Page 25
Territorialist movement, xx, 205
theodicy, 140
Thieves in the Night (Koestler), 2–3
Times of London, 9, 10, 94, 168
tobacco workplaces, Kishinev, 52, 56, 65
Tolstoy, Leo, 92, 124, 154–55
Torah scrolls, shredded, xx, 60, 82–83, 131
“To the Martyrs of Kishinev” (Lilien), 83
Toulouse school massacre (2012), 21
Transdniestria (Pridnestrovian Moldavan Republic), 21–23
Bessarabia, 30, 31, 32, 34
Kishinev, 35, 43, 44, 67–68
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 2
Trial and Error (Weizmann), 18–19
Bern (1934–35), 147, 158, 169
Eichmann (1961), 141
of pogromists, 132, 137
“True Americanism,” 204
Trump, Donald, 148
tsars, 45, 46, 79, 92
“Two Anti-Semites” (Sholem Aleichem), 153
Ukrainian language, 171
Jewish, 165, 173
Russia, 164
Union of Russian Peoples (Black Hundreds), 4, 37, 147, 172, 187
United States, xix
Berkeley Russian Review, 196
Chicago, 24, 193
immigration restrictions, 102–3
Jewish immigration to, 92, 103–4, 123
Left, xix, xx, 185–97
McKinley assassination (1901), 171, 189
obligation to free Russia from barbarism, 185–89
protest meetings, 12, 189
race riots, xix, 187, 200–202
racism, 186–88
relief campaigns and demonstrations for Kishinev victims, xix, 12, 101–4, 189
Theodore Roosevelt, 12, 189, 203–4
Franklin Roosevelt, 1
Supreme Court, 1
synagogues, 5–6, 83, 103
“True Americanism,” 204
Trump, 148
see also American newspapers; blacks, American; New York City
Urussov, Sergei S. (Governor General of Bessarabia), xv, 81–82
and Krushevan, 150, 165
Lower Kishinev visit, 48–50, 101
Pronin expelled by, 97
and rivers, xv–xvii
on Soroki, 154
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 198
Vilna, 2, 110, 142, 156, 177
antiblack, xix, 14, 186–88, 192–94, 200–201
poetics of, 82–83, 133
see also pogroms; rapes; riots; war
Violette of Pere Lachaise (Strunsky), 198
Wagner, Richard, 204
Walling, William English, 194–203
death, 197
NAACP, xix, 14, 194, 198, 200–203
Russia’s Message, xix, 195, 198, 199–200, 202
Arab-Israeli War (1948), 20
Crimean War (1856), 30
Gaza war (2014), 21
Russo-Turkish War (1878), 32–33
World War I, 95, 128
World War II/Nazis/Holocaust, xiii–xiv, 3, 140, 208
see also armies
Warburg, Aby, xiii
Warrant for Genocide (Cohn), 146–47
Washington, Booker T., 193
water carrier, Jewish, 49
weather, Kishinev pogrom, 17, 61, 63, 70, 129
Weissman, Meyer, 73
Weizmann, Chaim, 18–19
West Bank, murder of three Israeli teenagers, 21
Western Provinces map, Russia, 160
White Army, 4, 19, 90
Wiesel, Elie, 108
Windsor Theater, Bowery, 105
Wirth, Louis, 185
Within the Pale (Davitt), xviii, 105–7
Witte, Sergei, 7, 177
world domination, Jewish program of, 174–79
World Union of Freemasons and Elders of Zion, 172
World Union of Freemasons and Sages of Zion, Znamia, 167, 172–74
World War I, 95, 128
World War II/Nazis/Holocaust, xiii–xiv, 3, 140, 208
Yeselevich, Esfir (Ira Jan), 126–28, 127
Yiddish language, 52–53, 123, 125, 156, 195
Yiddish press, 11, 104, 158, 187, 189
yizkor (memorial for the dead), 103
Yom Kippur services, Frug’s “Have Pity,” 103
Zangwill, Israel, 12, 203–5
Zionist Congress:
First (1897), 169
Fifth (December 1901), 175
Sixth (summer 1903), 14
Ahad Ha’am, 111, 113, 175–76
Bernstein-Kogan, 89, 178–82
Bialik, 138
Chomsky vs., 18–19
Davitt, 107
Ha-Tsofeh, 140
Herzl, 111, 175–78, 180–81
Holy Land purchase plans, 174, 176, 177
Jabotinsky, 140
Jewish goals, 174, 175
Kishinev, xix
Kishinev pogrom impact, 13, 19–20
Krushevan and, 173–79
Lydda as dark secret of, 20–21
and male cowardice, 131
Marxist, 18
Minsk conference (1902), 176–77
protocols, 168
right-wing, 7, 140
Russian Right and, 175–79
Strunsky and, 199
Territorialist movement and, xx
unification, 165, 173
Weizmann, 18
Zangwill, 204–5
Znamia (St. Petersburg newspaper), 146–47, 165–67, 171, 172–74
Zychick, Sima, 73–75
The Jews of Odessa: A Cultural History, 1794–1881
Elusive Prophet: Ahad Ha’am and the Origins of Zionism
Imagining Russian Jewry: Memory, History, Identity
Rosenfeld’s Lives: Fame, Oblivion, and the Furies of Writing
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