Canandaigua convention of
Cazenovia convention of
Christiana resistance and
Compromise of 1850 and
evangelists in
factional split in
first national convention of
free blacks in
Jerry rescue and
Liberty Party and
militancy’s rise within
Nat Turner revolt and
organization of
Pearl incident and
Shadrach rescue and
in South
underground railroad and
violence toward members of
Walker as icon of
women in
Adams, James
Adams, Nehemiah
African Americans
see free blacks
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Africans: first North American enslavement of
19th-Century prejudices toward
as victims of slave trade
Agnew, Allen
secession of
Allen, Henry
Allen, Richard
Allen, William G.
American Anti-Slavery Society
Douglass and
formation of
growth of
lecturers of
New York vigilance committee and
racism in
split in
structure and function of
underground railroad and
women in
American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society
American Colonization Society
American Democrat, The (Cooper)
Americans As They Are, The (Postl)
AME Zion Church
Amistad revolt
Anderson, Elijah
Anderson, Jeremiah
Anderson, Osborne P.
Anne (schooner)
Anthony, Susan B.
Anti-Slavery Yearly Meeting
antiwar movement
Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World (Walker)
secession of
Arnold, Benedict
Association on American Indian Affairs
Astor, John Jacob
Atlantic Monthly,
Atwater, Caleb
Auburn, N. Y.
Austria As It Is (Postl)
Ayres (kidnap plotter)
Bailey, Frederick (Frederick Douglass)
Bailey, Gamalial
Baker (fugitive)
Ball, Charles
Baltimore, Md.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
Barnes, Jack
Bartram, William
Beaman, Amos
Beard, William
Beardsley, Samuel
Beck, Isaac
Beckham, Fountain
Beecher, Henry Ward
Bell, Daniel
Bell, James
Bell, John
Benezet, Anthony
Benson, Benjamin
Berlin, Ira
Bethel AME Church
Beyond the River (Hagedorn)
Bibb, Henry
Voice of the Fugitive of
Bibb, Malinda
Bibb, Mary
Bigelow, Francis
Bigelow, Jacob
Birney, James G.
Blackburn, Ruth
Blackburn, Thornton
Blakesley, J. M.
Blount, Martha
Bonaparte, Joseph
Bond, John H.
Bond, Shadrach
Bonsall, Abraham
Book and Slavery Irreconcilable, The (Bourne)
Booth, Griffin
Borden, Joseph
border ruffians
Boston, Mass.: anti-abolitionist violence in
Shadrach rescue in
slave trade in
underground railroad in
vigilance committee in
Boudinot (New York constable)
Bound for the Promised Land (Larson)
Bourne, Georg
Bowley, Araminta
Bowley, James
Bowley, John
Bowley, Kessiah
Bradford, Sarah
“Branded Hand, The” (Whittier)
Bristol, R. I., slave trade in
British-American Manual Training
Brown, Frederick
Brown, Henry
in Kansas
Brown, Jason
Brown, John
childhood and youth of
Douglass and
Gerrit Smith and
Harpers Ferry raid of
in Kansas
Missouri raid of
religious views of
slave-liberation plan of
trial and execution of
in underground railroad
Brown, John (fugitive)
Brown, Oliver
Brown, Owen
Brown, Salmon
Brown, Watson
Brown, William Wells
Brown family
Brown University
Buchanan, James
Burgesses, House of (Virginia)
Burleigh, C. C.
Burr, Aaron
Burrel, Robert
Buswell, M. C.
Butler, Benjamin
Butler, Pierce
Buxton Mission
Byrd, William
Caldwell, Robert C.
Calhoun, John C.
and Compromise of 1850
California: gold rush in
statehood of
Campbell family
Canaan, Conn.
Canada: black settlements in
blacks in military of
free blacks in
Fugitive Slave Law and
legal protection of fugitives in
as slave refuge
slavery in
underground railroad in
Canandaigua, N. Y., abolitionist convention in
Capeheart, John
Carr, John
Carter, John
Cartwright, S. A.
Catlett, Anthony
Catlin, George
Cazenovia, N. Y., abolitionist convention in
Central Rail Road
Chaplin, William
imprisonment of
as Liberty Party candidate
Pearl incident and
Chapman (steamboat captain)
Charity (slave)
Charleston, S. C.: in Civil War
slave trade in
Charlie (underground man)
Chase, John
Chase, Salmon P.
Chatham Journal,
Child, Lydia Maria
Chillicothe Presbytery
Christiana resistance
Christian Citizen
Christian Commission
Cincinnati, Ohio: free blacks in
Garner family tragedy in
Henson at
Lane Seminary debates at
underground railroad in
City of Buffalo, S. S.
civil disobedience, underground railroad as
“Civil Disobedience” (Thoreau)
civil rights movement
Civil War, U. S.
blacks in
Harpers Ferry raid and
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and
underground railroad and
Clark, George Washington
Clark, Henry
Clark, Starr
Clarke, Lewis
Clarkson, Thomas
Clay, Henry
and Compromise of 1850
Shadrach rescue a
Cleveland, Ohio
Clinton, George
Coffin, Addison
Coffin, Bethuel
Coffin, Catherine White
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and
Coffin, Charles
Coffin, Levi
Canada trip of
in Civil War
death of
Garner tragedy and
in Illinois
in Indiana
marriage of
in North Carolina
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and
as underground railroad’s “president,”
western trip of
Coffin, Vestal
Coffin, William C.
