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Fatal Call (New Breed Novels Book 4)

Page 4

by Martha Bourke

  Diesel walked in. “Well, if it isn’t the male of the hour. You’re a smoke show, dude.”

  He slipped into his white robe. “Thanks.”

  Pax picked up the red belt and began to tie it around James’s waist. If the male got any closer to that erection, things were going to get very embarrassing, very quickly.

  “All set,” Pax said. “Are you nervous?”

  “A little.”

  “Remember, just let Reyn guide you through it.”

  “Right. Got it.”

  Diesel checked his watch. “Looks like we’re about to go live, my brothers.”

  James looked from one to the other and nodded. “Okay. Let’s do this.”


  James watched Pax as he took a quick gander into the drawing room then turned back to him.

  “They’re good to go. Ready?”

  James focused straight ahead and stepped onto the red runner that went the length of the huge room. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  The brothers stood to each side in their robes with their heads bowed reverently. The table normally sitting in the center of the room had been removed, making the walk seem even longer. The biggest pillar candles he’d ever seen easily cast enough light as they wound their way around the room. The rich smell of the copal incense burning on the altar mixed with the heady scent of fresh flowers draped everywhere.

  He looked ahead and focused on Reyn who stood to the right of the Goddess while Evy stood to her left. Their leader nodded to first him, and then to Pax, as they stopped in front of him.

  Reyn placed his fist over his heart. “In lak'ech.”

  “Ala k'in,” everyone responded in chorus as they returned his gesture.

  The Goddess Akina smiled. “Tonight we are here to initiate James into the Order. James holds a special place in our family. When he was captured by Toltec, his destiny became unclear even to me. But the scales tipped in our favor when Ana and Pax found him before he could be transformed into the Unthinkable.” She nodded toward Pax.

  Every detail of his situation when he was kidnapped came back to him, but this time with the details in place. The horror of the cell. The cries and screams of the other shifters as they changed to hellions. Suddenly, all that lovey dovey shit he’d been worrying about with Pax no longer mattered. Only the brother’s example. He had to find Seth and make things right. It was the only thing that mattered.

  Reyn’s voice brought him back to the ceremony. “We wear our white robes to symbolize the purity of our intentions. The red cords represent the rebirth he has undertaken. The pillar candles represent the cardinal points to guide him on his journey. Please take a moment of silence to call on your naguals. Ask them to bless this induction and to protect this warrior.”

  Their leader raised his head. “Who sponsors this male?”

  “I do,” Pax said.

  James locked onto his camzah’s voice. He wasn’t sure exactly what he expected, but the steadiness of Pax’s acknowledgment caused him to turn his head and look into the brother’s eyes. They were glowing their bright amber and the male wasn’t hiding that fact in the least. He stood there as proudly and confident as always. In that moment, James realized no matter how pissed off he was at Pax, the brother’s faith in him had never faltered. He knew whatever happened between them, he would never want another camzah. In spite of how hurt and angry he was, there was no one he respected more than his mentor.

  The Goddess took the blade from the altar and turned to James. “With the sacred obsidian blade, you will bind yourself to my service. Blood signifies life and the renewal of k’ul, the divine energy in all things.”

  She handed the blade to James and he felt its sting as he sliced the palm of his hand. Reyn handed him the ancient carved wooden dish holding only a plain white piece of paper. James let his blood fall onto the parchment and handed it back to Reyn, who lit it on fire and placed it back on the altar.

  The Goddess offered James an engraved cup. “The sacred ritual drink of balché will now be offered to this warrior. May it sanctify and protect him.”

  James sipped from the cup. It tasted a little like a watered down whiskey. He bowed his head and handed it back to the Goddess.

  “And so it is done. But I would have you hold your celebration one moment more. Evelyn, come forward, my sister.”

  Troy watched as his mate moved to stand in front of The Goddess Akina who was opening her hand. She held a ring of some kind.

