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The Country Duet

Page 13

by HJ Bellus

  It’s like a nightmare on repeat when I pull into Dave’s driveway, but this time the ambulance is roaring out the lane and onto the paved road. I whip my truck around and tail it all the way back to town. They don’t stop in Moscow, but continue on to Lewiston.

  I’m racing from my truck as soon as the ambulance pulls in. No one answers my questions. Finally, getting to a waiting area, I ask to see Dave.

  “Are you family?”

  “No.” I grab the back of my neck pissed off. “I’m the only person he has.”

  “Sorry, can’t update you.” She kindly nods to a seat in the waiting area.

  I could get pissed, angry, and demand answers, but I’ve learned none of that generates any good. So, I take a seat and wait, sending a quick text to Teale telling her I’d meet her at my place. The minutes creep by, morphing into a few hours until I hear from another single soul.

  “Hunter Yates.”

  I stand up, making myself dizzy from the quick reaction. “Yeah.”

  “Dave is asking for his boy. He’d like to see you.”

  I walk alongside the nurse, entering an elevator and watching her push the button to floor four.

  “Is he okay? What happened?”

  “His mail lady called the police. He was found with his arm caught in the back of a folding chair next to his bed.”

  Goddamit, Dave. I’ve told him we needed to move that chair. I remove my hat before entering his room. His one arm is bandaged from the shoulder to the wrist. His color vacant is once again, mirroring the same image as the bed sheet.

  “There’s my boy,” he croaks out. “Bring me any candy?”

  The nurse turns and leaves, giving us some privacy.

  “What the hell happened, Dave?” I take a seat next to his bed.

  “Got to coughing real bad and fell out of bed. Couldn’t get up because I was stuck in a chair.” He grins slyly. “Guess the only thing keeping me alive is my sorry ass driving out to the mail box every day when I can.”

  “This ain’t right, Dave. You need eyes on you all the time.”

  “My life is over, Hunter. I’m tired.”

  I know his spirits are crushed. He only gets this way when he’s tired and defeated.

  “Life would be so much easier on you if you could figure out how to get along in a nursing home.”

  “Ain’t giving those bastards my money, nor am I about to be told when I can and cannot eat.”

  I pull a pack of black licorice from my pocket. It was the last package left in the vending machine in the waiting room where I sat for what felt like forever. The damn pack of candy taunted me the whole time. Something inside me told me that if I just bought it for Dave, he’d pull through this.

  I rip open the package and hand it to him. His smile is all the reassurance I need. Then walks in a nurse on cue. I’ve never seen this one before. Dave perks up, popping a piece of candy in his mouth while perusing her from head to toe. I know what’s coming next and duck my head.

  “Damn, you’re a looker.” Dave grins with black drool running down his chin. “My boy here is single and looking.”

  The nurse rolls her eyes like she’s been warned about all of this before.

  “You want to marry him? Taught him a few dance moves.” Dave winks at her.

  The nurse is polite, putting up with his shit better than the rest. She leans down to check all of his vitals and then plucks the bag of candy from his hand while waving her wedding ring in his face.

  “No candy and before you even ask, I’m not bringing you ice cream no matter how big of a fit you throw. I have three little boys at home. Fear and intimidation are not in my vocabulary.” She waltzes right out of the room.

  Dave blinks once, then twice, but doesn’t dare push the call button.

  “So, what’s going on this time?” I ask him.

  “Same bullshit a different day.”

  “Have the doctors talked to you?”

  “Yeah, some shit about an infection and a couple days stay before going to a nursing home facility until I can get up out of bed on my own. And I ain’t going back to that same nursing home. They were shit.”

  I wait until Dave falls asleep before creeping out of his room. Luck’s on my side when I run into a familiar face.

  “Doctor Lewis.” I stride up to him. “How’s it looking for Dave?”


  “What are the next steps?” I ask.

  “Depends,” he responds.

