Manifest Your Desires
Page 12
track of your own. Many think success means
getting everything they want. And we say that
is what dead is, and there is no such thing as
that kind of dead. Success is not about getting
it done. It is about still dreaming and feeling
positive in the unfolding. The standard of
success in life is not the money or the
stuff—rather, it is absolutely the
amount of joy you feel.
Every resource
you will ever want or need
is at your fingertips. All you have
to do is identify what you want to do
with it, and then practice the feeling-place
of what it will be like when that happens….
There is nothing you cannot be,
do, or have; you are blessed Beings, and
you have come forth into this physical
environment to create. There is nothing
holding you back other than your own
contradictory thoughts—and your
emotion tells you whenever you
have such thoughts.
Life is supposed to be
fun—it is supposed to feel
good! You are powerful creators,
and you are right on schedule….
Savor more; fix less. Laugh more; cry
less. Anticipate positively more; anticipate
negatively less…. Nothing is
more important than that you feel
good—just practice that and
watch what happens.
You may be saying
to yourself, right now,
“I’d love to have a manager—someone
I can count on, someone
who would work on my behalf.” And
we say to you, You do have a manager
who is that and much more. You have a
“manager” who works continually on your
behalf called the Law of Attraction—
you have only to ask in order for your
Universal Manager to jump to
your request.
Setting goals is
like delegating to your
Universal Manager. And achieving
the vibration of allowing is like
standing back and trusting your manager
to set things into place, trusting that
when another decision is needed from
you, you will be aware of it. You are not delegating
your life—you are creating your life.
You are becoming the visionary, in the
creation mode, but there will still be
plenty of things that you will want
to do. We in no way want to steer
you away from action.
Action is fun.
There is not
anything in all of
the Universe more delicious than
having a desire that you are a
vibrational match to, and—in that
alignment of your connection to
Source Energy—being inspired to take
an action. That is the furthest extension
of the Creation Process—there
is no action in all of the Universe
more delicious than
inspired action.
It is natural for
your body to be well. And
so, your goal is to be as comfortable
as possible, and to breathe as
deeply as you can while still remaining
comfortable. There is nothing for you to do
other than to relax and breathe. You will very
likely begin to feel soft, gentle sensations in
your body. Smile, and acknowledge that this
is Source Energy specifically answering your
cellular request. You are now feeling the
healing process. Do nothing to try to
help it or intensify it. Just relax
and breathe—and allow it.
There is no
condition that you cannot
modify into something more,
any more than there is any painting
that you cannot repaint. There are
many limiting thoughts in the human
environment that can make it seem that
these so-called incurable illnesses or
unchangeable conditions cannot be
changed—but we say that they are
only “unchangeable” because
you believe they are.
A man asked us recently, “Is
there any limitation to the body’s
ability to heal?” And we said, None, other
than the belief that you hold. And he asked,
“Then why aren’t people growing new
limbs?” And we said, Because no one
believes they can.
The question that
often arises is: “Well, what
about the little ones? What about
the unhealthy babies?” And we say
that they have been exposed to a vibration,
even in the womb, which caused them
to disallow the Well-Being that would have
been there otherwise. But once they are born,
no matter what their disability, if they could
be encouraged to thoughts that would
allow the Well-Being, then even after
the body is fully formed, it could be
regenerated into something
that is well.
Do not let anyplace where
you are standing frighten you. All
it is, is a by-product of some Energy
alignment that only gives you stronger
clarity about what you want—and, most
important—greater sensitivity about
whether you are in a receiving mode
or locked off from it.
Wellness that is
being allowed, or wellness
that is being denied, is all about
the mind-set, the mood, the attitude,
or the practiced thoughts. There is not
one exception in any human or beast,
because you can patch them up again and
again—but they will just find another way
of reverting to the natural rhythm of
their mind. Treating the body is really
about treating the mind. It is all
psychosomatic—every bit of it.
No exceptions.
