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Fatal Call (New Breed Novels Book 4)

Page 10

by Martha Bourke

  “Of course. Yeah, definitely.”

  “Thanks, man. This has been tough on her. Being so young and not even knowing if she’ll ever phase or not. She feels like she doesn’t belong anywhere, you know?”

  James knew that feeling all too well. He took his phone out of his pocket and thought for a moment. He hadn’t seen X around in a while, so he decided to text Diesel. “I’ll make sure she gets a TV too.”

  With that, Christian’s smile returned and he slid across the bed. “I’ve missed that friend of yours. You know, the one in your tongue?”

  James stuck out his tongue so that his barbell showed.

  “That’s the one.”

  James leaned in and kissed the male’s soft lips. Then, out of nowhere, Christian backed off.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Christian frowned. “It just occurred to me that you could probably get a lot of shit for this. I mean, I am staying at the shelter.”

  James shook his head. He seriously doubted it. “Nah. We don’t have any rules about it. Besides, you’re eighteen.”

  “I was kinda hoping you’d say that. I like an element of danger.” The male moved toward him again, took him by the back of the neck, and pulled him into a fiery kiss.

  Man, it was good to feel connected to someone. James had been eighteen going on thirty since the day his parents threw him out for being a shifter. Lately, he’d been cold as ice inside, but the male was very slowly warming him, just like by the reservoir. But was he just using the male? The thought startled him. This time he backed off. He put his hand to Christian’s chest. “Wait.”

  Christian sat back on his heels and looked at him curiously. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I just don’t know what any of this means.”

  The male drew his brows together. “Why does it have to mean anything?”

  James looked down at the bed. He couldn’t believe what he was about to say. “It’s just…there’s someone else.”

  “Oh. Are you mated?”

  “No. Nothing like that.” Mated to Pax. He quickly pushed the thought from his mind.

  “I mean, if it’s not a problem for you, then it’s not for me. I just wanna relax and have some fun. I don’t want you to carry me across some threshold.”

  “I just don’t want you to end up getting hurt.”

  “You know something? You worry too much. Come here.” He gave the bottom of James’s t-shirt a playful tug.

  The male leaned up on his knees, slid James’s shirt off, and teased one of his nipples with his thumb. In seconds, James had scooted the male back onto his ass and laid down on top of him. Their mouths found one another and Christian pushed his piercing back and forth playfully with his tongue. They both moaned as their erections came together through their jeans.

  There was a knock at the door.

  As he shook off his hormonal stupor, he looked over at Christian and then the bed, which—surprise, surprise—hadn’t stood up well to one of them weighing in at two fifty.

  “Somebody order some technology?”

  His New Breed senses picked up on the tiny sound the brother’s hand made as it touched the doorknob. And there it was. They had forgotten to lock the door. It was no use trying to hide it. Even if he gleamed out his scent was everywhere. Why the hell had he texted Diesel of all people?

  SE walked down the second floor hallway and knocked once on Richard’s door. The brother’s voice popped into his head and told him it was open. Man, he hated that. He went in and found Richard sitting on the couch with work spread out on the coffee table.

  “All by yourself, I see.”

  “Yep. Adri took the baby with her to the library. I think she mentioned going down to meet Rose too, so she’ll know someone at the dinner table tonight.”

  SE sat in the recliner and rubbed his eyes. “X, mated. Jesus. Why do I think they’ll be holding the next Winter Games in Xibalba?”

  Richard barked a laugh. “You’re probably right. Hey, you don’t look too hot. Everything okay? Ana?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know anything anymore.”

  The brother put down his work. “What’s up?”

  “No doubt Reyn told you what happened with Ana last night?”

  “He mentioned something about a nagual flying into her?”

  “That’s basically it. Flew right at her and vanished. She has no idea how it happened. I found her wandering downtown. She was planning on staying at D’s condo. She didn’t think anyone would want her here.” He caught a sob in his throat. “She thought maybe she’d killed it. That she might be the aj k’o’ol.”

