Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4)

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Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4) Page 5

by Warren, Rie

  Hell, I’ll take care of her if she’ll give me half a chance.

  “What if I’m worried about you?” Her hands covered both of mine.

  I pulled free. “You don’t have to be. I got backup.” Not that I was telling the MC dudes about the new screw in the works.

  Fuck. I couldn’t believe I was sitting here, in Retribution, talking to beautiful Sin. She goddamn knocked me off my feet and blew my mind. She definitely didn’t need a front row seat to my stupid-assed past.

  “Tell me about you, precious.”

  “Why do you call me that?” Her head cocked, a brilliant bright blonde tumble of curls falling below her shoulders.

  “Don’t know.” I rubbed my hands through my hair. “You’re like a china doll. So damn perfect.”

  “I’m not. I assure you.”

  “Well, I figured. You’ve definitely got a mouth on you.”

  “Cole!” She kicked me under the table.

  “C’mon. No way you can deny that shit.” I hadn’t had this much fun in . . .


  She smiled, shaking her head as she studied me. Her eyes dropped to my chest, and I wondered if she was thinking about how the barbells pierced through my nipples would feel on her tongue again.

  I sure was.

  “You’re very sexy, you know?” Her voice dropped, husky and breathy. “Those eyes . . . so dark blue.” Reaching over, she dragged her fingertips down my cheek, across my stubble. “At first I thought you looked scary. Rugged as hell and a little frightening—and I know that’s what you want me to think, Cole. But your eyes are like sapphires. They show your whole soul to me.”

  Withdrawing her fingers, she sampled her drink while I tried some silent breathing exercises to get my cock under control. My pulse stampeded throughout my body.

  “You two up for a game?” Kinkaid gripped my shoulder while Sadie dipped down beside Sin.

  “Nah,” I said.

  “Pass.” Sin reiterated, her brilliant smile once again all for me.

  God. When she smiled at me I felt like rolling over and begging for her.

  Definitely not my style.

  But the smile, the green eyes, the possibilities.

  I can definitely work with that.

  I still wanted to know more about her, find out what made her tick, so I shifted the conversation back to her. “What was your speech about the other night?”

  “A charity thing. We’re raising money for lowcountry children with cancer.” Sin’s eyes turned glossy, her lashes dewed with tears. “My little cousin died five years ago. It was horrible watching Jaime go through all that pain.” She lowered her head. “It was bone cancer . . . they had to amputate one of her legs, and it still didn’t stop.”

  Reaching over, I caressed Sin’s cheek. I whisked away the small tears. “How old was she?”

  “Twelve. She was like a little sister to me.” She brought her shining eyes to mine. “That’s part of the reason I work really hard. Why the foundation does a lot for the local community, especially for children.”

  I pulled my hand back, resting it on the table. “I lost my sis.”

  “Oh, God, Cole.” Sin’s hand flew to her mouth. “That’s terrible. Was it cancer?”

  “No.” Nothing remotely like that.

  I cleared my throat and inspected my beer before taking a swig.

  I shouldn’t have said anything. I didn’t want to talk about it. Didn’t want to think about it.

  “Anyway, sounds like you love your job. That’s cool.” More than cool, it made the woman damn near irresistible.

  The brains, the body, the wit, that fucking car. One hell of a killer combo.

  She played along with my abrupt change of conversation. “Looked like you enjoy your job too, judging by what I saw the other day.” She sipped her whiskey then shot me a flirty smile.

  Rubbing a hand across my chest, I hooked an eyebrow at her. “You liked the ink?”

  She ran the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip then bit into it with a pointy little incisor. Made me wonder if she liked to bite and scratch in the sack.

  Usually I wouldn’t allow that. But for her? Maybe.

  Especially when she followed up with, “I might like to see that ink again.”

  A low growl rumbled through my chest as the heat flared between us.

  I leaned closer and skimmed my lips up the side of her neck. “Remember what I said about control?”

  “Yes,” she breathed out.

  After kissing the corner of her shiny wet lips and hearing her low whimper, I drew back. “Thought you didn’t want to give it up.”

