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Untainted Magic (The Light Realm Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Karen DuBose

  Chase’s voice echo’s through the room. “I can help you access your sorcery side. My dad was a sorcerer.” Lex and I both look at him. His dad is human and so is his mom.

  “My dad, you know is not my real father. My father was a sorcerer, from what my mom has told me. Once I learned this, I have been accessing my powers. They are very weak that is why none of you can feel me. It took me years to even access them and even now I can only do small things like moving stuff. I didn’t say anything because what is the point? I’m not strong enough to do anything like you guys can.”

  We both stare at him with our mouths open. I’m the first to speak. “You remember the conversation we had earlier?” He nods his head. “I think we just found your purpose.”

  He gives me a weird look. “What do you mean?”

  “Think about it, you came to our town for a reason. Maybe that reason is to help me. If she can teach me, she can teach you as well. You are supposed to be here for a reason and I believe this is the reason.” I’m getting excited. Lex looks confused.

  “When did you guys talk about this?”

  Chase looks down at her and gives her a soft kiss. “Earlier this evening. I needed to know where I belonged here. You both have a purpose and I felt like I didn’t belong here.”

  Lex wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him to her. When their lips touch I look away. This always made me uncomfortable, and that jealous beast is starting to make itself known. I try to control it, but it isn’t going to go away.

  Standing up, I leave the room. I walk down to my mom’s room. Opening the door, I see her on the floor sobbing. I rush to her and hold her, just like she did me.

  I didn’t say anything. I knew words wouldn’t help her right now. She just lost my father all over again. The pain she is going through breaks something inside me. The magic that floods me is so powerful it knocks apart. The waves of magic pouring out of me takes my breath away. The pain that follows makes me want to die. I curl up into a ball praying to the goddess to take me. The pain is so intense I can’t even scream, think, hear, move or even see. It feels like my insides are melting slowly spreading to each muscle and organ. I try to breath, but no air would enter my lungs. I’m at my breaking point when it starts to fade away. I’m finally able to take that much needed breath. The sweet air rushes back into my lungs and I greedily take more.

  The first thing I hear is Chase’s voice “She’s coming back to us. Look, the magic is slowly going back into her.”

  I hear mom and Lex let out a sob. I don’t dare move just yet. I didn’t want the pain to return. I felt a hand touch my wrist. I look to see who has dare came this close to me with the magic still flowing out of me. The old lady stares back at me with a sad smile.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when this happened. I could have taken the pain away sooner. What happened when this happened?”

  “The pain my mom was going through broke something inside me.”

  She nods her head in understanding. “Well, I was hoping to release your sorcery side a lot slower than this, but apparently it wasn’t having it. I’m just glad you are strong enough it didn’t fry you.”

  I laugh hysterically. “It almost did. It felt like I was melting from the inside out.”

  She nods her head again. “We don’t have much time to get you into shape. Your father really loves to wait for the last minute to do things. Get some rest, you and I are going to have a long few weeks. I’m sorry I’m being rude.” She takes my hand. “I’m your Aunt Jolena.”

  I hear mom take a deep breath through her teeth. I turn towards her and see her eyes well up. “You didn’t know?” I ask her, she shakes her head.

  “No one knows I am your father’s sister. It was safer for everyone. I have been hiding for many, many years. I’m just glad I can came out of hiding to be with you. I have waited a long time to be in your life. I almost gave it away back at the shop. I didn’t want you to leave, but I knew it wasn’t time.”

  I stare at her, giving her a small smile. I try to sit up waiting for the pain to come back. Thankfully it didn’t. “Can you tell me about my dad. What was he like when he was younger?” She gives me a sad smile as her eyes well up. “I think we all need some rest. I will tell you about him later. This old body needs as much rest as it can get. The next few weeks are going to be brutal and I’m sorry about that.” She stood up facing my mom.

  “I will be staying with you until the ladies of the house know I am here. I don’t want to disturb them this late.”

  “It’s too late for that, Jolena, you know I would have felt you the moment you entered the house. It’s good to see you. You can have your regular room. It’s just the way you left it.” Layla says with a smile on her face. Jolena rushes over to her and hugs her. They giggle as they separate. “It’s been way to long, dear friend.”

  “Layla, you have no idea. I miss this place.”

  “Well, welcome home, we all missed you to.”

  Jolena turns to face us. “Get some sleep, sweet girl, I put a block on your mind, so he can’t bring him to you for the night. It won’t last longer than eight hours.”

  She walks out the door with Layla and disappears down the hall. I turn to Mom, Lex, and Chase. “Well you heard what she said. We all need our sleep. If I can get eight hours of blissful sleep, I’m taking it. Good night sleep tight.”

  I walk out the room and enter my own. Crawling into bed and covering up, I fall asleep almost instantly.

  Chapter 18

  I woke up for the first time in months not remembering my dreams. I feel refreshed and ready to take on the day. Throwing the cover off me, I jump out of bed heading for the bathroom. I can feel the salty tears that I shed the night before. There is so much I want to know. I just hope it doesn’t hurt my aunt. I can’t wrap my mind around that. I never had any other family except my mom.

