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Coletrane (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 4)

Page 15

by Warren, Rie

  I gripped her foot, stretched her leg. “I won’t hurt you.”

  Lifting her head, she nodded. Her breath jolted in sharp gasps.

  The other ankle bound, I talked and touched and stroked her throughout until she was stretched taut. As taut and tight and needy as me.

  I returned to the bottom of the bed one last time, checking everything to make sure she couldn’t wriggle lose, wouldn’t get hurt.

  “I’ll love you right, Sin.” My palms skimmed up the insides of her legs. “You look very, very good tied up on my bed, precious.”

  “I want you, Cole. Only you.”

  I brushed my knuckles against her cheeks and whispered with the faintest contact against her lips, “You’ll get all of me. You have all of me, Sin.”

  I didn’t have a playroom or a dungeon. I didn’t go to BDSM clubs or kit out my place with a St. Andrews Cross. Couldn’t afford it even if I wanted to. What I did have was a few treasured pieces. The flogger was one of them. A cascade of black suede straps with a braided leather handle I’d been waiting six weeks to use on Sin.

  The soft suede slapped, slapped, slapped against my thigh as I walked toward her.

  I sailed the tails through the air as soon as Sin’s eyes darted to mine. The velvety straps wrapped around the headboard, teasing her fingertips before I coiled the whip back to me.

  “Ever seen one of these?” I asked.


  “So you’ve never felt a flogger on your skin.”

  She shook her head, her breasts thrust up, her body heaving.

  “It’s for your pleasure. That little bit of pain you felt with the nipple clamps?” I slid the trails of ultra-fine suede up the inside of one of her thighs then the other. “You’ll love this.”

  With no warning, I brought the flogger down on her pussy with a fast stinging blow.

  She arched as if she’d been electrocuted. I swirled the tails around her cleft, getting them nice and wet while she trembled.

  The leather braided hilt of the instrument butted against her clit when I switched directions. She writhed from side to side beneath me, reaching for more, always needing more.

  “One day I might fuck your tight weeping cunt with the handle while I open your ass with my cock. Give you double the pleasure.”

  I let loose with another wale on her pussy, directed to the side of her clit.

  She wet the strands I pulled through her spread legs, huffing so fast her breath was almost visible.

  Standing to my full height, looming over her, I rained a soft smacking beat down on her nipples.

  When the sweet cherries puffed up red and bright and she craned her neck, I grabbed the back of her head, lunging inside her mouth with my tongue. I lightly twisted the hoops through her nipples, bringing the nubs to complete arousal before breaking away.

  “I’d love to blindfold you while I do this sometime.”

  Her quivering breasts. SLAP. Her spread thighs. SMACK. Her blossoming pussy. FLAIL.

  Hungry for her taste, I pushed my face between her legs and lapped up all her juices. She came quickly, intensely, thrashing what little she could around me.

  I’d only just started.

  Flogger in hand again, I worked her to fever pitch, sometimes eating her out.

  Sometimes I lashed her with the suede tails. I crammed her nipples into my mouth. I licked her waist to collarbone and orbited the steel hoops with my tongue until I lavished the entire circumference. Sin never knew what was coming next—a kiss or a lick or a soft blow.

  She writhed, whining. Crying out when I mercilessly sailed the tassels against her spread and ready wetness.

  “So loud. Gonna have to get you a soundproof room.” I dragged the soft suede flogger between her legs, across her dripping slit, up and around her tits.

  She jerked. Bit her lip. Squeezed her eyes shut, and tried to muffle her moans.

  “I like it,” I whispered in her ear.


  An orgasm tore immediately through her. I kept flogging her tits, her thighs, her pussy, drawing it out. When she let out a long contented sigh, I dropped the flogger to the floor, dropped all pretenses, and climbed onto the bed next to her.

  Caressing her, I murmured, “So beautiful, Sin. So goddamn beautiful.”

  She smiled dreamily, returning my kiss with sweet mewls and deep soft strokes of her tongue.

  Desperate to find some relief for my aching cock, I shed my jeans, kneeled beside her head, and replaced my lips with my stiff dick. I eased the dark, engorged head into her mouth.

