Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4)

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Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4) Page 6

by Warren, Rie

  After the soul scorching kiss that set my balls on edge, I eased my lips to her ear. “But if I’m really into a woman—and I’m really into you”—goddamn understatement—“I need to know it’s okay if I fuck you the way I want to.”

  I leaned back. “So what do you say, Sin. Are you in?”

  “I’m in.”

  Lifting her in my arms, I carried her through to my bedroom. I kicked the door shut before Pincushion got any funny ideas about pouncing on us mid-fuck.

  As I set Sin on her feet, she glanced around. There wasn’t a lot to take in, but just like the rest of the joint, it was neat and clean.

  My fingers beneath her chin, I turned her face toward me, and she blinked quickly. “You nervous?”

  “A little.”

  Rubbing her arms, I smiled. “You don’t need to be. I’ll stop anytime you say. But trust me. You won’t.”

  “You’re very confident.”

  “Yeah.” Swooping down, I descended on those tight nipples that had teased me all night long.

  She gasped, then moaned, as my tongue rasped her hard bud, my thumb and finger pulling on its twin. With her back bowed over the forearm I slid around her waist, I sucked her nipples through the thin fabric of her top. I left the first one prominent and wet before turning to the other. The pink peaks becoming visible in the circle of transparent material, I cupped her breasts and bounced them in my hands.

  “Damn, precious. You’ve got incredible tits. Wanna see them.” I peeked at her just once to make sure she was okay—her eyes half-mast, her body trembling—before I lifted the hem of her top.

  Skimming my rough palms against her dewy skin felt like heaven. When my fingers grazed the bottoms of her breasts, her eyes slammed shut. The shirt lifted, draped around my wrists with the heavy chains that looked so at odds with her creamy skin. Her nipples popped out—deep red, striving upward.

  I kept going higher until her arms raised, and I whipped the shirt off, tossing it away. Her skin glowed. There was an amazing teardrop shape to her tits. The nipples puffed up—candy to suck and bite.

  I pulled her against me and kissed her with my tongue sliding deep into her mouth until my breath chugged inside my chest. She undulated her hips against me, hitting the thick hard rod of my cock.

  “How does that feel?” My eyelids dropped heavily.

  Her mouth moved to the side of my neck, her hands busy beneath my muscle shirt. “So good.”

  “Gonna get better.”

  I latched onto her neck, scenting that sweet skin then licking it as her breath threaded in and out.

  With a frustrated moan, her hands climbed to my pecs, the shirt barring her progress.

  “Take it off me.” I drew back.

  Sin worked quickly, ridding me of the shirt. “Love your body. Your ink. Wanted to stare at you forever the other day.”

  I looked down, willing myself to remember the sight of Sin—downtown, smart as hell, sexy Sin—rubbing her face against my chest while her hands slipped to my ass.

  She squeezed and I thrust forward, a grunt rolling out of me.

  Her hands were all over me, her wispy white-blonde curls tickling, her lips and tongue sucking my nipples that pinged hard. Her tongue twirled around the barbells. Her fingers dug into the slabbed muscles of my ribs, drifting to the tight coils of my abdomen and the line of dark brown hair that stretched from my belly button to my belt.

  Then she brought her long vamp red fingernails into play. I bit my lip, forcing down a loud groan when she dragged furrows along my entire torso.

  I reached low, grabbing her wrists. “Gonna get you naked now.”

  Kneeling in front of her, I worked off her sandals. I slid my fingers up her legs. Legs she spread wider, one hand planted on my head. She gusted out a moan as I coasted up her thighs.

  Encountering thin straps low on her hips, I followed them around to her ass beneath the skirt.

  “A thong?” I snapped the thin lacy band nestled between her ass cheeks.

  She nodded.

  I hoped it was white, and wet through.

  The material clung to her pussy, but I pulled it free and slowly lowered it down her legs. The scrap of lingerie appeared. Pristine and white like I’d though. The center absolutely soaking wet, as I’d wanted.

  I held them up to my face. “Looks like I got you hot.”

  “Yes.” Her hips knocked forward.

  “I want you to be dripping down your thighs.”

