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Regretfully Yours

Page 58

by Sunniva Dee

  I want to leave all of this behind. Go home and sleep. I eye the exit longingly… and discover Dominic. With an arm resting on the doorjamb, he’s zoomed in on us as Leon dries some kryptonite-colored spittle from my chin. Dominic is frowning.

  I mull over how he took off without a word before I woke up this morning. That was really rude, wasn’t it? And now he’s frowning at me? How dare he!

  All of a sudden, I’ve got stuff to tell him. Oh yes, and this is the perfect moment to do so. My feet move forward but my stilettos aren’t cooperating, and seconds later Leon saves me from face-planting for the second time tonight. Quite the knight in shining armor that boy.

  Shannon reaches for me too. Where did she come from? Her voice is muted by alcohol. My alcohol.

  “Let go,” I mumble as sternly as I can, and Leon lets me wriggle free.

  “You.” I point at Dominic. Suddenly, it’s important for me to appear as sober as possible. He might have seen me throw up, but I am not pathetic.

  Partiers mill between us, and I use them to keep myself upright with a hand on their shoulder, back, wherever I hook on, as I advance on him.

  Have you noticed how sober the sober people look when you’re not? Dominic is so sober. Fresh-faced and glowing, he’s the poster boy for healthy living.

  His eyes…

  He meets me halfway, concern tinting his expression, which pisses me off. He catches me by the elbows as I trip on a small something in my way. Maybe myself.

  “You!” I repeat. “If you think I cared that you left last night, you’re wrong!” Glaring at him, I twist my arms in his grip, although I’m not really trying to break free.

  “Pandora.” Even his voice is freaking sober. Like he just got off work, like he’s this awesome, outstanding citizen of the world that does everything right.

  “You, Dominic, are my mistake,” I say loudly. “No, you’re several mistakes.” Then, I laugh.

  “Come here, Pandora,” he whispers to me. How dare he whisper to me as if we share something? It was just a nothing. Two nothings.

  I growl.

  “I’ll take you home,” he continues.

  “Is she yours?” Leon asks behind me.

  Yours? Who the hell says that?

  “Yeah, I’m Dominic’s pet,” I mock. “Leon, no—I’m all mine!”

  Neither pays attention to me. Dominic’s hazel stare meets Leon’s blue one over my head.

  “She’s a friend,” Dominic replies calmly.

  I lean out to squint between them; my judgment might be skewed by the crème de menthe, but I’d say these boys exchange some serious alpha dog vibes.

  All of a sudden, I’m tired, so tired, and I think of how much I want to go home. At this point, I’m lenient with who becomes my designated driver as long as I get to leave. A cab driver, Christian, Leon—

  Somehow my arms slink around Dominic’s neck instead. He’s warm and tempting, and I nuzzle against his skin. Draw in the scent of his cologne. “Take me to the apartment,” I garble out.

  “Shannon, I’ll drive her. Does she have a key?”

  “Yeah, she keeps it on a string in here somewhere… hmm.”

  My anger dissipated with the smell of him, so I let them dig through my purse without complaint. “I’ll come with,” Shannon adds.

  “No, you stay with Christian,” I waggle my eyebrows at her over one of Dominic’s shoulders and get a smile out of the girl. Finally. She’s been so serious.

  “Well, Destiny’s at home,” she says, pondering the options.

  “Yep, I’m fine, Shannon.”

  The way Dominic holds me as we exit the club feels nice right now. His arm loops my waist, holding me up.

  “Can you walk to the car in those heels?”

  “Let’s cab it over,” I smirk.

  “Two blocks, babe. Can you do that for me?”

  Babe. I like and I don’t like the nickname.

  “Pffyeah! Easy.”

  It wasn’t easy, but once in the car, I get some shuteye. The ride seems shorter than the first time he drove me home, and I wake up with Dominic stroking my hair.

  “We’re here, Panda. I’ll come around and get you.” He accommodates me against my own headrest, because I’ve slid over and must have been sleeping on his shoulder.

  I nod big so he understands that I’m agreeing. He supports me to the door and halfway lifts me up the stairs to the second floor and to our apartment.

