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The Country Duet

Page 7

by HJ Bellus

  “I’m scared,” she admits.

  I run the pad of my thumb over the apple of her cheek. “Scared of what?”

  “You,” she whispers. “You make it all disappear with one simple kiss and touch.”

  “Then let’s forget together.”

  Gripping her waist tightly, my lips capture hers, and we kiss until everything fades into nothingness, leaving just the two of us in this moment. An overwhelming sensation to take her to my bedroom thrums through my body. Her tongue plunging in and out of my mouth grounds me to the place we are.

  We pull apart breathless, and I can’t help myself when I swipe a trail along her lips with my tongue before grabbing her by the hips and tossing her up on the counter. I settle between her legs, reaching over and scrolling through the shared Pinterest board for the recipe.

  Teale’s fierce stare at each of my movements invades all of my senses. A thick tension is created between us that I’m pretty sure will never fade away.

  “Found it.” I quickly read over the recipe before stepping back. “Want to cruise Pinterest or Weed Management textbook?”

  She answers by grabbing the MacBook, settling it in her lap. Teale chatters on about clothes, boots, and jewelry while I get everything put together. Boy, would this woman get along with my mom. I have a feeling they’d shatter a few bank accounts together.

  Placing the lid on the pot, setting the timer, and locking it in place, I step away and clap my hands. “Twenty minutes until dinner.”

  This causes Teale to pop her head up. “That thing was raw, right?”

  I answer with a jerk of my chin, take the MacBook from her, and then settle between her legs, pulling her sweet center to me. “Magic.”

  “I don’t do rare, especially rare pork.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  She bites down on her bottom lip. I move fast, flicking her lip free with my thumb, rubbing her worry away, and ask her the question again and wait for her to answer.

  Teale barely nods, and it’s all I need. I kiss her again, pouring everything I want from her in one damn kiss, then force myself to step back. I prepare our two plates and grab two Mountain Dews from the fridge.

  Teale goes to take a seat at the dining room table. I manage to grab her by the arm and lead her to the couch. We settle in with no room left between us.

  “This is like falling apart and delicious,” she announces around a mouthful.

  “Trust,” I reply.

  I have lost my damn mind trying to convince a girl to trust me through a damn pork loin.

  Chapter 8


  “You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy.” –Garth Brooks

  I don’t think even Dave’s piss bottles could change my mood today. Waking up next to Teale in my bed has me walking on air. Who knew only kissing and holding a woman next to me would fulfill me.

  I wipe my greasy hands off on a rag. “Frank, got a question for you.”

  “Not getting a raise,” he growls with his head down in an engine.

  That makes me relax when I’m about to broach a topic that he may not want to talk about either. “What is Teale so scared of?”

  I blurt it out before even thinking about it. There’s no easy or right way to bring up his daughter. Frank rises slowly, at the same time going stiff as a board. Asking for a raise may have been a better idea.

  “What about her?”

  I roll my head from shoulder to shoulder. “We’ve been out on a couple of dates. She seems interested, but she’s also pulling back at the same time.”

  Fuck, where am I going with this? And two dates? That’s pushing it.

  “I don’t know what I’m asking here, Frank. Don’t want to hurt her, but I also want to be with her. Something I should know?”

  This is all fucking wrong to be asking her father, but Teale is a closed book at every single chapter.

  “Hunter, Teale is trying to put her life back together. Back in California, her mom played some real head games with the girl.” He takes two steps closer to me. “Some shit went down, and it was ultimately why I divorced her mom. Not good shit.”

  “Well, you might be vaguer than Teale.”

  “Some things you can’t get over, son. Give her time, and she’ll come around.”

  I think better of asking my next question because something inside me already knows the answer. Yes, Teale will shatter me. And no, I don’t have the willpower to stop it.

