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Taming Emilio (Buried Secrets Book 2)

Page 9

by Brina Brady

  “Not a fucking thing went on between us. I’ve never seen this jealous side to you before. I beat that man to death to keep Emilio safe. I’d do that for any of our boys, and so would you. Emilio was a little flirty around me, and he needed to tame that down. I ignored all his innuendos. I wouldn’t touch him ever because he is a rolling disaster in the making. I don’t have the time or patience to deal with that or Rafe if something goes wrong. But you should address your concerns with Valerik. He managed to have some dick action with Emilio.”

  “Valerik didn’t have any time with Emilio,” Kaden said.

  “Ask him, or better yet, ask Emilio. You arrived twenty minutes late to last week’s party.”

  “Sorry for accusing you of something you didn’t do. I’m just having a difficult time with him bartending naked. Thanks for saving him.”

  “Not a problem. I think Emilio would be a challenge as a sub, and you might like that.”

  “We haven’t discussed BDSM at all. I want to get to know him more. We’re bonded.”

  “That’s great. Congratulations.”

  They returned to the party where Valerik was talking to a red-haired young man. He had already placed a blue tie around him. So, there was no sense in talking to him about this, but Kaden would ask Emilio.


  Later, when the party was over, Kaden and Emilio drove back to the cabins in Fawnskin instead of leaving in the morning.

  “I have a question for you,” Kaden said.

  “Did I do something wrong at the party?” Emilio asked.

  “No, not at this party, the last one. Did you have any sexual interaction with Valerik?”

  “I don’t know how to answer a question when you seem to know the answer. Are you trying to frame me in a lie?”

  “I’m not framing you. I’m just trying to separate the truth from lies.”

  “What does it matter?” Emilio asked, glaring at Kaden.

  “It matters, Emilio. You have a background of fucking around, and I won’t allow it if you want me to be your bonded protector.”

  “Why don’t you just drive me over to Rafe’s house?” His voice was soft, almost fragile, as if his heart would break any minute. Perhaps his heart was already broken.

  “And why would I do that?” Kaden drove faster than the speed limit. The angrier he got, the harder he pressed down on the gas pedal. After taking a deep breath, he slowed down. He didn’t want to cause an accident.

  “Because you think I cheated on you when you weren’t even in my world. You don’t own my past. Sticking yourself into my world before I even met you and claiming I’d done something to ruin our relationship isn’t fair to me.” Emilio wiped the tears from his eyes and turned away from Kaden.

  “I don’t want to look at Valerik knowing he fucked you.”

  Emilio turned around and faced Kaden. “He didn’t fuck me. That’s against the party rules. Who told you Valerik fucked me?”

  Kaden had taught him how to defend himself with a gun and words. He was putting all he had into holding on to the man he bonded with. Yet, Kaden needed to share his feelings, even though they were bonded and nothing would change that.

  “James told me. I suppose he got the information from Valerik at some point.” Kaden’s voice was lower, less accusatory.

  “James lied to you. Why would he want to cause trouble for us?”

  “James only told me what Valerik said. So, if he didn’t fuck you, did you give him a blow job?”

  “Not really.”

  “What does that mean? Not really. Yes or no?”

  “Well, it started out that way, but James knocked on the door, and things changed. Valerik told James to take care of the bar. He took our two cocks and rubbed us off. The only reason I did it was that I wanted a protector. I knew James didn’t want me. I didn’t know about you until you told me to get off the stool.” Emilio moved closer to Kaden.

  “Why the fuck did you allow Valerik to do that? He’s an old man,” Kaden asked. Most of the time his feelings were neutral. Now he felt something different, but he wasn’t sure if it was positive or negative. He shouldn’t have displayed his anger toward Emilio.

  They stopped at a red light. Suddenly, Emilio shouted, “Fuck you!” He opened the door and jumped out.

  Kaden quickly pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the Jeep. He ran along the side road after Emilio. He was a good runner. The grass path blurred below him, and Kaden felt a surge of adrenaline. The steady thump of his footsteps echoed in his ears. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead and splattered onto his chin. He grew angrier as Emilio rushed over the grassy path into the dark. It was the way he always released his energy that made him continue. He had to summon his all to catch up with Emilio

  “Emilio!” Kaden shouted. “Stop.”