  “Evelyn, you are the Seer and so this ring rightly belongs to you. The quartz stone will amplify your power of sight. Its pale blue color reminds us of the Otherworldly power which you possess. The silver vines holding the stone in place symbolize the Maya connection to the earth and its k’ul. Once it is on your hand it will not come off until you have left this world for the next. May it guide you and protect you on your journey.”

  The Goddess took Evy’s left hand in her own and slid the ring onto her right ring finger. There was a collective gasp as the stone lit up and the branches moved to tighten around her slender finger. A wind whipped about the room, extinguishing all the candles. Troy watched by the firelight as the Goddess took Evy into her arms and held her. Then his mate turned to face the room, her eyes taking on their pearlescent glow, and with a sweep of her hand she relit the candles.

  At first, Troy had been confused when the Goddess asked Evy to stand next to her during the ceremony. But now the message was clear. A chill ran down his spine. Evy belonged as much to the Goddess as she did to him. Maybe more. And there was one word he just couldn’t seem to clear from his mind.


  “Bouya!” X shouted.

  And with that, the ceremony ended and the party began. Geoffrey and Mary walked among the brothers and collected white robes and red belts as they were shucked off in favor of their tuxes. X watched while the males admired their mates and scrambled to get them drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

  His partner handed him a beer. “Can I talk to you for a sec?”


  He followed Troy out the far door and into the library.

  “Listen, I just wanted to share somethin’ with ya. You’re my camzah and my partner. It wouldn’t be right if you heard it from someone else. And this is kinda epic news.”

  “Bigger than what your mate just did in there?”

  “Yeah, actually. Evy’s pregnant.”

  He pulled his boy into a huge bro hug. “That’s fantastic, my man.”

  “Thanks. We’ve only told you and Ana. And Helen knows, o’ course. Ev didn’t want to take any attention away from James’s night.”

  “That’s some female, you dig?”

  The male grinned with pride. “Don’t I know it.”

  They walked back to the drawing room doorway where X stopped and took a sip of his beer.

  “Comin’ hoss?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be in.” X watched as Troy went back to the others who were admiring Baby Maya’s little gown while the Goddess held her. He knew he should go back in, but he felt restless. Maybe just a quick walk. He gleamed out and materialized at MIT by the Great Dome overlooking Killian Court. It wasn’t uncommon for him to come here to think, but it was what he was thinking about that was driving his ass crazy. Why the fuck was all this mating shit coming up now? He and his left temporal lobe had been estranged for a long time. He was seriously starting to miss his logical awesomeness. He turned to walk up the path and out of nowhere ran into what he thought was a student.

  “Oh, pardon me.”

  That voice. “Rose?”

  She looked up at him and the expression of shock left her delicate features and slowly turned to recognition. “Xavier. I…hello.”

  “I’m so sorry. Apparently I can’t stop bumping into you.” Did I just say that out loud?

  “I’m afraid I was a bit in my own world.”

  “What brings you here so late?” That was so none of his business. He took in her skirt and heels.
Her hair was up in the same twist as usual, making her neck look long and slender. She was captivating.

  “I was just visiting a colleague. You look like you’ve been somewhere far more interesting.”

  He looked down at his tux. “Oh, this? No, not really. It’s just a charity thing.”

  “Taking a break at your alma mater then?”

  Wait. She knew he’d graduated MIT? She’d looked into him. He looked into her beautiful Asian eyes and she looked down at the path. Oh, yeah. Clearly he was not the only one who’d been googling. Huh. “Sometimes I just like to clear my head. Are you parked nearby? Maybe I should see you to your car.”

  She smiled. “Actually, I came on foot. I live right near Harvard.”

  He looked at his watch. It was after ten. “Why don’t I walk with you?”

  She switched her bag to her other shoulder. “It’s less than a mile. It only takes fifteen minutes. Look, Xavier, I know making sure shifters are safe is what the Order does, but I can take care of myself.”