  “Yes.” I groaned, threading my fingers into her hair to hold her head still.

  I fed her the thick helmet over and over as she slurped on me, her plump lips enclosed around me. I needed more. I pushed deeper, stuffing her mouth, watching the veiny length pump with more blood.

  With a hiss, I edged out, my shaft glistening with her saliva.

  “More,” Sin moaned.

  After licking her lips, she opened her mouth wide and rolled out her tongue to take my cock.

  I cupped her cheek, whispering in a raw voice, “You amaze me,” as I plunged my shaft inside.

  She was so blissed out, she softly, sloppily sucked. The wet pleasure was so extreme, she ratcheted my need like a wire pulled to the breaking point.

  Pulling out my cock, I kissed her with rough urgency then settled between her thighs. “Don’t want to use a condom with you anymore. I’m safe. Got tested. No other women since you.” I kissed her neck. “No other woman for me but you.”

  “Yes, Cole.” Sin twisted beneath me, her body begging for me.

  “I want to keep you restrained just a little bit longer. Can you take it?”

  She raised her head, her smile shining. “I can take all of you.”

  That’s my woman.

  I pointed my cock toward her waiting slit, split the soft lush lips with the broad head, and thrust all the way inside.

  Her back arched as if she’d experienced an electric shock.

  I stilled, buried to my balls, expanding when she coaxed me from the inside with soft little pulses. The feeling of her wrapped around me, no barrier, nearly set me off. Hot. Wet. Tight. Massaging.

  Totally fucking overwhelming.

  “Don’t move, precious. Don’t make a sound. Can you do that for me?” I braced myself on fists planted beside her head.

  Her body tensed in response but she stopped moaning.

  Her breath rushing out, she squeezed me internally even more.

  Fuck, could I ever feel that.

  “Just like that. That’s right, Sin. That’s the only way you can move on me. Squeeze my cock with your cunt.” My harsh voice reverberated.

  I remained deep inside her, the internal contractions stealing my sanity.

  She strained in her flesh but remained otherwise motionless and quiet.

  Finally—the torture building, the intensity rising, pure sensation with no release an agonizing pleasure—I looked down at her.

  She stared back. Finally, just Sin. No vanity, no façade, no finery, no upper-crust family. Just Sin, Tears tracked down to her temples. Her lush mouth parted. Heavy deep breaths wrenched out of her. She was absolutely open to me.

  “Now tell me what you want.” I palmed her tits and pinched her nipples, adding more and more pressure until she burst:

  “Fuck me. Fuck me Cole. Please, oh God, please!”

  “I need more.” I hadn’t moved inside her since the first raw lunge.

  She wailed, “I need your cock! Fuck me now!”

  “Will you stay still if I do? Can you keep still and silent?”

  She frantically nodded yes.

  I began entering her with deep long strong strokes. Each pump inside her firm and powerful, but slow. Everything building, escalating.

  Sin tried to remain still, but she let loose a series of hot moans and desperate whimpers.

  Braced above her, I watched the impact of my cock drilling all the way inside her ma
king her tits bounce and her breath catch.

  My muscles flexed harder, rippling. My cock swelled, bigger than ever. Her pussy fluttered, drenching me.

  Sin didn’t move. I drove into her harder. Faster. I placed a hand on her belly, forcing even more pressure inside her.

  Finally, when the torture and agony and heat and desire became impossible to withstand, I withdrew from her. She wailed incoherently.

  Working quickly, I untied all her bonds.

  Sitting back against the pillows, I helped her climb onto my lap, held her poised above my engorged cock.

  “Now ride me. However you want. Fuck me, Sin. Kiss me, scratch me, scream for me.”

  She impaled herself, simply dropping down onto my cock with a shout. She went wild, pulling at my hair, riding me hard. She gyrated with me pressed deep inside, my tip massaging her g-spot, my thumb circling her hot clit.

  She came hard, brilliantly, flinging her head back and screaming my name.

  But she didn’t stop. The rocking, swaying, lifting, dropping, fucking continued.