  Turning the shower on, I get undressed. Something catches my eye in the mirror. I walk over to it and look at my side. I gasp when I see it. The Endless Knot mark is covering my ribs on the left side of my body along with Godspeed and Fortune’s Favor marks. How is this possible? Only the goddesses get these marks.

  The shower forgotten, I rush to get dress. I open the door and run to my mom’s room. Her door is open, but she isn’t in there. I check Lex’s room as well. They all must be down stairs already. I run down the hall and stairs to get to the kitchen.

  I enter the room, and everyone stops what they are doing to stare at me. Jolena rushes over to me. “What is it, did he get through the block?” I shake my head violently telling her no. I raise my shirt to show them all my side. The gasps echo in the large kitchen.

  Mom walks slowly over to me staring at the marks that will forever mare my skin. She touches my skin where they are, and I felt a jolt of power come from them, shocking my mom hands. She steps back holding her hand, never taking her eyes off the marks.

  “What does this mean?” I’m still freaking out and I need answers.

  “It means you have been blessed, child. You are the most powerful witch there will ever be, at least until the goddesses think they will need another like you.” Zoey says staring at me with awe.

  I pull my shirt back down, so they would all stop staring at me, it’s making me uncomfortable. That seems to break their spell they were all under. I’m still shaking from all of it.

  “How am I worthy of this? I think they got the wrong person. There is no way. I mean look at me.” I’m totally freaking out.

  “Calm down, Skye, you are worthy of them. Don’t ever think you aren’t. I am looking at you and all I see is hope, love, and a goddess. I may not have been in your life growing up, but I did watch you grow up to be the woman you are today. I couldn’t be prouder to be your aunt. The Goddesses don’t make mistakes. They gave you their blessing and strength.”

  Her words wrap around my brain, calming me down just a little. “How did you watch me grow up?” It’s the only think I could think to ask that I would
be able to understand right this minute.

  “Oh, sweetie, I am a powerful sorcerous. I have my ways to see the present and past. We will get to that in your training. Now let’s fuel our body with this amazing smelling food and get to work.”

  That got everyone in to gear, all but me. I still can’t believe it. Zoey walks over to me and hands me a plate. “I know this is a lot to take in. Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?”

  I look at her for a second before the words poor out of my mouth. “Will you ever turn me over to the Starburn Coven?” I don’t even know why I ask that so bluntly, but I really need to know. She looks at me with a shock look like I just slapped her.

  “We would never turn you over to anyone. Especially to them.” She says with venom. It’s my turn to be shocked.

  “I take you don’t like them.”

  “Oh, child, it’s much worse than that. They thought they were the only ones who were allowed to protect you. They got it wrong. The four most powerful covens are to protect you. Ours just happen to be the most powerful of all of them. It’s not something I brag about. It’s the fact. The Goddesses protect us from evil to make sure we survive. They are not welcome here and they know it. The Goddesses won’t let them enter. You don’t need to fear them ever taking you and locking you up like they were trying. Yes, I know this because I saw it all in a dream, a dream the goddess herself gave me. I knew you were coming, I just didn’t know when.”

  I didn’t know what to say to any of that, so I just nod my head. I go take a seat next to my aunt who is talking to Lex. I didn’t say anything or even listen to what is being said. I took a bite of my food to give me something to do than dwell on the information I have been given. I don’t even taste the food as I chew. I wonder if I’m going into shock or my brain is trying to process it all on its own terms.

  “Skye, why don’t you go grab your book and meet me out in the garden. Chase, Lex, come with me,” my aunt says. I watch them get up and walk out the French door leading to the gardens. I sit there for a few seconds more taking another bit before I head upstairs. On the way to my room, I decided I wasn’t going to let the Goddesses down. I’m going take the power they wanted me to have to make them proud of me. I want to be worthy of them. With that thought I rush up the stairs to quickly and grab my book. When I enter my room, I stop dead in my tracks. There is a woman I’ve never seen before sitting on top of the bed looking out the window. There is a glow that surrounds her. She turns to me with a smile that puts me to ease at once.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you in person, my child.” Her voice is like music to my ears. “Come, sit we have much to talk about.”

  My feet move without me telling them to. I sit next to her and stare. I can’t help it. I’ve never seen a woman so beautiful, it makes me want to cry. “I know you are wondering who I am.” She chuckles “I’m the Goddess Caireen. I’m here to help you understand what is to be expected and what needs to be done.”

  I about faint right then. I’m in my room with the protective mother goddess herself.

  She giggles at my reaction. “I know you are overwhelmed as it is, but it is important you listen. You were born to destroy the dark source, but it is not what you think. You are not to kill him, you are to love him. Make him a better man we all know he can be. The pull you have for him is your soul calling to him and vice versa.” My jaw drops with her words, but deep down I know this is the truth.

  “I know what the prophesy says, I am the one who sent it, but over time they have gotten it wrong and that is why I am here to tell you what it really means. When there is good, there must be evil. There has to be balance. With you two being together as soulmates you, will balance each other out. It will bring balance to the world. I’m sorry we had to do this to you. I know you don’t want to be tied to evil, but it is the only way.”