  “Jesus. There’s no way that female could ever be capable of that.”

  “I told her that. But she can’t see it. That bitch, Victrixa, has poisoned her so much that she just can’t trust herself. I ended up taking her to the condo so I could send her my nagual. I thought maybe I could sense what happened. That maybe it would ease her mind.”

  Richard leaned forward. “And?”

  “I don’t know. There was nothing at first. I could only sense the presence of her own nagual. And then I felt this air. It was cool and open, like it was coming from outside her body.”

  “You mean, like a draft?”

  That was it. That’s exactly what it reminded him of. “Yeah, like someone had left a door or window open.”

  Richard rubbed his chin. “Did it seem malevolent?”

  “No, not at all. Actually, it didn’t seem good or bad. It was more just neutral.”

  “Did you tell her?”

  Well, no, now that you mention it. What a dick he was. He’d never lied to his Ihkweea. “I intended to, but she’s just so freaked right now. I wasn’t sure how she’d take it.”

  “You’re going to have to at some point. The sooner the better. I know you have almost nothing to go on. And there’s a good chance it could upset her. But she trusts you implicitly, SE. She needs that. Like you said, she doesn’t even trust herself right now.”

  SE stood to go. Richard was right. He’d fucked up. “Thanks, man.”

  His oldest friend clapped his shoulder. “Always. See you at dinner.”

  He thought he heard Richard say something as he walked to the door, but he didn’t really hear it. He couldn’t get his mate out of his mind. He could protect Ana from Toltec and even that twisted mother of hers. But saving her from herself? Goddess help him.

  James watched the door open. Sure enough, the brother walked in carrying a thirty-inch flat screen. His eyes took in James’s bare chest before eyeing the rest of the room.

  Fuck. Me.

  “You know, I think there’s a smaller one around here somewhere. We can put that one in Rory’s room. You need help setting this up?”

  James shook his head. “Nah, we’re set. Thanks, Dies.”

  “No problem.”

  James sighed. Out of all the brothers, he’d texted that male? Sure, he’d been thinking, but not with his upstairs brain. The kicker in this whole spaztastic situation was that it was taking his focus from where it needed to be. He shrugged back into his shirt and tried to find his cell phone.

  “Wait. You’re leaving? So, another New Breed saw us. You said they don’t have any rules about it.”

  James checked the blankets and looked under the bed.

  “Ooh. The someone else you mentioned is another New Breed. Jesus, I must be brain dead. Well, it sure isn’t the mated one who was just here. Care to share?”

  “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Freaking phone was right in his back pocket where he’d left it. Man, he was losing it.

  The male smiled. “I think I do.”

  “Listen, we should probably just keep this on the friendship level from now on.”

  “Look. Friends, or friends with chemistry. I’m fine either way. Seriously.”

  “Okay, man. Thanks. I’ll come by tomorrow.”

  James made his way through the gym and up the compound hallway. He was worried t
hat Diesel would tell Pax, but that pissed him off too. The male had no claim on him. But that really wasn’t the point, was it? Hooking up with Christian was just going to complicate things, and that was the last thing he needed right now. He’d been so caught up in his own head he didn’t realize he’d had it backwards. He needed to stay focused on Seth. Period. Nothing was more important than that. Nothing.


  Rose walked the perimeter of Xavier’s room and stopped in front of his enormous CD collection. Hip hop, jazz, rock, classical, rap. “How many CDs do you have?”

  X started to clear out a couple of drawers in the dresser. “I don’t really know anymore. I have a bunch of vinyl in storage in the attic and more on a hard drive. I know it’s a little sparse down here in the compound. We can always move up to the mansion if you want to.”

  “You know, I kind of like it. I’m not big on clutter. Besides, your work is down here.” She smiled as she ran her hand along the endless plastic cases. “Wow. No wonder you only wanted me to bring my Ella Fitzgerald. You already own everything else.”

