Book Read Free

The Country Duet

Page 11

by HJ Bellus

  “When’s the last time you ate?” I ask, putting on his clothes.

  “Don’t remember. Think last night I had a shake before bed.”

  “Have you checked your blood sugar, Dave?”

  He drops his head. “Couldn’t get out of bed this morning and everything was out in the living room.”

  “You should probably go to the hospital to get checked out.”

  “Not happening. I’m just fine.”

  He’s not fine, but I know it’s a lost cause to argue with him. It will only lead to him being pissed off and me frustrated beyond belief.

  “I’ll get you to your chair then warm up some dinner.” I carry him to his recliner, carefully setting him down in it. The worn cushions swallow his body. “Check your blood sugar, and I’ll grab your insulin.”

  “Don’t need a damn nurse,” he grumbles.

  “Feeling better already?” I smirk.

  He raises a shaky finger in my direction. “Used to have abs like that back in the day. Mine were better.”

  “I’m sure they were.” I laugh.

  I find Teale in the kitchen with her armor slowly cracking. She’s fighting to be strong, but it’s all too much. She stands frozen, staring at the eight trash cans that are slowly beginning to overflow.

  “Baby.” I slap her ass then kiss her cheek. “Going to warm up some dinner for Dave.”

  My touch snaps her out of the trance. I keep the mood light while preparing Dave’s food and grabbing his insulin from the refrigerator. Teale steps away from the trash canss and begins fidgeting with her fingers.

  “Hey.” I pull her to me with a hand to her hip. “You’ve seen the worst. Now just relax.”

  “I know it’s stupid because I was just reassuring you and now I’m a mess.”

  “Pretty girl, it’s a lot to take in. I get that, but we ground each other. It’s what we are good at.”

  “You break your damn neck in there?” Dave hollers from the living room.

  We both smile and then share a quick kiss. In one hand is Dave’s dinner, and the other is intertwined in Teale’s hand. Dave’s nose is buried in a magazine when we walk in.

  “Brought someone with me tonight, Dave.”

  This gets his attention. He peers up from his magazine with a slow grin beginning to cover his face. He does exactly what I expected he would, taking Teale in from head to toe, then roams right back up to her face.

  “She’s a nice looker, good set of tits and all.”

  I look over to Teale and wink then whisper, “Told you so.”

  “My boy taking good care of you?” Dave sits forward, totally pleased with himself. “Told him he needed to play with those tits real good.”

  Teale gulps air in. I drop her hand and then hand Dave his plate of food.

  “He’s doing good,” Teale admits with a cute shrug.

  I clear a spot on the couch that probably hasn’t seen daylight for years, then pull Teale onto my lap.

  “I always know when you ain’t giving him none because he gets all quiet and caught up in his own head.”

  Teale giggles at that. Using a tactic I know will get Dave off the topic of sex and tits, I point to the magazine. “What you reading up on?”

  Teale burrows further into my bare chest, relieved for the change of topic. I wrap my arms around her middle, holding on tight, feeling my whole word come full circle.

  “Page nineteen. Cool tractor replica.” He shoves a whole mouthful of food in his mouth. The man truly has no manners at all.

  I earmark the page, knowing I could easily make him an exact copy of this for a yard ornament. The washer ceases to rattle in the hallway, and Teale jumps up from my lap, racing down the hall. Dave watches her ass until it disappears down the hall.

  “She’s a beauty.”

  “Thanks.” I smirk at Dave.

  He goes on about Teale while shoveling food in. Something is going to have to change. Dave can’t be stranded like he was earlier today.

  “Dave, we need a backup plan to avoid what happened today. You call me any time of the day if you need help.”

  He grimaces then his fork clatters to his plate. “Never get old, Hunter, just never grow old.”

  Teale bounces back into the room with a black shirt in her hand. She must have found Dave’s stockpile. She throws it at me.

  “Put this on. It’s a bit awkward having you shirtless.”

  “My chest distracting?” I run my palm over it.

  “No, it’s weird.”

