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Heaven Sent. (Behind The Scenes Book 1)

Page 12

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  Her friend rolled her eyes, “You dork.” She scoffed nodding towards me, “Jason loves him.”

  I pressed my lips together and tried my best not to laugh. The poor girl looked mortified. “Yeah, well.” She said, “It’ll still be nice for him to know that his fans love him.”

  I nodded, “He’ll be delighted.” I said.

  Chapter 23 – Recovery…


  I opened my eyes – or at least, one eye. The other one was too swollen to see through. My face felt sore and my lips were so swollen it was hard to speak. I had a broken cheekbone, which didn’t surprise me one bit, a fractured eye socket (I guess that would explain the swelling there, then) broken ribs, punctured lung which was thankfully now on the mend, a broken arm, dislocated shoulder and extensive bruising. I knew this because my mother had explained it to me when I came around. Miraculously, even though they were extensively bruised and extremely painful, I hadn’t broken my legs – or damaged my spine. I could (theoretically, since I hadn’t tried yet) still walk…

  “What time is it?” I mumbled.

  “Um, it’s a little after ten.”

  I frowned, “At night?” I had no idea since I’d had to be put out to have my shoulder put back in and my arm back together. It had had to be pinned since Dad had apparently gone totally ape-shit and not satisfied with the fact that he’d run me over, he’d gotten out of the car and had kicked and stamped on me even though I was unconscious. That was when Mom (whose voice it was I’d heard shouting) had called the cops and the paramedics. Dad had been taken away, ranting about my evil and deviant ways, telling anyone that would listen that I was the devil and had twisted my mother’s mind. Mom had chosen to come with me to the hospital...

  “No, sweetheart – it’s morning now.” She was silent for a moment as I processed the fact that I’d been out of it since yesterday afternoon. I saw out of the corner of my eye that my sister Bethany was dozing in the chair next to my bed. I looked back at Mom questioningly. “Where is he?” I asked.

  She knew I was talking about Dad. “They’re charging him with attempted murder.” She said calmly, “Hopefully, he’ll go down for a while.”

  I nodded. Good. He was totally out of control. “And what’s Beth doing here?”

  She smiled, “I couldn’t leave her at home alone when her big brother was fighting for his life.”

  I snorted, “Fighting for my life?” I asked. Mom was always a little on the dramatic side.

  She shrugged, “Well, perhaps not – but they were worried about your punctured lung – and Bethany wanted to be where you were.”

  I smiled, “Well, I’m very happy that you’re both here.” I replied.

  Mom was wringing her hands – never a good sign. “I’m so sorry, Jason.” She said, “I knew John had strong views about homosexuality but I had no idea he was this bad.”

  Didn’t she? Really? I raised my eyebrows – and even that was painful. She’d surely been in denial, then. I’d known he was really homophobic since I was twelve and he discovered my crush on Flynn Rider. I’d learned very quickly to hide the fact that I loved football because I admired the bigger guys and now that I looked back and really examined my life, I realised that I’d never had a boyfriend because of it too – too scared to explore my real feelings. Kelly had been great pretending to be my girlfriend to save my ass for literally years, “I don’t ever want to see that guy again for as long as I live.” I said determinedly. I never had to. I could afford my own place now – with security to ensure he never got near me again.

  She shook her head, “You and me both.” She said, which would have made my jaw drop only that was far too painful. “I’m going to file for divorce.”

  I closed my eyes. Well that was a completely futile notion. If he wasn’t sent down, he’d likely come back to kill her, “You won’t get him to agree to that.” I reminded her, “he doesn’t believe in divorce, remember – till death us do part – he’ll try to kill you too.” Because there was no doubt – that had definitely been his intention with me…

  She shrugged, “That’s too bad – I do.” She said, shocking the hell out of me at her sudden boldness.

  “Who are you?” I joked feebly, “and what have you done with my mother?”

