Manifest Your Desires
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among you, your babies,
are offering vibrations that the
Universe is matching. And, like you,
your little ones are influenced by the
vibrations of those who surround them—
but, nevertheless, they are creating their
own reality. Like you, they did not begin
the creation of their life in this body
once they were in it. Long before their
physical birth, they set into motion
this life experience that they
are now living.
If you were driving
your vehicle at 100
miles per hour and you hit a tree,
you would experience a very big crash.
However, if you were to hit the same tree
while your vehicle was traveling at just 5
miles per hour, the outcome would be considerably
different. See the speed of your vehicle
like the power of your desire. In other words,
the more you want something, or the longer
you have been focusing upon your desire,
the faster the Energy moves. The tree in
our analogy represents the resistance,
or the contradictory thoughts,
that may be present.
Your desire is the natural
result of the contrast on which
you are focused. The entire Universe
exists to inspire the next new desire. And
so, if you are trying to avoid your own desire,
you are attempting to move contrary
to Universal Forces…. Nothing in all
of the Universe is more natural than
your continuing desire.
There is no
desire that anyone holds
for any other reason than that
they believe they will feel better in
the achievement of it. Whether it is a
material object, a physical state of being,
a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance
—at the heart of every desire is the
desire to feel good. And so, the standard
of success in life is not the things or
the money—the standard of success
is absolutely the amount
of joy you feel.
Appreciation and self-love are
the most important aspects you
could ever nurture. Appreciation of
others and the appreciation of yourself are
the closest vibrational matches to Source
Energy of anything we have
ever witnessed anywhere in
this Universe.
If you criticize
someone or even find
fault with yourself, your resulting
feeling would not feel good,
because this thought of criticism is so
very different from that of your Source.
In other words, because you have chosen
a thought that does not match
who-you-really-are, you can, in this
moment, through your emotions,
feel the discord of
your choice.
We do teach
selfishness, for if you are not
selfish enough to deliberately align
with the Energy of your Source, you
have nothing to give anyway. Some worry,
“If I selfishly achieve what I want, wouldn’t
I be unfairly taking it from others?” But that
concern is based on the misconception that
there is a limit of available abundance. They
worry that if they take too much of the pie,
others will be left with nothing, while,
in reality … the pie expands in
proportion to the vibrational
requests of all of you.
There are some who fear that
a selfish person may deliberately
intend harm to another, but it is not
possible for someone who is connected
to Source Energy to wish harm upon
another—for those vibrations are
not compatible.
If everyone on
your planet were connected
to their own Source
Energy, there would be no assaults,
for there would be no jealousy, insecurity,
or uncomfortable feelings of competition.
If everyone understood the power of
their own Being, they would not seek
to control others. Any feelings of insecurity
and hatred are born from your
disconnection with who-you-are.
Your (selfish) connection with
Well-Being would bring
only Well-Being.
It is not necessary
for everyone else (or
anyone else, for that matter) to
understand what you are learning
here in order for you to live a wonderful
experience. Once you remember
who-you-are, and once you deliberately
reach for thoughts that hold you in
vibrational alignment with who-you-
are, your world will also fall into
alignment—and Well-Being will
show itself to you in all areas
of your life experience.
When you want
something that you do not
believe is possible, when you hold
a desire for something that you do
not expect—although a strong enough
desire can override a weaker belief—
it does not unfold easily, for you
are not allowing it into your
current experience.
many people think that
the uncomfortable feeling of
wanting something they do not
expect to experience is what the feeling
of desire is; they no longer recognize the
feeling of pure desire as that fresh, eager
feeling of expectancy that they knew when
they were younger. The feeling of pure
desire is always delicious, as it represents
the vibrations that are stretched out
before you, into your unseen future,
preparing the way for the Law of
Attraction to match things
up on your behalf.
As we ask, Why
would you like to be over
there? often the reply is, “Because
I’m not happy over here where I’m
standing.” We then explain that it is
important to talk about what is believed
to be “over there” and to try to find the
feeling-place of what is “over there.” For
as long as someone is talking about,
and feeling, what is “over here,” it
is not possible for them to get
“over there.”
If you have been
accustomed to thinking
and speaking about where you are
currently standing, it is not an easy
thing to suddenly shift your vibrations
and to now begin thinking and feeling
something that is very different. In fact, the
Law of Attraction says that you do not have
access to thoughts and feelings that are
very far from where you have recently
been vibrating, but, with some effort,
you could find other better-feeling
p; thoughts that are within
your reach.
With a determination
to feel better, you
could change the subject and
therefore find other thoughts with
better-feeling vibrations—but vibrational
shifting is usually a gradual process. In
fact, a continual attempt, in defiance of the
Law of Attraction, to try to jump vibrational
ranges is a major factor in the feelings of
discouragement that eventually cause
people to conclude that they really
do not have control of their
own life experiences.
