changed.

  She started to squirm underneath him, trying to push back at his shoulders to get up from beneath him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had plans. If you just give me a minute, you can be on your way. Jack, can you please get off of me?”

  Jack put each of his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to be still and look up at him. “I’m not going anywhere and neither are you until you tell me why you suddenly can’t look at me. A minute ago you were on fire. Now you’re tense, and your whole body has stiffened up on me. Tell me what’s wrong. I’ll make it better. I’ll make you feel good again.”

  He nipped at her lower lip, licked it, and then sucked on it.. He could feel the muscles inside her pussy clench and thought he felt her entire body shudder.

  He sensed her change and pulled away. “What is it? What’s driving you crazy, sweetheart? Let me know. Let me do it again.”

  Jack realized a look of shock when he saw one, but she was also incredibly aroused. He smiled at her, only it wasn’t a pleasant smile, it was a deep look of satisfaction. He brought his body even closer to hers, slid his tongue in her mouth, and began a motion, which was similar to the way he had thrust his cock inside her only minutes ago.

  He realized what had changed, and he was again in awe of her sexuality. He stopped about every few thrusts to say a single word, finally forming one sentence. “That… smell… that… taste… the… one… that… has… got… you… so… turned on… that… baby… is your… pussy… and… believe… me… I… know… it… tastes… good… You… like… it… too… don’t… you… baby?”

  His kisses were enticingly erotic. She opened her mouth and was startled by the taste. Tamara couldn’t speak. She suddenly felt all of her inhibitions roll off her shoulders and quickly be replaced by a sudden feeling of, what? She didn’t know, but this kiss was different. She said nothing, opened her eyes, and looked at him as she reached for him with her mouth and delved into another kiss.

  God, were her own juices turning her on? What was happening to her? And what was he doing to her mouth? It was the same thing he did to get her to climax the first time, but this time he was doing it in her mouth, and it was amazing.

  He continued to thrust his tongue seductively all around the insides of her mouth. “But, I have to tell you as good as you tasted when I first started to lick you was nothing compared to when you came all over my face. That was the sweetest, most erotic, most arousing thing I have ever tasted in my entire life.”

  God, his words were driving her crazy. “You, Tamara, are like a Tootsie Roll Pop. You never know how many licks it’s going to take to get to that sweet center, but when you do get there, there’s nothing like it, because you, my girl, have one sweet-tasting pussy.”

  Jesus, his words and tongue thrusts were like an aphrodisiac. She was on fire all over again. “That’s it! I can’t take it anymore. Weren’t you going to take me back to your place?”

  He laughed. “Good, that’s the girl that I like. She’s back. Give me a second, and we’ll get out of here.”

  He gently pulled out and off of her and pulled up his pants. She watched as he ran to a trash can a few feet from his vehicle to discard the used condom.

  She climbed up in the front seat and was trying to reach for her clothes to get dressed. Where in the hell were her clothes? He was back in the SUV sitting beside her now, laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  He held up her clothes. “Are you looking for these?” He had a devilish smile planted on his face.

  As she tried to reach for them, he laughed harder and then threw them. They went sailing to the very back of the SUV. Without warning, he grabbed her and kissed her deep and hard, then pulled away just as abruptly. His eyes spoke volumes of his desire.

  “You are not putting your clothes back on. You have a drop-dead gorgeous body that I am becoming very fond of. My windows are tinted, and no one can see you, except for through the front. But then there are my headlights, so they probably will only see a glare.”

  “Probably only see a glare. Are you crazy?”

  “Yeah, but only because you’re making me crazy. If they do see your beautiful tits, you will be giving them a special New Year’s present. Now, I’m driving you to my place, and after the door is closed in the garage, I’m going to come around to that side of the vehicle, grab you out of your seat like a caveman, take you inside, and do things that this SUV is constricting me from doing right now!”

  Jesus, he was crazy! She couldn’t sit up here and be naked with him sitting there fully dressed while he drove her to his place. She couldn’t let him drive her around for everyone to see her. Although he was probably right they wouldn’t be able to see her, there was still the possibility.

  Why was that possibility making her hot? Could the past year and a half of her boring sex life have pushed her over the edge and now she was kinky and naughty? Just thinking the word naughty made her giggle. She did feel naughty, and damn it if she wasn’t loving every minute of it. So what if she was going to have to change gyms because she would never be able to look at him again? It was already worth it, and he was promising more.

  “You like that, don’t you? You like thinking that maybe someone could see you. It turns you on, doesn’t it? Well, think about this.”

  He was pulling out of the parking lot now, driving faster than he probably should, obviously in as big of a hurry as she was.

  “I want you to rub your tits together and play with your nipples. Make them pebble up and harden. Come on, do it. I loved watching you do it a little while ago.”

  She wasn’t moving. He had again shocked her, and there
was no way she was going to do what he was asking.

  “Tamara, I’m not messing around here. Grab them, rub them, massage them. Do it like you do when you’re alone and no one can see you. Here, like this.” He took her hand and started moving them all over her. He grabbed her fingers and forced her to pinch her nipples. They instantly hardened. He smiled in satisfaction.

  “That’s my girl, keep doing that. Oh, you are so damn gorgeous. Look at you rubbing your tits together. That is enough to make any man crazy. You like it, too, don’t you?” She could barely see the glint in his eyes, but she knew it was there.

  He reached his hand down and started to cup and rub her glistening mound with gentle pressure. With the push of a button, he slowly started to lean back her seat. He stopped after a few inches, reclining her only halfway down.

  “Spread your beautiful legs, baby.” He grabbed one of her firm legs and brought it up over the console and over to his side of the front seat, dangling her leg over his shin.

  Tamara could feel the rush of cool air run against her wet pussy. He was driving and looking over at her just for a second here and there.

  After a couple of minutes of alternating between watching her and the road, he reached down again and started to rub her pussy, gently at first, almost a whisper of a touch.

  “God, baby, you are dripping wet, and you’re so damn hot! I love how wet you get, how turned on you are.” He grabbed her swollen clit and started to pinch and twist it gently, and then he stopped and massaged it. Then twisted and pinched, then massaged.

  Oh, God, he was good! She had never known this kind of pleasure, even with her own self-exploration. And here she sat, spread eagle in the front seat of his Escalade driving through town, pleasing and teasing her nipples as he brought her close to her third orgasm. Everything she had thought about this man was true. He was a Greek god, the god of pleasure.


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