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Secret Christmas Twins

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by Lee Tobin McClain

  A Surprise Holiday Family

  Christmas came early for Erica Lindholm! Suddenly a mom to adorable twin baby boys and part owner of a snowy small-town Pennsylvania farm, Erica is living her dream. Until the boys’ estranged uncle, Jason Stephanidis, comes home to celebrate the holidays. The handsome, brooding detective turns out to be a natural with the babies...and with Erica’s wounded heart. But if Jason knew the truth about their identities, her picture-perfect life could melt away. She’s finally found the warm home, the loving family and the cozy Christmas she always wanted. Will Erica’s secret cost her everything?

  “Let’s see how they like the Christmas lights.”

  Erica carried the twins into the front room.

  She sat on the couch and put Mikey on the floor, then Teddy. She waved her hand toward the tree. “Pretty!” she said.

  The twins’ brown eyes grew round as they surveyed the sparkling lights and ornaments.

  “Priiiiy,” Mikey said, cocking his head to one side.

  Teddy started to scoot toward the tree.

  “Whoa, little man,” Jason said, intercepting him before he could reach the shining ornaments.

  “Better put the ornaments higher up and anchor that tree to the wall.” Papa laughed.

  Teddy then turned and crawled toward Mistletoe, who gave his face a few licks. Teddy chortled and waved his arms.

  “Not very sanitary,” Papa commented.

  “Oh, well,” Erica and Jason said at the same time. Jason grinned at her.

  It was like watching a Christmas movie. The perfect setting. A happy home. She’d always longed to be in such a family.

  And it was all a lie.

  Lee Tobin McClain read Gone with the Wind in the third grade and has been a hopeless romantic ever since. When she’s not writing angst-filled love stories with happy endings, she’s getting inspiration from her church singles group, her gymnastics-obsessed teenage daughter and her rescue dog and cat. In her day job, Lee gets to encourage aspiring romance writers in Seton Hill University’s low-residency MFA program. Visit her at

  Books by Lee Tobin McClain

  Love Inspired

  Christmas Twins

  Secret Christmas Twins

  Rescue River

  Engaged to the Single Mom

  His Secret Child

  Small-Town Nanny

  The Soldier and the Single Mom

  The Soldier’s Secret Child

  Lone Star Cowboy League: Boys Ranch

  The Nanny’s Texas Christmas

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  Lee Tobin McClain

  Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

  —Ecclesiastes 4:9–10

  To Shana Asaro and Melissa Endlich,

  who offered me the opportunity to work on

  this special Christmas project, and to Mark S.,

  with appreciation for the informal legal counsel

  and the delicious cider.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  Dear Reader

  Excerpt from An Amish Proposal by Jo Ann Brown

  Chapter One

  Detective Jason Stephanidis steered his truck down the narrow, icy road, feeling better than anytime since being placed on administrative leave. He’d checked on several elderly neighbors near Holly Creek Farm and promised to plow them out after the storm ended. Now he was headed back to the farm to spend some much-needed time with his grandfather.

  It wasn’t that he was feeling the Christmas spirit, not exactly. Being useful was how he tamed the wolves inside him.

  Slowly, cautiously, he guided the truck around a bend. Amid the rapidly falling snow, something flashed. Headlights? In the middle of the road?

  What was a little passenger car doing out on a night like this? This part of Pennsylvania definitely required all-wheel drive and heavy snow tires in winter.

  He swerved right to avoid hitting the small vehicle. Perilously close to the edge of the gulch, he stopped his truck, positioning it to provide a barrier against the other car going over the edge.

  There. The car should be able to pass him now, safely on the side away from the ledge.

  Rather than slowing down gradually, though, the other driver hit the brakes hard. The little car spun and careened into an icy snowdrift, stopping with a resounding thump.

  Jason put on his flashers, leaped from his truck and ran toward the vehicle. He couldn’t see through the fogged-up window on the driver’s side, so he carefully tried the door. The moment he opened it, he heard a baby’s cry.

  Oh no.

  “The babies. My babies! Are they okay?” The driver clicked open her seat belt and twisted toward the back seat. “Mikey! Teddy!”

  There were two of them? “Sit still, ma’am. I’ll check on your children.” He eased open the back door and saw two car seats. A baby in each. One laughing, one crying, but they both looked uninjured, at least to his inexperienced eye.

  Between the front seats, the driver’s face appeared. “Oh, my sweet boys, are you okay?” There was an edge of hysteria in her voice.

  “They seem fine, ma’am. You need to turn off your vehicle.”

  She looked at him as if he were speaking Greek, then reached a shaky hand toward the baby who was wailing. “It’s okay, Mikey. You’re okay.” She patted and clucked in that way women seemed to naturally know how to do.

  The baby’s crying slowed down a little.

  “Turn off your vehicle,” he repeated.

