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Her Cocky Firefighters

Page 10

by Tara Crescent

  Sean’s eyes soften. “Brad’s the investigator,” he says, brushing his lips across my cheek. “This won’t take long, sweetheart .”

  My heart catches at the term of endearment. I thought I’d lost him tonight. I was so scared… I don’t want to let either of them out of my sight. Not yet. I’m still too shaken .

  “The sooner I move, the more evidence we might be able to find,” the other man says apologetically .

  “This was definitely arson,” I overhear Sean say as the three men walk away. “I smelled gasoline when I entered the office .”

  “Wow.” Lana’s eyes are round. “First Tammy, now Connor. I don’t understand. Who’d want to hurt them ?”

  “I don’t know.” My brain isn’t really functioning. The fear, the stress, it’s all taking a toll. All I want to do is spend the next twenty-four hours cuddled between Nick and Sean. I need to touch them, hold them .

  “And why now? The arsonist must be someone who lives in Goat, but there haven’t been other suspicious fires. So what changed ?”

  “I moved into town,” I quip tiredly. “Perhaps the arsonist doesn’t approve of feminists .”

  She rolls her eyes at my joke but otherwise ignores it. “You wouldn’t need much gasoline to start a fire. Maybe I should make inquiries at the gas stations? Roy Burris or Patrick Corrigan might have seen something suspicious .”

  Writing cozy mysteries has addled my friend’s brain. I think she fancies herself to be a detective. “The guy’s on it, Lana. Let him do his job.” I give her a wry look. “Behind on the next book deadline already ?”

  She sighs. “You know it. This time, it’s for a good cause. I’ve been helping with Elvira’s campaign.” Her lips twist into a small smile. “If there’s one good thing that came out of this whole sorry mess, I think she’s finally realized how important Connor is to her .”

  “I really hope so .”

  S ean and Nick are done with the investigator sooner than I expect. “He’s going to look at the site,” Sean says in response to my inquiring look. “We’ll chat again tomorrow. Right now, the only place I want to be is in bed next to you .”

  He told me he loved me. I haven’t said it back, and despite that, Sean’s still here. He’s the same person he’s always been. My heart swells with love, and the words hover, once again, at the tip of my tongue .

  But once again, I find myself tongue-tied. “ Let’s go .”



  M y phone rings at noon, waking us up. It’s Blake. I put the call on speaker so we can all hear him. “Sorry to bother you guys, but Connor’s awake .”

  My shoulders slump in relief. I’m not a touchy-feely guy, but Connor was a beacon of stability in my often-tumultuous childhood. He’s always been there for me. “Is he okay ?”

  “He’s better than okay,” Blake chuckles. “Elvira took him home. She’s refusing to let him out of her sight. Those two are finally together .”

  “Really?” I can’t believe it .

  “Yeah.” Blake sounds a little choked up too. “After all these years…” He clears his throat. “Anyway. As Connor’s doctor, I’m recommending that he take it easy for the next week, but he’s quite concerned about the Weekly Goat. This week’s issue went off to the printers before the fire, but he said something about interviewing Eric Hardy ?”

  Hailey cuts in. “Yes, we were going to run interviews with both Elvira Grantham and Eric Hardy right before the election. Tell Connor not to worry; I’ll interview Hardy .”

  That’s my girl. My heart swells with pride at the way she steps up and does what’s required. No fuss, no drama. That’s Hailey .

  “Perfect,” Blake replies. “I’ll let him know he can stop stressing .”

  “Can he have visitors?” I ask him .

  “Just you,” Blake replies. “And just for an hour. Connor really does need to rest .”

  A s much as I’d like to lounge around in bed all day with Hailey curled up next to me, I need to get up. “I’m going to see Connor first, then drop by at the bar,” I tell Hailey and Sean. “I haven’t been there much in the last couple of weeks .”

  “Cause you’ve been so busy fixing the cottage .”

  “Totally worth it, baby. What about you , Sean ?”

