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Holly and Hopeful Hearts

Page 18

by Caroline Warfield

  “You are welcome, Your Grace. You were saying about Lord Nicholas…”

  The duchess hesitated for a moment, looking thoughtfully into her cup. “Lord Nicholas has offered five hundred pounds to the fund in return for a boon. You are, of course, free to refuse. And if you do, I shall say nothing further, and neither shall the gentleman.”

  Her brow rose. “And just what is the gentleman asking in return for helping our charity?” Her fingers whitened in her lap while she clenched her hands together, almost afraid to hear what the man wanted from her.

  “A kiss, Lady de Courtenay. He will give five hundred pounds to the fund in return for the right to give you a kiss.” She hurried on, while Grace gaped at her, “Nothing more than has been happening all over this house under the kissing boughs that almost every room sports, but if you have a distaste for the man, there is nothing more to be said.” She took another sip of her tea.

  Grace snapped her lips shut. On one hand, his offer was a vast amount of money he would donate to a worthwhile cause that Grace believed in. On the other, she was trying her best not to think that Nicholas was attempting to buy her favor. She swallowed hard.

  “Sometimes a kiss is not such a simple thing, Your Grace. I have never been one to think that such an intimate gesture between two people is so frivolous that a kiss can be easily given away,” she finally voiced, her tone somber as she pondered what the possible outcome could mean if she gave in to Nicholas’ request.

  Her Grace tipped her head slightly to one side. “Hardly… given, my dear. The gentleman, it seems, places a high value on the favor. But I do not mean to over persuade you. You are correct. Between two people who have feelings for one another, a kiss is by no means a simple thing.”

  “I fear I must ask… you do not feel his motives were to make sport of me? We did not exactly part on friendly terms after our last conversation together,” Grace stated in a rush. She continued on before giving the duchess time to reply. “I will admit that I do care for the gentleman and can only hope that we can move forward after the many misunderstandings we have had in our past. I am sure you can understand my concern that this is not just some cruel joke to be played for those who may witness the kiss,” Grace confessed with a worried frown.

  “My dear, I do not think it. Lord Nicholas is not such a cad as to seek to embarrass you in public. I can only speculate, but he seems to have a sincere regard for you. Tell me, Lady de Courtenay, you mentioned an unpleasant parting. Was the unpleasantness all on his part? Did he offer any overtures of friendship?”

  “My temper and pride got the better of me, so I can in all honesty say our parting was at least partly my fault. He did try to offer his apologies, but I was too angry to listen to his attempt to make things right between us.” Grace could feel the blush rush across her face. This had become a most embarrassing conversation.

  The duchess put a gentle hand on Grace’s arm. “Perhaps, my dear, he hopes for a chance to show you how he feels, without the barriers erected by your temper and pride… and his, too, for I am sure he has been mostly at fault. I must say, my dear, that if you intend to kiss the gentleman sooner or later, the fund may as well have the five hundred pounds.”

  Grace did her best to suppress her smile but failed. “I can see your point, Your Grace, and must offer my sincere thanks for your council.” Her mind was already made up. “Do you happen to know where I might find Lord Nicholas? I would hate to keep the gentleman waiting.”

  The duchess raised one elegant brow. “I believe Lord Nicholas was going to the parlor I use as my writing room. You will do it, then?”

  “Yes, of course I will.”

  “Should I come along to see fair play and safeguard your reputation? No. I thought not. Enjoy yourself, my dear, but not too much.”

  “If you will excuse me? And I promise I will be careful.”

  She left the room after a hasty curtsey, but not so quickly she did not hear the duchess say, “But not too careful.”

  Chapter 15

  Nicholas set the quill down at the writing desk after finishing his note to his solicitor who would take care of his request for the transfer of funds to the charity. Even if Grace decided to decline his offer, he would still contribute the money to her and Elinor’s cause.

  Impatient, Nicholas paced in front of the lit fireplace in the small Jacobean parlor where the Duchess of Haverford suggested he await Grace’s decision. To occupy his thoughts, he gave the slightest bit of attention to the rich red silk wallpaper and family portraits scattered along the walls. How long could it take to have what should be a quick yes or no answer? Perhaps, since he was still waiting, he already knew what the lady’s reply would be.

  He was just about to leave the room and seek out the lady for himself, when he saw her standing in the entryway to the parlor. He had no idea how long she had stood there watching him while he had been lost in thought. She appeared beautiful in her evening attire and stood under a bright batch of mistletoe hanging from doorway with a deep red bow.

  His eyes skimmed over her face in an attempt to figure out her mood, but there were no hints to give such secrets away. Grace watched him just as intently.

  They took a step toward one another simultaneously.


  “I─” She laughed lightly from across the room. “We seem to have a habit of this, do we not, my lord?”

  His lips twitched in response to hearing her voice. “A few times, perhaps. You came,” he replied, finishing his sentence.

  Grace took several steps forward. He did as well, lessening the space between them but still keeping her at a distance.

  Her brow lifted. “Of course, I came. I believe I owe you a kiss… for charity, that is.”

