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Dreamweaver (Hell Yeah!)

Page 26

by Sable Hunter

Judah sat on his balcony with guitar in hand and wrote amazing music. His creativity didn’t abandon him, lyrics and melodies floated to him on the breeze. Even the episodes he endured seemed friendlier, the appliances were almost supportive of his efforts. There were a few voices in his head, but they came up with some great ideas, so Judah cut them some slack. His muse didn’t visit him in a vision, but she didn’t have to, he slept beside her every night.

  As he strummed a few chords, Judah shut his eyes and thanked God he’d survived the storm he’d gone through. His parents had come for supper the night before and Pepper won Tala over by asking for her help in the kitchen. Judah knew Pepper didn’t need help, but his mother longed to feel necessary and he was glad Pepper cared enough to make her happy.

  After Pepper’s ordeal, she’d postponed coffee with Loren, but Zion surprised them one morning when he showed up at the door with Loren on his arm. Pepper had fallen in love with her and Judah didn’t know if Loren knew it, but she’d just won a friend for life. There was one thing about Pepper McCoy, she was intensely loyal. Thank goodness. He ought to know, he’d tested the limits of her loyalty more than once.

  He laid his head back on the chair and stared up into the clouds. The bats from Congress Street Bridge were flying through the night sky, looking like an undulating black veil against the red gold haze of sunset. From where he sat, he could see into the kitchen. Pepper was busy on her computer. After visiting the career center and job fair, she’d found something that intrigued her. When he asked what she was doing, she smiled and told him it was a surprise. He knew she wanted to feel like she had a purpose and if it took him the rest of his life, he’d convince her that she did. Pepper was essential to him. She was the cornerstone upon which his life was built and she was the compass that directed his path. She was more necessary to him than the air he breathed.

  Unwilling to be apart any longer, he rose with guitar in hand to seek her out.

  …Inside, Pepper checked the Facebook event page for Judah James – Comeback Special. Checking the number of likes, she felt giddy with excitement. Nearly a half-million people were coming to Zilker Park in Austin and there were ten other venues where the concert would be streamed live. She shot off a message to Desiree Holt and one to Reese Jerome. If she could pull this off, the sky was the limit. Maybe she’d found her calling after all!

  “Whatcha doin, precious?” Judah kissed her on the neck and she slammed the computer lid down hard.


  “Working on what?”

  “A surprise.”

  “What kind of a surprise?” he teased her. “Is it for me?”

  She turned and wound her arms around his neck. “Yes, and you’re not going to get any information about it from me. No matter if you kiss me a thousand times and fuck me into next week.”

  Judah barked out a laugh. “If that’s a challenge, I’m all over it.” He ran his fingers lightly down her sides, tickling her gently. “You know the only thing I need is you.”

  “You’ve got me.” Pepper rested securely in his arms, determined to give him the world if she could.

  * * *

  “God, I’ve never seen traffic so bad,” Judah complained as he maneuvered his car down the interstate. As far as the eye could see on both sides, every lane was full and almost at a standstill. “Where did all these people come from? Is the President in town or something?”

  Pepper laughed. “I don’t think the President could attract this many people in Austin. There must be a big event of some kind.”

  “I know I’ve been off the grid for a while, but there has to be something going on. To attract this many, they must be giving away thousand dollar bills.”

  Pepper just smiled. She wouldn’t have to keep her secret much longer. In addition to Reese, Desiree, and Jimmy Dushku, Zion and the rest of the band was in on the plan. Samson and Gideon had also thrown their muscle and money behind the event. She knew she’d never be able to repay them all, but their family and friends wanted Judah to succeed as much as she did.


  Before the night was over, there’d be no doubt in Judah’s mind that his fans were loyal, enthusiastic, and numbered in the millions. She kept her fingers crossed, hoping nothing would go wrong.

  “Zion wants to practice again tonight, if that’s all right with you?”

  His considerate request warmed her heart. “Of course, it’s all right. I want your career to get back on track, I don’t think you’ll be truly happy until it is.”