  He grimaces. “Kowalski wanted to talk.” He looks at the time. “I better hurry if I’m not going to be late.” He gives Hailey a concerned look. “Be careful talking to Eric Hardy,” he warns. “The guy is a snake. I don’t trust him .”

  Hailey chuckles. “Sean, I’m a woman in my late twenties. I’ve met a lot of snakes. I know how to handle them.” She hugs both of us. “See you this evening? I should be back home by five .”

  I call Eric Hardy’s office and explain that I’ll be filling in for Connor. “That’s fine,” his assistant says. “I’ll let him know. The meeting is at Goat Morning, isn’t it ?”

  “Yes.” I don’t think Betty Beaumont likes Eric Hardy very much, but she’s certainly seeing a lot of extra business because of the election .

  I pull up at the diner on the dot of two. Eric Hardy is late. It’s not until a quarter past the hour that he shows up. “So you’re Hailey Martell .”

  No need to apologize for running late, buddy. “I am,” I reply politely. “As you know, the Weekly Goat is going to dedicate next week’s issue to the election. If you don’t mind me asking you a few questions …”

  “I’m not here to answer your questions, Ms. Martell.” His lips thin into a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “I’m here to offer you some advice. David Barlow is going to release a report saying that the fire station is essential to Goat. It would be wise for Sean Keefer to contradict that report .”

  I stare at the man. “That doesn’t make any sense. Connor Perkins’ house just went up in flames. The entire town could have been at risk had it not been for the firefighters. Of course it’s an essential service .”

  “I don’t like repeating myself, Ms. Martell.” His voice is cold. “Get Sean Keefer to contradict that report .”

  A shiver runs up my spine. Why the hell does he think I’m going to do what he wants? “ Or what ?”

  “Ah, yes. If Keefer cooperates with me, I’ll find another job for him when I’m mayor. But if he doesn’t…” He laughs humorlessly. “Then I’ll just fire him .”

  “On what grounds?” I demand, my hands clenching into fists .

  “There’s a morality clause in his contract.” His eyes run over my body, and I want to throw my cup of coffee in his face. “Are the citizens of Goat supposed to look the other way while the three of you engage in this sick, twisted relationship?” he spits out. “You disgust me .”

  Blood rushes to my head. I don’t know what to do. Sean loves being a firefighter. And now, because of me, he’s going to lose everything he cares about .

  I’m not being logical. Eric Hardy wants to shut down the fire station because he’s beholden to the retailers that are funding his election campaign. I’m just a convenient target .

  I need to talk to Nick. He’s been friends with Sean for a long time. He’ll know what to do .

  “I’ll leave you to think about it, Ms. Martell,” he says as he rises to his feet. “You have until tomorrow evening to make your move .”

  * * *


  Connor’s in high spirits. “Had I known that all I needed to do to get Elvira was burn my house down, I’d have done it forty years ago,” he says cheerfully .

  “Joking about death. Very nice .”

  He grins, unrepentant. “Nick, my boy, there’s nothing you can say that’ll get me down this morning .”

  Elvira chooses that moment to bustle in with a pitcher of ice-water, and Connor fakes a groan of pain. “Are you okay, Con?” she asks at once, setting down the water and sitting next to him on the bed. “What hurts ?”

  Connor winks at me, and I shake my head, amused at his antics. “He’s a handful, you know,” I warn Elvira. “Are you sure yo
u want him ?”

  There’s so much love in her eyes as she looks at my great-uncle that it almost takes my breath away. “I’ve had a lifetime to consider that question,” she says. “And yes, Nick. I’m absolutely sure I want Connor .”

  A fter leaving Elvira’s place, I head to the Randy Goat. Val’s there, tending bar. “Nick,” she calls out, lifting her hand in greeting. “Long time, no see .”

  “I’ve been busy .”

  She chuckles. “I hear. There’s so much going on that the town gossips don’t know what to talk about.” Her face turns serious. “How’s Connor ?”

  “He’s doing surprisingly well. He’s like a yo-yo. Always bounces back .”