  He was being forward when he reached over and took her bag from her shoulder, but he did it anyway. They started to walk toward Massachusetts Avenue in silence. She probably thought he was stalking her or some shit, but there was a part of him that couldn’t let her walk back on her own. He sighed. Wouldn’t or couldn’t? There was a very fine line. She moved along at a good clip and he stayed in step alongside her, hoping she would say something so he could hear that voice again.

  Suddenly, she stopped. “Look, just so you know, I’m not looking to get into anything with anyone.”

  What on earth? Rose felt her cheeks flush and she started to walk again. She couldn’t believe what she’d just said. “I mean, just in case I’ve been giving you mixed signals. You know, letting you walk me home and everything.”

  “No worries. I just want to be sure you’re safe.”

  “Okay, good.”

  So it had been a really, really, really long time since she’d been with a male, but she was pretty sure she had just made a total ass of herself. Xavier had just bumped into her and happened to be wearing a tux. It wasn’t like he’d brought flowers, chocolates, and a ring with him. She smiled a little. He looked amazing. Well, at least she was being straightforward. He seemed like a very nice male. The last thing she wanted to do was lead him on. There was no place for romance in her world and that was never going to change.

  Troy was finishin’ a drink with James and watchin’ the females while they chatted with the Goddess. The male seemed ready to take on his new responsibilities. But just from reading the brother’s most superficial emotional layers, Troy could tell he was far from happy. Of course, thinkin’ back he remembered how miserable he was at his own ceremony. He hadn’t exactly been hit with the Oprah stick. Sure, he’d been proud to be a New Breed, but at the same time, it meant there would be no Evy. Ever. Even the most innocent thoughts he’d ever had of her would never happen. At least, that’s what he’d thought at the time.

  Now here they were. They were happily mated and going to have offspring. Troy felt a burst of warmth hit his chest. Suddenly, he looked across the room at Evy and she turned her face to him as if she could feel his gaze. She smiled the most radiant smile and then mouthed one word. Boy.

  He must have had some crazy-ass look on his mug because James waved a hand in front of his face. “You okay?”

  Troy grinned and gave the male’s shoulder a clap. “Never been better, bro. You know, if I’m not mistaken, I think Dimitri looks about ready to head down to the garage. It usually gets done before we eat.”

  James looked at Troy and then it hit him. Dimitri’s little Christmas gift they all received at their Induction. If you could call a car little. Man. He had no idea what kind of car he’d want for himself. What would D come up with? He started to get more than a little curious.

  Moments later, Dimitri nodded toward James. “I hate to interrupt, everyone, but I know how hard it is to tear you all away from Mary’s fantastic food. So as usual, we’re going to do Christmas for young James before the buffet. I’ll meet you all down in the garage in a few minutes.”

  “Time to go,” Troy said.

  Everyone was chatting excitedly as they all made for the closest exit. James followed the unmated males to the back stairs so the females could use the elevator from the snooker room.

  Viktor looked around them. “Hey, have you guys seen X?”

  “Maybe he’s helping Dimitri in the garage,” Pax said.

  They walked through the compound and into the gym.

  Pax walked through the door to the garage ahead of them. “Yo, Dies, got your phone?”

  “Hell yeah. Where’s X? He was a big part of this.”

  Troy pulled out his phone and sent a quick text. “No idea. He’s not gettin’ back to me.”

  “Do you think he’s okay?” Evy asked.

  Troy put his arm around her. “Yeah, I got a funny feelin’.”

  “Are we waiting for Reyn?” SE asked.

  “No, he asked us not to,” Richard said with a sly smile.

  Everyone waited quietly for the sound of a car starting. James stood next to Diesel, who was already looking for the best angle for his photo. The lights of the car were the first things anyone saw. Dimitri pulled around the corner in a red Tesla Roadster. Not just a top of the line electric vehicle, but a top five luxury car.

  James gasped. “Holy shit!”