  Judah didn’t argue, he was beginning to feel more like his old self. He knew he’d never be like everybody else – but who wanted to be? The woman he loved seemed to think he was worth fighting for. “Well, I’ll tell you what. After the jam session tonight, let’s you and I have a romantic dinner.” There was a band of gold burning a hole in his pocket.

  “Okay. Any time you say.” She knew a raincheck might be in order, since tonight was the Comeback Special. A wave of uncertainty swept over her, she hoped Judah wouldn’t be angry with her for presuming to take matters into her own hands. What artist wanted a surprise performance thrust upon them?

  Oh, well. There was no time for doubts. Zilker Park would be full by dusk and a fireworks display would herald the event to the world. Live streaming had been set up everywhere from Times Square in New York to the Hollywood Bowl in California. If her calculations were right, there would be close to five million people gathered to show the musician they loved that he wasn’t forgotten. Tickets were sold out for every venue and after all who’d helped fund the effort was repaid, all leftover proceeds would be donated to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.

  “Man, I can’t take any more of this.” Judah took the next exit, but found most of the downtown streets chock full of traffic as well. “If I ever make it back to the parking garage, I think we’d make better time walking.”

  “Let’s just go home, I can make us a BLT, we don’t need to go out for lunch. Let’s wait until the crowd dissipates.” Pepper covered her mouth so he wouldn’t see her smile.

  “Thank God, I thought you’d never make that suggestion.” He headed for home without hesitation.

  Once they were inside the loft, she stayed busy in the kitchen while he went over a new song. This one was a surprise, he called it Dreamweaver, Mine. Like so many others, this song was about Pepper and would be dedicated to her the next time he performed.

  His hand stilled.

  Judah smiled, he was ready to perform again – if anyone wanted to listen.

  In the kitchen, Pepper listened to him sing. His voice never ceased to thrill her. She was so happy. The last few weeks had been tough, but things were coming together. Her family would all be at the concert tonight, even her father and Olivia. The Tebow McCoys were coming, as was the Wilder clan. She’d reserved front seating for her whole family and for their friends as well. Loren was coming for Zion and Tanner and Desiree would be representing the Yellow Rose label who was sponsoring the event. As soon as Judah was ready, a contract awaited him with Desiree’s company. He could record at home and tour only as much as he felt led to.

  Once the bacon was fried, she assembled the sandwiches and carried them to where he was working. Many nights they dined on the couch, or on the floor by the coffee table. Pepper was making a home for Judah. No, they weren’t married and he’d never mentioned marriage, but Pepper was happy and content. She didn’t need a piece of paper or a ring to commit herself to Judah James.

  “Thanks, babe.” He took the plate and placed his guitar down. “Zion just called and he’s about ready to head over to rehearsal.”

  Pepper nodded. “Okay.” She was familiar with the plan. The band had been practicing in what passed for Zion’s garage, it was actually an empty warehouse that he’d remodeled into an apartment, a studio, and a rehearsal hall. Pepper knew it killed Zion’s soul to think he had all that room and money and Loren might be living under a bridge. Even though they spent time together, she’
d never breathed a word about her situation. Pepper didn’t know how far their relationship had advanced, but she knew Zion was head over heels in love with the woman.

  “Dang, this is good.” Judah wolfed down the sandwich.

  “I’m glad.” She wanted him to eat, he was in for a long, exciting night.

  When they were through, he kissed her goodbye and took off. As soon as the door was closed behind him, she jumped up to change clothes. Jimmy Dushku had agreed to bring his copter and land on top of Zion’s building to whisk the band and Pepper to Zilker Park. She would be heading over to meet them as soon as she was dressed and ready.

  …An hour and a half later, Judah held up his hand in triumph as they finished the new song, Dreamweaver, Mine. “I think we’ve got it. How’s our sound?”

  Zion nodded. “I think we’re gold. In fact, I think it’s time we performed live, don’t you guys?” he asked Eric and Eddie.