  We enter quietly so as to not wake anyone up. Still, the sight of Destiny and Mica in front of a flickering, blue TV screen makes me suppress a giggle.

  We stare from the doorway for an instant. Since Dominic doesn’t know them, he’s probably less surprised than I am. The two of them wear long-sleeved jammies, and they’re fast asleep. What surprises me is how they’ve formed to each other. Mica’s white arm circles Destiny’s upper body, and the other rests around her neck. Even their legs entangle. My vision might still be blurry, but I catch Mica’s peaceful expression from her repose against Destiny’s shoulder.

  “Girlfriends?” Dominic asks.

  “No. We’ve all been friends since third grade.” This blows my mind. Sure, we’ve always been lovey-dovey touchy-feely, but this is new. Not even at our slumber parties—

  “I see,” Dominic says noncommittally. “Come on, Pandora. Let’s get some food in you.”

  “I’m not hungry—I just need to sleep.”

  “No. You probably threw up everything in your stomach at Smother, and unless you want to be sick tomorrow, you’ve got to eat. I’ll make you eggs,” he decides. Hazel eyes flick to me again. “Do you have eggs?”

  I snicker, thinking how smart he is to ask. Damn, my brain is so sluggish right now, and he’s so smart.

  A while later, we’re both eating an omelet with cheese. It’s piping hot and delicious with the warm toast, butter, and milk to drink.

  “This is the best meal I’ve ever had in my entire life,” I say with conviction, and Dominic cracks a laugh.

  “That’s great, babe. I’m glad.” He gets up to gather my hair and twist it over my back. Good, because it wasn’t staying out of my meal.

  After we finish every smidgen, I suck my fingers clean while he watches. Something passes through his gaze, but it disappears quickly, so I don’t ask.

  “All right. I’ll tuck you into bed. Come here.” Dominic stands and grasps my arm, and I get on my feet.

  Now that I’ve kicked my boots off, I can walk straight. “Ah, I’m myself again!”

  I’m rewarded with a smile. He’s cute! Once in my bedroom, I hop on the bed, happy, and pat the mattress next to me. Hmm. Why does he just stand there?

  “Lie down,” I command, “I’ll be back after I brush my teeth.”

  “Pandora,” he starts, but I’m hurrying off to the bathroom. My stomach settles happily on the eggs, and my heart pumps faster at the thought of Dominic waiting for me.

  When I come back, he’s sitting on the edge of the bed. I’m in a tiny nightgown; after all, he’s seen all of me before.

  I walk up to him. “Why are you still dressed?” I ask. Sure, I’ve lost some inhibitions, but he just brought me home and fed me, so surely this is what he expects?

  Dominic shakes his head slowly. “I’m not staying—”

  I puff out a dry laugh. “Yeah, that I know about you.”

  “No, I mean I’m leaving now. You’re hammered, Pandora, and I won’t take advantage of you again.”

  Oh. He’s being noble. Argh.

  Annoyed, I climb up on his lap. “Nu-huh, I’m not drunk.”

  He doesn’t push me away—a good sign, I figure. Straddling him, my knees meet the mattress past his hips.

  I run my fingers through his hair, which is as soft as it looks. Then, I lean down and sniff him the way Leon did with me earlier. I
wrap around him, and suddenly his face rests between my breasts. Even in my slightly numb state, my nipples harden.

  Hesitantly, his arms scissor me and pull me in. “Babe…” he sighs, the sound vibrating against my skin. “I’m not doing this.”

  “Yeah, you are,” I say, my voice a bit unsteady.

  His embrace tightens around me, and slowly, Dominic begins to rock me as if I need comfort. Back and forth, back and forth. This nearness doesn’t feel all physical. It feels more… intimate. I think he’s waiting for me to stop being stubborn. Come to my senses.

  I tip his head up from my chest to make sure I don’t crack and start sobbing like a baby, because the sudden sensation that he cares overwhelms me. I cradle his face in my hands to study him, and he stares back at me calmly.

  “Do you know your irises are bright green around the brown?” My question comes out quiet. Dominic’s features remain serious, but his eyes smile.