  She smiled and squeezed my hand, “I guess I’ve been absent recently.” She said, “I’ve always believed in God – you know I do.” I nodded. Of course she did… “But seeing you lying there on the road made me realise that you and Bethany are the two most important people in my life. I don’t need anything or anyone else as long as I’ve got you two.” She smiled, “And I don’t believe that love can only be between a man and a woman either, Jason. I believe in love and I’m truly happy that you’ve found it with Gerard.”

  I stared at her. Seriously, who was she and what had she done with my mother?

  She smiled at my shocked look, “I don’t talk about it at home, but I know plenty of people in the community that are gay – and they’re all lovely people with just the same values as you and I. I have no idea what John’s problem is but being prejudice towards people just because they’re different to you – that’s not being Christian, Jason.”

  I nodded. I knew that. Of course gay people were human too. Being gay didn’t make us a totally different species. What the hell did people like Dad teach their followers in their churches? It was pretty damned scary.

  “I love you, Jason.” She said, her voice cracking with emotion. “And I’ve only ever wanted you to be happy.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right.” I mumbled. She’d not been all that supportive a few weeks ago and I guess I was still smarting over it...

  Almost as if she could read my mind, she said, “I know I was out of order the other week…”

  “I don’t want to talk about the other week.” I mumbled through my painful lips, “I just want Gerard to be here, with me, making me feel better.” Kissing me and stroking my hair and telling me I’m the most beautiful thing in his world even though I’ve likely never looked worse.

  “I called Gerard too.” She said.

  What? My heart started to beat fast in my chest. I turned my head to face her, “You called Gerard?” I asked incredulously, “My Gerard.”

  She leaned forward, smiling at me and squeezing my hand, “Yes.” She said, “Your Gerard. He’s on his way.”

  “He’s coming?” My eyes filled with tears. Oh. My. God!

  She rolled her eyes, “Of course he is.” She said, “The boy loves you. He was already on the way but the next available flight wasn’t until this morning at around eight o’ clock his time. He should be here anytime now…”


  My heart leapt in my chest as I looked up and straight into Gerard’s soft brown eyes. Oh, my God. He got better every time I saw him, “Hey, you.” I said softly.

  His eyes filled with tears as he looked at me lying there in the hospital bed, almost completely broken. “Oh, Jay.” He whispered, “I shouldn’t have let you come on your own. What the hell happened?”

  Mom stood up, “He tried to explain to his father about you.” She said, “John just went crazy when Jason left the family home. I couldn’t stop him.” She started to cry, “I ran after him but he’d got the car keys… I’m so sorry, boys – so sorry.”

  It must have been really traumatic for Mom. I’d been completely oblivious to all of this part of it – the first I knew was when the car hit me from behind.

  Gerard went over to her and gave her a hug, “Hey,” he said, “It wasn’t your fault.”

  She sniffed and nodded, “It was my fault.” She said, “I married him when I was young and pregnant with another man’s child.”

  Gerard blinked and turned to me for clarification but I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. John wasn’t my dad? Fucking brilliant – but what? I gaped at her (as best I could). “He’s not my real dad?” I asked incredulously.

  She shook her head. “He promised to t
ake you on, to look after you and bring you up as his own.”

  I nodded, “Well, I guess he did that.” I said. He’d done it badly, but he’d done it.

  “Yes,” she agreed, “He was fine with you until you got to middle school.”

  Gerard frowned, “Middle school?” he asked, “What’s that again?”

  “Ten to Fourteen,” I reminded him, “Prior to high school.”

  He nodded, “Right.” He said, knowledgably, since we’d discussed my Flynn Rider crush. “When you should have been noticing girls – but you were crushing on Flynn Rider instead?”

  I chuckled and nodded, “Yeah.” I said, “Have I told you how much you remind me of Flynn Rider?”

  He beamed at me, “And my middle name is Eugene.” He said, “It was fate.”

  Mom laughed. “Oh, boys.” She said, “You’re so adorable.