  “I’m too used to being in charge of every aspect of my life, including my job. Maybe it’s time to let some of that go.”

  My heart started pounding in my ribcage. “To me.”

  “Yes, Cole.” Rising from her chair, she slowly walked over to me, every roll of her hips beneath the short skirt absolutely hypnotizing.

  I kicked my seat out from the table, and she settled herself onto my lap. With both her legs across my thighs, her luscious ass butted against my suddenly so fucking hard cock. She linked her hands at the back of my neck and drew me into her kiss.

  This second kiss of ours was smoldering hot, slow and languorous. It was wet and smooth. Her tongue coiled around mine as I explored the sleek insides of her mouth. She darted past my lips, into my mouth, and rubbed with delicious friction.

  Her nipples budded. My cock turned rock solid. Her hips gyrated. I grasped her slender waist through the silky top, my fingertips brushing the undersides of heavy, unfettered tits.

  I withdrew my lips from hers, the soft wet separation making her gasp. A lazy smile tipped the corners of my lips as I observed her. Her hair a little messy. Her eyes hazy and hooded. Her cheeks blooming with pink. And her lips . . . swollen and shiny.

  And suddenly Brodie called out amid a roar of whistles and stomping feet, “Way to own it, Probie!”

  Sin didn’t react as I expected by hiding her face against me. While I flipped two middle fingers at Brodie, she merely rolled her eyes and grinned.

  “Is it always like this?” she asked.

  “Pretty much.” My thumb skimmed across her pouty lips. “They’ve never seen me with a chick before so they gotta get their full amount of dip-shittery in while the getting’s good.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Huh?” I stared at her, running my fingers through the bright blonde waves.

  “You’ve never kissed a woman in here?”

  “Does that make you happy?”

  “Does that mean I’m special?” She stroked her fingertips along the curve of my hard jawline.

  “Oh, I’d say you already know that.” I winked.

  Then, taking her in my hands, I lifted her up and plopped her back onto her own chair, because I didn’t intend to give the fuckheads any more ammo.

  “So, tell me about the car.” I bent my elbows on the table, cradling my beer between loose fingers. The chains on my wrists rattled, the muscles in my forearms flexed and released.

  “Is that what makes me special?” She tilted her head, twirling a long curl around her finger.

  “High class girl like you with a seriously hot ride?” I shrugged. “It definitely has me intrigued.”

  “I’m a bonafide gear-girl.” She leaned in closer. “My daddy and I mess around with the cars. He worked his way through law school as a mechanic.”

  Sin, in coveralls, wielding a pneumatic wrench?


  I reached over and snagged her hand, threading our fingers together. “Your father worked his way up?”

  “Yes. It’s my mom’s side that has the family money, the Fairleys. Her parents definitely did not approve of Dad.” She laughed, a nice full throaty sound. “The way he tells the story of their courtship, he just says he was a persistent sumbitch and no one was going to stand in the way of his and my mom’s relationship if he had to cart her off to Vegas to elope with he

  “Did they? Elope?”

  “Didn’t have to in the end. Big Pop came around . . . eventually. Now he and my dad even golf together. Although I think Dad only took up golfing to forge a bond with Big Pop. He’s not really into that boring old fart Sunday shit.”

  I barked out a laugh. “I might like the old man.”

  “Hmm. You might.” She smiled one of those award winning smiles that knocked my heart for a loop. “So, Dad sticks to his litigation, and I get to dole out the Fairley money. I was practically raised at the headquarters and took over from my mom a couple years ago.”

  “So you know your way around a boardroom and an engine block?” This woman just kept getting hotter and hotter.

  My gaze dropped from her eyes to her lips that tasted so good, to the nipples pearling beneath the thin top. I could almost make out the color, the pink smudge beneath her light gray, body-skimming shirt.

  Sin continued to talk, but my attention had definitely drifted.

  I played with the delicate skin on the inside of her arm. I’d been right about not tattooing her. Her skin was too perfect. Her nipples, though? I was definitely piercing those babies. My nostrils flared, and a wash of her perfume rolled over me. I dragged my bottom lip between my teeth, imagining a shiny chain running from one of her tight buds to the other.

