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Inception (The Reaping Chronicles, 1)

Page 22

by Haviland, Teal

  And he was gone.

  She understood what he meant about using her abilities when the time came. He was advising her to make Lucas forget her when she had to leave, but that still left a problem.

  I won’t be able to forget him.

  She should have known he knew about Lucas and the relationship developing between them. How could she ever believe Yahuwah wouldn’t know of it even if Amaziah didn’t?

  That was foolish. This body makes me think and do foolish things.

  Being in human form was making her a little too human in ways she hadn’t expected.

  But … this is what I am here for, to figure out what makes humans do the things they do.

  Gabrielle called Sheridan so she could get her work done. She showed up immediately, and the two angels got busy taking care of the day’s tasks. Sheridan was particularly quiet, but Gabrielle had too many other things on her mind to worry about it if she didn’t want to bring it up herself. She was sure Sheridan had heard about the honor that had been bestowed on her today, and she imagined her silence was due to her continued lack of confidence in Gabrielle. It would not surprise her if Sheridan was still shaken by what happened between the two of them. Sheridan had thought she’d kept her feelings about her from being known, but now she knew Gabrielle had been aware of how she felt for quite some time. She’d never brought it up to Sheridan before because she’d always remained committed to their job and loyal to her as far as she knew. Regardless of Sheridan’s feelings, she was an outstanding second in command. She went too far last night, though.

  Enough was enough.

  When the work had been completed, Sheridan left.

  Gabrielle let herself fall listlessly onto the couch. Tomorrow … my mood will be a challenge, at best.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Gabrielle ~ More Surprises

  Gabrielle set mortal time in motion again. She still had an hour and a half to get ready for dinner. It was going to be hard to keep her mind off all that had unfolded since she left her human friends, even with Lucas there.

  She tried to replay the vague images from the dreams—the Book, the battle between Divine angels and the Fallen, fighting Javan, and Lucas’s lifeless body lying below her—hoping to understand what it all meant.

  How is it all connected?

  She still wondered what role she was supposed to play in Lucas’s life. She was beginning to believe it had something to do with the Book. Everything seems to come back to the Book of Barabbadon.

  She hadn’t asked Amaziah what was in the Book, but she wasn’t going to call on him for it now. She’d have to wait until she saw him again. After taking a long, cold shower in hopes of shocking the troublesome thoughts out of her mind, Gabrielle stood in her closet trying to figure out what to wear.

  After several minutes, she realized she was focusing on something trivial and snatched a black dress off a hanger. She was annoyed with herself for worrying about what to wear when so much was going on that threads snapped as she yanked it over her head. She ran a brush through her hair, applied mascara and some lip gloss, and started downstairs. She knew she wasn’t trying very hard to look nice, but she didn’t care right now.

  She turned on Haber Drive at five fifty-five just as Lucas was crossing the road. He recognized her car and waited for her to pull up.

  “Hi,” Gabrielle said as Lucas opened her door.

  “Hi back.” Gabrielle tried to push the earlier events out of her mind without much success.

  Lucas whistled and stepped back when Gabrielle got out of the car, looking her up and down with a smile. Gabrielle was a bit self-conscious as the flutters he always gave her cranked up their activity.

  “Are you trying to be the death of me?” he asked jokingly.

  Gabrielle didn’t find it at all funny. It brought a flood of images that she was trying to block of battles and blood, of those she cared for most injured, possibly dying. The tone accompanying her response clearly conveyed her feelings.

  “Don’t ever say anything like that, Lucas.” She scowled at him and slammed the car door. “It isn’t funny.”

  “Hey …” Lucas came toward her, and Gabrielle could tell he was concerned. “I only meant because you look … well … amazing. After what happened this morning, I don’t know how much more I can take. I was only trying to compliment you. You’re even more breathtaking than usual.” Lucas put his hands on her arms, and Gabrielle felt heat begin to flow through her body, soothing her.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. Any reference to you and death is off limits, though. Okay? Even if it is a joke.”

