Manifest Your Desires
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planet Earth.
If your involvement
in your time-space
reality inspires within you any
sincere desire, then the Universe has
the means to supply the results that you
seek…. The Stream of Well-Being flows
even if you do not understand that it does;
but when you consciously become aligned
with it, your creative endeavors become
so much more satisfying—for then you
discover that there is absolutely
nothing that you desire that
you cannot achieve.
It is not necessary
that you fully understand
the complexities of this
eternally expanding environment in
order to reap the benefits of that which
it has become, but it is necessary that you
find a way to go with the flow of the Well-
Being that is stretched out before you. So,
in that effort, we offer these words: There is
only a Stream of Well-Being that
flows. You can allow it or resist it,
but it flows just the same.
You would not
enter a brightly lit room
and look for the “dark switch.”
You would not expect to find a
switch that would flood an inky darkness
into the room to cover the brightness
of the light—you would find a switch that
would resist the light, for in the absence of
light there is darkness. And, in like manner,
there is not a Source of “evil,” but there
could be a resisting of that which you
believe is Good, just as there is not a
Source of sickness, but there could
be a resisting of the natural
Without the
asking that precedes it,
there could be no answering. The
people of your times are benefiting
dramatically from the experiences of
those generations that preceded you, for
through the experiences that they lived, and
the desires that were generated within them,
the summoning began. And today, you are
the ones on the Leading Edge of reaping
the benefits of what those past generations
asked for; at the same time, you
are continuing to ask, and you
are now summoning! …
and on it goes.
There are some
people experiencing intense
hardships or traumas; and because
of how they are living right now,
their asking is in a heightened and intense
place. And because of the intensity of their
requests, Source is responding in kind. And
although those who are doing the asking are
usually so involved in the trauma that they are
not personally receiving the benefit of their
own asking, future generations—or even
current generations who are not, right
now, disallowing—are receiving
the benefit of that asking.
We are giving
this to you by way of helping
you understand: There is an
unlimited Stream of Well-Being and an
abundance of all manner of things available
to you at all times—but you must be
in alignment with the receiving of those
things. You cannot stand in resistance
of them and receive them at the
same time.
See yourself,
right where you are now,
as the beneficiary of the powerful
Stream of Well-Being. Try to
imagine that you are basking in the
flow of this powerful Stream. Make an
effort to feel yourself as the Leading-
Edge beneficiary of this unlimited
Stream, and smile and try to
accept that you are
worthy of it.
You (and how you
feel) are all that is responsible
for whether you let in your
inheritance of Well-Being or not. And
while those around you may influence
you, more or less, to allow or not allow that
Stream, it is ultimately all up to you. You can
open the floodgates and let in your Well-
Being, or you can choose thoughts that keep
you pinched off from what is yours—but
whether you allow it or resist it, the Stream
is constantly flowing to you, never ending,
never tiring, and always there
for your reconsideration.
Nothing has to change
in your environment or in the
circumstances that surround you for
you to begin to deliberately
allow your own connection to
the Stream of Well-Being….
You are in the perfect place, right
now, to begin.
In every
moment, you are broadcasting
a very specific vibrational
signal that is instantly being
understood and answered. And,
immediately, your present and future
circumstances begin changing in
response to the signal you are projecting.
The entire Universe, right
now, is being affected by
what you are offering.
Your world, present
and future, is directly and
specifically affected by the
signal that you are now transmitting.
The personality that is You is really
an Eternal personality, but who you are
right now, and what you are thinking right
now, is causing a focusing of Energy that
is very powerful. This Energy that you
are focusing is the same Energy that
creates worlds. And it is, in this
very moment, creating
your world.
Your feelings are the
representatives of your Guidance
System. In other words, the
way you feel is your true indicator
of your alignment with your Source,
and of your alignment with your
own intentions—both prebirth
and currently.
Every thought
that has ever been thought
still exists; and whenever you focus
upon a thought, you activate the vibration
of that thought within you. So, whatever
you are currently giving your attention
to is an activated thought. But when you turn
your attention away from a thought, it becomes
dormant, or no longer active. As you give more
and more attention to any thought, and as you
focus upon it and therefore practice the
vibration of it, the thought becomes an
even bigger part of your vibration—
and you could now call this practiced
thought a belief.
As you give more
of your attention to any
subject, your emotional reading
of either harmony or disharmony
with who-you-really-are becomes stronger.
If the subject of your attention is in
nbsp; alignment with what the Source of your
Being knows, you would feel the harmony
of your thoughts in the form of good feelings.
But if the subject of your attention is
not in alignment with what your Source
knows it to be, you would feel the
disharmony of your thoughts in
the form of bad feelings.
Every thought
that you give your attention
to expands and becomes a
bigger part of your vibrational mix.