  Frank goes back to work, not giving me any more information. Head games could be anything. Teale is intact—just afraid to trust. These bits of information only make me more curious. The time at the shop flies by. I’m in much need of fresh air and a little hunting. Dave may think he pays me well, but it’s shit. I’ll take advantage of his ponds to hunt. Probably won’t be shit out there, but that’s not the point.

  Teale bounces up from behind her desk, walking over and gifting me with one hell of a hug and kiss. One step backward and two large ones forward, maybe? I’d half expected her to be stand-offish again.

  “Good day?” I ask, peering down at her.

  “Yes, it has been,” she responds.

  “In the mood for a drive?” I ask, throwing out the plans of hunting.

  “Can you give me thirty minutes?”

  “Sure can, Gordon.”

  This gets the reaction I was aiming for. Teale’s bright blue eyes fire right at me. Then she shoves me in the chest before turning back to her desk.

  An hour later, Teale’s body is pressed up against mine in the middle of my truck. My hand is running up and down the inside of her leg, getting closer and closer to where I want to be. I pull down a long, dirt road then find the perfect spot to pull over.

  Teale grabs the blankets from the backseat, and I take my six-pack of beer. I help Teale up on the tailgate, loving the feel of her thick hips in my grip. The more I touch this woman, the more I need to have her.

  She helps herself to a bag of red licorice while I get everything settled.

  “Cheers,” I announce, holding up my beer to her rope of licorice.

  “To us.” She whips her licorice rope at my beer can. “Cheers.”

  Nothing but silence floats between us as our hands roam over each other’s bodies. It’s peace, silence, and an urgent need of passion building up together steadying to ignite.


  “Yeah?” I roll over to my side to study the profile of her perfect face.

  “Can we just move forward leaving my history out?”

  “Is that what you want?” I ask.

  She fidgets, holding back the tears. “It’s selfish of me, but after thinking about it, it’s the only way I can do it. I can’t stay away from you, Hunter.”

  “Are you saying I’m irresistible and sexy and that you want me?”

  She slowly rolls her head until her cheek is pressing against the red plaid, flannel blanket. “I am.”

  I react before thinking, rolling up onto her body, covering her with mine. Teale spreads her legs wide, letting me settle between them. My arms are framing her face in with my forehead dropping to hers. I cherish the sliver of seconds before kissing her. Falling in love was never in my game plan. It had always been Sweetwater Ranch, college degree, and then Sweetwater Ranch. But this woman has brought a whole new meaning to my life.

  Teale falls breathless with the slightest hint of a flush covering her cheeks. Passion ignites deep down in me. This time I won’t be able to hold back. The desire and need to taste this woman and every single part of her is too much. Heat courses in my veins when our lips kiss. This time, neither of us will be pulling back, stopping before it goes too far.

  Teale moans in my mouth, pushing her hips up into mine silently, telling me what all of her wants. Before I’m unable to stop, I pull back and gaze down at her.

  “I don’t want to stop this time, and to be frank, I won’t be able to once I start this.”

  She bobs her head up and down, b
ut I wait for her to talk.

  “I want you, Hunter.”

  Her words are fierce, sure, and full of desire. This time when our lips connect, our hands fly over each other. The bed of the truck is heating up to an inferno, even though we’re in the dead of winter. I take my time running my lips over every inch of her skin, soaking in her taste, memorizing it for life.

  “Condom,” Teale whispers with urgency.

  I reach over to my wallet and rip it open, then grab the edges of the blanket, wrapping it around us. Teale catches the edges, keeping us cocooned in it while digging her nails into my back. Her eyes flutter shut with the connection. The intoxication of being overwhelmed skyrockets as I begin to move.

  “Hunter,” Teale sings out, making the night end in perfection.

  Chapter 9


  “If you haven’t fallen off a horse…then you haven’t been ridin’ long enough.”


  A repeat of last night’s event is the only thing I want as I stride out of my college class. Visions of the perfect shade of a dark, auburn color and bright blue eyes highjacked my thoughts during my classes today. My notes were complete shit and my head was lost.