  Lucas still looked concerned, “Sure, I’ll remember that.” He softly kissed her forehead. Gabrielle closed her eyes and was surprised as a tear slipped down her cheek. She turned to open the door to her car to get her purse, taking the opportunity to wipe it away before he could see it. She didn’t need him to know how upset she was. He wouldn’t understand how much more was involved. That it wasn’t only his death comment, but that she had premonitions and dreams of him in which she thought he had died, and how close she’d come to losing Grayson, Phalen, and Rissie the night before.

  Gabrielle turned and smiled at him the best she could without it looking forced.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked.

  Gabrielle took his misread and ran with it. “Yeah, I guess I am a little.”

  “There’s nothing to be concerned about. Ben and Lizzie are fantastic people; Chloe is an absolute doll; and Gran … well, she’s related to me, so you know she could be no less than amazing.”

  Gabrielle couldn’t help but laugh.

  “There it is. That’s what I wanted to hear. The sound of your laughter.” He kissed her forehead again and took her hand to lead her across the street. “Come on, let’s go.”

  “Okay.” Gabrielle wasn’t surprised being near him made her feel better even with the heavy burden of her knowledge and thoughts.

  Lucas didn’t knock on the Daniels’ door. Gabrielle guessed he never had. The entry opened directly into a large open family room where she could see the back of Nonie’s and Nate’s head. They sat on one of two crimson couches, watching a football game. The furnishings were casual and oversized, the kind that seemed to invite you to get in and get cozy. As Gabrielle looked at her surroundings, she caught impressions of other rooms and could tell right away the Daniels family wasn’t afraid to use color. She breathed in deeply through her nose, enjoying the smells of garlic and herbs coming from the kitchen.

  “Sup!” Lucas called out to announce their arrival.

  The twins turned around and smiled. A little blond-haired head popped up to say hi, too. She took one look at Lucas and scurried over the back of the couch to get to him. “Lucas!”

  Apparently, this was Chloe, and she clearly adored Lucas as much as the twins. Chloe jumped into Lucas’s open arms and slung her little ones around his neck.

  “Hey, Chloe!” Lucas was grinning from ear to ear. “Why aren’t you cooking my dinner?” Chloe started giggling and squirming as Lucas tickled her sides.

  “I don’t know how to cook, silly!” she said, giggling through every word.

  Lucas put her back on the ground, and Chloe looked up inquisitively at Gabrielle, still smiling.

  “Are you Gabrielle?”

  Gabrielle smiled and nodded.

  “You are pretty. Nate said you were.”

  Gabrielle wasn’t sure how to take knowing that Nate thought she was pretty. She wasn’t even sure that Nate liked her being with Lucas. “Thank you! I think you’re very pretty, too.” Gabrielle couldn’t help but smile even bigger at the youngest of the Daniels clan.

  Chloe skipped toward what looked to be the kitchen and yelled into it. “Mommy! Daddy! Lucas and his pretty g-i-r-l-f-r-i-e-n-d are here!”
She spelled out the word with dramatic little girl over-emphasis.

  Gabrielle looked at Lucas who had a faint red hue rising in his cheeks. Nate and Nonie were laughing and high-fiving each other. Apparently, they were the ones who’d put Chloe up to the girlfriend reference.

  “Nothing like a seven-year-old to put you on the spot,” Nate yelled to Lucas without turning around.

  An average height, slender woman with shoulder-length light brown hair came out of the kitchen, followed by a tall man who must have been at least six foot three. His hair was darker blond, like Nate’s. They both seemed to be in their late thirties.

  “You must be Gabrielle,” Nate and Nonie’s mom said, smiling as she and her husband approached. She had her hand outstretched.

  Gabrielle walked toward them to meet their greeting.

  “I’m Lizzie, and this is Ben,” Lizzie said while glancing at her husband.