  I glance over to Dave to find him staring us down. His jaw is hanging wide open in shock. No one touches his shirts. I pull it on over my head to goad him.

  “I make this shabby thing look damn good.”

  This gets the reaction I was going for. Dave slides his plate onto the table next to him, knocking shit off. He takes his time standing up, and for him, it is quite fast.

  “You got music?” he asks Teale.

  “On my phone.” She pulls it from her back pocket and waves it.

  “Get us a good ol’ country song.”

  Teale stares at him in confusion. “Like?”

  “Damn music,” he demands. “Gonna teach this smartass a lesson.”

  He rattles on about being the best jitterbug dancer in the state of Idaho, and he used to steal all the women right from their men. Teale brings up a Johnny Cash song on her phone, and it may be the first genuine smile I’ve ever seen from Dave. The man is radiating with pride and happiness. If I were to guess, it’s been several long years since he’s felt this way.

  “Now, just follow my lead, sweet thing.” He grabs Teale’s hand.

  Every action is labored and in slow motion, but it doesn’t stop Dave from doing his best to swing her around his living room. Teale picks up quickly, anticipating the next move, shaking her ass for him.

  I watch from the dusty couch in one of Dave’s damn black shirts and become overwhelmed with a load of emotion. He barely lasts one song and is back in his recliner.

  “Couldn’t even count how many women I stole from other men with those dance moves. It’s the way to a woman’s heart.”

  “I can see that, Dave. Hunter, over there, should be getting a little worried.”

  She mindlessly picks up the insulin and tester. Dave doesn’t even bat an eye or lash out with harsh words like he would with anyone else.

  “Did Hunter tell you that I’m a nursing student?”

  “Teale…” I try to stop her before she makes a huge mistake.

  “Nurses are bossy bitches that need to mind their own,” he spits.

  “Excuse me?” Teale plants a hand on her hip, steadying herself to fight back with him.

  And the honeymoon is over.

  “You heard me. They can’t just leave an old guy alone.”

  “Well, maybe if said old guy wasn’t a jackass they might be a bit nicer to you.”

  “I wouldn’t have to be a jackass if they wouldn’t bug me.”

  “Quit being a jackass.”

  Jesus, it’s like listening to three year olds fight in the sandbox.

  “Quit being a bossy nurse.”



  “Okay, guys that’s enough.” I stand up, hoping to run some interference.

  The two don’t stop, and I’m worried someone is going to lose an eye soon.

  Teale sends daggers my way, then a slow smile spreads across her face. “Gotcha.”

  Dave’s deep laughter fills the room.

  Teale walks over to me. “He didn’t think you’d fall for it.”

  Before she has the chance to seal her lips to mine, I pull back. “How?”

  “When we were dancing. I whispered into his ear.”

  Dave doesn’t understand women…it seems Teale has a way with him just like she does with me.

  “Made this for you in class.” I hand Dave the pot even after their funny prank.

  His eyes light up. “Right dimensions?”

�Exact,” I reply.

  He takes the pot from my hands, admiring the shine of it before testing it out on his walker. It doesn’t work. Dave fiddles with it for several minutes.

  “Not going to work.” He throws it to the side of his chair.

  “It’s exactly what you asked for,” I reply.

  “My measurements must have been off.”

  That’s the end of that. Teale goes to open her mouth, knowing how much time I put into it, but I stop her with a quick glance. If Dave says it isn’t going to work, then it’s not going to work.

  Chapter 16


  “I love songs about horses, railroads, land, Judgment Day, family, hard times, whiskey, courtship, marriage, adultery, separation, murder, war, prison, rambling, damnation, home, salvation, death, pride, humor, piety, rebellion, patriotism, larceny, determination, tragedy, rowdiness, heartbreak and love. And Mother. And God.” –Johnny Cash

  I let Teale sleep the majority of the trip home. Once we hit Boise, I wake her up to grab some food and make the rest of the way home.

  “Enough beauty rest, princess?” I lift Teale back up into the truck.

  “I haven’t slept that well in years,” she admits.

  “Must be my good driving and your hand that was covering my dick.”

  “I was not doing that.”

