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Untainted Magic (The Light Realm Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Karen DuBose

  The pain on his face makes my heart break again. “Why didn’t you let me go with her?”

  “Because you had to grow up to learn to take care of yourself the way you know how. If we would have taken you away, you wouldn’t be able to protect her now. You wouldn’t be able to defeat your father when you need to. I know this doesn’t make sense now. I’m sorry we had to leave you there. I didn’t want to either, but it had to be done.”

  He stands up and walks away from us leaving me sitting there watching him. I reach for his mind. “Drik, please don’t leave me here.”

  He turns back around to look at me.

  “I will be back. I have someone to kill.”

  I’m pushed out of his realm. I lay there while my heart cracks to pieces.

  “Please don’t cry love. I will return to you when I’m done. You don’t need to be there when I confront him. I wouldn’t be able to think straight.”

  “Please be careful and come back to me.”

  “I love you!”

  “I love you too!”

  “I see you have completed the bond.” His mother says looking at me.

  “This is all your fault you know that, Right?”

  She looks at me with pain. “If I didn’t leave I would have turned into the monster he is. If I did that, our son would have been worse than he is now. I couldn’t do that to him.”

  “Why should I believe you. You have caused nothing but pain to him. Leaving him with a father that doesn’t even love him and a step mother who is even worse. How could you think that was a better choice?”

  She looks at the floor not making eye contact. “Because I saw what he would have turned into if I stayed. He would have been a thousand times worse than what he is now. You can believe me or not at this point. You will believe I was in the wrong, so it doesn’t really matter what I say to you.”

  “You’re right. I will never believe a word you say.”

  “That’s enough!” Caireen yells “Skye, she is telling you the truth. You are angry because he is hurting I get that. You don’t have any right to judge or lash out at Mila. She isn’t the one you need to focus your anger on. I know you don’t know how a mother could leave their child. There are things you don’t know. Until you are ready to hear the whole story, and no longer, angry you know how to reach me.”

  Both woman left, leaving me again alone to my broken heart. She is right about one thing I will never understand why a mother would ever leave her child behind to a monster, or why my father was taken from me because of Drik’s father. It’s not fair for both of us to lose a parent in all of this.

  They will all pay for this, if it’s the last thing I do.



  First, I wanted to thank my family specially my husband Steven for supporting me in my crazy writing. He has stood behind me pushing me to keep going, along with my mom Lois and step dad Charles. Thank you, I love you.

  To my fans and readers, you are all awesome and I love each and every one of you. Thank you for supporting me and having my back.

  To my PA Ebony Simone McMillan for taking care of things when I was in my writing cave. You rock Doll!

  Thank you to KP Design for the awesome cover, it’s badass.

  To Stephany Wallace for helping get my book out to the world. Without her I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Thanks Luv!

  About the Author

  I live in a small town in East Tennessee. I love to write and most definitely love to read. My genre is fantasy and paranormal romance. There is nothing better than creating a new world.

  I work full time. When I’m not writing or working, I’m crafting my heart out or out in nature to ground myself. I love to make my own swag and hope those who get it love it just as much as I do.

  My five fur-babies keep me on my toes as well. They are my spoiled baby.


  Black Ruins Forest

  The Elder Series

  Book 1

  Fate must've been bored. They’ve decided my lifecycle needs to be shaken up a bit. It's bad enough waiting and wondering which of the four shifter animals I'm going to turn into.

  To top it all off I have these weird and crazy daydreams that come and go whenever they want. Leaving me disoriented. They’ve gotten me into trouble more than I like to admit. Then came to find out the Elders want to kill me or use me for some unforeseen reason. So, here I am on the run just to survive. With my best friend Kira, my mom and a bunch of dragon shifter I barely know. Oh, and the crush of my lifecycle Kiernan.

  I’m really missing my old boring lifecycle right about now. If I can ever get back to it. I’m not taking it for granted again.

  Will the Black Ruins Forest hold the answers we are all seeking, or will it just make things worse? There’s only one way to find out and pray to the source we all survive long enough to get those answers.

  “Her fate will either kill her or empower her.”

  If you love shifter books! Check this one out.

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  Black Ruins Blood

  The Elder Series

  Book 2

  I thought coming to the Black Ruins Forest would give me the answers to the questions I so desperately needed. Instead I have more questions and no answers.

  Now here I am trying to figure out how to destroy the oldest and strongest dragons alive, the Elders to become the next ruler of Zilo. No problem, right? Yeah, not as easy as it sounds.

  The forest will only keep us a safe for so long before the Elders find out where we are. If they find us. We are all dead. So, here we sit trying to figure out a way to make it through alive.

  The best part out of all of this is I've gained a huge family I never knew I wanted and the worst part is now I have more enemies I never even knew existed. Around every turn there is something or someone else we need to deal with.

  Fate really hates me! She twisted my lifecycle apart and spit me out. I will never be the same person again. That's what scares me the most.

  “Fate may have empowered me, but she also destroyed who I use to be.”

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  Timeout: Adult Version

  Adulting isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

  Even grown-ups need a time out. Many of us use reading and books as our escape from reality.

  Time Out: Author Edition is a Crazy Ink treasure hunt book for adults looking for a new way to chill out.

  Tune the world out and step into the crazy madness that comes with your favorite stories, authors and their magical fictional worlds.

  Full color crazy images that will leave you hunting the afternoon away in this adult/mature teen scavenger hunt featuring pages dedicated to zany authors building, for you, new worlds this time in pictures…

  Happy hunting!

  Participating Authors:

  Rita Delude, BeBe Harlow, Amy Cecil, Rena Marin, Skylar McKinzie, Erin Lee,

  EL George, Jay Marie, L. Salt, Mila Waters, Michele Shriver, MW Brown,

  Karen DuBose, Tressa Rabbit, Bella Emy, Stacy Sparks, Lorah Jaiyn


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