  I let her words sink in before I ask. “Does he feel the same pull I do?”

  She smiles at me. “Yes, dear child. That is why he hasn’t killed you yet. He is fighting it. If I know you as well as I think I do, I know you will win him over. You just can’t back down from him or he will win. Be the stubborn woman I know you are and get inside his heart and head. All the magic you are going to be taught is to help you with your new enemies that will arise to destroy you both. The evil will need to be put in check, I think that is what you guys say nowadays.”

  I giggle at her words. “Yeah, we do say that.”

  She giggles with me. “I have to go now I have been here too long. If you ever need me, just call my name and I will come. Be strong and brave sweet girl. Now go get your man. He is vulnerable right this minute go to his realm and make him yours.”

  She vanished into thin air. There is only one way I know how I can get into his realm. I lay on the bed and close my eyes taking a deep breathe hoping this works.

  I lay there on the ground not even daring to open my eyes. I know where I am, and I’m scared to face him. How am I going to get into his heart? That thing has been black for so long, I don’t even know if I have a chance.

  “Hello, little witch. I was wondering if you were ever going to sleep again.”

  I don’t open my eyes right away. I search for the pull. I try to send my magic to him. When he hisses, I knew it works. Opening my eyes, I see him kneeling on the ground looking at me with so much hatred. I sure hope Caireen is right about this.

  “Have you been waiting long, Drik?” I ask

  “What did you just do?” he seethed

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t do anything.” I lie. Sitting up, I stare at him.

  “You’re lying. What did you do?”

  I stand up walking over to him, never taking my eyes off him. Once I’m a foot away from him, I kneel down in front of him. Looking straight into his eyes. Searching for anything.

  “Are you ready to die little witch?”

  I brace myself for anything, but when nothing happens I grab his face bringing my lips to his and kiss him. I let all the feelings I have for him flow through the pull. He gasps on my lips. Before I know it, he has me on ground laying on top of me kissing me like he needs to drink all of me. I let him because I couldn’t do anything but drink him in as well. After what seems like hours, we pull away from each other. Our ragged breaths mingle.

  I look into his eyes and see need in them. I know he sees the same in mine.

  “What have you done to me? Why do I have these feelings? Why can’t I kill you?”

  I just look at him before I answer. “Because we are soulmates.”

  He leaps off me so quick I didn’t even see him move. He is pacing back and forth. His hands are in his hair. I don’t dare disturb him. If I do I know, I will lose. I can’t afford that, not now, not ever.

  He stops and stares at me without a word. I know he is battling himself. I wait for him to come to terms or kill me. I watch as the fire in his eyes intensify and for the first time being in his presence my heart feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest from fear. I know there is no way I can defeat him, not without my powers. The closer he gets to me, the need for him grows stronger. I have no control over my body and that scares the hell out of me.

  The look he is giving me makes me want him and run at the same time. “If what you say is true, then why did the prophesy say you were to destroy me. Did they change it and didn’t say anything?”

  I sit up and reach for him. He just looks at my hand like it’s going to bite him. After a few seconds he takes my hand and sits next to me. “I was never to kill you. I was to destroy the man you have become and balance you out. If you will allow me to help you and be with you, we can balance each other out. I know the feelings you have are also my own.”

  He stares at the ground for a while before he looks at me again. “And if I refuse, what then?”

  If I’m right, which I hope I’m not. “You will kill me and turn into the darkest evil there ever was and destroy this world along with yourself.” />
  He sat there weighing everything I just said. “What will happen if I agree to this?”

  “Then us together will balance the world out. We will have a lot of enemies out to destroy us, but I think together we can handle ourselves.” I smile at him.

  “So, I still get to kill?”

  I wince at his words. “Yes, you will help keep the balance and kill anyone who tries to destroy that.”

  He turns to me, grabs my hands, and pulls me to him. He kisses me like I’m his life force. I wrap my arms around his neck and sink my fingers into his hair. He pulls away breathing heavy

  “I never in a million years would I ever think I could feel this way. This is all new to me, please be patient. I am pure evil as you know. I will try to be a better man for you. I can’t even believe I’m saying any of this. What is wrong with me?”

  “There is nothing wrong with you. The goddesses knew you could be a better man, and they sent you me. I don’t think there ever was anything wrong with you. You just turned this way because you were forced to.”

  He looks deep into my eyes and I can see the pain behind them. “You know, once my father finds out he will either try killing me or come after you. I will never allow him to touch you.”

  I shudder at this. “I have to tell my family too, but I think they will take it a lot better than your father.”

  He laughs a deep husky laugh that makes me feel warm inside. “I know you have a war going on inside you. How about we get to know each other and complete the bond before we tell the world?” A soul bond is different then just being married. Our souls will bond to each other. Making us stronger as one. The only way to do that is if you’re already soul mates and are willing to bond you’re soul to the other.

  He places his forehead on mine and nods. “I will see you tonight. I have to get back to train. Unlike you, I haven’t come into my magic, and need to train to fight off our soon to be new enemies.”


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