  “Is this the only reason?” he inquired, hoping against hope that she would see the request for what it was; a foolish attempt to make amends.

  “Not necessarily.”

  She gave a simple answer but made no further reply, causing Nicholas’s brow to furrow. “I would hope you know me well enough to realize I would still honor the donation whether you kissed me or not.”

  She took a deep breath but stood her ground. “Lord Nicholas, we barely know one another,” she began in a calm voice. “The majority of our few times together have only been met with a fair amount of misunderstanding and a lack of trust.”

  He sighed and ran his hand across the back of his neck. “And for that I am deeply sorry.”

  “As am I.”

  He nodded, and the space between them seemed to lessen though neither took a step closer. “Why are you here, Grace? Is it only the kiss for the charity fund?”

  The smile she gave him lit her entire face this time. A piece of the ice surrounding Nicholas’ heart melted at the sight of it.

  “I am here because of this.” She crossed the remaining distance to stand before him. She tore off her gloves, throwing them onto a nearby chair, and reached for his hands.

  Warmth seared straight to his beating heart while Nicholas felt the last shreds of pain over his wife’s death melt away, leaving pleasant memories in its place, along with hope for a future with Grace.

  “Please tell me, Nicholas, that I am not imagining this strange connection between us. Such a feeling, whenever we are together, seems to have been trying to convey to us that we were meant to be together, even though we have been too stubborn to listen to its promptings.” Her hand trembled.

  He leaned down until their foreheads touched. “Those signals are not your imagination running wild for I have felt those same signs as well, Grace. I do not suppose I can somehow justify acting like a complete idiot toward you, but I can only pray you can forgive me my foolishness.”

  She leaned back to look at him then brushed her fingertips across his cheek. “I have the notion we shall both do a fair amount of apologizing in our foreseeable future.” She laughed.

  “Until you fell into my life all those months ago, I swore I would forevermore remain unwed,�
�� he continued on. “My brother’s wife, Caroline, used to call me a wounded warrior when my wife passed away after a terrible accident. I hid away for more than two years while I mourned her, even going so far as to leave my daughter under their care.”

  “I am sorry for the loss of your wife, Nicholas. I am certain that was a difficult time for your family.”

  “The thought of moving on with my life with someone new and letting her go when her ghost still haunts me has been most daunting. Sometimes it is hard to forgive yourself, even though you know you were not to blame for something that was out of your control,” he admitted.

  “I also know this kind of loss, but no one says we have to completely let them go, Nicholas. Your wife was a part of your life, the mother of your child. You need not fear forgetting her. You will keep her alive in your memory, and she will live on there, and in the daughter you made together. I am certain she would want you to be happy and to move on with your life to possibly find love again. I believe my late husband Adrian would wish the same.”

  He took her face between his hands, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. “You make me believe that anything is possible, as long as I will have you by my side.”

  Grace lifted one of his hands and placed a kiss inside his palm. “Anything is possible if you let love into your heart.”

  “I believe you have that aright, my dear.” Nicholas left the endearment linger between them as he watched her face. He saw nothing but love shining in her eyes.

  “Perhaps we could try again? Start anew and see just how far-reaching our feelings for one another will take us?”

  “I would consider it an honor if you would allow me to court you, Lady de Courtenay,” Nicholas replied in a husky whisper.

  She gave a contented sigh. “Then I believe, Lord Nicholas, I owe you a kiss. We have many months to make up for, after all.”

  Nicholas’ heart lurched with happiness as he lowered his head and collected her kiss, the charity ball all but forgotten in their quest to start their lives together from this moment forward. Tonight was a good beginning…



  Eight months later

  Grace rocked the cooing baby in her arms while her cat, whom had been named Charity as a gentle reminder of the day she began to fall in love, nudged her feet. The fur ball was being persistent, apparently wanting her turn at her mistress’s affection. The little kitten had grown since it had all but adopted her from Hollystone Hall and had become a part of their growing family.

  “Blanche, be a dear and come take Charity for me,” she asked the young lady, who skipped over to her side, obviously more than happy to hold the feline. How Blanche had convinced her uncle to allow the cat in his home while they went to visit to see the newest addition to the family was still beyond Grace.

  “Yes, Mama.” Blanche picked up the cat who began to purr as though she had been starved for attention.

  Grace smiled with happiness knowing that Nicholas’ daughter, her daughter now, had accepted their marriage several months ago. Being apart from Nicholas had been unbearable, and he had felt the same, especially once they pulled down the barriers that had kept them at a distance during the holiday season. Nicholas had showered her with so much affection it felt as though they had courted for well over a year. Their engagement had been brief, and Grace had no issue when Nicholas suggested they wed without delay.

  The baby began to fuss, and Grace knew it was time for his feeding. Before she could return the precious bundle to his mother, Nicholas swooped in to pick up his tiny nephew. The duke, at last, had his heir and Nicholas was more than pleased that the title would now be handed down to his brother’s son.

  Nicholas handed the child over to Elinor, who promptly went upstairs to her mother. Caroline had had a difficult delivery and was still recovering. Her husband had all but ordered her to remain in bed. With the birth of his son, he had become the doting husband and could not do enough to ensure his wife’s health and happiness.