  He barely noticed the flash from Diesel’s phone. Dimitri got out of the car and gave James a bro hug while everyone clapped. “Welcome to the fold, my brother.”

  He was pretty sure he managed to thank him before the brother’s next words caught him off guard.

  “Pax thought you might have some fun manipulating the electrical aspect. This car is certified used. They’ve dropped the Roadster until next year. Yours is already on order, so start thinking color.” He winked.

  James turned to Pax and felt his face flush. “Thanks.”

  Pax looked pretty much as uncomfortable as James felt. “You’re welcome. Be sure to thank X. He was the brain behind the op.”

  As everyone started to head back inside, Ana looked at James. “You’re not going to take her out?”

  “Definitely. I just don’t wanna cut out until after dinner,” he answered.

  But as everyone walked through the gym, talking and laughing, James fell farther and farther behind until he was standing alone in the middle of the basketball court. He turned and looked back the way they’d come. He was almost positive Pax had picked out the car. Great. Now every time he got into the thing he’d have to think about the male. He couldn’t get himself to go back upstairs either. So James did the only thing he could do. He undid his tie, took off his jacket, and grabbed a ball.


  Adriana walked into the drawing room and found her mate leaning against the wall with their offspring fast asleep at his shoulder. She leaned back against his chest and he slid his free arm around her waist.

  “Have I told you how incredible you look yet?” He kissed her forehead.

  She smiled. “A few times. Keep it up, though. I’m going for a record.”

  Diesel sat down by the fireplace with Helen at his side and nodded to Soaring Eagle and Ana as he picked up his guitar. “I hope I don’t butcher this, you two.”

  SE barked a laugh and took Ana’s hand. “You don’t.”

  “Did you know SE was teaching Ana to dance?” Richard asked.

  “She only mentioned it in passing when we talked about her dress.”

  The couple took their place in the center of the room. Ana smiled up at SE and he gave her a quick wink before Diesel started to play. Adriana immediately began to clap as she watched them move effortlessly across the room to the Latin music.

  Richard leaned down to her ear. “This is going to sound a little ridiculous, but whenever I see those two together in moments like this, just for a second, I start to believe we might actually win this thing.”

  “Not so ridiculous, my male. Not at all.” She smiled and looked across the room at the Goddess Akina who was clapping right along with everyone else. But she wasn’t actually watching the dance, Adriana realized with a start. Her eyes were following the flutters of the little nagual as it flew above their heads. And if she wasn’t mistaken, the Goddess looked worried.

  As the guitar came to a stop and everyone whistled and clapped, SE took Ana into his arms and lifted her off the ground in a long embrace. Suddenly, Maya started to cry. That was odd. She was used to the noise of the house and could sleep through just about anything. And then, Adriana felt it—a pulse of k’ul as strong as that of the Goddess pushed right through her. She turned to see Troy put his arm out in front of Evy protectively as the Seer’s eyes began to glow. Her hair whipped about and Adriana could see her chest heaving from halfway across the room. Then she sensed the energy in the room begin to calm.

  Evy’s eyes cleared and she looked toward Reyn. “I know where Toltec’s new laboratories are.”

  X walked alongside Rose and tried to think of something else to say. It wasn’t easy to hold a conversation with someone when you were bound by oath to keep most of your life a fucking secret. They had pretty much gone as far as they could go with the academic stuff. They could have talked about dick shit for all he cared. Anything to keep her talking so he could hear more of that voice. Then out of nowhere a clap of thunder came from overhead along with a few drops of rain.

  Rose held out her hand. “Oh no.”

  With that the downpour hit.

  “Through here! There’s a shortcut!” She pointed between two buildings and broke into a run. X took her arm as she negotiated the steps to a three-story townhouse in her heels, and then, handed her bag to her. She fumbled for her keys, fought with the lock, and let them in. He closed the door behind them, leaned against it, and exhaled. They looked at one another and laughed.


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