reasons for flight of
refugee communities of
rewards for capture of
slaveholders’ self-delusion about
see also free blacks; specific persons Fuller, Benoni S.
Fuller, James Canning
Fulton, Robert
Fussell, Bartholemew
Gabriel (slave uprising leader)
Gaines, Archibald
Gallatin, Albert
Gardner, William
Garner, Cilla
Garner, Margaret
Garner, Mary
Garner, Robert
Garnet, Henry Highland
Garrett, Rachel
Garrett, Thomas
Harriet Tubman and
Garrison, William Lloyd
Constitution denounced by
on Daniel Webster
Douglass and
at first national abolitionist convention
Liberator published by
Northern secession supported by
violence against
Wilberforce settlement and
women’s rights movement and
Gavitt, John Smith
Genius of Universal Emancipation,
George (fugitive slave)
George III, king of England
Georgia: secession of
slavery in
slave trade in
Germantown, Pa., slavery protest in
Gibbons, Daniel
Gibbons, James S.
Gibbons, Phebe
Gilbert, Deacon
Gilbery, Hiram
Gist, Samuel
Gist settlement (Ohio)
Gold Coast
Gold Rush
Gone With the Wind,
Goodell, William
Gorham, Henry
Gorsuch, Dickinson
Gorsuch, Edward
Gorsuch, Joshua
Gragston, Arnold
Graham (Peterboro guest)
Graydon, Alexander
Great Britain: emancipation movement in
slavery abolished by
slave trade by
Great Dismal Swamp, Va.
Green, Beriah
Green, Samuel
Green, Shields
Greene, Mrs. Nathaniel
Greensboro, N. C.
Griffith, Camillus
Griffith (Pennsylvania abolitionist)
Griffiths, Julia
Grimes, William
Grimke, Angelina
Grimke, Sarah
Grinnell, Josiah
Grose, David
Grose, William
Gunther, John
Hagedorn, Ann
Haines, William
Haiti (Sante-Domingue)
Hall, John
Hall, William A.
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, William
Hamilton’s Saul (slave)
Hamlet, James
Hammond, George
Hammond, Joshua
Hanway, Castner
Happy, Jesse
Harpers Ferry, Va.
Harrington, Theophilus
Harrison, William Henry
Harrold, Stanley
Harry (fugitive slave)
Harvard Law School, as beneficiary of slave trade
Haviland, Laura
Hawke (slave ship)
Hayden, Harriet
Hayden, Joseph
Hayden, Lewis
rescue of
Shadrach rescue and
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hazlett (Harpers Ferry raider)
Head, Francis
Hegel, Friedrich
Hemings, Sally
Hemsley, Alexander
Henry, Patrick
Henry, William “Jerry,”
Henry Lewis (steamboat)
Henson, Charlotte
escape of
Henson, Josiah
assault on mother of
auction of family of
autobiography of
birth of
in Canada
in Cincinnati
Dawn Institute of
death of
effort to purchase freedom by
entrepreneurial nature of
escape of
in Kentucky
Kentucky journey of
literacy of
as model for Stowe’s Uncle Tom
New Orleans trip of
punishment of father of
Refugee Home Society and
religious conversion of
Riley’s deception of
Riley’s relationship with
as slave overseer
as teacher
in underground railroad
Henson, Tom
Hewlett, William S.
Hiatt, Allen
Hibbard (farmer)
Hicks, Elias
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
n Hoag, Joseph
Hopkins (Ripley abolitionist)
Hopper, Abby
Hopper, Isaac Tatum
abolitionist network of
David Ruggles and
death of
financial problems of
legal skills of
on Northern secession
rescues effected by
and Tom Hughes case
Hopper, John
Hopper, Sarah
Horniblow, Joseph
Horniblow, Molly
Hough, Daniel
House of Representatives, U.S.
gag rule in
Southern representation in
Howard, John
Howard University
Howe, Julia Ward
Howe, Samuel Gridley
Howells (innkeeper)
Huber, Charles
Hudson, David
Hudson, John D.
Hudson, Sally
Huff, Daniel
Hughes, Tom
Hume, David
Hunter, Carol
Hussey, Erastus
Hyden, William
Ike (slave)
Illinois: rights of blacks in
slavery in
underground railroad in
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Jacobs)
indentured servants
Quakers in
racial discrimination in
slavery in
underground railroad in
Indiana Yearly Meeting
Indian Territory
Indian wars
Industrial Resources of the Southern and
Western States, The (DeBow)
Industrial Revolution, slave trade’s impact on
Internet, underground railroad compared with
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Ben
Jackson, Jacob
Jackson, James Caleb
Jackson, Peter
Jackson, Prince
Jackson (stationmaster)
Jacobs, Harriet
Jacobs, John
Jacobs, Joseph
Jacobs, Louisa
Jay, John
Jay, William
Jefferson, Thomas
ambivalence toward slavery and race of
emancipation plan of
inauguration of
miscegenation opposed by
racial prejudice of
and slavery extension issue
Jerry rescue
Johnson, Abraham
Johnson, Bushrod
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Frederick (Frederick Douglass)
Johnson, Moses
Johnson, Nathan
Johnson, Oliver
John W. Richmond, S. S.
Jolliffe, John
Jones, Alfred T.
Jones, Monroe
Kagi, John
Free Staters in
John Brown in
; population of
rival governments of
underground railroad in
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Kelley, Abby
Kelly, Jonah
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Milton
emancipation in
slave population of
underground railroad in
Key, Francis Scott
Key, Philip Barton
Kimber, Emmor
King, Boston
King, Mary
King, William
Kite, Elijah
Kline, Henry H.