  “Oh, yeah. I totally dig her. Hmm. We could expand the room. No one uses the office next door.”

  Rose picked up a meditation cushion from the floor next to the nightstand. She tried to imagine her six foot seven NB male sitting cross legged on a cushion. “You meditate?”

  “Yup. Transcendental. It’s the only way my mind will shut up. We could take this wall out and use the space as a bigger walk-in closet. Maybe put in a second shower head and a Jacuzzi.”

  She walked over and put her hands on his chest. “You don’t say.”

  “Do you like baths?”

  “That depends. Will you be there, my male?”

  “Say that again,” he whispered.

  He put his hand on her cheek and she covered it with her own. “My male.”

  He scooped her up and held her tight against him. “You’re killin’ me, female.”

  She brought his mouth to hers and when she licked her way inside, he let her topple him over onto the bed and they dissolved into laughter.

  There was a knock on the door. Xavier dropped a quick kiss on her forehead and went to answer it.

  Adriana stood outside with baby Maya in her arms. “Hey, mama. Come on in.”

  He stood back to let them through and his female took his arm. “Adriana, I’d like to introduce you to my mate, Rose Sato. Adriana is Richard’s mate.”

  Adriana smiled. “Rose, what a lovely name. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “You too, Adriana. And who’s this?” She gently picked up the offspring’s chubby little arm.

  X grinned. “This is Maya. The first New Breed offspring.”

  Rose’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing! Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. We just thought we’d come by and introduce ourselves.” Adriana looked up at him. “Will you be at dinner?”

  “We planned on it.”

  Adriana grinned and gave Rose’s hand a squeeze. “I’ll save you a seat. The females also try to meet for lunch once or twice a week. We’d love to have you.”

  “I’d like that. Thank you.”

  “Anytime. We’ll see you two in a bit.”

  Xavier closed the door and watched Rose open her suitcase. She had swept her hair up in a loose bun. Her long, willowy neck made her look like a ballerina. Goddess, she was utterly captivating.

  Rose looked down at her jeans and sweater. “Is this alright for dinner?”

  “Yup. We definitely rock dinner family style. The mansion can be a little intimidating at first, but Dimitri is the most down to earth cat I know.”

  “How many New Breeds are there?”

  “Eleven males and one female. Seven are mated, two of them to each other. I don’t think about it much, but we represent so many cultures and beings. We’re quite a group.”

  She walked from the closet with handful of hangers. “I’m sorry. Did you say beings?”

  “Well, my partner, Troy, is mated to the Seer.”

  “The Seer?”

  “Her name is Evy. They’re both from Southie. They just found out they’re going to have offspring.”

  The look on his mate’s face was priceless. “There’s a Seer. From Southie.”

  “Yep. And our boss, Reyn, is mated to the Goddess.”

  She put her hand to her mouth. “Our Goddess? The Goddess?”

  X barked a laugh. “That’d be the one. Honestly, the rest of us aren’t really all that used to having her around either. She’s rarely here and they’re kinda busy when she is.”

  Rose laughed. “That would make sense.”

  Xavier threaded his hand through her delicate fingers. “So, ready to get some eats?”

  Her smile faded a bit. She was nervous, but trying not to let it show. “Yes. I’m definitely ready.”

  “Don’t worry. They’re gonna love you, Rosie.”

  “Why is that again?”

  He kissed her forehead. “Because I do.”

  Diesel walked down the compound’s main hallway and knocked on Pax’s door. Nada. He went a few more feet and popped his head into the kitchen. “There you are. You ready to eat? My stomach is about to victimize my pancreas.”

  Pax looked up from an episode of American Horror Story and stretched. “I’m coming.”

  Diesel started to walk to the elevator when he stopped. “Look, I need to tell you something. You’re not gonna love it, but I don’t want you finding out any other way. I found James in Christian’s room when I brought a TV down earlier. I don’t think much happened, but it was pretty obvious something had.”