  Since a repeat of last night is not possible, I decide on the hunting trip out to Dave’s. I have two reasons for heading out there on a Wednesday. I’ve gotten into the habit of calling Dave daily and haven’t been able to get hold of him. The thought of him out on his farm alone, barely able to move, doesn’t sit well with me. There’s been days when he hasn’t answered, but now it’s been three days in a row.

  Teale worked today, like always, at her dad’s shop and has a school webinar she has to pay attention to. Damn right, I fought to be a good guy and listen along with her. In the end, she was right, there was no way in hell either of us would behave.

  Teale told me that if I did come over to her place that I’d have to sit like a good boy and make art for her in her “Draw a Dick On It” book. I’m all about spending every single waking moment with her, but even I said hell no to drawing cocks on random objects just to spend time with her.

  The drive out to Dave’s strikes me hard this afternoon. It’s stunning, his property nestled atop the Palouse. It may be the high I’m riding, that each pine tree reflects the sunshine perfectly with the promise of spring on the horizon.

  I decide to check in with Dave and ask him about a bit of hunting. Before I slow down to turn into his driveway, an ambulance races by me with blaring sirens and blinding lights. Then it slams on the brakes, pulling down Dave’s road. Everything inside of me stills with fear.

  I blink once, twice, three times, but the same scene still plays out before me. Stepping down on the gas pedal, I speed down the driveway, forgoing my typical parking spot and zipping right up to the front door of the ambulance.

  Bolting from my truck, it’s then I see the cop car in front of the ambulance. I freeze, unable to move with fear attacking me. There’s shattered glass on the porch. a broken window in the door, and chaos ensuing in the house. A loud shout garners my attention, making me move with gusto.

  Once inside the house all the noise streams down the hall, which leads to Dave’s room. I ignore the set of police officers taking in Dave’s house and brush past them. The blood drains from my face when I see Dave lying in his bed. He’s white. Whiter than a new set of bed sheets. No sign of life.

  “Excuse me, sir. We need everyone out.”

  “What happened?” I grip the back of my neck.

  A hand wraps around my forearm, tugging me back into the hallway. The paramedics rush Dave out on a board. He hasn’t moved once since I busted in.

  “Are you related to Dave Hendricks?” one of the uniformed officers asks.

  “Um, no.” I scrub my eyes, trying to gain an ounce of reality.

  “Do you know how to contact family members?”

  Despair fills me, threatening to knock me down to my knees. “He doesn’t have any. I’ve been working for him and trying to take care of him.”

  “No wife or kids?” The officer stares at me with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow.

  “No. He has no one.” I pause. “But me.”

  It’s the truth. The reality of my statement slams into me. I’m not quite sure how I've become the only person in his life, but I have.

  “They’re taking him to the hospital down in Lewiston. You can go there for answers.”

  “Is he okay?”

  I ask the question, even knowing they won’t be able to answer it.

  “He’s in bad shape.” The officer shakes his head and walks away.

  I drive like a maniac to Lewiston, making the trip in record time. The staff at the hospital interrogate me worse than the police officers. Hours pass before I get anywhere. A tall, lean man with salt and pepper hair sits next to me in the waiting room.

  “Understand you’re here for Mr. Hendricks.” The man’s tired eyes stare back at me.

  “Yes, is he okay?” I sit up on the edge of my seat.

  “Going to be a long road to recovery. A couple more hours and he would’ve been dead.”

  “What happened?” I ask, jumping to my feet.

  “Bad case of pneumonia and a staph infection. He’s currently on IV medicine and quarantined. You can go see him, but will have to wear a Hazmat suit.”

  “Thank you. Can you tell me where he’s at?”