Knapp, Chauncey
Knights of the Golden Circle
labor movement
“Lady of the Lake” (Scott)
Lafayette, Marquis de
Lambert, William
Lancaster, Ind.
Lancaster County, Pa.
Lane Seminary
Langston, John Mercer
Larson, Kate Clifford
Larwill, Edwin
Latimer, George
Lawrence, Kans.
Lawrence, Luther
Lear, James
Leary, Lewis
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, Robert E.
Leflore, Greenwood
Leggatt, Isaac
Leverton, Hannah
Lewis, Elijah
Lewis, Graceanna
Lewis, Israel
Lewis and Clark expedition
Liberty Party
Life on the Mississippi (Twain)
Lightfoot, James
Lincoln, Abraham
election of
Emancipation Proclamation of
slavery position of
Stowe and
Lionville, Pa.
Livingston, Philip
Locke, John
Logue, Abe
Logue, Ann
Logue, Cherry
Logue, Dave
Logue, Jarm
in Canada
kidnapping of mother of
see also Loguen, Jermain
Logue, Manasseth
Logue, Sarah
Loguen, Caroline
Loguen, Jermain
death of
Fugitive Slave Law defied by
in Jerry rescue
John Brown and
Smith land grant plan and
as “underground railroad king,”
see also Logue, Jarm
Loguen, Latitia
Loney, Robert
Lorenzo (fugitive)
fugitive slave laws in
fugitive slaves in
secession of
slave trade in
Louisiana Purchase
Louis Philippe, king of France
Louisville, Ky.
Lovejoy, Elijah P.
Lundy, Benjamin
McCague, Thomas
McClennan (New York doctor)
McClintock, Elizabeth
McCormick, Cyrus
McCormick (Canadian)
McCoy family
McCrummel, James
McElligott, Tommy
McKenney, John
McKiernan, Bernard
Macon, Nathaniel
McPherson, Josiah
Madison, Dolley
Madison, Ind.
Madison, James
Mahan, John B.
Malvin, John
Mann, Horace
Mansfield, Lord
in North Carolina
in Philadelphia
Marriott, Charles
Mars, James
Marshall, John
Martin, Peter
Maryland: emancipation in
free blacks in
Quakers in
slavery in
slave trade in
underground railroad in
Mason, James
Mason-Dixon line
Massachusetts: free blacks’ rights in
personal liberty laws in
slavery outlawed in
slave trade in
Massachusetts (cont.) underground railroad in
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society
Mather, Cotton
May, Samuel J.
Mayo, Joseph
Mendenhall, Dinah
Mendenhall, Isaac
prayer meetings of
Tennessee Conference of
Mexican War
underground railroad in
Miller, John Chester
Miller family
Mingo (African farmhand)
Minkins, Shadrach
secession of
slavery in
John Brown’s raid into
Kansas slavery issue and
slave population in
slavery in
Missouri Compromise (1820)
Modern Medea: A Family Story of Slavery and
Child-Murder from the Old South
Monroe, William
Montpelier, Vt.
Moore, Jeremiah
Morse, Samuel F. B.
Mott, James
Mott, Lucretia
Munroe, William C.
Murrow, Joshua
Nalle, Charles
Nantucket, Mass.: as abolitionist center
antislavery convention at
Napoleon I, emperor of France
National Era,
National Intelligencer,
National Reformer,
Native Americans
disease decimation of
enslavement of
fugitive slaves and
removal of
slaves owned by
Nelson, Daniel
Nevitt, John
New Bedford, Mass.
as “Gibraltar of the fugitive,”
Newburyport Herald,
Newby, Dangerfield
New England: abolitionist beginnings in
slavery in
underground railroad in
see also specific states and cities New England Anti-Slavery Society
New Garden Meeting (Indiana)
New Garden Meeting (North Carolina)
New Hampshire
New Jersey: slave trade in
underground railroad in
Newman, Francis
Newman, William
New Orleans, La., slave trade in
Newport, R. I.: anti-abolitionist violence in
slave trade in
underground railroad in
Newport (Fountain City), Ind.
New York, N. Y.
black population of
in Cotton Triangle
Five Points section of
gangs of
growth of
kidnappings of blacks in
racism in
slave trade in
underground railroad in
New York Anti-Slavery Society
formation of
Smith-Cooper debate for
New York Kidnapping Club
New York Manumission Society
New York Mirror,
New York state: abolitionist movement in
black population of
Burned Over District of
as destination for fugitives
Quaker activism in
slavery in
underground railroad in
New York Sun,
New York Times,
New York Tribune,
Niagara County Anti-Slavery Society Niagara (ship)
Nine Partners Meeting, Dutchess County,
N. Y.
, James
Norfolk, Conn.
North: anti-abolitionist violence in
free blacks in
Fugitive Slave Law opposed by,
fugitive slaves in
growth of antislavery societies in,
Harpers Ferry raid and
personal liberty laws in,
slavery in
slave trade in
see also specific states and cities
North American colonies: slavery’s introduction to
slave trade by
North American Convention of Colored
North Carolina: abolitionist movement in
emancipation in
free blacks in
fugitive slave laws in
fugitive slaves in
manumission laws in
Quaker migration from
Quakers in
secession of
slavery in
slave trade in
North Carolina Manumission Society,
North Carolina Yearly Meeting
as trustee for slave emancipation
North Star,
Northwest Ordinance (1787)
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