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Virgin's Daddy: A Billionaire Romance

Page 13

by B. B. Hamel

  “I don’t feel different,” I say to him.

  He laughs a little. “I didn’t think you would.” He kisses me softly again. “But you will.”

  “How?” I ask him.

  “We’re not done tonight,” he whispers, and a thrill runs down my spine.

  “We’re not?”

  “Oh no,” he says. “I have so much to teach you. We’re just getting started.”

  I look up at him, a thrill running through my skin. I kiss him deeply and passionately and I know he’s right. We are just getting started. And I can’t wait for him to show me everything that I’ve been missing. I can’t wait for him to make me feel like a real woman.

  I know he can do it. He’s already getting a little hard, and I can already feel my desire starting to build again. Maybe I’m a little embarrassed about the blood, but that’s okay, he genuinely doesn’t seem to mind at all. Besides, I’ll make it up to him.

  I’ll be his obedient little girl and he’ll be my Daddy. Together he’ll teach me everything I’ve always wanted to learn, and I’ll obey his every word, because I want to be a good girl for him.



  We spend the rest of the night alternating between exploring each other’s bodies and talking. We don’t go to sleep until four in the morning, and I don’t think I can remember ever feeling so good.

  There’s a spirit to Sadie that I’ve never experienced before. For someone that has such an oppressive family, she seems so absolutely alive. She clearly wants more from life than just to be married off to whomever her family chooses for her, and she’s doing what makes her happy, despite the danger.

  I can’t get enough of it. She makes me feel young again, although I like being her older Daddy. I like taking care of her and teaching her everything she needs to know.

  I wake up slowly in the morning, the sunlight streaming in through the windows. I glance at the clock and sigh to myself. I got maybe four hours of sleep at most. It’s eight in the morning, and I know I won’t be going back to sleep anytime soon.

  I don’t care. Sadie’s beautiful body is snuggled up against mine, and I run my hand down her beautiful hips. Instantly the night before comes back to me, every single lurid detail.

  Her pussy is like fucking fire. I don’t know how else to put it. I never really cared about deflowering a virgin before, but I’m fucking glad I got to do it with Sadie. I taught her everything she needed to know about sex, or at least I started to teach her. And she was so eager to learn.

  Not to mention enthusiastic. Her pussy is so fucking tight and slick, I just never want to leave it. And she throws herself into sex like there’s nothing else in the world. I’ve been with plenty of other women, but that’s something I’ve never seen before, and it’s fucking addictive.

  I slip out of bed, letting her sleep. She stirs but doesn’t wake up. I head into the bathroom to do my morning routine before heading into the kitchen to make some breakfast.

  I put on the coffee and start up some eggs, toast, and waffles. Sometimes I hire someone to come in and cook for me, but today I feel like it’s better to go for the personal touch. Maybe another morning we can sit out on the balcony and leisurely drink our coffee while we eat an awesome breakfast from my normal personal chef.

  I keep thinking about Sadie in the other room and smiling to myself. This isn’t fucking like me. Normally I’m much more reserved and pessimistic, but she does something to me that I can’t deny.

  She makes me happy. Fuck, in a world where I have so much already, and so little of it actually brings a smile to my face, she’s the most valuable thing that I can imagine. She makes me fucking happy.

  I never thought I’d feel this way about a woman. I thought I’d always go from woman to woman, taking what I want and moving on, but Sadie is different.

  She makes me want to stay.

  As I’m finishing the eggs and putting them in a bowl, I hear a knock at my door. I don’t feel like dealing with whatever it is, and so I just ignore it, but they start knocking again.

  Annoyed, I go to answer the door. I don’t want whoever it is to wake Sadie up. I assume it’s probably the doorman with packages or mail or some shit like that.

  “Okay, enough,” I say. “I’m coming.”

  I pull open the door. Silas smiles at me, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Hello there, Gavin,” he says.

  I take a step backwards. I didn’t expect this. “Silas,” I say. “What do you want?”

  He frowns at me. “Are you joking?”

  I pause and stare at him. He’s here for one reason and one reason alone: to bring back Sadie. That much is obvious. Her family must know she left and they figured out where she is pretty quickly.

  “She doesn’t want to go with you,” I say softly, anger rising in my chest.

  “Now, now, Gavin,” he says. “You know it doesn’t work like that.” He subtly opens his jacket, showing me his gun, “Make this easy, will you?”

  I want to fight him, but I’m unarmed and wearing only a pair of jogging pants and a black t-shirt. I wouldn’t be able to get my gun before Silas can pull his weapon out.

  “What’s with you people?” I say to him. “The girl wants to live her life. Aren’t you a little sick of working for guys like Tillman?”

  “No,” Silas says flatly. “Please go get her.”

  I clench my fists. For a second, I think I’m going to hit him. Maybe if I strike first, I can wrestle the gun away from him and get the upper hand.

  But I’m stopped by a voice from behind me. “Let him in, Gavin,” Sadie says.

  I turn and look at her. She’s standing inside, frowning at me. She’s wearing the same outfit from the night before.

  “Your father sent me,” Silas says to her.

