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There We'll Be (Together #3)

Page 11

by Alla Kar

  Josie’s body jerked, and she came undone in a blissful cry that made my hair stand on end. I licked every drop of her until her legs shook against the sides of my face. I climbed back up and stood at the edge of the bed, watching as she watched me through a heavy-lidded gaze. I fisted my shirt and yanked it over my head, and slid my jeans and boxer briefs down in one fluid moment. Josie’s eyes widened and she bit her bottom lip.

  “Nothin’ has changed,” I told her. “I’m still me.”

  Her eyes dropped to my dick, and one eyebrow rose. “Some things have changed. You’re bigger.” The worried look in her eyes made my chest swell with pride. I may be a sucker for this girl, but I am still a guy.

  “Are you scared?” I asked, crawling onto the bed.

  Josie shifted beneath me and nodded her head. “I haven’t done anything since the last time we … ” She drifted into silence.

  Fuck yes. I had never heard anything so good in my entire life. “Me either,” I said.

  Her green eyes locked with mine. “No one?”

  I shook my head. “No, Raven. No one has come close to you.”

  Josie leaned up and pressed her lips against mine. Before the emotions could come out, I pressed my thumb against her wet core, and pushed against her most sensitive spot. She whimpered, and clung to my biceps. “I want you inside of me. Please.”

  I pulled a condom from my drawer. A new package that I had bought but knew I wasn’t going to use. Tearing it with my teeth, I kept eye contact. “I’ll be there every time you need—want—someone inside of you. I want it to be only me again.”

  Josie screwed her eyes shut and clutched the sheets beneath us. The torment on her face was clear. I wanted to wipe it away forever. “Please.”

  I didn’t know what it was a plea for, but I filled her in one fluid motion. Tears brimmed at the side of her eyes, and down her flushed cheeks. “This is heaven,” I whispered. I’d never felt someone that fit me this way.

  “That feel good?” I whispered.

  Her legs encircled my waist and she pulled me down harder. “I need to feel you. Please. No mercy.” The side of her mouth pulled up in challenge.

  There’s my girl. “Is that a dare,” I leaned in and whispered.

  She shrugged her shoulders, and pressed her eyes closed when I sunk all the way back in. “Take it like you want it.”

  Lowering my mouth, I took her breast into my mouth, which earned me a loud moan. “Your tits are the fuckin’ best.”

  “They’re small,” she gasped, digging her fingernails into my back.

  I shook my head. They fit my mouth and hands perfectly. “They fit me perfectly.”

  She smiled, and closed her eyes. “Look at me. I want those eyes on me the entire time. Do you hear me?” I couldn’t risk avoiding her eyes and never seeing them again. There was still something in the back of my head that told me that this wasn’t real. I needed to look into those moss green eyes and find myself.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  I rolled down into her again. She was so, so tight. There was no way anyone had been in here in the last twelve months. It felt like no one had ever been there. Lifting her legs, I placed them over my elbow and plowed deeper into her.

  The screams that escaped her mouth were loud and raw. Not like the ones before. This was a new animalistic side to her that I wanted to explore like the fucking Sahara. “Oh, God,” she screamed. “More. Please. Don’t stop.”

  I wasn’t stopping. Her muscles squeezed around my width which drove me harder into her. Sweat dripped down my body, but we clung to each other like Satan himself was trying to rip us apart.

  Josie’s fingernails dug into my shoulders with force I didn’t know she had. “It’s so good,” she whispered, more tears spilling from her eyes. God, she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  Grabbing her waist, I slid out of her, and she whimpered. “Please, come back.”

  I bit my lip to stop my laugh and positioned her on all fours. Her head hung low, and she arched her back. “Oh, God,” she mumbled, her finger clutching the covers.

  I slide my finger down the center of her back. “Ready?”


  Guiding myself into her, I screwed my eyes shut and bent over her to rest one hand on the headboard over her head. “Goddamn.”

  She tightened her muscles. “Move.”