  Gabrielle smiled back and shook their hands. “Nice to meet you. I’m Gabrielle Trayner. Thank you for having me to dinner. It smells wonderful, Mrs. Daniels.”

  “We’re glad you came, and please, call us Lizzie and Ben. We’re not much for formalities around here. I hope you like spaghetti.”

  “Very much, especially if it’s famous, which I hear yours is.”

  “Zee doesn’t fix anything that isn’t good.” Ben flashed a smile at his wife and kissed her on the cheek. “Come on in and get comfortable,” he continued, motioning to the seating in the family room. “We aren’t formal, but we are sports nuts, so I hope you enjoy watching them. Do you like football?”

  Gabrielle shot Nate and Nonie a playful look. “Well, after the beating I was able to inflict today, I’m quickly becoming a fan.”

  Nate groaned, and Nonie threw a pillow at Gabrielle as she stuck out her tongue for added effect.

  “We’ll see how much you like it after next Saturday’s re-match, girlie,” Nonie said.

  “Well, it looks like you’re going to fit in just fine around here, Gabrielle,” Lizzie said. “I’m going to finish getting dinner ready. Lucas, I sent Emma to get some more milk, in case you’re wondering where she is. She should be back anytime.” Lizzie’s gaze returned to Gabrielle. “She’s really looking forward to meeting you,” she stated softly and smiled.

  Ben and Lizzie returned to the kitchen, and Gabrielle and Lucas sat on the couch opposite the twins and their sister. Gabrielle didn’t know what teams were playing, but Nonie and Nate were glued to what was going on.

  “Tennessee and Alabama,” Lucas whispered as if he knew what she was thinking.

  “Thanks,” she whispered back. She wasn’t paying attention to the TV, though. There was something bothering her. She felt the way she had earlier in the day when they were at the church—as if she was being watched.

  The front door opened, catching Gabrielle’s attention.

  “I’m back!”

  She saw a lovely woman walking in the front door, noticing she hadn’t knocked, either. Emma made her way to where they were now standing by the couch. Gabrielle could see, even from a distance, how blue Emma’s eyes were. She placed her in her mid-fifties although her face didn’t have many wrinkles to show her age. Her hair was cut in a choppy pixie and was as white as snow. Her red lipstick contrasted her hair and rounded off a sophisticated look. She was quite striking, very un-grandmotherly in appearance, with a peaceful demeanor.

  “Gabrielle,” she said as she approached. “What a pleasure it is to meet the girl who’s made my grandson beam.” Emma hugged Gabrielle. She immediately liked Emma—very much. She felt an immediate kinship between them.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, too.”

  “Hi, Gran.” Lucas leaned and gave Emma a kiss on the cheek. “I would’ve gone to get this for you.” He took the milk from her and started toward the kitchen.

  “Oh, I didn’t want Gabrielle to be waiting for you.” Emma smiled at her again.

  There was something about Emma that Gabrielle couldn’t quite figure out that made her want to talk to her. Not about Lucas, TV, movies, or news—she wanted to sit with her and tell her about her visions, Javan, the Book, demons somehow becoming more powerful, and the war. Things Gabrielle knew she couldn’t speak of to her.

  “Time for dinner!” Lizzie called.

  They went into the kitchen and sat at a long wooden table. Lizzie had already set large bowls of spaghetti, salad, and a basket almost overflowing with garlic bread on the table. It smelled and looked wonderful. Ben said grace, and after all the food had been passed around, the family and their guest settled into comfortable conversation.

  Gabrielle quickly found out that the twins got their bantering lessons straight from their parents and that she wasn’t immune as a target. By the end of dinner and dessert, everyone was laughing and poking fun at each other. Ben even praised Gabrielle for a few of the zingers she’d thrown out.

  The time passed quickly, and before she knew it, it was almost eight. The twins, Lucas, and Gabrielle cleaned up the kitchen while Emma, Lizzie, and Ben took their coffee to the family room, and Chloe went to her room.