  It goes like this for several comments until it’s clear the doctor is being a dick. He doesn’t provide one answer, leaving me frustrated and pissed off. I still feel twinges of the anger when I walk into my apartment forty-five minutes later, well past midnight.

  A dim light streams from my bedroom. Teale’s curled up in the middle of my bed. A tall stack of laundry is folded in a neat pile on my dresser. Just the vision wipes away all of the worries and stress of the day.

  The floor creaks and cracks as I move to the end of the bed. Reaching back, I pull my shirt off and wipe my face. A hot shower would do me good, but I’m fucking bone tired after working like a dog for Dad the past few days, entertaining Teale well past sunset, and now dealing with Dave. When my body molds against hers, not even a freight train could interrupt the slumber that takes over.


  Dave wanted a few new magazines. He only spent three days in the hospital and is now in a new nursing home. He’s making friends with the nurses just like he always does. He’s tried marrying me off to at least five of them even though he knows I’m with Teale.

  The staff at this nursing home caught onto the candy exchange the first night. I’m sucked right back into everyone being pissed off. It's no surprise that Dave tends to win every match.

  Walking out of the grocery store, I notice a jewelry story and then find myself smack dab in the middle of it without another thought.

  “Can I help you?” a blonde woman who’s busting out of her blouse asks.

  I adjust the bill of my hat. “Just looking.”

  Fuck, I have no clue what I’m doing here. It’s only been six months with Teale, but I know deep down she’s the woman I’m going to marry. It’s rash and fast, but it’s there. I browse the glass counters a couple of times until the perfect ring comes into view. It’s simple. One large princess diamond in the middle with several around it, all nestled in a white gold setting.

  “That one.” I point.

  The saleswoman is more than eager to bend over, getting it out for me. She’s shameless using her body to make a sale. I guarantee it’s a sure-fire hit with most guys, but pathetic in my eyes. She was probably on team bimbo back in the day. The woman this ring is for is much more than she could ever be. At least in my eyes, Teale is. Call it owneridis or love blind, but that’s where I am.

  I put the ring on one of my emergency credit cards. Damn straight, it’s an emergency in my life. I have to have this girl.

  “No bag.” I wave the woman off, then scoop up the black ring box and paperwork.

  How in the hell do men carry these things around in their pockets? Jesus, I’ve been watching too many cheesy romance movies with Teale. Popping open the glove box, I place the ring and paperwork safely in there and then lock it.

  I have no damn clue when I’ll pop the question, but just knowing it’s there puts a huge smile on my face. I imagine Teale’s reaction the rest of the afternoon when I get down on one knee. Her vivid blue eyes lighting up, her red hair reflecting the sun, her squeal of surprise, and then happy tears rolling down her face.

  Chapter 18


  “Don’t be afraid to go after what you want to do, and what you want to be. But don’t be afraid to be willing to pay the price.”

  –Lane Frost

  “Hunter, a word please?” Professor Right asks before he lets the animal science class out.

  I wait until all the bodies vacate the room. I know I haven’t been studying as much as usual, but my grade
s are still solid. There’s just been one low-test score. The nights Dave have been in the hospital and nursing home, I study until he falls asleep. The other nights when Teale has fallen asleep in my arms, I get the rest of my studying in.

  “Would like to offer you a position at the university feedlot, Hunter.”

  My heart falls and trembles. It's like I’m a young student being called to the principal’s office scared shitless even though I know I’ve done nothing wrong. Then his words sink in.

  “A job?” I ask.

  “The university's feedlot is looking for a new worker. You’re my top student in the classroom and know that knowledge comes from experience.”

  My gut reaction is to scream yes. Shit, if this were offered this past fall I’d be racing there to work. Instead, I met Teale and Dave.

  “I already have two jobs,” I offer.

  “The pay is ten dollars an hour, with possible management opportunities and a two-thousand dollar scholarship per semester.”