  I did. I gripped her hip with my free hand, and tilted her toward me so I could slide deeper. “Fuck,” she whimpered, dropping her head to the mattress. “It’s so deep.”

  “You want me to stop?”

  “No!” she shouted. “Don’t stop.”

  I plowed harder into her, pulling her against each of my thrusts like I wanted to get deeper than she went. When Josie’s body began to shake, I reached around and rubbed my thumb against her clit. She came undone, jerking and clutching the pillow her head was pressed into. The rawest of moans sent me over the edge, and I held myself over her by my hands, but my arms were shaking from pleasure.

  Before she could move, I pulled out of her and tossed away the condom. “Come here,” I whispered, making room for her underneath my covers. She curled up beside me, and her green eyes met mine.

  “I’ll never get enough of that,” she whispered. The fruity drink on her breath drove me closer to her sweet mouth.

  I traced her lips, and intertwined our legs. “Stay with me tonight?”

  The most innocent look crossed her face, and she nodded. “Yeah.”

  That was all I needed to hear. Grabbing her, I curled her into my arm and sank into the best sleep of my life.

  Chapter Twelve


  “What in the hell is that?”

  My eyes snapped opened to Josie sitting beside me on the bed. Her hair was all over the place, and her lips were puffy from our night. “What’s what—”

  Bam. Bam. Bam. Oh, shit. One glance at my clock told me that I was an hour late for work. “Boone, get your ass down here!” My dad’s voice boomed up the stairs.

  Josie’s wide eyes met mine, and her fingers clutched the sheet wrapped around her. “He won’t come up here, will he?” she whispered, a piece of hair falling across her face.

  Leaning over, I pushed the strand behind her ear. “He won’t come upstairs. Let me go downstairs really quick, and I’ll be right back.”

  Josie gave me a smile that I knew wasn’t real, but Dad knocked harder so I got up. “I’ll be right back.”

  I jogged downstairs to the sound of my dad’s voice. “Hold on!” I swung the door opened and Duke barreled inside. Damn, I left him outside last night.

  “What in the hell are you doin’? Are you just not comin’ to work today?”

  “I overslept. Let me get dressed and I’ll be down there.”

  Dad furrowed his brow, and scratched his bearded chin. “Son, do you have someone in there with you?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  Dad sighed, and by his look of defeat, I could tell he knew I was lying. “It better not be that Sawyer—”

  “Josie,” I said. “You mean Josie?” I clutched the door handle with all my might. I wanted to punch a damn hole through the door. “No, it’s not her.”

  His blue eyes narrowed. “My truck is running. Get your ass up and get to work.” He turned and stalked back to his truck.

  Fucking shit. Screwing my eyes shut, I took a big breath. This has to stop. We needed to find out what was wrong and fix it—quickly. I couldn’t hide her again. Keeping her hidden for that year almost killed me.

  I slammed the door shut and walked back upstairs to find Josie pulling her T-shirt on over her head. When our eyes met, I knew she was going to run. “Don’t go,” I said.

  Josie bent down to grab her shoes. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to be here. Obviously, we almost got caught.”

  “I don’t give a damn about that anymore. You can’t tell me that last night meant nothing to you.”

  Josie stood up with shoes in
either hand and covered her eyes with her fists. “Boone, please. It’s not always about what I want or what you want.”

  Anger surged through me. Grasping my alarm clock, I flung it against the opposite wall where it shattered into pieces. “When in the fuck is it goin’ to be our turn, Josie? I want to be happy!” I took a few steps toward her and dropped to my knees. “Please,” I whispered. I didn’t give a damn that I was begging. I needed her to understand that I was in this for good.

  “Don’t,” she whimpered, shaking her head. “My dad is dying, and it’s the one thing that he asks of me. He’s dying, Boone.” Tears coated her cheeks.

  “I know, Raven. But we can’t let them do this to us. We’re adults. And if we want each other—it’s just tough shit for them!”

  She closed her eyes. “Boone, I love you. But did you forget that you left me? I’m not even sure I can trust you.”

  What? I crawled up until I was standing over her. “You don’t trust me? What was last night?”