  Pulling her tits to my mouth, I sucked, licked, kissed her tender nipples, practically mauling them.

  “Can you feel what you do to me?” I slammed up into her as she drove down. “No one like you.” Grabbing her hair, I wrenched her mouth to mine. “Never be another woman like you for me. Never letting you go now.”

  Hugging her to me, I let the orgasm take over. Kissing, gasping, roaring her name, I pumped jet after jet of come into her.

  My cheek pressed against hers, I ran my fingers through her hair, down her back.

  She clung to my shoulders, her legs curled around me.

  “God, I love you, Sin.”

  She froze in my lap.

  I pulled back, grinning at her stunned reaction. “I love you.”

  “Really?” She frowned.

  “Uh, yeah. Really.”

  She let her head fall to my shoulder, and I went back to stroking her hair.

  “That’s good,” she said in a hushed voice. “Because I love you too.”

  I smiled, kissing her neck. “I guess that is a good thing then.”

  And it was easy, just like that. Easy and . . . absolutely astonishing.

  I took very gentle care of Sin later, ensuring I hadn’t strained her too much. We grabbed some dinner, watched some TV, listened to music, and went back to bed.

  We held each other in the dark, whispering, occasionally laughing when Pincushion would prowl by, clawing at the door.

  Just before Sin drifted off, she said, “Cole, I’d like to meet your mom.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  FOR THE NEXT WEEK, Sin and I saw each other as much as possible. Sometimes I picked her up after work, when our schedules aligned. Twice she met me at Retribution. The usual suspects—otherwise known as the MC goons—unsubtly signaled their approval of me getting back with Sin with big thumbs up, hard slaps on my back, and beers shoved in our faces.

  I hadn’t seen her folks since that fucked up night at the benefit. Couldn’t say I was too excited about the prospect of running into them ever again, but I knew it would have to happen sooner or later.

  On Sunday, I rode to my mom’s care facility with Sin seated behind me on the bike.

  I stopped in the parking lot of the place that was only a few miles from my apartment. It wasn’t the best, but it was all I could find nearby. At least the staff was on the ball.

  Grievously, it was that big, fat, pie-in-the-sky windfall, her dreamed of security for Brooke and me that funded Mom’s convalescence. How sick was that?

  One stinger after another. Blood money from an insurance policy paid for the bulk of my mom’s care. Yet another fucking blow.

  Just another reason to feel guilty.

  Sin dismounted, but I stayed where I was, fingers gripped tight on the throttles.

  “Cole, are you nervous?” She turned my face to hers.

  “I’ve never brought a girl to meet my mom before. And she’s not exactly all there.”

  “I’m just glad for the chance.” Bending down, she pecked my lips. “I meant what I said. I love you. This is important to me.”

  Turning sideways on the motorcycle, I held Sin by her hips as she stood between my legs. The sun beat down and she looked as gorgeous as ever.

  “I guess I should clue you in about the situation,” I began. “I mean, the docs tried to lay it all out for me, back when she got like this, but it still doesn’t make much sense. It’s like her mind stopped at a point right before Brooke died.” I lowered my eyes. My voice dropped. “Some sort of psychosis from the shock. Extreme PTSD. She never moves forward.”

  “Okay. I’ve done my fair share of visits to hospitals and retirement homes, Vet facilities.” Sin caressed my cheek. “The only difference is it’s your mom, and I want to be here for you. For her.”

  I took off my helmet while she retrieved the big plastic-wrapped package I’d bundled to the back of my bike when I’d picked her up.

  “What’s that?”

  Breaking open the filmy shroud, she revealed a bouquet of vibrant pink flowers. “They’re called flowers. Specifically peonies. Every woman likes to be brought flowers, Cole.”

  I hopped off the bike and got my own package. “And chocolates.”

  Hooking my arm around her waist, I guided her inside.

  The antiseptic smell hit me in a rush, bringing back the worst memories. Brooke. The morgue. Identifying her because my mom was already cracking up . . .

  I pushed those memories aside. For a few hours a week, I was just a boy who’d lost his sister, who still needed his mom.

  “Mr. Cole!” The usual nurse rushed up to me in her starched colorful scrubs.

