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Fatal Call (New Breed Novels Book 4)

Page 7

by Martha Bourke

  “Why are you closing the curtains?”

  Right. That had to look a little odd. There was no reason to worry the female. “Ah, just habit.”

  “Xavier, your leg. You’re bleeding.”

  He looked down and realized his left pant leg was torn and soaked with blood. Oh, right. The bullet. “I’m sure it’s just a graze. I should probably check it out, though. I’ll just be a second, and then I’ll be on my way.”

  She picked up the peroxide from the coffee table. “Don’t be silly. It’s easier if I do it. Pull up your pant leg.”

  He rubbed his goatee. “Ah, Rose, I really don’t think—”

  “Come on. You’re not afraid of me, are you?”

  Was she kidding? He looked over at the couch. No. The floor seemed safer for some reason. He took off his leather coat and laid it on a side chair. “Okay. Let’s use the floor. I don’t want to get any blood on the furniture.”

  X sat down in front of the fireplace and rolled up his jeans. Rose turned on a second lamp and knelt down in front of him. For some reason, her hair was down tonight and a long, black strand brushed along his knee just a tiny bit. He closed his eyes. He didn’t dare look at her bent over him like that. Shit. His eyes were probably greener than his partner’s beer on St. Paddy’s. And then she touched his ankle. Mistake. A spark of heat ran from her hand directly to his cock.


  “Ah, you know, Rose, why don’t I just take care of that. I’m not sure how deep it is.”

  She squinted at him slightly, like she was trying to read his mind. “I don’t get it. You took care of me. Why won’t you let me return the favor?”

  How about because I’m three seconds from taking you at every angle I can come up with.

  When she touched his leg again, he stood bolt upright. He grabbed the peroxide from the table and made a beeline straight for the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it behind him. His heart was pounding in his chest. He turned the faucet on and splashed some cold water on his face. The reflection in the mirror was more than a little troubling. Bright green, glowing eyes stared back at him, while a fine sheen of sweat formed on his forehead. The pedestal sink gave a groan and he realized it was the only thing holding him up. Barely. Fuck. He dropped the lid to the toilet and sat down before he fell down. Now what was he gonna do? He thought about texting Troy. He’d do him a solid and watch the condo for the night. That is, if his boy could stop laughing long enough. X took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Maybe he could meditate himself to death.

  Rose was still kneeling on the living room floor and stared toward the hallway. What in the world? The male moved so fast; one minute he was next to her, and the next, she heard the bathroom door close. He seemed downright panicky, but why? There’s no way a New Breed Warrior would freak out about that kind of injury. Not when he was used to doing what he did out there tonight. Oh, God. Her belly did a nauseating flip flop. She blocked out the rest of the thought and focused on the task at hand. There was a singing kettle in need of rescue from the stove. She wasn’t about to invade the male’s privacy. If he wanted to take care of it himself, then she would give him some space. She hoped to hell she still had some chamomile left. What a night.

  She slid her heels off and slipped out of her nylons before settling at the kitchen table with her mug. A familiar fatigue was beginning to settle into her body. From the attack, she thought. Of course, there were other things it could be, but she wasn’t going to go there. Not tonight. As she quietly sipped her tea, her mind wandered and she caught herself thinking about how incredible Xavier looked in that tight black t-shirt. He’d looked even more amazing in his tux. She quickly cleared the thought from her mind and looked over at the clock on the microwave. Ten minutes passed, then another ten. Finally, she decided to check on him. She walked down the hall and was just about to knock when she jerked her hand back. A lick of power came from the other side of the door.

  She took a deep breath. “Xavier, is everything okay in there?”

  “I’m alright,” he answered in that deep, lush baritone.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ll be out in just a sec.”

  Oh, God. There it was again. That energy. She picked up his scent through the door and her heart started to race. Oh, no, no, no. Goddess above, this couldn’t be happening. Why her? Why now?