  “Last night was the best night I’ve had since I left,” she said, lifting her chin. “But I can’t just let you have me, Boone. I’m so confused. I’m so madly in love with you, but you left me. I thought we’d be together—forever.” She let out a bitter laugh. “And even if I did trust you again … my dad. I don’t know what to do. I’m so fuckin’ confused!” she screamed.

  I cupped her cheeks and forced her to meet my gaze. The sadness on her face made me want to tell her the truth. But I couldn’t let her down like that. Her father was dying, and I didn’t have big enough balls to tell her he made me do it, even if it would clear my name. “We’re goin’ to figure this out, Josie. I don’t care if it takes me the rest of my life. I’ll fix this.”

  She smiled, and rested her forehead against my own. “I’m so sorry, Boone. I wish we could just—be.” The last word come out in a whisper.

  I stroked her hair, and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth, not knowing if it would be my last. I was going to fix this. I was going to win my fucking girl back.


  Dad didn’t say a word to me when I got to work. Jace stood watching me with narrowed eyes but kept quiet until my dad took his lunch.

  “Okay, so are we goin’ to lunch or what?”

  I glanced up at Jace and lifted a brow. Jace and I could put each other in the damn hospital and we’d be fine the next day. Slightly shaking my head, I nodded. “Yeah, let’s go to the diner. I didn’t have time to pack a lunch today.”

  We climbed down the ladder and walked to my truck. “We’re goin’ to the diner, Mr. Cross. You want to come?” Jace hollered.

  Dad turned and narrowed his gaze at us. “No,” he snapped.

  I rolled my eyes, and dug my keys from my jeans pocket. Dad would be mad for a couple of days, but he’d get over it.

  “What’s up his ass?” Jace mumbled, climbing inside.

  I started the truck and shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  Jace and I walked into the crowded dinner and took our seats in the corner booth. “So spill it, Romeo. Why were you late this mornin’?” Jace leaned back and crossed his arms.

  I laughed. “I overslept. The same thing I told my moody-ass dad. I think he’s PMSing or somethin’.”

  Jace narrowed his gaze, and flipped his hat around backward. “Boone—”

  “Hey boys! What can I get ya today?” Molly all but yelled at us. Her smile widened and touched her bright eyes.

  Jace cleared his throat across the table but I smiled up at her. “Same as always, Molly.”

  She blushed and scribbled something down on her pad. “Okay. What about you Jace? What can I get you?”

  “Same,” he said, his gaze going from Molly to me.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and dropped her pad to her side. “I’ll be back with your drinks,” she whispered. “But I … ” Her eyes locked with the tile floor. “I was wonderin’ if you wanted to go out with me this weekend, Boone.”

  Oh, God.

  Shifting in my seat, I looked at Jace, who had an amused smile on his face. “Actually, Molly. I’m kind of seein’ somebody. I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  Molly flushed cheeks darkened. “Oh, I had no idea. Mindy didn’t mention anyone. Who is it?” The anger in her voice was plain as day.

  “Nobody you know,” I said.

  Molly nodded, and left without another word. Jace’s laugh broke my trance. “You’re seein’ somebody?” he asked. “You’re shittin’ me, right? Please tell me that was just a line because you’re not interested in her.”

  I shrugged. “I’m not interested in her.”

  Jace lifted his brow, and then realization hit him hard. “Holy fuck. You bagged her,” he said. “Josie. That’s why you were late this morning.”

  “Don’t say bagged her, Jace. You know it’s more than that,” I said. “And it’s none of your damn business. Don’t you remember why we were fighting?”

  Jace brushed me off. “We were fighting? Hell, I didn’t even know. You’re always pissed off, so—”

  “Shut up and mind your own business.”

  Molly returned long enough to drop off our drinks and was gone before I could say thank you. “Someone’s pissed,” I whispered.

  “So how was it?” Jace asked. “Are y’all together? Or you doin’ the secret thing?”

  Fuck. I hadn’t wanted to talk about it, but Jace was the only person I could trust. “I don’t know. She kind of broke down when my dad showed up today. She doesn’t trust me—not really. She loves me, but can’t let herself trust me.”