  Jeanine said the patients liked the rainbows on her uniform more than the staid blue scrubs. “Oh, boy. Your mama is in fine form today. She talkin’ a lot.” She grabbed my elbow. “Now, I’m not sayin’ she’s all there, but it should be a good visit for y’all.”

  “Thank you, Jeanine.”

  “She’s in the her room right now. G’on and see her. You’ll both brighten her some more.”

  That was the goal. Make her smile. She’d never healed from the grief. And mostly she didn’t recognize me from one visit to the next, but while I was there she occasionally showed sparks of remembrance. I had to believe that was something. It was all I had.

  In her shared room, my mom sat alone beside the window. She hummed softly, watching butterflies skip from blossom to blossom in the garden outside. I stopped just inside the threshold, my heart catching for a beat.

  Brooke had resembled her. They use to laugh together, calling their hair dishwater blonde, but I’d always thought it was pretty. Light brown with shots of honey-gold. Now my mom’s streaked with silver as it fell past her shoulders.

  Other than the silver streaks in her hair, she could be in the prime of her life, except for the fact her mind was almost completely gone.

  I walked inside, making sure she heard each footfall so she wouldn’t be startled.

  She turned her head, a smile lighting her face. “Oh, my. You came back!”

  “Of course I did, Mom.”

  This was a good day. Sometimes the visits varied. She could call me an imposter, be angry to see me, scared of me . . .

  She shook her head a little as if the word mom didn’t ring true.

  I gave her a moment to look me over and make sure I was safe before I approached her with a light hug. Her hands remained on the arms of the chair, but she didn’t recoil.

  Not this time.

  “Mom, this is Sinclair Chatham, my girlfriend.” I beckoned Sin forward. “Sin, my mother, Claire.”

  “Mrs. Sawyer, I’m honored to meet you, ma’am.”

  “You are so pretty! Just look at you.” Mom glanced from Sin to me. “Who are you again?”

  I cleared my throat. “Brought you some of those fancy chocolates you like.” Sometimes it was just better to move forward, no matter how much it hurt. />
  She accepted the glossy white box with an impish smile. “Well aren’t you sweet?”

  “And some flowers, Mrs. Sawyer.” Sin held out the fragrant cluster.

  “Those are some pretty. Why thank you. Do you think you could find a vase? I reckon there’s one parked in that old trolley over there.”

  The old trolley was a clinical-looking metal cabinet on locked, rolling wheels.

  “I’ll take care of it,” Sin said.

  “Isn’t she just lovely?” Mom curled her hands beneath her chin. “Reminds me of my daughter somehow. Brooke. Girls are just so precious.” She peered at me. “I have a son too. He’s only fifteen, but you look like him.”

  I kneeled beside her. “I’m Cole, Mom. I’m your son.”

  “You can’t be. He’s just a teenager.” She frowned and rubbed her eyes for a moment before sitting back with a smile. “But thank you for visiting me. Did you come last week? I think I remember you.”

  “Yes, Mom. I was here last week.”

  She indulgently patted my cheek. “That’s so nice of you to volunteer your time. I don’t get many visitors. I miss my Brookie. Have you seen her?”

  I glanced behind at Sin. She was busily filling a cheap vase with the expensive bouquet, her back turned. Her shoulders were shaking.

  I swallowed over the tightness in my throat. “I haven’t seen Brooke lately, no, ma’am. I’m sorry.”

  I was so sorry my heart tore open all over again.

  When Sin turned around, her eyes shone bright with unshed tears, and my heart convulsed again.

  “Mrs. Sawyer, Cole told me you like to play cards. Do you have a deck?”

  My mom lit up with excitement. She leaned over and grabbed a well-used pack of cards she expertly shuffled. “Do you know Kings in the Corners?”

  “My daddy taught it to me. Before he showed me how to play poker.” Sin winked.

  I dragged a chair over for Sin and pushed the wheelie table between them, locking the rollers with the toes of my boots.

  Sitting on the bed, I watched them play the first card game my mom had ever taught me. Sin won, but there was an immediate rematch as they shared the box of chocolates between them.


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