Any disease could be healed
in a matter of days—yes, any
disease—if distraction from it could
occur and a different vibration dominate—
and the healing time is about how
much mix-up there is in all of that, for
any malady in your physical body took
a lot longer in coming than it
takes to release it.
Do you have to think
specific positive thoughts about
your body in order for it to be the way
you want it to be? No. But you have to
not think the specific negative thoughts. If
you could never again think about your
body and, instead, just think pleasant
thoughts, your body would reclaim
its natural place of wellness.
You could remain in
your body indefinitely if you
would allow your environment to
continue to produce new, continuing,
life-summoning, pure, unresisted desire.
could be one who opened your vortex
to continually find new things to want, and
those desires would continue to summon the
Life Force through you. In other words, you
are living raucously, you are living joyously,
you are living rambunctiously, and you are
living passionately … and then, from
that same framework, you make a
conscious decision to make your
Every death is
brought about by the culmination
of the vibration of the
Being. There is not an exception to
that. No one, beast or human, makes
their transition into the Non-Physical
without it being the vibrational
consensus that is within them—
so every death is a suicide
because every death is
You are an Eternal Being
always projecting from Non-Physical,
and sometimes that projection is
into a physical personality. When the
physical personality is complete,
for this time—then there is a
withdrawal of focus.
If you believe
that something is good,
and you do it—it benefits you. If
you believe that something is bad,
and you do it—it is a very detrimental
experience. Get clear and happy about
whichever choice you make, because
it is your contradiction that causes
the majority of the contradiction
in vibration.
Here is a rule of thumb that will
help you: Make a decision about what you
want, focus your attention there, and find the
feeling-place of it—and you are there instantly.
There is no reason for you to suffer or
struggle your way to or through
There is nothing
that you or anyone else has
ever wanted that exists for any
other reason than that you think you
will feel better in the achieving of it. Once
you consciously identify your current state
of emotion, it becomes easier for you to understand
whether you are choosing thoughts that
move you closer to your desired destination or
farther from your desired destination. If you
make the improved feeling or emotion
your real destination, then anything
and everything that you want
will quickly follow.
Finding the
perfect word to describe the
way you feel is not essential to a
Moving-Up-the-Emotional-Scale Process,
but feeling the emotion is important—
and finding ways to improve the feeling
is even more important. In other words,
this game is strictly about discovering
thoughts that give you feelings
of relief.
Of course, it is
always better when you
achieve an improved state of
emotion deliberately, but even when
the improved emotions are discovered
naturally and unconsciously, each movement
up the scale of emotions now gives
you access to something even more improved.
Once you find the relief that anger
and blame can offer from those suffocating
emotions of powerlessness and grief,
you can move even more quickly
up what we call the Vibrational
Emotional Scale.
Now that you
understand that your intent
is simply to reach a better-feeling
emotion, it is our expectation that the
Moving-Up-the-Emotional-Scale Process will
free you from troubling negative emotions that
you have been experiencing for years. And as
you gently and gradually release the resistance
you have unknowingly gathered, you will
begin to experience improvements in
your life experiences … in all
troubling areas of your life.
Be easy about all of this. Life
is supposed to be fun, you know. It
is our powerful desire that you return to
your state of self-appreciation. We want
you to feel love for your life, for the
people of your world, and, most of all,
for yourself.
Esther and Jerry Hicks, the New York Times best-selling authors of Ask and It Is Given, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The Astonishing Power of Emotions, and The Law of Attraction, produce the Leading Edge Abraham-Hicks teachings on the art of allowing our natural Well-Being to come forth. While presenting open workshops in up to 60 cities per year, the Hickses have now published more than 700 Abraham-Hicks books, CDs, and DVDs.
Their internationally acclaimed Website is:
Healing Words from the Angels, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Never Mind Success … Go for Greatness! by Tavis Smiley
101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition, by John Holland
The Present Moment, by Louise L. Hay
Vitamins for the Soul, by Sonia Choquette
Your Ultimate Calling, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
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