  I grinned along with the two of them, but I still wanted to know who my real dad was. I’d have to ask her later.


  When Gerard disappeared to get himself a little breakfast, I broached the subject that I knew my mother would prefer to pretend had never happened, “So, Mom, who is my dad? Can I meet him?”

  She smiled, “I knew you’d want to know.” She said, “As soon as I mentioned it, I knew.”

  I nodded, “Well, obviously.” I said. Who didn’t want to know who they really belonged to?

  She sighed, “He was so lovely.” She said, “Really smart, really talented, and really into motorbikes – something I’m really glad you’ve never had a penchant for.”

  I frowned. Oh, no… He was dead? Well of course he was or he’d have surely been mentioned before now… “What happened to him?” I asked, all thoughts of meeting him draining away.

  “A week after we got married he was hit by a truck at traffic lights. He was totally blameless. He was killed instantly. I found out I was pregnant on the morning of his funeral.” She smiled, “It got me through. I still had a little piece of him. When you were born I was so happy. I named you after him.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, “Do I look like him?”

  She nodded, “You’re the image of him – particularly the eyes. You have your father’s eyes. I have some photos of him back at home. They’re well hidden – obviously. I’ll dig them out.”

  I smiled at her and nodded. It would be good to see him. I bit my lip. She’d have probably been a whole lot happier if I’d never come along. She wouldn’t have felt compelled to marry the first guy who came along after my real father died out of desperation for starters… “Am I a disappointment to you?” Well, I had to ask.

  Her eyes were brimming with tears. She shook her head, “Oh, my God. No. Never. You could never be a disappointment to me.” She said, “I love you, Jason. I always have and I always will.”

  I nodded, swallowing down the lump in my throat, “I love you, too, Mom.” I whispered.

  “Oh, Jason.” She stroked my good cheek, “I’m so happy that you’ve found Gerard. That you’ve finally found someone worthy of you. You suit each other.”

  I smiled, “Will you be my date at the Oscars?” I asked. I had no idea if Gerard was going to be able to bring his brother or not but I figured he could handle seeing me there with my mom and we’d still be leaving together at the end of the night – that was a very definite given…

  She smiled, “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.” She said, “Aunt Rachel will have Bethany.”

  “Aunt Rachel?” came a sleepy voice from the chair, “What about Aunt Rachel?”

  I smiled, “Mom’s coming to the Oscars with me, Babycakes,” I said, “So you get to hang out with the cool cousins.”

  She grinned, “Great – but next time you get nominated. You can take me.”

  I nodded, “Deal.” I said, holding my hand up for a high five.

  Bethany gently put her hand up to mine. “Feeling better?” she asked.

  I shrugged. Gerard was here so yes, I felt better. “I’ll be fine.” I said.


  I had to give Jason and his mum a little space after she’d dropped that bombshell, so I headed for the nearest coffee shop and settled myself down in a corner with my cup of flat white and an iced bun.

  I got my phone out and called Mum on FaceTime.

  “Hello darling.” She smiled at me from the other side of the world in a heartbeat.

  I grinned back at her, “Hi, Mum.” I said, “I’m here – and I’ve seen him. He’s a mess but he’s gonna be okay.”

  She heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God.” She said.

  I bit my lip, “Can I talk to Troy if he’s there.”

  She nodded, “Of course you can, darling.” She said, “Wait a second, I’ll take the phone through to him.”

  I waited patiently as she wandered through the house to Troy’s room.

  “Troy?” she called.

  Finally, I was face to face with my brother. He grinned at me, “Hi.” He said.

  I grinned back, “Hi.” I said, “How’s things?”

  He shrugged, “Fine – how’s Jason?”

  I’d told him about working with Jason, but until I’d literally dropped everything to go to him, I hadn’t had the nerve to tell either Mum, Dad or Troy what he really meant to me. I’d told them all together as hurriedly as possible before I jumped in an Uber and headed for the airport.