  X stood up and gave his leg a quick look-see. There was nothing left of the wound except a thin red line. With a quick check in the mirror he could see his peepers were back to normal. Thank fuck. Even his arousal was starting to get with the program. He put the peroxide away and opened the bathroom door. Rose was standing directly in front of him. She was breathing so hard she was panting, her eyes fixed on his.



  Damn straight. X barreled forward and in one swift movement he picked Rose up and crushed her between his body and the wall. She gasped at the force, her arms coming around his neck, legs finding his hips. His lips went right for hers as he took her soft, full mouth with his. She groaned in satisfaction when he thrust his tongue into the warm heat she offered, her nails digging into his shoulders through his shirt.

  Rose brought Xavier’s luscious bottom lip into her mouth, then went for the top one while she ran her hands up his tremendous back. He trembled as the muscles rippled and flexed under her touch. She locked her ankles behind the male’s back and took his face in her hands. His eyes glowed a beautiful emerald green and she knew instinctively it was for her. Goddess, she wanted to be his. In that moment, there was nothing she’d ever wanted more. She couldn’t think about her situation. She wanted him to take her. To fill her up in every way possible. And she had been empty for so, so long. He deepened the kiss once more, his tongue stroking hers, and all thought, all reason was left behind. Her second soul awakened and a raw heat shot through her body. Her core blossomed, her sex weeping, aching for him.

  “Touch me,” she moaned.

  She didn’t have to tell him twice. X held her in place with his hips while he tore impatiently at the buttons on her blouse. Then he gave the same treatment to the front clasp of her bra, freeing her breasts. He ran his hand along the soft skin in between them.

  “You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to just…”

  He gently grazed each tight bud with his lips. She leaned back against the wall and arched up to meet his mouth, watching him from under heavy lidded eyes as he suckled her. He took his time, savoring them before he gently nibbled her ear on his way back to recapture her mouth.

  In a massive rush of energy, their second souls were joined.

  X was weak with need, his mind struggling to stay in control as the mating call took over. His head spun as the scent of her arousal hit him hard and he propped an arm against the wall to steady himself. His eyes locked on hers, their green glow reflecting in her hungry gaze.

  “Rose, tell me you want this,” he said on a pant. “If we take this any further, I won’t be able to stop myself.”

  Rose’s answer was a searing kiss. He reached under her skirt and tore off her panties, hissing as he ran his hand along her hot, silky core. She was so ready for him. So drenched in honey. “Rose. Oh, yeah.”

  He needed her on his tongue and down his parched throat. He set her back on her feet and knelt in front of her, pushing her skirt up over her hips and parting her thighs with his hands. He looked into her eyes as he ran his tongue slowly up her cleft before drawing her softest skin into his mouth. He groaned against her core. Goddess, she was so smooth, so sweet. Rose gasped, putting her hands to the back of his head and taking command. She called out his name as she came and control slipped completely out of his reach. He stepped back just long enough to free his erection. Then he picked her up, slid his forearms under her thighs, and plunged inside of her. They both shouted as he slid beautifully into place, her core stretching to accept his thick, hard length. Slowly he began to pump. Rose took all of him, tip to base. She met every thrust, her brow
furrowed, her face tight with concentration. X slipped his hands under her backside and lifted her even higher, changing the angle of their connection. Her head fell back against the wall as she let him take over, her eyes closed, her lips parted and face a picture of ecstasy. And then his hips took command, pumping wildly, claiming her with every awesome surge. On and on it went until they both went over the edge, his release bucking inside her as the pulses of her orgasm stroked him. He laid his forehead against the wall, his face buried in her hair as he waited for his breathing to slow.

  “Rose,” he whispered near her ear.

  Nothing. Raw fear struck him. Had he been too rough? Jesus. What if he’d hurt her?

  He turned her face toward his. “Rose?”


  “Are you alright?”

  “Just blissfully unable to move.”

  Fuck. “I’m so sorry.”