  “I know who you are,” she answers. “I’ll come with you. Just give me a few minutes.”

  He sighs. “I’m not supposed to do that.”

  “Please. You won’t have any trouble.” Sadie looks pointedly at me.

  I grunt and nod at Silas. “A few minutes,” I say.

  “Fine,” he answers. “I’ll be out here.” He leans up against the wall next to my door. I shut it and lock it, then turn to Sadie.

  She looks at me for a second then walks quickly over to me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close.

  I hug her tight. I hate that she had to see this asshole. She’s not crying, though, which makes me proud.

  “You’re in deep shit,” I say to her with a smile.

  She smiles back. “Guess so.”

  “You don’t seem to mind.”

  “I guess not.” She shrugs. “I’m figuring things out for myself.”

  “Good for you.” I kiss her softly on the lips. “You don’t have to go, you know. I’ll get rid of him.”

  “I bet you would,” she says, grinning at me. “But it’s better if I just go. It’s time for me to make some hard choices.”

  I don’t exactly know what she means by that, but I can guess. “Are you sure?”

  She nods once, resolute. “I’m sure.”

  “Okay.” I kiss her one more time. “It’s a shame. I made a damn good breakfast.”

  She smiles at me. “I bet you did.”

  “Think you have time for a shower?”

  She shakes her head, still smiling. “No, I don’t think so. And I don’t think you really want me to clean up.”

  “No,” I admit. “I didn’t plan on letting you get clean.”

  I kiss her deep and full then, hoping that she understands what I mean. I hope she understands that she’s mine and I’m not letting her go, no matter what her fucking family says.

  We break apart slowly. “I’ll see you soon,” she says. “And I still have the phone.”

  “Good.” I let her go and she steps toward the door.

  She pause before she leaves and looks at me. “I’ll be thinking about you, Daddy.”

  I smirk at her. “I know you w
ill be.”

  She smiles, opens the door, and then leaves. I get a glimpse of Silas looking back at me as they head down the hall, a mysterious look on his face.

  I shut the door and lock it. I don’t know how to feel. On the one hand, I didn’t want her to leave, and I would have fought to keep her. But on the other, she decided to go back on her own, and I have to respect that maturity. She’s an impressive girl, and she just keeps getting more and more impressive.



  Going home with my father’s goon was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, but I knew that I couldn’t resist him. Silas is a scary man, although I’ve only met him a few times, but even I know that he’s the man my father sends to do the dirty work. I didn’t want Gavin to get hurt just because I couldn’t face the consequences of my actions.

  I don’t regret anything. The whole ride back to my family’s apartment, Silas is quiet, and he leaves me plenty of space to think.

  And the only thing I can think about is the night before. What Gavin made me feel, I never thought I’d have that. I was convinced that I was doomed to marry some rich asshole like Milo and never, ever be happy. I never really believed that I’d have happiness, real happiness, like the kind Gavin made me feel the night before.

  It’s not just the sex, which was surprisingly amazing. It’s not just the fact that he took my virginity. It’s everything about him, the way he listens to me, the way he values me. He was cooking breakfast for me when Silas showed up. He wants to take care of me, wants me to actually be happy instead of a slave to his own desires.

  Although a slave to his desires doesn’t sound too bad.

  After all, the sex really was amazing. Like, shockingly amazing. I thought it was going to hurt a lot more, and although it really did hurt, it was a good pain. It was a good sharp ache between my legs, mixed with pure pleasure as he worked me, made me feel things. Then after that first time, and the embarrassing moment with my blood, he fucked me again and again, made me feel better than I ever guessed I could.

  Silas escorts me back into our apartment when we arrive. He’s clearly not taking any chances. He doesn’t leave my side until I’m standing in my father’s study, my father giving me a dour and angry look.

  My father doesn’t speak for a whole minute. I want to yell at him, but I’m not backing down. I stare right back at him, daring him to get started.

  “Was it worth it?” he asked me.

  “Yes,” I say.

  He frowns. “You’re an embarrassment, Sadie. I really expected more of you, but like every woman, you’re fickle and emotional.”

  I ball my fists. My father is such a sexist piece of shit. But I don’t say anything. I let my gaze remain defiant. I’m not giving him the satisfaction of getting upset.

  “You will not leave this apartment until I give you permission,” he says. “I’m going to have someone watching out every single second of the day until your punishment is through. Do you understand?”

  I nod my head once. “Do you enjoy controlling me, father?” I ask him. “Like I’m still some little girl.”

  He shakes his head. “Frankly, Sadie, I don’t care what you think about me. You’re going to do your duty to this family, even if I have to force you at gunpoint. Now, get out of my sight.”

  I linger for a moment longer, but I have nothing left to say to him. As far as I’m concerned, he’s not my father anymore.

  He’s my captor.

  A new staff member that I don’t recognize, a middle-aged man, is waiting for me outside of the study. He follows me back to my room and then stands on the other side of the door when I shut it.

  My father wasn’t kidding about watching me. Getting out to see Gavin is going to be really hard, but fortunately, I still have one little trick up my sleeve.

  I quickly get the phone and pull it out. I send him a text.