  “What?” She was still rubbing the crying baby’s leg, making soothing sounds. It seemed to work; the baby took one more gasping breath, let it out in a hiccupy sigh and subsided into silence.

  She fumbled around, found a pacifier and stuck it in the baby’s mouth. Then she cooed at the nearer baby, found his pacifier pinned to his clothes and did the same.

  Unhurt, quiet babies. Jason felt his shoulders relax a little. “Turn the car off. For safety. We don’t want any engine fires.”

  “Engine fires?” She gasped, then spun and did as he’d instructed.

  He straightened and closed the rear car door to keep the heat inside.

  She got out, looked back in at the babies and closed the door. And then she collapsed against it, hands going to her face, breathing rapid.

  “Are you all right?” He stepped closer and noticed a flowery scent. It seemed to come from her masses of long red hair.

  “Just a little shaky. Delayed reaction.” Her voice was surprisingly husky.

  “How old are your babies?”

  She hesitated just a little bit. “They’re twins. Fifteen months.”

  He focused
on her lightweight leather jacket, the nonwaterproof sneakers she wore. Not on her long legs nicely showcased by slim-fitting jeans. “Ma’am, you shouldn’t be out on a night like this. If I hadn’t come along—”

  “If you hadn’t come along, I wouldn’t have gone off the road!”

  “Yes, you would’ve. You can’t slam on your brakes in the snow.”

  “How was I supposed to know that?”

  “Ma’am, any teenager would know not to...” He trailed off. No point rubbing in how foolish she’d been.

  She bit her lip and held up a hand. “Actually, you’re right that I shouldn’t be out. I was slipping and sliding all over the place.” Walking up to the front end of the car, she studied it, frowning. “Wonder if I can just back out?”

  Jason knelt and checked for damage, but fortunately, the car looked okay. Good and stuck, though. “You probably can’t, but I can tow you.” As he walked around the car to study the rear bumper in preparation for towing, he noticed the Arizona plates.

  So that was why she didn’t know how to drive in the snow.

  He set up some flares, just in case another vehicle came their way, and then made short order of connecting the tow rope and pulling her out of the drift.

  He turned off his truck, jumped out and walked over to her. Snow still fell around them, blanketing the forest with quiet.

  “Thank you so much.” She held out a hand to shake his.

  He felt the strangest urge to wrap her cold fingers in his palm, to warm them. To comfort her, which would shock the daylights out of his ex-fiancée, who’d rightly assessed him as cold and heartless. He was bad at relationships and family life, but at least now he knew it. “You should wear gloves,” he said sternly instead of holding on to that small, delicate hand.

  For just the briefest second he thought she rolled her eyes. “Cold hands are the least of my problems.”

  Really? “It didn’t look like your children are dressed warmly enough, either.”

  She turned her back to him, opened her car door and grabbed a woven, Southwestern-looking purse. “Can I pay you for your help?”

  “Pay me? Ma’am, that’s not how we do things around here.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Look, I’d love to hang out and discuss local customs, but I need to get my boys to shelter. Since, as you’ve pointed out so helpfully, they’re inadequately dressed.”

  “I’ll lead you back to a road that’s straighter, cleared off better,” he said. “Where were you headed?”

  “Holly Creek Farm.”

  Jason stared at her.

  “It’s supposed to be just a few miles down this road, I think. I should be fine.”

  “Are you sure that’s the name of the place? There’s a lot of Holly-this and Holly-that around here, especially since the closest town is Holly Springs.”

  “I know where I’m going!” She crossed her arms, tucking her hands close to her sides. “It’s a farm owned by the Stephanidis family. The, an older couple lives there.” A frown creased her forehead, and she fingered her necklace, a distinctive silver cross embedded with rose quartz and turquoise.

  A chill ran down Jason’s spine. The necklace was familiar. He leaned closer. “That looks like a cross my sister used to wear.” Sadness flooded him as he remembered the older sister who’d once been like a mother to him, warm and loving, protecting him from their parents’ whims.

  Before she’d gone underground, out of sight.

  “A friend gave it to me.”

  Surely Kimmie hadn’t ended up back in Arizona, where they’d spent their early childhood. An odd thrumming started in his head. “Why did you say you were going to the Holly Creek Farm?”

  “I didn’t say.” She cocked her head, looking at him strangely. “The, my boys and I are going there to live for a while. Our friend Kimmie Stephanidis gave us permission, since it’s her family home. What did you say your name is?”

  “I didn’t say.” He echoed her words through a dry throat. “But I’m Jason. Jason Stephanidis.”

  She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. She went pale and leaned back against her car.

  Jason didn’t feel so steady himself. What had this redheaded stranger been to Kimmie? And was she seriously thinking of staying at the farm—with babies—when she obviously knew nothing about managing a country winter? “Look, do you want to bring your kids and come sit in my truck? I have bottled water in there, and it’s warm. You’re not looking so good.”