  She stood before me in nothing but the flippy skirt.

  I sat on the edge of the bed. “Take off the rest.”

  Sin reached behind, shoving out her tits. Blonde curls cascaded to her shoulders.

  “Should I turn around?” The skirt slid to her hipbones.

  “Depends if you want me to see your pretty pussy first or your hot ass. Up to you.”

  A naughty gleam shined in her eyes. “Both. At once.”

  Pivoting on her feet, she lowered the zipper, slipped the skirt down her waist, and gave me everything.

  Bending forward, she spread her legs, opening the bright jewel between her thighs.

  My cock was enormous in my jeans. Wet. Pumped and ready. Too ready.

  I reached into the bedside drawer and found the new cock ring. Just feeling it cupped in my palm was like having the hard cold metal band around the base of my shaft.

  I didn’t know if I’d use it, but I’d definitely be using something on Sin tonight.

  Dropping the ring on the bed, I stood up behind her. “Beautiful, Sin.” I handled her supple backside. “Get on the bed. On your back. Arms raised.”


  I walked to my dresser where I took out two lengths of soft rope I stretched between my hands. “These are for your wrists. I might not do your ankles. Depends.”

  “On what?”

  “How good you follow directions.” I slapped the rope against my palm, wishing it was a leather-lashed flogger.

  Her green eyes flared. “What directions?”

  Snapping a coil around one of her wrists, I pulled up her arm and secured it. I lapped the hot furious pulse at her collarbone, moving to the other side. “No touching.”

  “Well, how can I when you have me tied to your bed?”

  “Exactly.” I smugly smiled, seeing Sin all stretched out. “Do I need to do your feet too?”

  “Unless you want me to kick you.”

  “Remember, precious. You told me to do it.” I looped two more ropes over her ankles, giving her enough room to wiggle and nothing more.

  Fettered and stretched out on my bed, Sin was the peak of perfection.

  “How do you feel?” I asked.

  A ripple moved down her body, and I hoped it was excitement.

  “Exposed,” she breathed out.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, Sin.”

  Her eyelashes fluttered at my compliment. I walked slowly around her, lightly tracing the skin of her neck and shoulders, her arms and legs. Goose bumps rose on her flesh in my wake, and her breathing picked up as she watched me.

  “Gorgeous. Goddamn stunning.” I shook my head for a moment, the muscles in my body tensing.


  Shit, I’d barely started with her, and I was on the verge of pouncing on her.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Relaxing a little in the restraints, she smiled, a glimmer in her eyes.

  “It’s gonna get better.” I winked at her.

  Before she could say anything else, I leaned over her and tongued one tight nipple, getting it nice and wet. I did the same with the other then dragged my lips all over both perfect tits until they were shiny. Her hands clenched the restraints as I stood again.

  The rise of her glistening breasts. The swell of her hips. The soft panting mouth and her half-shaded eyes. Her hair fanned out around her, glossy and bright. The tightly trimmed blonde fluff of her landing strip above the smooth cleft of her cunt.

  Oh yeah, definitely gonna need the cock ring.
  I picked up the hinged metal circlet and flipped it in my palm a few times. Sin’s eyes widened.

  “That’s the one I saw at the shop?”

  I nodded.

  Her gaze traveled down my chest to my hips. The size of the bulge in my worn jeans was almost obscenely evident.

  Her body arched as she moaned. “You don’t look like you need it.”

  “I don’t.” I let a little bit of male smugness drip into my voice, then I lowered my tone. “But it means my cock will be extra hard for an extra long time so I can fuck your mouth, your tits, your pussy.” I set the silver ring at the edge of the bedside table. “That can wait for later, when you put it on me.”

  “Ohhh.” Sin’s eyes rolled back as she writhed on the bed.

  “Anyone ever talked to you like this before, precious?”

  “No.” She gasped.

  “Do you like it? Do you like me telling you what I’m gonna do to you, how I’m gonna make you come with my dick driving into your sweet cunt . . .”


  At the foot of the bed, I started climbing between her spread legs. “Have you ever tried it? Ever asked a man to eat your pussy? Ever said cock with that perfect ripe mouth of yours.”