With only a
few seconds of focusing
your attention on a subject, the
Law of Attraction begins to respond.
Within 17 seconds of focusing on
something, a matching vibration becomes
activated. And now, when you repeatedly
return to a pure thought, maintaining it
for at least 68 seconds, in a short period
of time (hours, in some cases, or a few
days in others), that thought becomes
a dominant thought. And once you
achieve a dominant thought, you
will experience matching
manifestations until you
change it.
is no reason to
worry about your thoughts,
for they are not like a loaded gun
that may wreak powerful and instantaneous
destruction. For although the Law of
Attraction is powerful, the basis of your experience
is that of Well-Being. And even though
your thoughts are magnetic and expand with
your attention, you have plenty of time—
as soon as you become aware of any negative
feelings—to begin to choose other
less-resistant thoughts and thereby
choose a more desired
Absolute alignment with
your own Source Energy means
that you know the following:
• You are free.
• You are powerful.
• You are good.
• You are love.
• You have value.
• You have purpose.
• All is well.
A scale of your
emotions would look
something like this:
1. Joy/Knowledge/
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/
4. Positive
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/
11. “Overwhelment”
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/
22. Fear/Grief/
Word labels for
your emotions are not
absolutely accurate for every
person who feels the emotion. In fact,
giving word labels to the emotions could
cause confusion and distract you from the
real purpose of your Emotional Guidance
Scale. The thing that matters most is that
you consciously reach for a feeling that
is improved. The word for the
feeling is not important.
There are so many
who have convinced you that
your anger is inappropriate—but, of
course, they cannot feel the improvement
that the angry thought really is. But
when you consciously know that you have
chosen an angry thought that has brought you
relief, then you can consciously know that you
can move from the angry thought to a lessresistant
one, such as frustration, and then
up the Emotional Guidance Scale you
go—right back into your full
There is tremendous
value when you are
able to deliberately cause even the
slightest improvement in the way you
feel, for even in that small emotional improvement,
you may have regained a measure
of control. And even though you may
not have fully exercised your control, you
no longer feel powerless. And so, your trek
back up the Emotional Guidance Scale
is now not only possible, but it is
relatively easy.
Someone outside of you
does not know if your chosen
thought of anger is an improvement
for you; only you know—by the relief
that you feel—the appropriateness of any
thought. Until you decide that you are
going to guide yourself by the way you
feel, you can make no steady progress
toward your own desires.
A key to regaining
your wonderful feeling
of personal empowerment and
control is to decide, right now, no
matter how good or how bad you are
feeling, that you are going to do your best
to make the best of it. Reach for the best-
feeling thought that you have access to
right now; and as you do that again and
again, in a short period of time you
will find yourself in a very good-
feeling place. That is just the
way it works!
Desire, for many
people, often feels like yearning,
for while they are focused upon
something that they want to experience
or have, they are equally aware of its absence.
And so, while they are using words of desire,
they are offering a vibration of lack. They come
to think that the feeling of desire is like wanting
something that they do not have. But there is
no feeling of lack in pure desire…. If you will
keep in mind that whenever you ask, it is always
given, then each of your desires will
now be pure, unresisted desire.
There have been
some who have said to us,
“Abraham, I’ve been taught that
it’s not appropriate for me to have
any desires. I’ve been taught that the
state of desire will keep me from being the
‘Spiritual Being’ that I’m supposed to be,
and that my state of happiness depends
upon my ability to release all desires.”
We reply, But is not your state of
happiness, or your state of
spirituality, a desire?
When your desire feels so big that it
feels unreachable, it is not on the verge of
manifestation. When your desire feels to
you like it is the next logical step—then
sp; it is on the verge of manifestation.
You can tell by
the way you feel whether
your vibration is in the place
where you are allowing Universal
Forces to deliver your desire to you
now—or not. With practice, you will know
whether you are on the brink of a manifestation
or whether it is still in the becoming
stages; but, most important, once
you are in control of the way you feel,
you will enjoy it all….
Once you are in control of the
way you feel, you will enjoy it all: You
will enjoy your exposure to the variety
and contrast that helps you identify your
desire—and you will enjoy the sensation
of your own desire that is being launched
from your own valuable perspective
and is flowing from you.
Once you are in control
of the way you feel, you will
enjoy it all: You will enjoy the sensation
of your conscious awareness when
you are not a vibrational match to your
own desire—and you will enjoy the sensation
of deliberately bringing yourself
back into vibrational alignment
with your desire.
Once you are in control of the
way you feel, you will enjoy it all: You
will feel relief as doubts slip away and
as the secure feelings of Well-Being
replace them.
Once you are in control of the
way you feel, you will enjoy it all:
You will enjoy sensing things that are
about to happen, you will enjoy seeing
things beginning to fall into place,
and you will adore witnessing the
manifestations of your desires.
Once you are in control of the