  “Intensive care on the fourth floor.” The exhausted doctor stands. “Mr. Hendricks has been in and out of this hospital a lot over the years, and this is the first time someone has shown up for him. It’s admirable what you’re doing for him, but just know Dave’s mind is healthy and fully functioning. It’s his body failing him. He has a lot of years left in him.”

  “Okay.” I nod.

  “Something you might want to keep in mind. Things will only be getting harder for Dave, and I know he’s not the easiest person to be around.”

  “Are you trying to scare me away?” I ask.

  “No, just want you to know exactly what you are in for.”

  The doctor walks away without another word. I didn’t miss his silent message. I should know, above all people, how much work Dave is and how time-consuming he is. There’s no way in hell I'll ever walk away from him. I have everything a man my age could ever dream of. I'm one of the lucky ones, born with a golden spoon in my mouth. The world is at my fingertips with the final prize of Sweetwater Ranch. The drive I have to help Dave has nothing to do with extrinsic factors. It’s all heart.

  I study Dave from behind a glass window. He’s still pale and lifeless with an assortment of tubes running from his body. A nurse had urged me to come back tomorrow to visit him. The forty-five minute drive from campus down to Lewiston is not even a mere thought. I'll be here for him. He may be the crudest man I’ve ever met with an unkind heart, but he’s my friend.

  I have no idea how long I stand and stare at his resting body before I take the long drive back to my apartment. Pulling into Moscow I know it’s way too late, but it doesn’t stop me from texting her.

  Me: I need you.

  Simple, honest, and to the point. I don’t expect an answer as I crawl out of my truck and make it into my apartment. This time I enjoy a shower that scalds my skin. The intensity of the heat is pounding on me, not taking away the memory of Dave. I need someone to talk to, lean on, and be here for me. It’s something I’ve never craved before. It’s always just been me. I pull on my boxers the same time three sharp knocks rattle on my door.

  Not even thinking, I take long strides before pulling it open. Waves of long auburn hair cascade down a back. Tight, black skinny jeans are hugging her legs as she waltzes away.

  “Teale,” I rasp out.

  She turns when she hears my voice, concern covering her features. Her legs move, racing to me. She cups my face.

  “What’s wrong?” She tilts her head.

  I grab the globes of her ass, lifting her up to my chest. Teale’s legs wrap around my waist,
locking at the ankles, then her hands wind in the back of my hair. It’s longer than usual, making it easy for her to wind her fingers in it.

  “Bad day,” I whisper into her lips as I walk back to my room. “I need you.”

  “I’m here.” She begins kissing me slow and soft and then we are out of control.

  Stripped down to nothing and tangled in my sheets, our bodies move in rhythm until we both lose control.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God,” Teale sings out as she falls over the edge.

  I follow her, collapsing down onto her perfect body in exhaustion. I want nothing more than to hold her the rest of the night. I make a quick trip to the bathroom then sneak under the sheets, pulling her back into my chest. I lean forward, kissing the soft skin at the top of her shoulders.

  “What happened, Hunter?”

  “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “At the beginning, that would be good.” She giggles then rolls over in my arms to face me. “Tell me.”

  I do. Everything from finding the job posted on the bulletin board to watching Dave’s body fight for his life tonight.

  “See, you are perfect,” she whispers.

  “The man is sitting on a gold mine just with the land he owns. It’s filled with junk, but worth millions to someone. Dave has no family. He told me it will all go to a charity one day. I struggle with…”

  The thought has whirled around in my head on repeat several times, but I’ve never verbalized it.

  “Say it.” Teale props up on elbow, intent on my next words.

  “I’m not doing this expecting anything in return. The man needs help. It haunts me that my friends only think I drop everything for Dave because I’m waiting for him to die. That’s the furthest from the truth.”

  Her palm goes to my chest. The pads of her fingers are digging into my flesh. “It’s your heart. It’s a special one. You know why you work for Dave and that’s the only thing that matters.”

  My whole body relaxes further into the mattress, feeling relieved. “Want to meet him when he goes back home?”


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