  “What are you staring at?” She sighed in pleasure as my fingers continued to lightly coast up and down her arm.

  “Well, your tits to be perfectly honest.” I frowned in concentration, staring even harder.

  Yanking her hand back, she proceeded to cross her arms in a huff. And bingo! She pushed her tits up and closer together, pressing out the nipples even more prominently.

  “Precious, I hate to break it to ya, but that ain’t helping matters one little bit.” Fuck. I felt saliva pooling in my mouth.

  I wanted to pop her breasts free and suck on them right then and there.

  She stood up abruptly, dropped her arms, and braced her hands on the table. Leaning over in front of me, those gorgeous mounds almost brushed my lips. And the cleavage shot? Well worth teasing it out of her.

  “How’s this, Cole? Is this helping?”

  I peered at her breasts with a strangled groan as my cock knocking against the zipper of my jeans.

  Pulling her down with my hands in her hair, I laid into her with a rough, hungry kiss. The sucking and plundering and devouring went on as I shoved back my chair, stood up, and brought Sin directly against me.

  I cupped her full bottom and the back of her head, and the kiss went on and on until too much pressure built up. Breaking free of her lips, I stared down at her.

  “Let’s get out of here.” My voice sounded low and gruff, but it cut through the sound of catcalls and whistles aimed at us.

  “What exactly are you proposing?” Her fingers stole beneath the hem of my shirt, and she scratched right above my heavy belt buckle.

  My abs contracted and my cock pulsed heavily. “Come home with me. I want you all to myself.”

  Her palm started moving south, and I gripped her wrist, stopping her. “Uh uhn. You want the goods, Sin, you’ll get ’em. But not here. And not until I say so.”

  She kissed the center of my chin then the side of my jaw. “What are you waiting for?”

  “You need to say yes.” My skin tingled wherever she touched.

  “Yes, Cole. Take me home.”

  This was either the most stellar idea I’d ever had or seriously fucking stupid. My best intentions had been shot to hell. I’d just have to deal with the fallout. At that point I didn’t care.

  I needed the woman.

  Rushing her from the clubhouse amid hoots and hollers, I barely even glanced at Kinkaid as he shot me a skeptical look. Maybe he too wondered if I was good enough for the glam babe, or if we were one big mismatched mistake.

  It didn’t matter. I was about to find out how hard Sin wanted to take it.

  Outside, the sweltering August heat felt like a slap in the face.

  I propelled Sin to her car. “You gonna show me what you can do in this thing?” I took her keys and opened the driver’s side door.

  She sat inside and pulled in her legs, giving me an amazing view of her thighs. “You want to watch me handle a stick shift, baby?”

  Her hand caressed the stitched black and white leather knob, and I curled my fingers around the door. “Yeah. Something like that.”

  “Hop in.”

  I strolled around the hood with the Firebird emblem in hot reds, oranges, and black. As soon as I was strapped in, Sin turned the ignition, eased up on the clutch, and my first fantasy about her came true.

  Holy fuck.

  I’d never experienced anything as insanely hot as her controlling that mighty beast of a Trans Am.

  Chapter Six

  THE TRANS AM ROLLED into my parking spot. Sin hit the breaks. The engine growled—in gung ho mode. I knew that feeling. The ride had been nothing short of horny. Sin pushed it to the limit, handling the car with total, sexy ease.

  I got out and loped around to Sin’s side. I liked the way she waited for me to open the door and help her out—she was a woman who knew she was quality.

  With a flash of those long bare legs, she slid up against me. Her body felt incredible, curves in all the right places the perfect counterpoint to the hard muscles of mine.

  Brushing the hair back from her temples, my fingers lingered at her neck where her pulse drummed against my skin. I leaned down and tasted her lips, quickly delving into her mouth before retreating with a smile.

  “I hope you’re ready for this, precious, because I’m gonna eat you up.”

  “Out here?” Her pale green eyes twinkled.