  “In deep shit, but it was worth it. I don’t know when I can see you again.”

  “Soon,” he sends back. “I hope.”

  I smile to myself and curl up in bed.

  Sure, I’m locked up in my own bedroom with someone watching me all the time, but at least I have this phone. At least I can contact him and text him when I want to. I’ll get out sooner or later, and when I do, I’ll go right to see Gavin.

  I feel good. So damn good. I can’t stop smiling. I didn’t know life could be this good to me. I don’t care that I’m in trouble. This time apart just means I have time to figure out what I’m going to do, to make some plans for my future.

  Because I’m not staying with my family forever. I just need to figure out something else to do to support myself.

  It’s all going to be okay. I curl up in bed, smiling, unable to stop smiling.

  One month passes and I barely leave my room.

  I didn’t know I could get so bored.

  It’s not so bad at first. I call and text Gavin as often as possible. Quickly we realize that my father is coming after Gavin’s businesses, and apparently some of Gavin’s partners are dropping out. That only makes me angry, but when I confront my father about it, he simply dismisses me and says that Gavin is getting what he deserves.

  Even though my family is trying to destroy him, Gavin doesn’t seem upset about it. He never blames me for it or holds it against me. He only told me because I kept pestering him about why he seemed so stressed lately.

  But soon, the boredom sets in. I reread my favorite books, but that only eats up a week since I’m a fast reader. My father lets me watch TV and provides me some more books, but he refuses to let me have the wireless password, and the phone Gavin gave me is so old that I can’t get online with it.

  I’m completely cut off from the world, which is exactly what my father wants. One night, about three weeks into my sentence, I woke up in he middle of the night to try and sneak out, desperate to do something. But there was a man sitting outside of my door, and as soon as I opened it, he was alert and watching. I had to pretend like I was going downstairs for a late night snack, but he totally saw through that.

  My relationship with Gavin began to suffer. At first, we spent a lot of time having phone sex and trading pictures all day. I sent him so many dirty selfies that I can barely even count them now, although the phone’s camera is pretty awful. He talked dirty to me every night for the first three weeks.

  But with his businesses in trouble, Gavin is busier than ever. So one month after this all began, we’re not having as much phone sex as we were, and he’s not able to text me all day long like he was at first.

  I’m going stir crazy. Absolutely stir crazy.

  Which is why I don’t even notice at first when I miss my period.

  I’m really regular. Like, really regular. It’s like clockwork, and I’m never, ever late. I don’t know why I’m so regular, but I simply am, and that makes it easy to plan around. But because I’m so bored and distracted by everything that’s happening, I don’t even notice that I’m late until three days later when I’m in the shower and I suddenly realize what the date is.

  I try not to freak out at first. I know it’s so freaking unlikely that I got pregnant the very first time I ever had sex. True, we didn’t use protection, which was maybe not the smartest thing in the world. I just thought that it was safe to go without it, but when I actually sit down and do the math, I realize how horribly wrong I was.

  But no, I can’t be pregnant. I just can’t be. He didn’t come inside of me that very first time, but I realize with horror that he did later on in the night, practically because I begged him to.

  I feel so stupid, but there has to be some other reason for why I’m late. I decide not to tell Gavin right away, just to avoid worrying him and adding unnecessary stress.

  But three days turns into four days which turns into five days, and my period still hasn’t come.

  I need to take a test. I absolutely have to take a pregnancy test, but I don’t know how to do it. I consider approaching Peter
about it, but ever since I came back from Gavin’s apartment that night, Peter hasn’t really been interested in talking to me. That hurts a lot, but it can’t be helped, since he is still a slave to my family.

  No, I can’t trust Peter, and I can’t trust Michael. I can’t just ask my mother, because if I am pregnant, she’ll just force me to have an abortion or to go away somewhere and have the baby, then force me to put it up for adoption. I can only imagine the heinous things she’d say to me. I don’t even want to picture how my father would react.

  And since I’m under constant guard, I can’t just go to the store and get it myself. I can’t order it online, since I can’t get online, and I don’t know who I could contact to ask for help. I don’t trust any of my friends, even if they were home. The gossip in my community is so crazy and intense that I know the second I tell someone I’m pregnant, everyone will know, and my parents will murder me.

  I have only one option and it’s the last thing I want to do.

  I stare at my phone, six days after my missed period. It’s six o’clock at night. I have dinner with my family and pretend like everything is fine, even though it’s definitely not.

  My heart is hammering when I’m back in my bedroom with the phone in my hand. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do or what Gavin is going to say. He never signed up for this. He never wanted to get some virgin like me pregnant. He says he wants to see me more, even wants to take care of me and be my Daddy, but he never said anything about being a dad for real.

  I can’t put it off. I don’t have other options. I dial his number and wait as it rings.

  He answers on the third ring. “Hey, you,” he says. “I was hoping I’d hear from you, Sadie girl.”

  “Gavin,” I say quickly. “We need to talk.”

  He pauses. “This sounds serious. Are you okay?”

  “I think so,” I say. “I mean, yeah, I am.”

  “Is it your family?” he asks. “I can come for you right now. Just say the word.”


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