Whether it is a thought of something
you want or a thought of something
you do not want, your attention to
it invites the essence of
the thought into your
Those who are
mostly observers thrive
in good times but suffer in bad
times because what they are observing
is already vibrating, and as they
observe it, they include it in their vibrational
countenance; and as they include
it, the Universe accepts that as their point
of attraction—and gives them more of
the essence of it. So, for an observer,
the better it gets, the better it gets; or
the worse it gets, the worse it gets.
However, one who is a visionary
thrives in all times.
With your practiced
attention to any subject,
the Law of Attraction delivers
circumstances, conditions, experiences,
other people, and all manner of things
that match your habitual dominant vibration.
And as things begin to manifest around
you that match the thoughts you have been
holding, you now develop stronger and stronger
vibrational habits or proclivities. And so,
your once-small and insignificant thought
has now evolved into a powerful
belief—and your powerful beliefs
will always be played out in
your experience.
Your sense of
taste or smell or hearing
or sight is not usually the way
you recognize a hot stove, but as you
approach the stove with your body, the
sensors in your skin let you know if the
stove is hot. And in the same way that you
utilize your sensitive, sophisticated translators
of vibration (your five physical senses)
to interpret your physical life experience,
you were also born with other sensors—
your emotions—that are additional
vibrational interpreters that help you
understand, in the moment, the
experiences that you
are living.
Your emotions
are your indicators of the
vibrational content of your
Being, in every moment. And so, when
you become aware of the feeling of your
emotions, you can also be aware of your
vibrational offering. And once you combine
your knowledge of the Law of Attraction with
your in-this-moment awareness of what your
vibrational offering is, then you will have
full control of your own powerful point of
attraction—and with this knowledge,
you can now guide your life
experience in any way
you choose.
emotions indicate
the degree of your alignment
with Source, and although
you can never disconnect from it
altogether, the thoughts you choose to
give your attention to do give you a substantial
range in alignment or misalignment with
the Non-Physical Energy that is truly who-you-
are. And so, with time and practice, you will
come to know, in every moment, your degree
of alignment with who-you-really-are, for
when you are in full allowance of the Energy
of your Source, you thrive; and to
the degree that you do not allow
this alignment, you do not
You are an
empowered Being; you are
utterly free to create, and when
you know that—and are focused
upon things that are in vibrational harmony
with that—you feel absolute joy. But
when you think thoughts that are contrary
to that truth, you feel the opposite emotions
of disempowerment and bondage.
And all emotions fall somewhere
within that range, from joy to
In the same way
that sculptors mold clay
into the creation that pleases
them, you create by molding Energy.
You mold it through your power of
focus—by thinking about things, remembering
things, and imagining things. You
focus the Energy when you speak, when
you write, when you listen, when you
are silent, when you remember, and
when you imagine—you focus
it through the projection
of thought.
All things that
you ask for, large and small,
are immediately understood and
fully offered, without exception.
Every point of Consciousness has the
right and the ability to ask, and all points of
Consciousness are honored and responded to
immediately. When you ask, it is given—every
time! Your “asking” is sometimes spoken with
your words, but more often it emanates from
you vibrationally as a constant stream of
personally honed preferences, each
building on the next, and each
one respected and answered.
Every subject is really two
subjects: There is that which you
desire, and the lack of it. Often—
even when you believe you are thinking
about something that you desire—
you are actually thinking about the
exact opposite of what you desire.
What you
think and what you get
is always a perfect vibrational
match, so it can be very helpful to
make a conscious correlation between
what you are thinking and what is
manifesting in your life experience, but
it is even more helpful if you are able to
discern where you are headed even before
you get there. Once you understand
your emotions and what your
vibrational offering has been, you
can tell, by the way you feel,
exactly where you are
You are not
always aware that your
desires have been answered
because there is often a time gap
between your asking and your allowing.
Even though a clear desire has emanated as
a result of the contrast you have considered,
you often, rather than giving your attention
purely to the desire itself, focus back on the
contrasting situation that gave birth to the
desire—and in doing s
o, your vibration
is more about the reason why you
have launched the desire rather
than the desire itself.
With each
statement of need and
justification, you unwittingly
reinforce the vibration of your current
unpleasant situation, and in doing
so, you continue to hold yourself out
of vibrational alignment with your new
desire and out of the receiving mode of
what you are asking for…. As long as
you are more aware of what you do not
want regarding a situation, what you
do want cannot come
to you.
Once you understand
that the way you feel
indicates your level of allowing or
resisting, you now hold the key to creating
anything that you desire. It is not
possible for you to consistently feel positive
emotion about something and have it
turn out badly, just as it is not possible for
you to consistently feel bad about something
and have it turn out well—and
the way you feel will tell you if
you are allowing your natural
Well-Being or not.
We refer to the
Non-Physical You as your
Inner Being, or your Source. It is
not important what you call that
Source of Energy, or Life Force, but it is
important that you be consciously aware
of when you are allowing a full Connection
to it and when you are restricting it
in some way—and your emotions are
your constant indicators of your
degree of allowing or resisting
that Connection.
As you consciously
consider the way
you feel, you will get better
and better at directing the Source
Energy, and you will become a disciplined