  “There’s no need to apologize, believe me. But if you could just let me down.”

  Instead, X let her drop down into his arms. “Bedroom?”

  She curled into his chest. “Upstairs. First door on the right.”

  He carried her upstairs, helping her lose the rest of her clothes on the way. Except for her blouse. She was holding the front of it closed as though she were cold, so he didn’t bother. He entered her bedroom, where he pulled the quilt back and tucked her in. He slid out of his t-shirt, climbed in next to her, and pulled her to him from behind. Only once he felt her body relax and her breathing even out did he allow sleep take him.


  Diesel walked up Blue Hill Avenue in Mattapan with Pax at his side. Man, it felt good to be out on duty with his partner again. His accident had only happened a couple of months ago, but he’d been going batshit at the compound. He’d never been so jonesing for a fight as he was tonight. He’d even take a couple of prank and ganks. Anything. He popped a fresh piece of gum in his mouth and looked around. One thing he didn’t miss was how much time they spent in Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan. They had the distinction of having the highest homicide rates in Boston. Toltec was using that to its advantage by hiding the crimes they were committing behind the city’s statistics and stereotypes.

  Typical Toltec bullshit. Buncha dicks.

  Pax cracked his knuckles. “It’s quiet here tonight.”

  “Let’s hit Roslindale next. I don’t think anyone’s checked it in a while.”

  They gleamed out and materialized in the tree line of Adams Park. Washington Street was just ahead and they started for it.

  Diesel sighed. “Why is it we’re never here for the farmers market?”

  His partner shoved his hands in his pockets. “Is food all you think about?”

  Diesel shrugged. “Food, my female, sex—”

  “I’m sorry I asked. How’s the bionic leg coming?”

  “I think the original leg is supposed to be available to the public in maybe three to five years. But you know X. He wants it done by next week and he doesn’t think that leg is good enough. He’s actually working with a shifter scientist to improve it.”

  “That dude’s brain is unbelievable.”

  Diesel stopped cold. “Did you just pick that up by Redd’s?”

  Pax nodded. “Yeah. The bar’s been closed for hours. Let’s check it out.”

  He started to jog forward as he signaled Pax to take the other side of the bar and the bank next door. Rounding the corner, he stayed close to the building as he made his way along the outer edge of the parking lot. Suddenly, he picked up on shifter energy on the bank’s rooftop next door. He gleamed up and found himself looking at a shifter soldier’s booty. It was another ambush. Time for a modified P and G.

  He pulled his Beretta. “Hey, dickwad.”

  The Tolie turned around and he shot him twice in the chest. Diesel hustled to the edge of the roof and found Pax having it out with a couple of hellions. Pax made quick work of dispatching them and joined him up on the roof.

  He clapped his partner on the back. “Man, it is so good to have you back, Dies.”

  “It’s good to be back, my brother. What the fuck is up with these weird little ambushes?”

  “No idea, but they seem to like me the best.”

  Diesel barked a laugh. “Quit braggin’.”

  Pax smiled. “Now there’s a popularity contest you really wanna win. You ready to head in?”

  Diesel put his head on the male’s shoulder. “I need you to carry me.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Rose sat curled up in the white wicker chair opposite her bedroom window and watched the sun begin to rise. She looked over at her mate who was still sound asleep in the soft morning light. Mate. Goddess, the mating had been… Heat hit her cheeks. She’d had the occasional run in with a male, but it had never ever been like that. Even though she ached everywhere, she knew she’d take him inside her again in a heartbeat. But that wasn’t what was bothering her. What was really worrying was how badly she wanted to be in her bed with him right now. Last night all seemed like a dream somehow. Mating was something that always seemed to be for other females. Never for her and certainly not now. God, she wanted those strong arms to pull her against that enormous chest of his. Damn it. She should never have been with him at all. This wasn’t fair. He knew nothing about her. She wasn’t suitable to be anyone’s female, much less the mate of a warrior. Her mind wandered back to the night before. Falling asleep in his arms had felt so natural. So right. Did the Goddess really make mistakes?