  I pull up the picture on my phone and show her before I begin driving.

  Teale rolls her eyes. “Of course, you’d take a picture.”

  “Thinking about getting it framed.”

  As we fly down the interstate, I point out different landmarks to Teale and places we’ve farmed in the past. Teale’s favorite country playlist of Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, and an assortment of other country songs play. During my high school years, I never liked bringing girls home. Between Mom and my sisters, it seemed to always turn out in a full-blown circus act.

  There are no nerves this time. I have a real strong feeling that Teale will be the damn leader in the circus act this go around. I'm just going to have to make sure Mom and Teale don’t make it to the mall. They’ll drain bank accounts with their shopping habits.


  “Yeah.” Teale lifts her head from my shoulder.

  My fingers tighten around hers. “If you could do anything you wanted, what would it be? For work.”

  “I’ve told you a couple of times that my dreams will never be my reality.”

  “Yes, you have, but that’s not an answer.”

  “Why do you want to know? You persistent little ass.” She pokes my cheek, trying to get me off topic.

  “Fashion. You love clothes and have a unique style. It would be fashion, wouldn’t it?”

  The silence settles between us with just music floating around the cab.

  “Tell me about it,” I push her on.

  “In high school, I was in a couple of fashion design courses. Won a few contests and was going to attend college in Las Vegas. It was my passion.”

  I tap the steering wheel, treading lightly with this conversation. “So why nursing?”

  “It’s more practical and offers a steady income. High demand in jobs. Fashion was just a dream.”

  There are so many more questions I want to hammer her with, but I’m just thankful for the response she gave me. “Thank you.”

  We ride the rest of the way in silence. An idea strikes me when I turn down the long lane that leads to my childhood home. My mom started up one of those blogs a few years back. The woman is always into some type of scrapbooking, crafts, and whatever other shit fancies her. She could get Teale hooked on blogging and who knows what it will turn into. I mean there’s a lot of the fashion shit on Mom’s Pinterest boards when I look up her recipes.

  “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph with cheese whiz on the top.” Teale sits up, soaking in the house. “This isn’t a house, Hunter.”

  I shake my head. “Baby, it is.”

  “It’s gorgeous just like the ones in the magazines.”

  On cue, Tux, my best friend and loyal soldier comes sprinting up to my truck. No matter how long I’m gone, he always recognizes it. I swing open the door, and he jumps right intomy lap. The horn blares sporadically until he finds a comfortable position.

  “Hey, boy.” I scratch behind his ears. “Looking good.”

  Tux licks at my face, dancing around on my lap until he notices Teale sitting next to me. He lets out a light growl then stops when I scold him.

  “He’s a one-man dog,” I tell Teale, then grab her hand, bringing it to Tux’s back.

  She begins petting him then I move my hand.

  “Hunter,” Abby’s voice squeals.

  We both look up in time to see the wild, curly-haired girl come flying down the cement driveway on roller blades. Her arms are swinging wildly in the air with her legs barely being able to keep up with the momentum. How she’s managing to stay upright is beyond me.

  She slams into the front bumper of my truck, halting her movement.

  “Son of a bitch,” she howls covering her kneecap.

  “Abigail Yates, if I have to tell you one more time to watch that dirty mouth of yours, I’m going to whip you.” My mom saunters out of the house, studying the phone in her hands.

  “Mom, look,” Abby tries.

  But Mom has nothing to do with it, finishing her business on the phone and yelling at Abby. The sound of another engine joining us fills the air. I look over to see my sister, who was just a little girl not too long ago, pull up in her new red car. I can't believe the girl is already in her early years of high school.

  “Hunter,” Mom hollers out in joy.

  Quinn jumps from her car. “See, Mom, you guys let Hunter buy a big, fancy truck and I get this piece of shit new car.”

  Teale and I remain in the cab of the truck with Tux on my lap, watching the shit show.

  “Not now, Quinn,” Mom replies.

  “Bullshit, he gets to buy the truck of his dreams, but no, Quinn can’t get the Jeep she wants.” Quinn doesn’t stop mumbling on and on, rolling her eyes.