  This gets my full attention. “I’ll take it.”

  “Great. Hoped you’d say that. See you Monday at noon. The feedlot is on the outskirts of town.”

  “Yeah, I know where it’s at.” I hold out my hand for a shake. “I appreciate the opportunity.”

  I’m on a natural high on the way back to Frank’s. He’ll have to understand or offer me more money. He has a good head on his shoulders, and I know he won’t be happy about losing me, but he won’t be able to pay me more.

  It’s insane that just in September I was lost, enjoying my classes, but felt empty like something was missing. Now in May, I’m a new man, still enjoying my classes but have a mission in life. People surrounding me are making my days full.

  My vision darts over to the glove box where a perfect diamond ring has been sitting just waiting for the perfect time. It’s getting close. Real close.

  I have plans to propose this summer on Sweetwater Ranch. I want my family there, Remi, and Tux surrounding us. Who knows, we may even reenact our love making session in the barn. I’ll slip it on her finger in the middle of it, taking her breath away.

  Fuck, life is good.

  The shop is buzzing with business when I enter. Teale smiles at me with the phone clutched between her ear and shoulder, then blows me a quick kiss. I take it one step further, striding over to her and laying a hard kiss on her lips. She pushes me away when she has to talk into the phone.

  Teale taps the tip of my nose then sticks her tongue out before going back to the parts order she’s trying to place. I find Frank out in the shop, elbow deep in grease.

  “You’re not on shift today.” Frank looks up at me. “And you ain’t stealing Teale away for the afternoon.”

  “Know me well.” I pull up a stool and pass him a wrench. “Frank, got a job offer today at the university.”

  I give him all the details, not leaving a thing out. Frank shakes his head.

  “Knew I’d lose you. You’re too good of a worker, Hunter. No way I can pay you that kind of money.”

  An uncomfortable silence floats between us. I’ve never cared for disappointing people, in fact, it makes me feel like shit.

  “Take the job. You deserve it and no hard feelings.”

  “No hard feelings?” I repeat.


  “And Teale?” I ask.

  He stands straight upright. “What about her?”

  “I want to marry her, sir.”

  I didn't expect that to come out of my mouth, but like with most things that involve Teale, it just happens.

  “She ain’t ready for that.”

  “I understand.” I stand to my feet, matching his stance. “I’ll wait for her, but want your permission.”

  “Hunter, she may never be ready at this point. I don’t like that she’s been keeping her past hidden from you, but she’s a stubborn shit. But if the day ever comes, it would be an honor to call you my son.” He holds his hand out, and we shake on it.

  The caveman in me wants nothing more than to toss Teale over my shoulder and haul her sweet little ass back to the ranch and make her mine. Another red warning flag waves in front me and once again I ignore it.

  “Get over here and finish kissing me.” Teale waves from behind the counter.

  I couldn’t see what she was wearing when she was behind the desk, but now I have the perfect damn view. God bless warm weather and Daisy Duke shorts.

  “I’m liking this tight-ass tank top,” I murmur into the crook of her neck while getting a nice handful of her ass.

  “Thought you would, but I want my kiss now.” She punches the side of my arm with all her might.

  I flex my biceps, showing off, only making her giggle like a little girl before I devour her lips. I crave so much more from this woman. It’s gone past an addiction, seeping into a forever type love. Thomas Rhett’s song, “Craving You” fills the background.

  It kills me to break apart from the kiss, but being caught by her dad was enough for me. My arm wraps low around her waist then I pull her into a dance, singing the words to her. Teale erupts in laughter at the wrong words and my horrible voice.

  “Got good news,” I tell her.

  “You’re taking me to your apartment for a lunch quickie?”

  “I am now.” I kiss her. “Got a job offer today at the university feedlot. Will be making lots more money and hope it will free up some time.”

  “You’re quitting here?” There’s a hint of disappointment in her ocean blues. “No, you won’t leave Dave.”