  Jace shrugged one shoulder. “Then tell her the fucking truth.”

  “You know I can’t do that, especially since her father is dying. I can’t break her heart anymore.”

  Jace shook his head and took a swig of his drink. “It’s not your problem. You’re losin’ the chance to get your girl back because her dad forced you to leave. Threatened you. I would have already whooped his ass. Josie’s a good girl and I don’t want you to lose her.”

  “You know it’s not that simple for me to tell. It’d break her even more, Jace.”

  Jace pulled out his phone and didn’t say another word. Anger pulsed through me, but I fought it, biting my tongue until I tasted the metallic tang of blood.


  Dad’s snoring was my cue that I could leave. No matter the location in the house, you could hear my dad snoring. Shoving my covers off with my feet, I jumped out of the bed and crawled out of the window. Since the house was only one story, it wasn’t anything for me to escape. Climbing Josie’s trellis was another story.

  The moon was full and hung low in the sky across the field. Hay barrels and tractors tossed shadows over the distance. If I hadn’t known those woods like the back of my hand, I would have been afraid to walk the path.

  Mosquitoes buzzed in my ear, but nothing could keep me from her that night. Her parents were supposed to be out of town, and that meant we could actually sleep in a bed. My back would thank me later.

  The distant memory of my father’s rules played over and over in my head, but I let the sound of the crickets wash them away. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. I’d fallen too far in love with her to care anymore. The woods thinned out, and Josie’s house came into the view. My eyes zeroed in on her bedroom window but it was too dark to tell if she waited for me. I sprinted across the grass and latched onto the trellis.

  I’d memorized a path for my hands to avoid the rose thorns and easily climbed my way to the top. As soon as I put my foot onto the roof, my heart started into overdrive. The room was dark, but that was no different than any time before.

  My finger curled around the window, and I gently pushed it upward until I was able to crawl inside. Cool air slid against my sweating body and chilled the heat underneath my skin.

  “Josie?” I whispered into the darkness.

  Something shifted from the corner of the room and my blood went cold. Josie always waited for me either by the window
or her bed. Never by the door. Everything in me told me to run, but I stood still like a statue.

  The light flickered on the same time a voice broke the quiet, “Don’t leave, son. We’ve got some things to talk about and we only have about ten minutes before Josie’s back.”

  Oh, God. Mr. Sawyer stood by the door, his hands shoved down into his slacks. So many things raced through my head. Where had Josie gone? Didn’t we say to meet each other tonight? Hadn’t that been the plan? Why was Mr. Sawyer not away on business?

  He pushed his hand through his thinning hair and looked up. “I know you’re here against your daddy’s rules and I’m goin’ to make sure he finds out about this.”

  It felt like someone had sucked all the air from the room. I wasn’t scared of my daddy’s belt like I used to be, but knowing that the rules were still there scared me. It’s really the only thing my dad had ever asked of me. My dad could easily toss me out on my ass, and where the hell would I be?

  “I don’t care,” I lied. “I don’t give a damn about his rules.”

  Mr. Sawyer gave me a stern look. “Well, that may be, but you’re damn well goin’ to obey mine, son. Do you understand me? You are not to come back here or see my daughter again. That’s the end of this discussion.”

  “You can’t tell me what the fuck to do.”

  “You’re right,” he said, stroking his graying beard. “But if you don’t go now, I’ll see to it that your daddy takes the punishment. It wouldn’t be good to have your daddy go down for all the drugs stored on y’all’s land.”

  Drugs? What in the hell—I would have called his bluff. But I knew it wasn’t a bluff. Mr. Sawyer owned half of the town. The only convenience store in our small town was his. He hunted with the owner of the small bank on Main Street and the mayor. Not to mention that he co-owned the logging business that employed so many in our small town. “We don’t have any damn drugs, and you know it.” Anger boiled to the surface and there was only so much more I could take. Blood dripped from my palms but I only squeezed my fingernails in harder.


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