Colborne, John
Colchester, Canada
Coles, Edward
Collins, John A.
Collins family
Colored American,
Columbus Standard,
Comfort, Charles
Committee for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Committee of Nine
Communist Party
Compromise of 1850
Concklin, Seth
death of
Concord, Mass.
Confederate States of America
Congress, U. S.:
Civil War declaration of
Kansas-Nebraska Act passed by
Missouri Compromise passed by
Connecticut: abolitionist movement in
slavery in
Connecticut Society for the Promotion of
Freedom, and for the Relief of Persons
Holden in Bondage
Constitution, U. S.: fugitive slaves and
slavery issue and
Continental Congress
Cook, Elder (Peterboro guest)
Cooper, George
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Lucy
Copeland, John
Coppoc, Edward
Cornelia (ship)
Cornish, Samuel E.
Corse, Barney
cotton gin
cotton industry: and growth of slavery
Whitney’s gin and growth of
Cotton Triangle
Craft, Ellen
Craft, William
Crampton, Mrs. (Peterboro guest)
Creole mutiny
Crèvecoeur, Hector St. John de
Crowe, John Finley
Crystal Palace exhibition
Cuffe, Paul
Curtis, L. Q.
Cuyler, Samuel B.
Dana, Richard Henry
Daniels, Jim
Darg, John P.
Davis, Caleb
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, Thomas
Dawes, William
Dawes brothers (slaveholders)
Dawn Institute
see, British-American Manual Training Institute
DeBaptiste, George
death of
underground activities of
DeBow, James D. B.
Declaration of Independence (1776)
Deere, John
Delaware: emancipation in
free blacks in
Quakers in
slavery in
slave trade in
underground railroad in
Democratic Party
Detroit, Mich.
Detroit Daily Advertiser,
Detroit Tribune,
Dickens, Charles
Dickinson, Ben
Dickinson College
Diggs, Judson
Dimery, John
Doak, Samuel
Dodge, D. K.
Dodge, Mrs. D. K.
Doram, Kitty
Dorr, Ebenezer
Douglass, Anna Murray
Douglass, Frederick
autobiography of
at Cazenovia convention
in Civil War
on Compromise of 1850
death of
escape of
on Fugitive Slave Law
Harpers Ferry Raid and
Harriet Tubman and
on John Brown
lecture tour of 1843 by
North Star founded by
Parker incident and
on secrecy’s value
Shadd’s attack on
violence against
Walker trial and
women’s rights movement and
Drayton, Daniel
Dred Scott decision
Dresser, Amos
Drew, Benjamin
Driscol, Peter
Duane, James
DuBois, W. E. B.
Ducket, Thomas
Dunbar, William
DuPont family
Durham, Jeremiah
Durham, Mrs. Jeremiah
Earth First!
Edison, Thomas
Edmonson sisters (fugitives)
Electoral College
Elgin, James Bruce, Lord
Elgin Settlement
organization of
population of
Eliot, Samuel A.
Eliza Catherine (sloop)
emancipation: British movement for
Jefferson’s plan for
movement for immediate
in North Carolina
in Pennsylvania
public support for gradual
Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
Embree, Elihu
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
English, Chester
Equiano, Olaudah
Erie Canal
“Essay Concerning Human Understanding
An” (Locke)
Essex (whaler)
Fairbank, Calvin
childhood and youth of
Civil War death of
Hayden rescue and
imprisonment of
Tamar rescue attempt of
Fairfield, John
Fanny (fugitive)
Farney, John
Ferrisburgh, Vt.
Fifteenth Amendment
Fillmore, Millard
Fitch, Henry
Florida: black population of
fugitive slaves in
secession of
slavery in
Walker’s rescue attempt in
Foote, Henry
Ford, Henry
Ford, Horace
Ford, Nelson
Forten, James
Foster, George
Fourteenth Amendment
Fox, George
revolution of 1848 in
in slave trade
Francis (fugitive slave)
Franklin, Benjamin
Frederick Douglass’ Paper,
free blacks: in abolitionist movement
African repatriation and
in Canada
in Canadian military
in Christiana resistance
in Civil War
education of
Fugitive Slave Law and
fugitive slaves’ betrayal by
institutions established by
kidnapping of
laws discriminating against
in merchant marine
Nat Turner rebellion and
in North
in Philadelphia
racial prejudice against
rights of
settlements of
in South
in underground railroad
violence by
see also specific persons
Freedmen’s Aid Commission
Free Labor Advocate and Anti-Slavery
Free Soil Party
Free Staters (Kansas)
Frémont, John C.
French, Rodney
French Revolution
Friedman, Levinr />
Friedman, Peter
Friedman, Peter (son)
Friedman, Vina
Friend of Man,
Friends of Human Rights
Frothingham, Octavius
Fugitive Slave Act (1793)
state laws opposing
Fugitive Slave Law (1850)
Civil War status of
Garner tragedy and
Northern opposition to
provisions of
underground railroad and
unenforceability of
fugitive slaves
Constitution and
education of
Fugitive Slave Law’s effect on
kidnapping of escaped
laws on
longest prison sentence for aiding
Native Americans and
newspaper notices for
in North
north star as guide for
patrols and hunting of
in Pennsylvania
Bound for Canaan Page 81