  Judah looked puzzled. “When? Do we have a gig lined up I don’t know about?”

  Zion laughed. “You could say that.” He made a quick phone call. “All’s set. Pepper’s here and so is Jimmy. Let’s head to the roof.”

  When Judah started off without it, Eric pointed to his guitar. “Don’t forget your instrument, Rock Star, you’re going to need it.”

  Without a clue to where they were going, Judah headed to the roof. “I’m not sure I trust you guys.”

  Zion pointed. “How about her? Do you trust her?”

  When he stepped around a corner, he saw Pepper standing by Jimmy Dushku, right near a helicopter with an open door. “Yea, I trust her.” Judah smiled. “With my life.”

  Once they boarded, the helicopter lifted off and he took Pepper’s hand. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”

  She kissed him on the end of the nose. “Just wait and see. This is the surprise I’ve been working on.”

  Now, he was really curious. In a few moments, his curiosity morphed into shocked amazement. Once the helicopter passed over downtown and the river, Zilker Park came into view. “Oh, my God, what in the hell is going on?” Judah stared down into a sea of people surrounding a huge performing area. Giant screens framed the stage and a dozen searchlights mapped the heavens above.

  “This is for you,” she whispered. “All these people are here for you.”

  Judah’s heart thundered in his chest. His eyes searched the face of the band and their smiles told him that they’d been in on this deal the whole time. “My God, Pepper, guys, how did you pull this off? And why are they here?”

  “They’re here to hear you sing, Judah. They’re here to let you know that they stand by you and they love you just the way you are. You’re their inspiration.” Pepper knew what she said to be true, she’d been conversing with his fans for weeks on Facebook and Twitter.

  “I don’t know if I can sing,” Judah mumbled. “I’m all choked up.”

  “Ah, the ham in you will emerge,” Eddie said with a laugh. “I have no doubt about that.”

  When the helicopter landed, the band stepped out first, then stood back while Judah emerged. He helped Pepper to the ground, then they bent low to run out from under the blades. As soon as they neared the stage, Desiree Holt’s voice could be heard.

  “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to one of the biggest live concerts in history, the Judah James Comeback Special!” A roar of cheers swept through the crowd. “We are gathered here to welcome this man back to performing and making the music he is known for all over the world. We have an estimated crowd here of half a million and there are like gatherings from coast to coast and in three foreign countries. We, the Judah James Nation, are almost four million strong!”

  Judah felt electrified, his whole body was tingling. He couldn’t believe this, he just couldn’t believe it.

  “An event like this is not put together by one person, many of us pitched in. Me, for a selfish reason, I’m hoping to sign this man and his band ASAP. I can tell you one thing – this night wouldn’t be possible if not for the dogged desire and determination of one woman. This is her vision, her mission. Her quest to show the man she loves that he is beloved in the music industry. Pepper McCoy loves Judah James.” She held up her hands, in true diva style. “And so do we! Without farther adieu, welcome Judah James and Shiloh!”

  Judah gave Pepper one hard kiss and ran onto the stage. There were chants of Shiloh! Shiloh! But soon those chants changed and became Judah! Judah! Judah! The massive crowd in Austin was joined by the other crowds all over the world. “Judah! Judah!”

  Judah took his microphone in hand. “Thank you! This was a surprise to me. I couldn’t have dreamed up this night if I tried.” He laughed. “I couldn’t even have hallucinated it.” The crowd laughed with him. “I am blown away! I am humbled beyond words. I love you all. I thank you for believing in me. For taking the time out of your life to show me you care. But most of all, I love this woman.” He pointed to Pepper and her image soon was visible on every screen. “She is the light of my life. She is my guiding star, the reason I live. I want to thank her for her steadfast faith in me and her undying belief that I’m worthy of her love.”

  Hearing his heartfelt words, Pepper cried. Heath came to her and led her to a seat of honor down front. And together, she and her family and millions of fans around the world listened as Judah James poured out his heart in song.