  I pulled her away from the car and guided her up the steps that created an open breezeway in the apartment building. My place was at the top and overlooked a tennis court.

  “You play?” she asked.

  I unlocked my door and ushered her inside. “Hardly.”

  Flicking the light switch, the tidy, tiny living room shifted into brightness, and just then a calico fur ball darted into the kitchen with screeching yeowl.

  “What was that?” Sin pointed after the fleeing feline.

  “I dunno. I think it’s a cat.” I rubbed a hand over my chin. “Could be a cross between a porcupine and an overgrown chipmunk? I call it Pincushion.”

  As she giggled I waved vaguely around the four-room place. “So this is it. It’s not luxurious but—”

  “It’s so clean.” She left my side to walk around the living room, her fingers occasionally coasting along the coffee table and the sound system set-up.

  “Right? And I don’t even have a maid.” Lounging against the doorway opposite her, I winked.

  “Shut up.” She rolled her eyes.

  In just five long steps, I caged her against the wall. “Oh, I don’t think you want me to do that.”

  I twisted her head up and crashed my lips to hers. My tongue lunged into her mouth, stroking hers. Brutal. Hard. Wet. I swallowed the whimper that escaped the back of her throat, and her hands flew to my ass to pull me all the way against her.

  With a grunt, I tore my lips free, licking them to taste more of her.

  A sneer of lust crossed my face, and my voice came out in a low deep rumble. “The things I’m gonna say to you tonight will make you so hot you’ll be begging me to fuck you harder, faster.” I nipped and licked the neck she arched for my tongue and teeth.

  “Cole!” She gasped.

  “Make your body ache for my cock.” I pressed my hips against her just once so she’d know what she was getting.

  Then I stepped back, watching her as she panted. Her hair disheveled. Her tits jutting. Her eyes heavy.

  “But we gotta talk about how this is gonna go down first,” I said.

  “We do?” She slowly regained her composure. “This about the control thing again?”

  “Mm hmm.” I dropped onto the couch and patted the cushion besid
e me.

  She approached slowly and perched next to me.

  “I want to push you to the limit. Find out what your limits are.”

  “Is this about the power struggle,” she asked. “Does that get you off?”

  “Not as much as you completely giving yourself over to me would.”

  She hissed a sharp breath, her back arching unintentionally.

  Damn. She might not like giving away control, but her body sure seemed interested in the idea.

  Her voice a little shaky, she asked, “So is this a BDSM thing?”

  I laughed, a long low sound. “Why, precious? Are you into the scene?”

  “Of course not,” she snapped.

  “Nothing wrong with that, you know?”

  She narrowed her eyes on me. “I didn’t mean to imply that there was. Just—”

  “You’re a good girl?”

  Biting her lip, she gave a hesitant nod. She had no idea how hot she made me, just that little shot of insecurity in an otherwise totally impressive babe.

  I scooted closer, dragging my fingers up her bare arm to the soft skin of her shoulder. “Wanna be my good girl?”

  Again with the hesitant nod.


  I withdrew my hand before I could be tempted to run it all over her smokin’ body. “It’s not a BDSM thing with me. I don’t call it that. Don’t call it anything. It’s just how I like to fuck.”

  She made a small noise, and her thighs parted just a little bit. She was so ripe for this, right for me.

  My voice lowered. “I don’t want to be your Dom or your Master or your Daddy. It’s not about pain. It’s about letting go. Finding out what gives you pleasure, and sometimes that’s not always orthodox.”

  Her breath stuttered in an out as she shifted her gaze to me, her eyes sweeping over my face, my shoulders, my chest. “Do you ever just have sex?”

  “Vanilla sex?”

  Sin nodded, her cheeks turning a delicious shade of pink.

  “I like all kinds of sex. Kinky. Straightforward fucking. Fast. Hard.” I turned toward her and kissed her lips between each subsequent word. “Long.” Kiss. “Slow.” A lingering touch of my tongue on hers. “. . . anal.”

  Her body snapped against mine, and her lips opened, her tongue rolling into my mouth.


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