  Pushing his arms back and forth, he kept running, jumping over small potholes, dodging rocks, and pumping his legs as fast as he could. Chasing Emilio hadn’t been in his plan of protecting him. No protectee had ever run from him under his watch.

  “Emilio! Stop!” Kaden repeated.

  Once Kaden made it to the open spot, he zoomed under the darkness of trees as if he was soaring on a mission. No way was he going to lose Emilio in the woods. He pulled his keys out and turned on his flashlight to help him maneuver through the darkness. He was so close to Emilio. He pushed harder and caught up to him. Immediately he wrestled Emilio to the ground. He held him down with his body, making sure Emilio couldn’t get up and run.

  “Why the fuck did you jump out of the Jeep?” Kaden shouted.

  “More like why did you bother to chase after me?” Tears ran down Emilio’s face.

  “You broke one of our bonding rules,” Kaden said.

  “You did too.”

  “I didn’t break any rules because I don’t have rules. I said things to you I shouldn’t have said. I’m sorry, but you placed yourself in danger on my watch.”

  “You got to be kidding, Kaden.”

  “You jumped out of the Jeep in the middle of nowhere and ran away.” Kaden held Emilio down as if his life depended on it. He wasn’t sure Emilio wouldn’t run from him again.

  “I didn’t like what you were accusing me of,” Emilio said.

  “Did you forget we’re bonded and I’m in charge of your protection?”

  “I wasn’t thinking about that at the time.”

  “Are you ready to go back to the Jeep so we can get to the cabins before morning?”

  “I guess so, but I’m still mad at you.”

  They stood up; Kaden took Emilio’s hand and walked him back to the Jeep.

  Once they were both inside, Kaden locked the doors, using the child lock so he wouldn’t lose Emilio. From here on in, he’d use them when he transported him. He wasn’t going to have this happen again. Not in his lifetime. He turned to Emilio, who leaned his head on the side window, eyes closed.

  “What’s the most important element in our relationship?”

  “Not fucking other people,” Emilio said.

  “No. Your protection, which is my job, is the most important element in our relationship. You pretty much spat on my job and our bond when you jumped out of the Jeep. I trusted you.”

  “So my past is my fault and gets me accused of cheating on our relationship?”

  “You have to be able to have a discussion without doing something dangerous because you don’t like what is being said. Being bonded means you believe nothing or no one will ever come between us. Today, you breached our bond by running away. Promise me you won’t seek danger when you’re angry with me.”

  “I promise. I’m sorry I ran away, but I felt like you were judging me, and I didn’t feel comfortable at all with that.”

  “Well you’re not going to be comfortable when we get to the cabin,” Kaden said.

  “So, you are going to punish me over this?”

  “I certainly will. You can’t place yourself in danger the way you did tonight. I don’t give a fuck
what I said to you. Since I’m in charge, you’ll obey my rules.”

  As Kaden drove, Emilio stopped talking. Apparently, their conversation became unsafe because Kaden had been critical of his behavior before they had met. Every now and then, Kaden side-eyed Emilio, who stared out the side window so Kaden couldn’t see his expression. Was Emilio upset about his pending punishment, or was he upset with himself for jumping out of the Jeep? Emilio had to learn to value his safety, and as much as Kaden didn’t want to punish him, he must. For some reason, punishing Emilio questioned his motives. A part of him was angry with himself for not taking precaution in the car. The child locks should have been in place. Yet he was wrong coming down on Emilio when they hadn’t even met. That part was on Kaden, and he knew it, but he didn’t understand why he acted like he did. His trust with Emilio was broken.

  When they entered the cabin, Emilio walked toward the bedroom.

  “Hey, in the living room,” Kaden ordered.