  As the evening wore on, Judah felt like he’d never left the stage, like he’d never doubted his calling. When the time came for the last song, he held up his hand to quiet the crowd. “What an evening this has been! There are so many people I want to thank, so many people I owe so much to.” He named off all the ones responsible amid cheers and screams of adoration, especially when Desiree’s name was called. He asked her to sing, but she passed, saying the evening belonged to him. Holding out his hand, he invited Pepper to the stage. “I just finished a song called Dreamweaver, Mine. I wrote it for this woman. She is my muse. She puts the song in my heart and on my lips.”

  When Pepper joined him, she expected him to sing, but what she didn’t expect was for him to go down on one knee. “Penelope Elizabeth McCoy, love of my life, joy of my soul. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Pepper melted, tears began to flow down her cheeks. She threw her arms around Judah’s neck and cried, “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!”

  He held her hand and placed a ring on her finger, then took the microphone and sang these words:

  When I look into your beautiful face, I see the light.

  You touched my blinded eyes and gave me sight.

  I could search the universe through

  And never find one who loves me more than you

  You are my source of strength when I am weak

  You are the answer to any question I might seek

  You take my hopes and give them life, Dreamweaver, mine.

  The song ended to thunderous applause as Judah swept Pepper up into his arms. Hugging her tightly, he whispered into her ear, “And this is just the beginning, my love. I’ll spend the rest of my life making your dreams come true.”


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  Ryder’s Surrender: Hell Yeah!

  Ryder and Pepper McCoy are the pampered sisters of the Highland McCoys – Heath, Philip, Jaxson and Tennessee. The brothers have always been over-protective of the girls, vetting every man who is brave enough to even ask them on a date. Both sisters are spirited, giving their brothers a run for their money – but one is about to give them a heart attack. Two men are vying for the hand of Ryder McCoy, Samson Duke and his brother Gideon. But this isn’t a rivalry, the Duke brothers plan on sharing her. They are determined to lasso, corral, and mark the feisty filly with the DD brand. Resisting one of the Duke boys is difficult, keeping both of them at arm’s length may very well prove to be impossible. But who should she choose? One or both? Could she break
one brother’s heart to gain the other? Ryder is torn between keeping the relationship with her family intact and following her own desires. To complicate matters, there’s more going on than meets the eye. The Dukes and the McCoys may very well have a common enemy. When Ryder becomes the pawn in a madman’s scheme, all of the men who love her will have to work together to save her. Still, entrusting their baby sister to the wild, powerful Dukes is not something the McCoy boys think they can accept. Will Ryder bend to her family’s and society’s expectations or will she surrender to what her soul and body craves? She soon finds out that true love doesn’t always follow the rules.

  How to Rope a McCoy: Hell Yeah!

  Is Texas big enough for more McCoys? Hell yeah! Heath McCoy, the oldest cousin of Aron and his brothers spends his days championing his family. He is no stranger to heartbreak, the woman he loved left him at the altar. From that moment on, Heath developed a new attitude - love'em and leave 'em wanting more. Until he meets Cato. Cato is determined to experience all life has to offer. She is deaf, yet very adept at listening with her heart. The moment she lays eyes on Heath, she knows he’s the one man who will mean the world to her. But Heath doesn't want forever, he wants a fling. So, Cato decides to give him what he wants and hope he falls in love with her in the process. She takes a gamble on love and the stakes are high. How do you rope a McCoy? Very carefully. How do you keep him tied? With love.

  If I Can Dream: Hell Yeah!

  The moment Tennessee McCoy lays eyes on Molly Reyes sitting astride a horse in the desert sun, love hits him like a bolt of lightning from out of the blue. She is his soulmate, his other half. They speak the same language, they want the same things. Their attraction is complete, the passion they share nearly consumes them. Knowing she is meant to be his, Ten can’t wait to make her his bride. The future seems bright until happiness slips through their fingers like grains of sand.


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