  “Because they’re hazel.”

  “Yeah, but—” My gaze sinks to his mouth. I don’t care what he’ll think of me. He’s so tempting.

  Dominic must catch my determination, because when he replies, he tinges my name with warning. “Pandora. Let’s not.”

  “Why don’t you get up and leave, then?” I blurt out, immediately regretting it, because he better not take off or I’ll have a full-on meltdown.

  He chuckles as if he hears my thoughts. “Yeah, why don’t I?”

  The first nibble I steal of his lips sends a jolt to my abdomen. A deep rumble comes from Dominic, and I can’t tell if it’s from pleasure or frustration. All I know is that it’s sexy as hell.

  The tip of my tongue slinks out to lick him. I suckle the plump flesh into my mouth, and Dominic responds, his tongue rotating in a lazy dance with mine. I become aware of him, hard and ready under me, and my stomach drops hotly at the sensation.

  Finally, he breaks the kiss. “You should get under the blankets, babe. You’re shivering.”

  My response doesn’t mean I’m cold—the goose bumps stem from him, not the temperature—but I have no problem obeying as long as he joins me between the sheets.

  “Take your clothes off, Dominic.”

  “Babe, you should get some rest,” he says, ignoring my command, strong hands fighting to cover me while keeping himself outside.

  “Please sleep here?” My voice has never been sweeter. I put years of experience into my coercion, lowered lashes and subtle smile included.

  For a moment, he wavers, so I hurry on. “Everyone needs rest.”

  He rakes through his hair with a hand, still unsure. “Pandora, I meant what I said. I can’t.”

  “Not even for a little siesta?” I try out the pout that makes my dad melt. It might work on others too, I think to myself. Dominic squeezes his eyes shut.

  Come on, say yes.

  “Babe, you’re so…! Okay. If all you want is to sleep—fine, I’ll stay.”

  “Yes, just sleep.” I grin wide. We’ll see how long he lasts once he’s naked under my covers.

  An hour later, I’m exhausted. My eyes keep sliding shut, and the man has been true to his word. He’s not giving in, goddammit. He’s so tempting. His smell?

  I cuddle up against him, my face nestled into the hollow of his neck. We hush-murmur about the prettiest light bulbs and about the place where he grew up. I giggle at how he’s an island boy, and I’m sad for him over his mother. Sleep-sluggish, he shrugs his shoulders, like he’s not bothered by her. “I don’t remember her like a mom. But she upsets my grandmother whenever she pops out of the woodwork.”

  He seems genuine and unconcerned, relaxed as he talks about her. My family is so different, so all I can do is believe him.

  Dominic’s arms circle me and hold me as if we always nap like this. It’s natural, safe. It awakens a softness in me that makes me need him more.

  “Can you take your tee off?” I whisper.

  “Not sure that’s a good idea.”

  I slink a hand up under his shirt, finding smooth, warm skin and hard muscle.

  “Ah… don’t.” Dominic whispers in response, and it’s so hot, I couldn’t stop if I tried.

  “Can’t we be skin to skin at least?” My voice sounds innocent, like I’m not concocting cunning plans in my head. “Girl-scout honor, I won’t take advantage of you.”

  “Oh, you dirty-talking minx. Thanks for planting that image in my head,” he groans.

  Dominic believes me, though, because he sits up in bed, scrunches the back of his T-shirt into a fist and wrings it over his head.

  I’m doing a happy-dance inside. Since I’m being Blunt Pandora, I continue, “Cool, and now, the boxers.”

  Dominic turns and stares at me. “Um, no.”

  “Why not?” I bat my eyelashes at him.

  He gives a slow, lopsided smile again, and it’s hard to tell if he’s embarrassed or entertained by my insistence. “Need to keep things under wraps, here,” he says.

  I like his mouth.

  “I like your mouth.”

  “Will you stop already? You’re killing me.”

  “I aaaam?” I drag the last word out and let the pitch climb. I crawl over and pull him down with me. He instantly grabs me, kisses me, and I giggle under the covers he flings haphazardly around us.