  “Get out here, son.” Mom pulls the door all the way open.

  “Hey, Mom.” I smirk then hop out of the truck.

  Tux follows, sitting obediently at my feet while I hug my mom.

  “Well, who is that?” she whispers into my ear.

  Have I mentioned that my mom has never had the subtle thing down?

  I pull back to introduce Teale, but Abby begins squealing a high-pitched scream.

  “My ass,” she wails.

  We turn to see her on the ground. Quinn’s bent over laughing hysterically, only pissing Abby off more. She sends Quinn the bird and then tries to stand back up on her feet. The roller blades seem to have another idea.

  “It’s not funny, jackass. My eggs are fertilized and need to be fed to hatch.”

  “What the hell?” I whisper.

  “Some damn fake animal she has. Don’t ask.”

  “She needs a good whipping with that mouth of hers.”

  I feel Teale’s hand press into the middle of my back. I pull her right up to my side with my arm wrapped around her shoulders, so there’s no space between us.

  “Mom, this is Teale, my girlfriend, and Teale this is my mom, Blair.”

  “Girlfriend?” Mom asks then beams. “I swear this boy never tells us a damn thing. We have to find everything out on our own and don’t even get me started on the jobs he has.”

  Mom grabs Teale’s arm, ushering her into the house. Teale peers over her shoulder, gazing at me with a deer in the headlights look. There’s only one way to introduce her to my family; it’s similar to tearing off the Band-Aid. Nothing else will do.

  Abby’s soft sobs catch my attention. Quinn’s following mom and Teale while trying to take a selfie. There are a good four or more years between all of us siblings and even with the age difference we’ve managed always to be close.

  “Hey, squirt.” I kneel down in front of her.

�t call me that.” She wipes at the tears under her eyes.

  “Want some help in?” I ask her.

  “No, Ernie and its babies are already dead. I had one job and failed them.”

  “C’mon, it can’t be that bad.” I fight like hell to stifle my laughter, knowing it will only set off her hot temper. “What’s up with the roller blades?”

  “None of your business.”

  I lift her up in my arms, and when Abby makes it clear she doesn't want to be carried into the house, I throw her over my shoulder. She begins to scream and kick her legs until my fingers tickle her ribs. It’s only a matter of time until Abby is squealing and laughing in my arms.

  When I walk into the house, it feels damn good to be home. I know it’s just all the memories this place holds and having Teale here with me. It’s a sensation that I’ll never be able to describe.

  Mom has Teale at the dining room table chatting her ear off, so I decide to head up to Abby’s room to check out these dead eggs. If I thought stifling my laughter outside was hard, then it’s damn near impossible right now. Abby holds up a little plastic device that has a keychain on it, trying to explain to me all about how the animals died.

  There is information about needing to be fed every hour on the hour and which button controlled what. I lay on her bed, and Abby sits cross-legged in front of me as she restarts the game.

  We name a new animal and then she explains to me that it takes hours for the eggs to hatch and get fertilized. I’m half tempted to ask her if she knows what fertilized means, but there are some things a big brother just shouldn’t know.

  When we make it back down to the dining room, Dad’s at the table and Quinn is next to him. She’s still giving him the guilt trip about her car and how everything is unfair. Abby’s back to her chipper mood, joining Mom and Teale. She doesn’t pull up a chair but plops down right in the middle of the table. She’s always been a damn monkey since she figured out how to make her arms and legs work. I still remember it like it was yesterday when I caught her on the very top of the dresser bureau in my mom’s room.

  I take a seat next to Quinn. The little shit is more than in love with her new car. She was beyond thrilled the day she got it and texts me all the time about upgrades. Call it a sibling game and milking your parents’ dry to one up your older brother. What the girls don’t know is that yes, Mom and Dad helped me out with the down payment, but I paid for everything. I’ve worked every single day next to my father where the girls are more inside type of kids, filling their days with dance and gymnastic lessons. They followed my footsteps in the 4-H program and take animals to the fair, so they will each have a nice bank account in time for college.


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