  She ignored the suggestion. “You’re Jason Stephanidis? Oh, wow.” She didn’t sound happy as she glanced at the babies in the back seat of her car.

  “And your name is...”

  “Erica. Erica Lindholm.”

  “Well, Erica, we need to talk.” He needed to pump her for information and then send her on her way. The farm was no place for her and her boys, not at this time of year. And Jason’s grandfather didn’t need the stress.

  On the other hand, given the rusty appearance of her small car, a model popular at least ten years ago, she probably didn’t have a lot of money for a hotel. If she could even get to one at this time of night, in this storm.

  She straightened her back and gave him a steady look that suggested she had courage, at least. “If you’re Kimmie’s brother, we do need to talk. She needs help, if you’re willing. But for now, I need to get the boys to shelter. If you could just point me toward the farm—”

  He made a snap decision to take her there, at least for tonight. “I’ll clear the road and you can follow me there.” She’d obviously been close to Kimmie. Maybe a fellow addict who needed a place to stay, dry out.

  If he caught one whiff of drug use around those babies, though, he’d have her arrested so fast she wouldn’t know what had hit her.

  “I don’t want to put you out.” Her voice sounded tight, shaky. “I’m sure you have somewhere to go.”

  “It’s no trouble to lead you there,” he said, “since I live at Holly Creek Farm.”

  The detective in him couldn’t help but notice that his announcement made the pretty redhead very, very uncomfortable.

  * * *

  Erica Lindholm clutched the steering wheel and squinted through the heavily falling snow, her eyes on the red taillights in front of her.

  Jason Stephanidis lived there. In the place Kimmie had said belonged to her grandparents. What nightmare was this?

  How could she take care of the babies here? Kimmie’s brother, being a detective, was sure to find out she’d taken them and run with no official guardianship papers. That had to be a crime.

  And he might—probably would—attempt to take them away from her.

  She couldn’t let him—that was all. Which meant she couldn’t let him know that the boys were actually Kimmie’s sons.

  Somewhere on the long road trip, caring for the twins and worrying about them, comforting them and feeding them, she’d come to love them with pure maternal fierceness. She’d protect them with her life.

  Including protecting them from Kimmie’s rigid, controlling brother, if need be. She’d promised Kimmie that.

  In just ten minutes, which somehow felt all too soon, they turned off the main road. The truck ahead slowed down, and a moment later she realized Jason had lowered the plow on the front of his truck and was clearing the small road that curved up a little hill and over a quaint-looking bridge.

  A moment later they pulled up to a white farmhouse, its front door light revealing a wraparound front porch, the stuff of a million farm movies.

  Behind her, Teddy started to fuss. From the smell of things, one or both of the boys needed a diaper change.

  Jason had emerged from the truck and was coming back toward her, and she got out of her car to meet him. He looked as big as a mountain: giant, stubbly and

  Erica’s heart beat faster. “Thank you for all you’ve done for us tonight,” she said. “I understand there’s a cabin on the property. We can go directly there, if you’ll point the way.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “That cabin hasn’t been opened up in a couple of years. The heat’s off, water’s off, who knows what critters have been living there...” He shook his head. “I don’t know what you were thinking, bringing those babies out in this storm.”

  Guilt surged up in her. He was right.

  “For now, you’ll have to stay at the farmhouse with me.”

  Whoa. No way. “That’s not safe or appropriate. I don’t know you from—”

  The front door burst open. “There you are! I was ready to call the rescue squad. Who’d you bring with you?”

  All she could see of the man in the doorway was a tall blur, backlit by a golden, homey light that looked mercifully warm.

  “Open up the guest room, would you, Papa? We’ve got Kimmie’s friend here, and she has babies.”

  “Babies! Get them inside. I’ll put on the soup pot and pull out the crib.” The front door closed.

  Jason looked at Erica, and for the first time, she saw a trace of humor in his eyes. “My grandfather’s house. He’ll keep you and the twins safe from me and anything else.”

  Behind her, through the car’s closed windows, she could hear both twins crying. She didn’t have another solution, at least not tonight. “All right. Thank you.”

  Moments later they were inside a large, well-heated farmhouse kitchen. Erica spread a blanket and changed the twins’ diapers while Jason’s grandfather took a dishrag to an ancient-looking high chair. “There you go,” he said, giving the chair’s wooden tray a final polish. “One of ’em can sit there. You’ll have to hold the other for now.” He extended a weathered hand. “Andrew Stephanidis. You can call me Papa Andy.”

  “Thank you.” She shook his hand and then lifted Teddy into the high chair. “This is Teddy, and—” she bent down and picked up Mikey “—this is Mikey, and I’m Erica. Erica Lindholm.” Who might be wanted by the police right about now. “I’m very grateful to you for taking us in.”


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