  The disappointment glaring from Kaden’s eyes saddened Emilio. He wished he hadn’t jumped out of the Jeep without thinking. Where could he have gone anyway? He didn’t have a phone to call Rafe. If Emilio had a working brain like other people, he would have talked it over with Kaden. But no, he reacted instead of thinking and discussing his problems first. From the time he was a boy, his first instinct always was to run away from any problem or situation.

  “Drop your jeans,” Kaden ordered.

  Emilio unzipped his jeans and shoved them to his ankles with his underwear. He stepped out of them before he tripped. Knowing what Kaden had promised he’d do to him sent chills all over his body and caused an unwelcomed hard-on. He was so obvious. His dick refused to obey him. The damn thing had a mind of its own. Emilio hoped Kaden would touch him, fuck him, or do something sexual, but no, his protector didn’t want sex. Emilio lost his shining star status with Kaden, which meant he would have to try harder, even though he sucked at following any guidelines and rules.

  “Do you remember you promised to avoid the five D’s and agreed to the consequences if you didn’t? You put yourself in danger.” Kaden’s brows drew together in an agonized expression.

  “Yes, Sir. I know I fucked up by jumping out of the Jeep and putting myself in danger. I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make this up to you?” Emilio swallowed hard and squared his shoulders. He was tempted to offer an explanation for his immature behavior. If he did, Kaden might see his explanation as making an excuse, proving he was right by leaving the Jeep.

  “Your juvenile actions brought you this punishment. Ten strikes. You won’t like it, but you won’t be permanently harmed.” Kaden moved closer to Emilio, leaving no room between them.

  “Did you say ten strikes with your belt?” Emilio asked.

  “Bend over the back of the chair.” Kaden ignored his question.

  Emilio followed Kaden’s order and leaned over the chair facing the fireplace. The loud sound of the belt sliding through the loops made him clench his ass cheeks. He knew that sound all too well from home.

  “I’m punishing you for jumping out of the Jeep which put you in danger. If you move your hands to protect yourself from my belt, I’ll start all over again. And if there’s a lot of clenching and squirming you’re going to get extras. Is that clear?”

  Emilio nodded, unable to speak. He heard the snapping sound of the belt as Kaden sailed it through the air behind him. The belt landed on his ass cheeks. Kaden wasted no time. The next one landed harder than the first. Emilio desperately grabbed the arms of the chair and braced himself for the next blow. The third blow hurt, really hurt.

  “Ow!” The sound slipped out of his mouth as he clenched and squirmed. Kaden had given that stroke across the lower curve of his ass, just above his thighs.

  “What did I tell you about clenching and squirming?” Kaden asked.

  Emilio remained silent.

  “Well, what did I say?” Kaden repeated.

  “That I’d get extras. But it’s not fair. I couldn't help it,” Emilio complained.

  “You got that right. You earned yourself two extra swats,” Kaden said, ignoring his complaints. “Now where did I leave off?”

  “You are on number four.”

  “That’s right.”

  The next one wasn’t quite as strong. POP! The belt snapped again as it hit his ass. He licked the blood from his lip in an attempt to show Kaden he was just as strong. He couldn’t let Kaden know he was a wimp. Kaden kept whipping his ass, each contact stinging more and more with little time in between for recovery. Emilio bit his lip each time the belt hit him. More blood trickled down from his bottom lip, but he paid it no mind. Kaden robotically extended and retracted his arm, swinging the belt like a baseball player needing a home run. End already.

  He didn’t have a chance to catch his breath—Kaden’s belt pounded him until he received the twelfth strike. When Kaden stopped, Emilio held back his tears from the humiliation and discomfort. The belt had set his ass on fire. There was no doubt in his mind he would never jump out of Kaden’s Jeep again. It just wasn’t worth making a statement to prove his point so blatantly. Next time, he’d use words to defend himself.

  Emilio really wanted to rub his sore ass, but he knew that if he disobeyed, Kaden would add extras.

  “Stand in the corner for ten minutes and think about what you did.” Kaden pointed to the corner.

  Emilio froze, unable to follow Kaden’s next order. When did standing in a corner become part of his punishment?

  Kaden slapped Emilio’s left ass cheek. “Now move it. And no rubbing.”