  Pax looked at his partner while his brain made the connection to the other day. So that was the mystery male’s scent he’d picked up on James after his Induction. Imagine that. He had no idea what to say, so he said nothing. It wasn’t as if this Christian male was balling his boy. He had no right to be upset about it. But his insides didn’t seem to agree. They were clenched up so tight he could hardly breathe.

  “You know, I’m not really all that hungry. I think I’m gonna go out for some air.”


  He gave his partner a reassuring shoulder clap and started to walk off in the opposite direction. “I’m fine, Dies. I’ll see you later.”

  Pax gleamed to the all too familiar ally next to Anarchy. He walked in through the side door and over to the bar. The bartender had a G&T ready almost before he sat down. In the same instant the glass hit his lips he realized he was being watched. On the last bar stool down sat a human female wearing black vinyl and thigh high boots. Yeah, this wasn’t gonna work out. He drank the rest and left some cash on the bar.

  Exiting through the front door, he started up the street. Jesus, his head was tired. How had he let this happen? James was only eighteen. It was enough that he was the youngest brother. He needed to be having a good time, free of concern. Instead, it was like he was Luis and James was himself. The whole cycle was repeating itself somehow. Fuck. The same thoughts pounded through his head day and night.

  Suddenly, he just couldn’t take it anymore. He gleamed out right from the sidewalk and materialized on the vast prairie out west. The pain in his heart coursed through him, the lament leaving his body in a great wail as he fell to his knees and phased into Stallion. He turned to the west and took off like lightning toward the setting sun, his powerful hooves battering the ground and the wind whipping through his ebony mane. Faster and faster he ran until his muscles strained and all he could see was red-orange light.

  X took his mate’s hand as they came through the drawing room door. Rose glanced up at him gratefully. He could feel her hand tremble a little and he gave it a gentle squeeze. She had to be a little nervous. She was just about to meet the people who would populate a whole new world for her.

  Everyone was settled at the long, heavy table. Shit, he hoped they were chill about this. He was probably the last male they ever thought would mate. That would supply Pax and Diesel
with at least a week’s worth of material. And word had to have gotten around by now. As they approached, the light banter quieted. He led his female toward two seats next to Troy and Evy and across from Richard and Adriana. Bless you, mamas. The two of them stopped behind their chairs. “I’d like to introduce you all to my mate, Rose Sato.”

  Troy stood up, clapped his shoulder, and shook his hand. “Congratulations, partner.”

  Evy hugged him and kissed Rose on the cheek. “Welcome, Rose. I’m Evy. We’re so happy for you both.”

  That’s when he first looked down at the table and realized it was filled with Japanese cuisine. He looked at his female and she beamed up at him, her eyes brimming with tears.

  Rose looked down at the table before her. She truly couldn’t believe her eyes. There was sushi, yakisoba chicken, sesame green beans, miso soup, and teriyaki beef. And that was just their end of the table. She looked around at all of the many cultures represented there and tears came to her eyes all over again. For years she had not been accepted by her own people, yet these strangers welcomed her as if she was family. She realized just how loved Xavier was and the tears finally spilled over. “Thank you so much, everyone. It’s lovely.”

  She sat down next to Evy and was suddenly shocked at the amount of k’ul she sensed.

  The female smiled. “Oh, yeah, the Seer thing. It catches everyone off guard at first.”

  “Ev, do you just want to stick with the soup?” Troy asked.

  “What I need is a cracker.”

  He reached for the ladle. “Soup it is.”

  “Morning sickness?” Rose asked.

  Evy nodded. “More like every second of the day sickness.”

  “I have an amazing recipe for ginger tea. I can show you how to make it tomorrow, if you like. It works wonders.”

  “That would be awesome. Thanks.”

  Rose noticed her mate watching her with that gorgeous smile of his. She raised an eyebrow and held up a plate of food. “California roll, my male?”


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