  “Yes.” I’m clinging to him, and bare skin has never felt this good. He’s so delicious, I hook a leg over his thigh too.

  “Like this.” Dominic pulls away enough to fall on his back. Then, he tugs me in over him, leaving my chin to rest on his chest and my knee draping his thighs.

  I wait, hoping, but all I get are his fingers interlacing at the small of my back. “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “There,” he says, locking me in place. “Goodnight.”

  And once I’m done begging, tempting—hissing with disappointment—his breathing slows down at my side and I begin to relax.

  Dominic’s presence soothes me. I’m not alone when he’s here. Between him and the alcohol still poisoning my blood, sleep rolls in.

  The last thing I do before I surrender is to press my lips to his neck. With my eyes closed, I whisper what I think. Low, so low he can’t hear me, I tell him how perfect he is. How I’m not. What a terrible person I am.

  10. SUNDAY


  Her body presses down, warm on top of me. Pandora sleeps like the dead with every muscle as relaxed as a newborn’s. At some point during the night, she must have shifted from that almost-polite embrace into this: using me as an extra mattress.

  She’s light, and it’s more unexpected than uncomfortable. Judging by the creaking in my joints, we’ve been passed out in this position for a while.

  Another part of me has been awake longer. No surprise since I’m snuggly nestled at the V of her thighs. A quick rock of my hips, and I’d be in heaven. Thank God she’s still wearing that little nightie.

  The devil’s spawn wiggles languidly against me, like she can read my mind. Inhaling deeply, she comes to, and the hands resting along my sides fold around my neck.

  “Mmm,” she hums. “You didn’t desert me?”

  I link an arm around her waist while I play with the long, blonde locks she’s swathed us with. Pandora blows out a happy sigh I won’t forget anytime soon.

  “I didn’t want to take off before you woke up.”

  “Good.” Her voice holds a smile, and I squeeze her. On instinct, my crotch juts up, intensifying the pressure between my dick and her honeypot.

  “Ah,” she moans. “Remember?”

  Oh hell yes, I remember.

  “Are you always this straightforward?” I ask. “But to answer your question, I do remember—and thanks to you, I’m heading to the gym now. Either that, or I’d use up every last drop of freezing water in your shower

  She giggles out a retort when the roaring of a truck engine reaches us from the floor; it’s my uncle’s ringtone, so I instantly worry. Jesus, at seven a.m. on a Sunday? I roll Pandora off me, lunge for my phone, and answer.

  “Alan?” I prompt.

  “Dominic. She wandered off again.”

  “How can you let her wander off? She’s your fucking mom!” I can’t help spewing out what I always tell him. “You need to move in with her, all right? Just do me that favor. I’ve got one measly year left, and I’ll be back, dude. Did you find her? Where is she?”

  “Dominic, calm down. I’ve got her. We’re at the hospital now. She was dehydrated so she’s getting fluids.”

  “You… Fuck, Alan!” I shout. I get up and pace the room. “How often do you even check on her? Can’t you at least spend your time with her before and after work?”

  I feel like I’m the fifty-five-year-old, here, not him. For months, we’ve had conversations of this type. At least he has stopped berating me for swearing at him.

  I flick a glance at Pandora, who has flipped over on a hip. With a cheek resting in one hand, her eyes are on me.

  “Sorry,” I mutter. Pandora nods like she understands. She doesn’t, of course. This is my life.

  “Can I talk to her?” I ask my uncle.

  “She’s asleep now.”

  I’m so frustrated—he knows I need to hear every detail about her. What’s with these short-ass replies? “Will you at least fucking tell me what’s going on, Alan?”

  He remains quiet for a moment before he answers. “When I caught up with her, she’d wandered under the bridge. She thought she was five years old, Dominic. Do you understand? We need to look for assisted living.”

  “No!” I yell.

  I need to fight with Alan somewhere else, but he twists the knife in me before I can get out. “Dominic, your grandma was making mud cakes.”

  The cool surface of Pandora’s bedroom window loans relief as I lean in, an alien sort of sob pressing out of me.

  I flinch at first when small hands surround my waist from behind. She’s holding me, not saying anything and making everything worse.


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