  Lucas whispered in her ear as they stood next to each other drying the dishes Nonie was washing and Nate was putting away, “They really like you. I can tell. Especially Gran.”

  His mouth being so close to her ear, him speaking so breathy and warm into it, made Gabrielle’s eyes close as a sensational chill ran through her body. She forced her eyes to open again.

  “I like them, too,” she whispered back as she regained control over her body.

  She did like them. It had been a pleasant evening full of smiles and laughter. But the good feeling she had with the two families had been interrupted repeatedly throughout dinner by a worrisome one. She continued to feel watched … stalked. She was sure someone, or something, was lurking just on the fringes of her awareness. It disturbed her, but she couldn’t raise her veils to try to discern who or what it might be without putting everyone at risk. Trying to figure it out would have to wait.

  After the dishes were done, they joined the rest of the family to watch another game. Ben, Lizzie, and Emma were on the couch Nonie and Nate had been on earlier, so the teens sat together on the other one. The conversation and laughter continued for the rest of the evening, and Gabrielle was surprised when it was time to leave. She said her goodbyes and thanked Ben and Lizzie, then walked to her car with Lucas.

  “It’s been a really great day, Lucas,” Gabrielle said.

  She leaned against her car, and Lucas stood in front of her, reaching for her hands.

  “Yeah.” He kissed one hand. “It was.” Then the other. “You really do look amazing tonight. I could barely keep my eyes off of you.”

  Gabrielle leaned forward and whispered in his ear. “So … are you ever going to kiss me somewhere closer to my lips again?”

  She barely finished speaking before his mouth was on hers. The kiss was soft but long. Her mind spun, and the warmth flowing through her found very specific places to burn. Gabrielle pulled away, placing her forehead to his chest when she felt herself beginning to lose control as she had that morning. Amaziah’s words of caution repeated in her head.

  “I better go.” She sighed.

  “I guess so.” He was running his fingers gently through her hair, giving her the same raised bumps on her arms she had the first day of her incarnation; this time, it wasn’t from mint chocolate chip ice cream.

  As much as she hated to leave him, she did need to go. Tomorrow was Sunday, the only day of the entire week she would have to herself. She planned to put out more feelers about the Book, and maybe see if she could find out what Javan was up to.

  Thinking of Javan reminded her that she needed to see if she could get more information from Lucas about Mara, but it was too late to do it now. Gabrielle ran her hands slowly
up and down his chest, feeling how solid with muscles he was and his heart beating steady and smooth. She wondered what it would feel like to do the same thing without his shirt, which sent a fresh flash of heat through her. She shook the thought out of her mind. Once again, being in human form was proving to be a challenge for her self-control.

  “You okay?” Lucas asked.

  “Yeah,” she laughed, “I’m great, actually.”

  “See you Monday?” Lucas kissed her hands again and then her forehead.


  He kissed her gently again before she got into her car and pulled away.

  Gabrielle made it only a couple of houses down before she lifted the veil in her mind and felt the full intensity of being watched. There was no mistaking someone was out there. When she looked in her rear view mirror, she knew why.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Gabrielle ~ Old Flame

  A couple of houses down from the Daniels’ home sat a black Mercedes. Javan must have been using a glamour, or she would have visually seen him.

  Great … more surprises.

  Gabrielle reached the top of the street and turned the corner, parking as fast as she could. Before Lucas had even closed the door to his house, Gabrielle was manifesting near the Mercedes. Everything around her was unmoving, except for Mara and Javan, as mortal time was suspended.

  They stepped out of the car at the same time. Javan’s black clothes matched his hair, his bad-boy demeanor enhanced by a faint scar that ran jaggedly from his left ear across part of his jaw line and faded at his Adam’s apple. Gabrielle was sure his striking looks, added to the attitude, would have human girls falling all over him. She was also sure he enjoyed it excessively, and she hated thinking of what he might be doing to them.


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