  She was sent back to reality with a jolt. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were awake.”

  Xavier patted the bed. “Come here.”

  She stood up and crossed the room, her feet sticking to the hardwood floor, her heart pounding faster and faster with every step. He sat up and she noticed his t-shirt was gone. Her eyes took in the beautiful, warm dark skin covering those pecs and abs. He was incredible. But the more she saw of him, the tighter her hand clamped down on the front of her robe.

  Then the male put his hand on her shoulder blade and she did the worst thing imaginable.

  She flinched.

  X looked up into Rose’s eyes trying to understand what was happening. “Are you okay?”

  He was pretty sure she hadn’t recoiled in disgust. Unfortunately, that pretty much left only pain. “Rose, did I hurt you last night?”

  She quickly shook her head. “No, Xavier, of course not.”

  He touched the side of her face. “You’re sure?”

  Not that he would’ve known the difference. With the fucking protective instinct yammering away in his head, he could barely think.

  She nodded and gave him a little smile.

  He leaned back against the headboard and drew her into his arms. God, she felt good. They fit so perfectly together. In that moment, X couldn’t imagine what it was he’d been running from.

  He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I wish we’d had a chance to talk.”

  “What about?” she asked.

  “Just the whole New Breed thing. Any female that mates with one of us usually leaves a lot behind. Jobs, friends, family. I mean, you’ve got Harvard. You’re where I was headed at MIT when my second transition hit.”

  She looked down at her lap. “To be honest, Harvard is pretty much all I have. I was the only shifter in my family, so I’ve outlived pretty much everyone. I have a couple of coworkers who are good friends, but that’s about it.”

  For some reason Evy came to mind, and X found himself almost thankful Rose didn’t have a whole family to leave behind. He brushed her hair aside and looked at the mark of the Japanese Crane on the back of her neck. It was so delicate, as if rendered by the brush of an artist. The bird’s crown was in red. He’d never seen color on any other mark.

  He traced it lightly with his finger. “Your mark is so unique. I’ve never seen one like it.”

  She nodded and leaned back against his chest. “I haven’t either. I figured it couldn
’t be genetic. For a while, I read a lot of the lore. Finally, I just decided I’m a freak of nature.”

  A deep rumble of a laugh found its way up from his chest. “You’re definitely a freak.”

  Rose turned around, covered her eyes, and laughed. It was just about the sexiest sound he’d ever heard. He dipped his head down and kissed her. Tongue to lips. Lips to lips. Tongue to tongue. On and on it went until they were both left completely breathless.

  Troy walked down the second floor hallway with two plates of Mary’s waffles. His phone went off just as he made it through the door to his room. “Fuck.”

  Luckily, Evy showed up just behind him and took the plates. “I’ve got them, my male.”

  He glanced at his phone’s home screen and answered. “Well, well, well. I thought the Goddess took you with her by mistake.”

  “Nah, man,” X answered. “Listen, I need a favor. You mind doing tonight’s duty with Reyn? He could use it and I’ve got some things I need to take care of.”

  “Sure. That oughta take him down a couple of notches.”


  “Lemme guess. Does this stuff happen to have anything to do with a certain professor?”

  “I’ll be back sometime tomorrow. I’ll see you then.”

  For a moment, Troy thought he might remind his boy that he was mated to the Seer, but he changed his mind. X had been so great about Evy and, second only to his mate, there was no one he respected more. So, naturally he’d wait to bust his chops on home territory.

  “Okay, my brother. Stay safe.” He hung up the phone, picked up his plate and sat on the bed next to his female.

  “Mated?” she asked.


  Evy gave him a knowing smile. “I’m so glad. He’s such a great male. He deserves to be happy.”

  He fed her a piece of his waffle.

  “Mmm. Blueberry. I should’ve gotten that.”



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