  “Oh God. No!”

  “I’m gonna make you tell me what you want before I do it.”

  “I don’t know if I can.” Her head lifting, she flashed her eyes at me. A small green ring remained around her dilated pupils. Startled and . . . aroused.

  Bending over, my face hovered above her beautiful slit.

  I blew a gentle stream of air along her landing strip then directed it to the glossy nub of her clit. “I think you can.”

  Her thighs quivered. Her belly trembled. Her fingers curled around the ropes.

  I kissed and licked the inside of her thigh, going higher . . . and higher until my rough stubble rubbed the puffy pink pout of one gleaming wet pussy lip.

  Her long wail was music to my ears.

  Her hips grinded helplessly against the bed.

  I returned to kissing, lapping, all around her juicy, swollen mound.

  “You’ll ask me if you want it enough, precious.”

  “Oh, God!” Her pelvis twisted.

  I worked my way down the inside of her other thigh. Kiss. Lick. Little bite.

  “Please, Cole. Please.” Her head thrashed.

  “Look at me.” I blew another stream of breath along her wet folds.

  She raised her head, her entire body shuddering.

  The pearl of her clit looked amazing, almost completely free of the hood. Her cunt was beginning to open, revealing a darker pink blush inside.

  “You’re so wet.” I kept my eyes trained on hers as I lowered my mouth.

  She remained absolutely still except for the ragged breaths panting in and out of her parted lips. Wet lips. Lips she licked over and over. Her tits rose and fell. I wanted to mash them around my cock and the fuck the hell out those mounds.

  I bit the tight tendon at the top of her thigh, and she squealed.

  “So fucking wet, Sin. I really want to lick and suck and slam my tongue into your cunt—”

  Her eyes slid closed.

  I spanked her with four flat fingers against her labia.

  She screamed, her eyes shooting open.

  “That’s right. Look at me. Look me in the eyes and tell me what you want right now. I want to dive right in there and tongue fuck you. I need to be licking you. You’re goddamn dripping and I don’t think I’ve seen such an engorged cunt and I haven’t even touched it yet.”

  “Oh my God. Oh God, please, Cole, please!”

  “Can’t wait for you to come all over my mouth, my face, with my fingers deep inside you. My cock stretching you and slamming into you.” I dragged my tongue right down the thin strip of blonde curls, stopping just short of her clit. “Tell me.”

  Her hips bucked toward my mouth. And I waited cruelly, licking my lips.

  When she still resisted, I kneeled between her spread-eagled legs, unbuttoned my jeans. Pushing them down, I lifted out my cock. Thick, long, heavily covered in veins and so fucking hard it felt like a baseball bat, I wrapped my fist around the base and squeezed. The head swelled even more, precome sliding out of the tip.

  Sin looked shocked, awed, stunned.

  “You ever been fucked by a cock this big?”

  She shook her head, moaning, desperate for anything.

  Any little touch.

  I stroked myself a few times, twisting my head back in pleasure. Then I rubbed the shiny, broad tip up the inside of her thigh.

  “You’re not gonna get fucked by it tonight, either.” I groaned, pressing the length of my dark red shaft right into the juncture of her thigh. “I’ll just fist fuck myself right in front of you and spray my come all over your belly.”

  I spread my body out on top of hers, making sure not a single spot of our skin connected. My face lowered toward hers, I kissed her wildly until she moaned hotly.

  Pulling back from her moist mouth, I returned to settle between her legs. My mouth right above her shell-pink cunt.

  “Now, tell me what you want,” I demanded.

  “Eat me! Oh God, please eat my pussy. I want your face—”

  Her voice died into a scream when I licked straight up the center of her slit to land against her clit.

  Hell yeah.

  My lips widened, and I made out with her entire pussy, sucking up all the slick moisture. I rubbed her with my lips and my tongue, my chin as she jerked and cried out. Pulling her sweet swollen lips open, I smiled. Wet red flesh. She felt burning hot on my mouth, and the longer I drove my tongue into her the wetter she became. I gave Sin one screaming orgasm after the other, my fingers diving inside, twisting, thrusting, my lips and teeth plucking at her clit.