  She grins. “That’s good to hear. Hey, now that you’re here, can you mind the bar for a bit? We got our beer delivery this morning, and I think they short-changed us. I want to do a count of the cases we got before I call the distributor to give him a piece of my mind .”

  “Not a problem.” It’s Thursday, but at two in the afternoon, the Randy Goat is almost empty. Just as well. I’ve had six hours of sleep in the last thirty-six, and I’m exhausted .

  I ’m falling asleep on my feet when the door opens, and a blonde woman walks in. She looks familiar. I’m trying to place her as she takes a seat at the bar. “Hey there,” she says .

  Her smile is meant to be alluring, but something about it doesn’t quite ring true. “Hi.” I keep my answering smile professional. From last night’s conversation at the party, I’m aware I have a reputation in Goat, but I’m with Hailey now, and I don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea. “Can I get you a drink ?”

  “That’d be lovely,” she purrs. “Rum and Coke, please .”

  “Starting the weekend early?” I fill a glass with ice, pour a shot of the house rum into it, and top it off with a spritz of cola .

  “I guess .”

  She seems nervous. She keeps glancing over her shoulder, as if she’s waiting for someone to walk in. For about thirty seconds, I wonder what she’s up to, and then I lose interest. You meet a lot of strange people as a bartender .

  Sean must be meeting with the insurance company investigator right now. I wonder what the other man has discovered. This claim won’t be as simple as Tammy’s barn. Connor’s house went up in flames. The odds are that it’s structurally unsound as a result of the fire. It’ll need to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up, and that’s not going to be cheap .

  Connor’s insurance company is not going to want to pay out this claim if they can avoid it. Brad Kowalski will be pretty damn eager to catch the person responsible .

  A bell rings as the front door opens. It’s Hailey, and she looks upset. “Nick, can I …”

  That’s when the blonde woman at the bar makes her move. She leans forward and grabs me by the collar, and she presses a kiss into my lips. “Nick,” she purrs, loud enough so Hailey can hear. “Last week was amazing. I can’t wait for us to do it again .”

  What the hell ?

  I disentangle myself from her, but it’s too late .

  Hailey’s gone .



  “I t’s definitely arson. Someone poured three gallons of gasoline on the couches in Perkins’ office .”

  I stare at Brad Kowalski. I’ve known that we’ve had an arsonist on the loose ever since Tammy’s stable fire, but to hear it confirmed just brings home how real this is .

  “We’ve got to find this guy. Connor almost died .”

  He nods. “I know. It’s a criminal investigation at this stage. The cops are crawling all over Perkins’ property, looking for evidence.” He gives me a look laced with understanding. “We’ll get him, Chief .”

  I admire his confidence, but gasoline’s hard to trace. Especially three gallons, which is a laughably small amount. I put more gas than that in my Prius, for heaven’s sake, and it’s amazing on mileage .

  “There are two gas stations in town, aren’t there?” he continues. “I tried talking to the owners but got nowhere with either of them. The kid with red hair, what’s his name—Burrow, Burry, something like that—was pretty fucking hostile, if you’ll pardon my French .”

  “Burris.” Something tugs at my memory. What did Blake say last night? He’d been giving Nick a hard time. Something about the Nick O’Sullivan curse .

  Every woman Nick’s gone out with seems to end up at the clinic .

  Roy Burris is Reva’s brother. And Reva is crazy about Nick .

  Another memory surfaces. Nick telling Reva he’s seeing someone and Reva flouncing off in rage .

  That was a month ago .

  Beth Greenwood got salmonella poisoning, remember? So did Diana Witt. Maria Sandoval had a mystery three-day stomach bug, and of course, Tammy’s stables burned down. All in the last month .

  But what does Connor have to do with it ?

  And then it dawns on me. Every piece of the puzzle falls into place .

  It wasn’t Connor that was last night’s target. It was Hailey. Hailey works out of the Weekly Goat’s office on Wednesdays, often staying until eight or nine at night. It was mere chance that Connor had let her off work early last night .