  Her bottom lip pops out, making a pouting gesture. “I won’t get to see you as much.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” I lean in, catching her bottom lip and suck on it for a beat. “I think the hours are going to work out better for us.”

  “Promise me?”

  “I do.” I dip Teale back, making her squeal and cuss all at the same time. “Will you come home with me this summer? I don’t care if it’s a week or a month…come home with me.”


  The damn shop phone rings interrupting our dance party. Teale pushes away from my chest, answering it all professional. I lean on the counter, enjoying the view of long, tanned legs and tight little ass in her shorts. Her laughter and friendly tone as she chats with a customer is the cherry on top of the sundae.

  Teale hangs up and saunters right back over to me. She’s mere steps away when the door to the office swings open. The bells above the door shatter our privacy. Both of our heads whip to whoever just walked in. Teale’s sharp inhales of breath sends me into protective mode.


  Teale steps away from me transfixed on the little girl. She kneels down in front of the counter just in time to catch the little girl in her arms. Matching auburn hair, the same piercing blue eyes, coupled with beauty…I can’t move.

  “Mommy, I missed you.”

  One blink. Two blinks. Three slow blinks. The same scene lies before me. A man clears his throat, and that’s when I look up to a six-foot-tall, blond man in a suit and tie. He reaches in a methodical manner straightening his tie, and that’s when his gold band on his wedding finger blinds me.

  My knees go weak, pain attacking every single surface of my being. Her past is colliding into her future, leaving me destroyed.

  “Teale,” the man says.

  “Jerico,” she replies, standing up with her daughter in her hands.

  An angelic face peers over Teale’s shoulder. She may be the sweetest sight I’ve ever seen. She’s a miniature version of her mother.

  “Thank you,” Teale whispers to her husband.

  He smiles, pulling me back to my reality.

  I’ve loved this woman like there’s been no broken heart in sight. Our end was never an option until now. Our days are shared, reel in slow motion. Every touch, shared kisses, and laughter, are all disappearing before my own eyes.

  My feet catch up to my brain and move. Rounding the counter, Teale glances over to me. There�
��s sadness in her eyes, but even more, there’s joy and happiness that I can’t compete with. It’s the final nail in my coffin.

  “Excuse me,” I say to Jerico.

  He moves to the side, but not without eyeing me from head to toe. I glance over my shoulder one more time at Teale, praying like hell she’ll stop me. She doesn’t.

  The End

  Wild Country, Country Duet- Book 1


  I’d like to thank the family who has shared this story with me. It’s been an amazing journey. Thank you for being great friends to our family. To many more stories and adventures.

  This story is very special to me for many reasons. I love small towns and am a farm girl at heart. It was so fun to write about my passion.

  Thank you to all my readers who support me on this journey. Your encouragement means everything to me. It’s your word and support of encouragement the fuel me.


  Beautiful Drug- Zac Brown Band

  T-Shirt- Thomas Rhett

  Dirt on My Boots- Jon Pardi

  Girl Crush – Little Big Town

  My Church- Maren Morris

  Redneck Crazy- Tyler Farr

  Better in Boots- Tyler Farr

  Die A Happy Man- Thomas Rhett

  Vice- Miranda Lambert

  Ready Set Roll- Chase Rice

  Make You Mine- High Valley

  Blue Ain’t Your Color- Keith Urban

  Road Less Traveled- Lauren Alaina

  Body Like a Back Road- Sam Hunt

  Bar at the End of the World- Kenny Chesney

  Roller Coaster- Luke Bryan

  Point At You- Justin Moore

  American Country Love Song- Jake Owen

  Loving You Easy- Zac Brown Band

  Tin Man- Miranda Lambert

  For Her- Chris Lane

  If I Told You- Darius Rucker

  Pain Killer- Little Big Town

  Back Country

  Dirt, Passion, and Heart

  HJ Bellus

  Back Country


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