  I’d forgotten all about asking my brother to be my date to the Oscar’s though – and I really wanted him to go with me. It was my time to both come out – and to introduce my amazing brother to the world of Hollywood, too.

  Troy, was understandably a little puzzled that I wanted him at my side when I was clearly besotted with my co-star...

  “So,” he started, “You’re in love with Jason, then?” He was looking at me with such understanding it floored me. He might have had learning difficulties when he was younger but he was all there and always had been. No wonder he was doing so well at university – and he had a girlfriend too. I was so proud of him.

  I nodded, “I really am, Troy.” I said, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life before.”

  He smiled, that massive, beaming smile that I’d always adored, “Then why aren’t you going to the Oscar’s with him?” He asked, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, “I’m sure you’d have more fun with him than with me.”

  “I shook my head, “I would be honoured to have you at my side, Troy – so, will you be my date?”

  His jaw dropped, “You’re serious?” he asked, “You really want me to come?”

  I nodded.

  He stared at me through the screen, “Can I?” he asked, staring at me in wonder, “Really?”

  I chuckled, “Really.” I said, “There’ll be no more keeping you a secret – you’re my baby brother and I love you more than life itself – and Jason is going to absolutely adore you.”

  “Baby brother?” Troy threw his head back and laughed in that totally joyful way he always did, “We’re twins, Gerard. We’re the same age!”

  I nodded and smiled, “But I’ll always be fifteen minutes older. And I would always carry the guilt that he was starved of oxygen and ended up having to use a wheelchair and struggled every day with his body that wouldn’t move like mine. Life was wonderful but it was also pretty damned cruel…

  Chapter 24 – The Oscars


  My nerves were stretched to the limit. Tonight was the biggest night of my life so far. I wasn’t up for an award of my own – but the man I loved more than life itself was up for one – and I was pretty sure he was going to win it.

  He was up against some really good actors, Rhys George had put in a really decent performance in his film ‘Distant Guns’, a war movie that had been tipped as winning Best Film. If anyone was going to beat us to Best Supporting Actor or Best Film it was probably going to be that one…

  That wasn’t what was making me nervous though, and neither was it because my brother h
ad flown into town to meet me – I was delighted to see him and his girlfriend. She was staying at the hotel with my parents, who had also decided to come along to Tinsel town to support me and Jay.

  I was nervous because I was going to come out. I had no idea how I was going to do it but I was determined to tell the world tonight that I loved Jason Flaherty with all my heart – and I wanted us to be together for a very long time – forever even.

  The red carpet was always tedious with the photographers yelling out everyone’s names, angling for the best photos for the next morning’s headlines.

  I didn’t really mind this bit, actually – but this year was a little bigger than last year. I was actually glad to have my brother stood by my side – and he was stood too, which made me really proud of him. He’d been doing loads of physiotherapy since I’d asked him to be my date and his legs were better than they’d been in a while. My brother could walk – it was just a massive effort on his part – but he was walking like a champ tonight – I guess the adrenalin was keeping him going as much as anything.

  Finally, we were seated. Jason wasn’t far behind me and we’d had photos taken together on the carpet too.

  “Jason’s a good-looking boy.” Troy said with a grin, “You did good.”

  I laughed, “Thanks, man – that means a lot.”

  Seconds later Jason turned up and sat down right next to me. He leaned in and kissed me slowly, “I love you.” He murmured, “You know that, right?”

  I nodded and stroked his face which was heavily made up to hide the bruising around his eye which was still evident to those who knew, “I know,” I murmured, “And I love you too.”

  He smiled and looked past me to Troy, “And who’s this handsome devil again?”

  “Troy.” We said together.

  Troy grabbed his hand slightly awkwardly and shook it, “It’s really nice to meet you.” He said, “I think you’re probably the best thing to ever happen to my brother.”

  Jason beamed at him, “Well, that’s good.” He said, “Because he’s the best thing to ever happen to me too.”


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