  I ate the hell out of her, just like she’d asked. Her unrelenting shouts and ever-growing arousal as I lashed at her turned me on just as much as her.

  When she was nothing but a quivering, whimpering wreck—shivers streaking up and down her body and low moans tumbling out—I gave one last long slow kiss over her entire cunt.

  Rising up on my knees, I observed my blitzed woman.

  “Oh my God,” she sighed, her arms and legs lax in the restraints.

  “Guess what?”

  Her eyelashes fluttered up. “What?”

  “You taste even better than I thought you would.”

  Her cheeks heated even more. And I loved that she had a red sex rash on her tits rising up to her neck.

  I’d loved her good.

  Now it was my turn. My cock throbbed to the point of pain, still popped up from the open jeans framing it. I stood to shuck boots, socks, and jeans all the way off, Sin’s gaze wandering over me the entire time.

  I stood a solid six two of colorful ink over rippling muscles, and Sin took her time appreciating all of me. I flipped the hair on my forehead out of my eyes, rounding the bed.

  I untied her wrists then her ankles. Gently rearranging her on the bed, I scooted behind her, sitting with my back against the pillows.

  “Is that it?” she asked.

  “Does it feel like I’m done?” My erection pumped against her lower back.


  “Bingo.” I scooped her hair over her shoulders and brushed my lips down her neck.

  A very light sheen of sweat made her glow. I’d given her quite the workout. Reaching around her, I massaged one of her arms down to her wrist, making sure to knead out all the kinks. I repeated the tender ministrations on her other arm then kissed her neck again.

  Her head fell against me when she sighed.

  “How are the legs, precious?”

  “I can’t even feel them.”

  I chuckled, moving out from behind her. At the soles of her feet, I started working slowly up, just comforting her, gentling her.

  She looked absolutely blissed out, her eyes closed, her face relaxed, her body soft.

  That wouldn�
��t last long. One side of my mouth quirked up.

  Walking to the little bedside table, I picked up the cock ring and skimmed it across Sin’s nipples. Her eyes shot open as I placed it in her open palm.

  “Time to put this on me.”


  “You have touched a cock before, right?” Although I’d be pretty fucking pleased if she hadn’t.

  “Of course.” She sat up, huffing a lock of hair from her face.

  “Show me how.” I steeled my legs for her first touch, just knowing whatever she did was going to blow my mind.

  Her hand lifted and she wrapped the slender manicured fingers around me.

  I grunted her name and held her hand still. “Not yet.

  The ring had a hinged release, which I had a feeling I was gonna need, but I wanted to feel her pushing it down over my cock.

  I reached over and retrieved a bottle of lube. Flipping open the cap, I handed it to her. “You’re never getting that ring on me now without a little slick, precious.”

  She drizzled a long line of lube all the way down my dick, tossed the bottle aside, then started a long two-handed twist action from the head of my shaft all the way to the base.

  I swallowed harshly, breathing out through my nose like a fucking bull in a rodeo. “More lube.”

  She quickly complied, making sure to coat me good and cover me all over.

  I leaned out of her grasp as a tight tingling sensation centered in my swinging balls. Shutting my eyes, I willed my cock to go a little bit soft.

  When I’d lost some of my rigidity, I said, “Ring. Now. Slip it on.”

  With my chin lowered to my chest, I watched her over the flexing muscles of my torso and abdomen while she eased the silver band onto my cock.

  That shit was a tight squeeze. The veins in my dick pulsed and bulged. The head turned the deepest darkest red imaginable.

  Finally, she had it nestled at the root of my dick. I felt every beat of my rapid-fire heart thrumming through my shaft. Felt like I had the mother lode of come at the ready, but the need to release subsided.


  Then Sin turned her tease on. Her hand languidly pumping, she reached out with the other one to fondle the heavy weights of my clean-shaved balls.

  Liquid rolled out of the tip of my dick, and Sin swiped her fingers through it, bringing shiny fingertips to her lips. She looked me square in the eyes as she licked them clean.


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