  Nicholas began making his way back across the room with eyes smoldering as though they were completely alone. She blushed when heat flushed her cheeks. The man was incorrigible when he wanted something, and she loved him for it. He pulled her into his arms and placed a quick kiss upon her lips.

  “Not now,” Grace whispered. “What will the children think?”

  “They will think we are in love, my dearest.” He chuckled then placed his hand on her stomach. “I look forward to when we can hold our own son or daughter in our arms.”

  “Nicholas, please, this is hardly the place for us to be discussing my pregnancy.”

  “Why not? We are among family.”

  She warmed at the thought of sharing her news with the people who loved them both, but then noticed Blanche, smiling at them over the head of the cat. She pulled on the lapel of Nicholas’s jacket so he would lean down in order for her to whisper in his ear, “I should think we might inform Blanche first before announcing it to the rest of the family.”

  Nicholas kissed her forehead. “How right you are, my dear,” he murmured. “Blanche, sweeting, come here please.”

  “Not now, Nicholas,” Grace groaned, while poking him in the ribs and laughing.

  He looked at her and gave her a wink. “Yes, now, Gracie.”

  Blanche put Charity down and joined them. “Yes, Father?” she asked with a soft smile.

  Grace took ahold of Blanche’s hand once Nicholas pulled the girl closer. They formed a small circle together. The young girl looked up at Grace, who returned her smile.

  “Your father and I have some important news we hope you will be pleased to hear,” Grace remarked, praying she would be correct in her assumption that the girl would be happy their family would be growing in the coming months.

  Nicholas brushed a stray lock of hair from his daughter face. “How would you feel if we were to tell you we shall be having a baby in the near future?”

  Blanche’s eyes widened. “Truly? I am to be a big sister?”

  Nicholas laughed. “Indeed. Before you know it, we shall be a family of four. Does that make you─”

  A squeal of delight erupted from Blanche. She began jumping up and down then proceeded to give them both a hug before she ran over to her cousins to tell them the news. Everyone in the room began talking at once as words of congratulations resounded.

  “See? Nothing to worry about whatsoever,” Nicholas proclaimed with a smirk of satisfaction.

  “Do you think we could at least have some sort of conversation in the future the next time you would like to spout out about matters that are personal between us?” she teased.

  “They are my family. We should probably tell yours, too, by the way,” Nicholas proclaimed.

  “Tomorrow will be soon enough,” Grace replied.

  He leaned down to kiss her again. “I am indeed a lucky man that I can claim all of your tomorrows, my lady.” His husky whispered words raced straight to Grace’s heart.

  She took a step closer. “We are indeed blessed to have found one another.”

  “Even though our beginnings may not have been smooth, I would not have missed finding you for all the world, my love.” Nicholas caressed her cheek.

  “Perhaps we should head home. I am feeling the need to… rest.” She blushed when Nicholas threw back his head and laughed.

  “When did my wife become able to read my mind?”

  “The day you gave me a kiss for charity. I have never been the same since.”

  “Nor have I. Have I told you today that I love you?” Nicholas asked with another roguish grin.

  Grace leaned back to gaze up into his sparkling brown eyes. “Why, I do not believe you have, husband. Perhaps I should be cross with you for not having done so.” Grace did her best to toss him a you-are-in-trouble sort of look, but failed when a merry laugh escaped her.

  Nicholas’ face grew serious. “Let me rectify such a mistake on my part. I love you.” He kissed her forehead. “I love yo
u.” He kissed her cheek and continued to repeat those treasured three words while he kissed each place on her face until he at last placed one upon her lips.

  Grace cared not that others were nearby as she returned her husband’s affection. “I love you, too, my darling husband.”

  Hours later, Grace lay curled in her husband’s embrace. She placed her hand over his heart, feeling the steady beat beneath her palm. He clasped her hand, brought it to his lips, and murmured a soft I love you before falling asleep, a soft snore passing his lips.

  Grace quietly disengaged herself from Nicholas’ embrace in order to blow out the lantern on their bedside table. Their domino masks lay side by side next to the lantern. A mischievous smile swept across her face when she remembered their love making this night. She blew out the flame and snuggled back into her husband’s arms which tightened around her even in his sleep. Life, indeed, would be a grand adventure with Nicholas Lacey at her side. She looked forward to their journey together.

  About Sherry Ewing

  Sherry Ewing picked up her first historical romance when she was a teenager and has been hooked ever since. A bestselling author, she writes historical and time travel romances to awaken the soul one heart at a time. When not writing, she can be found in the San Francisco area at her day job as an Information Technology Specialist.

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  Other Books by Sherry Ewing

  If My Heart Could See You

  When you’re enemies, does love have a fighting chance? Amiria of Berwyck vows to protect her people by pledging her oath of fealty to the very enemy who has laid siege to her home. Dristan, the Devil’s Dragon of Blackmore, has a reputation to uphold as champion knight of his king. Lies, treachery, and deceit attempt to tear them apart, but only love will bring them together


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