  Death marching, Emilio made his way to the corner and faced the boring wall while Kaden left the room and returned almost immediately.

  “You’ll wear this butt plug to remind you that you could have me in there.” Kaden shoved a lubed butt plug into his ass.

  The plug felt huge. Although the sharp pain when Kaden had first penetrated him with the plug was gone, the plug was very uncomfortable. Surely, it must be a punishment plug, not one for pleasure. It warmed as time went on. What kind of lube was so warm and burning? Did Kaden have punishment lube too?

  Kaden held an old-fashioned kitchen timer and wound the dial a full turn before moving the marker back to the ten-minute mark.

  “Ten minutes,” Kaden said.

  Emilio disliked standing in the corner after his whipping. He immediately became bored standing there with nothing to do. The only thing he seemed to be able to think about was the butt plug in his ass. Kaden had been right. If Emilio hadn’t jumped out of the Jeep, Kaden would probably be fucking him. He’d much rather Kaden was fucking him than stand in the corner like a dunce. Well, he was one. He’d never be smart enough to avoid trouble and punishment around Kaden.

  At first he attempted to distract himself by fantasizing about Kaden sticking his big cock inside his well-lubed hole and fucking him mercilessly while he was standing in this very corner. That would be fine with him instead of the damn plug.

  Emilio could hear the kitchen timer ticking behind him. He had no idea how much time had passed. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other, but it did no good. Nothing worked; the fucking warming lube increased the discomfort of the butt plug.

  When the alarm sounded, Kaden turned it off.

  “Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen,” Kaden said with a brisk tone in his voice.

  “Can I remove the plug?”

  “No. I’ll do it.” Kaden moved behind him. “Spread your cheeks for me.”

  Emilio felt the welts on the hot skin of his punished ass as he spread his ass cheeks for Kaden. He removed the plug and set it on the coffee table.

  “Meet me in the kitchen after you’re dressed.”

  Emilio staggered back. Hurt and rejection welled up in his chest, making it hard to breathe. He quickly stepped into his jeans and zipped his fly. His ass felt like somebody poured boiling water on it. He couldn’t believe ho
w much it hurt. The rubbing of the jeans intensified the sting.

  The distance in Kaden’s voice filled him with disappointment. Emilio didn’t want to press him and risk rocking the already shaky boat he had created by his actions, but he really wanted to know where he stood with Kaden. What was Emilio expecting after he had acted like an immature teenager? Oh, that’s right; he still was a teen, according to Mateo. His ass was sore and probably red. Emilio was angrier with himself than with Kaden. The punishment didn’t sit well with him, but Kaden had warned him what the consequences would be if he put himself in a dangerous situation. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t upset with Kaden, though. He was furious and it didn’t matter that he had created this mess or that Kaden had warned him.

  There was a chance Kaden would want to end their relationship. Somehow, Emilio must prepare himself for that possibility, and he needed to try to be okay with it. It would hurt, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Only, the happily ever after with Kaden would end. His fear, anxiety, and worry told him that his fragile world would fall apart if he lost him. How could Kaden ever trust him again? His actions or reactions proved he wasn’t worthy of Kaden. Everyone would know he was a loser without any comprehensive thinking skills. He should have thought out the situation before acting on it like an idiot.

  “Hey, you. Come into the kitchen.” Kaden’s voice sounded lighter, almost friendly.

  Emilio froze in place, fearing what was next between them. Kaden sounded as if he wasn’t angry with him anymore. Emilio wondered if they would kiss and make up, but he knew better than to wish for anything good to last.

  “I know you’re feeling hurt and confused.” Kaden inched closer, picked up Emilio over his shoulder, and carried him to the kitchen.

  “Do you want to send me back?” Emilio asked while he hung over Kaden’s shoulder.

  “No. I still want you.” Kaden kissed the top of his head as he put him down.

  Kaden ran his hand along Emilio’s cheek and down to his neck. Emilio wanted to tell Kaden how much this meant, but the words were impossible to form. Emilio’s breath caught in his throat. More than anything, he needed this astonishing man’s forgiveness and acceptance.


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