  My heart clenches with fear .

  By now, word of last night’s fire would have spread around town. Reva is bound to know that her attempt failed .

  What if she decides to try again ?

  I jump to my feet and race to the fire truck. “Reva Burris is setting the fires,” I shout over my shoulder at Kowalski’s bewildered expression. “I have to go to Hailey .”

  I have a very bad feeling about this .

  * * *


  “What the fuck is the matter with you?” I scream at the blonde woman. “What the fuck are you playing at ?”

  Her lips tremble. “I’m so sorry,” she whispers. “She told me she’d have me arrested if I didn’t do this …”

  “She ?”

  And then I remember why the woman in front of me looks familiar. Tammy had pointed her out to me almost two months ago, at Ladies Movie Night. Her name is Josie something, and she works at Reva Burris’ antique store .

  “Reva.” Her eyes fill with tears. “We were at the Goat Morning, and she overheard Lana and Hailey talking. That’s how she found out you were dating. She told me to follow Hailey around, and to kiss you in front of her. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t have any other choice. Reva wants to break up your relationship. She’s crazy about you .”

  Every woman Nick’s gone out with seems to end up at the clinic .

  Reva’s not crazy about me. Reva’s just crazy. Period .

  I’ve got to find Hailey .



  I drive back on autopilot. Sean’s getting fired. Nick kissed another .

  When I woke up today, everything seemed so hopeful. Now my life appears to be unraveling .

  A black car almost collides into me as I make the right-hand turn into my street. I catch a glimpse of the driver, a woman with sunglasses covering half her face, and I have to wrench my wheel to the right and almost go into the ditch to avoid her. “What the hell?” I swear out loud, leaning on my horn in annoyance. She was on the wrong side of the road, driving twenty miles an hour over the speed limit .

  People really need to stop texting and driving .

  My palms are sweaty after my near miss. I pull up to the cottage and unlock the front door with shaking fingers. The smell of varnish hasn’t gone away. If anything, it’s stronger than ever. Nick will know what’s going on .

  Nick kissed another woman. He slept with her last week. She can’t wait for another go .

  I should have never believed in fairy tales. Now, it’s all over .

  I step over the cans of paint on the kitchen floor. We were going to tackle the last unpainted room this week, the second bedroom. I was finally going to set up a proper office. Mechanically, I make my way there, looking at the small, bare, windowless room again, tryi
ng to summon up some enthusiasm about the project. The past two weeks have been a flurry of activity, but it’s been worth it. Or so I thought .

  Hang on .

  She slept with him last week ?

  That’s not right. He’s spent every night in bed with me. Every spare hour working on renovating the cottage .

  Yes, it’s technically possible that he could have slept with her. He could have sneaked out during work to bang her. I don’t have a tracking device around his ankles .

  And I don’t want one. I don’t want to be in a relationship where I feel the need to know where Nick and Sean are every possible second. I don’t want to sneak into their phones and snoop around. I don’t want to live in fear that they’re going to cheat on me .

  In my heart, I know Nick didn’t fuck that woman. That’s not his style. Nick’s direct, and he’s blunt, and if he doesn’t want to be with me, he’ll tell me. Tuesday night, he’d told me that he’d started out only wanting casual sex, even though it would have been infinitely more romantic to pretend he’s always been in love with me. But that’s not Nick .

  There’s a crackling sound coming from the living room. Wondering if a stray squirrel has run into the house through the open windows, I go to investigate .

  But the moment I throw the door open, I know I’ve made a mistake. I’m greeted by a sheet of fire. The living room is ablaze, and I’m trapped in the only room in the house without a window .

  I slam the door shut, and back away. Smoke seeps through the bottom of the door. I whip off my shirt and pants and try to seal the cracks with my clothes, but it’s not enough. There’s nothing else in the room, no towels, no sheets, nothing that I can use to stop it .

  My lungs burn, and I cough, long and hard. There’s no air for me to breathe .


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