Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 1

by Ashlee Price

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  A Note from the Author

  Hot Men Box Set (Sample)

  BIG MEN Box Set (Sample)

  Keep in Touch


  Married to the Royal

  An Accidental Marriage Romance

  By Ashlee Price

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  Book Description

  Roommates by Accident. A Couple by Agreement. A Royal Match by Design.

  It all started out on the wrong foot...

  I showed up in her apartment almost n*ked.

  She tried to kill me with a guitar.

  But she needed money.

  And I needed a place to hide.

  We became roommates on paper.

  We ended up as lovers in bed.

  Now, I can’t get enough of her.

  And I sure as heck am not letting her go.

  I will make her body submit to my reign.

  I will claim her heart as my throne.

  There’s just one huge problem – Jess doesn’t know I’m a prince, a prince whose life and kingdom are currently and seriously in danger.

  Will she still stay with me when she finds out or will I lose her along with everything I’ve ever had?



  Outskirts of Aldnoah, Capital of Brelv

  The percussion of the rain against the window masks the creaking of the dusty floorboards beneath my boots. I move one step at a time, steering clear of the cracked vase on the cobweb-coated stool and the boxes of mildew-infested clothes in the otherwise empty cabin.

  At least, it was empty.

  As I approach the corner, I hear voices, one of which I recognize as that of a woman I know well.


  "This isn't my fault," she says shakily.

  I catch a glimpse of auburn locks draped like curtains over an oval-shaped face. The strings of diamonds dangling from her ears through the gaps confirm my speculation. The muscles of her slender shoulders tense beneath her velvet cloak, fastened at the base of her throat with a brooch that is missing an onyx bead. Her hands tremble in their satin sheaths.

  "I put the poison in his drink."

  My eyes grow wide. Another speculation confirmed.

  She grits her teeth between cherry-glossed lips. "Maybe I should just stab him."

  Natasia's words and the hatred in them bring my heart to a halt as my chest constricts. My jaw drops. My breath hangs in the air.

  "That would, of course, be your choice," the other voice replies.

  I glance at him, unable to recognize his voice. Worse, his back is nearly against the wall, so I can only discern his black cloak, cotton instead of velvet and patched with flecks of dirt.

  A commoner.

  Why is a Princess of Brelv meeting with a commoner inside a filthy cabin, unaccompanied?

  No. I already know the answer.

  "Regardless, you owe me," the man says.

  Natasia clicks her tongue disapprovingly and then tosses a leather pouch at his feet. The clink of coins rings out above the rain.

  "Next time, the deed will be done," she promises as she turns around.

  She walks towards the door and pulls the hood of her cloak over her head.

  "I will not spend the rest of my life stuck in that hell."

  I press my lips together and swallow the lump in my throat.


  All this time, I thought my brother's wife had nothing to be unhappy about. She has her own string of lavish chambers at the Palace, one of which houses a perfumed Turkish bath just for her. She has no shortage of maids, or jewelry, or gowns that are the envy of everyone else. My parents adore her. My sisters look up to her. Celia even used to imitate her every gesture. And Viktor...

  I pause as I recall my conversation with my brother near the stables the other day.

  Viktor's expression had suddenly turned serious. He seemed on the verge of confiding something in me, but Natasia interrupted us and he wasn't able to continue. When I brought it up again later on, he dismissed it with a shrug and said it was nothing. But the smile on his face was so wide it couldn't have been real.

  Was he trying to tell me that his marriage to Natasia hasn't been working?

  The front door of the cabin opens and closes. Moments later, the crack of a whip resonates through the air and the clatter of hooves fades into the distance.

  Natasia's gone.

  For a moment, I consider confronting the man she was speaking to, but I decide against it. This is no light matter. If I act now, my actions will have an effect on Viktor and possibly the entire royal family and even the country. I mustn't proceed without a plan.

  I take a step back so that I can make my retreat, but in my hurry, my foot hits one of the legs of the stool. The vase on it wobbles, falls and shatters on the floor.


  In the next instant, a strong arm wraps around my neck. At the same time, the tip of a knife enters my side. The sharp blade pierces layers of velvet, silk, reinforced leather and the skin between my ribs. Pain spreads throughout my chest and a strangled cry escapes my lips. My air passage narrows and a flurry of panic seizes me.

  Then my adrenaline kicks in.

  I grab the man's arm, go down on one knee and hurl him to the floor. I pull the knife from my side and throw it at him as he gets back on his feet. It strikes the back of his shoulder and he lets out a groan as he clutches at it. Drops of red trickle past his fingers and stain his cloak.

  After arming myself with the largest remnant of the shattered vase, I take the chance to assess my opponent.

  Disheveled brown hair. Ebony eyes. A scar atop the bridge of his nose.

  Those dark eyes narrow and stare into mine intently. I glare back through platinum-blond wisps.

  With a louder groan, he pulls the blade from his shoulder. I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on the porcelain shard in my hand, ready to attack. Then his gaze strays to the gleaming ring on my hand and his eyes grow wide beneath arched eyebrows.

  Ah. He seems to have recognized me.

  He turns on his heel and runs out the back door. I think of running after him, but my side throbs as I stand up. I peek under my cloak and frown at the sight of the crimson stain on my shirt.

ght. I'm injured as well.

  Thanks to the inner layer of light armor I always wear, it's not a deep wound. Unluckily, it must have grazed an artery, and a fair amount of blood has gushed out. I can't afford to lose more. If I lose consciousness, the situation will slip out of my hands, and that's not something I can allow to happen right now.

  I pull off my cravat and press it firmly against the cut in an effort to stop the bleeding. Then I sit down on the stool and take my phone out of my pocket. Six missed calls appear on the screen, all from the same person.


  Of course. She must be sick with worry looking for me after I gave her the slip. In fact, she must have tried to track my phone by now.

  I tap the number to return the call before pressing the phone against my ear. After just a second, a loud, concerned voice answers.

  "Your Highness?"

  I frown. How many times have I asked her to call me Steff? Or Steffan at least?

  "Stay put. I'm on my way to you now."

  Just as I thought. In fact, I can already hear a motorcycle engine raging in the background.

  I let out a sigh. "You're giving me orders as usual."


  "Don't worry, Danni," I cut her off as I glance at my roughly bandaged thigh, the blue silk already turned purple. "I'm not going anywhere, but do hurry. I'm afraid I have a small problem that needs immediate attention."


  "A small problem?"

  Danni crosses her arms over her chest as her dark brown eyes throw me a reprimanding scowl from behind her glasses. Her back rests against the chamber door, which she's just locked after sending the servants away. The tip of her boot beats against the carpet.

  "Your Highness, you nearly got yourself killed."

  I toss my cloak aside and take off my stained shirt and my pierced armor. I run my fingers over my wound, now stitched up, cleaned and bandaged properly thanks to Danni.

  "Surely you don't think I'd die from a scratch like this."


  "For the hundredth time, you don't need to address me so formally when it's just the two of us talking." I sit on the edge of the bed and remove one of my boots. "And you're my attendant, not my governess."

  "And you are a Prince of Brelv." She genuflects in front of me and helps me with the straps of my other boot. "You mustn't be reckless."

  "Ah. But where's the fun in that?"

  I kick off the boot and begin to lie down on the bed.


  My eyes grow wide at finally hearing my name on Danni's lips. I glance at her and find her head bowed down, her shoulders trembling. Her fist digs into the carpet.

  I fold my arms behind my head and stare at the embroidered canopy. "I'm sorry I made you worry. But like I told you, I have my reasons."

  "And you told me that once we got back here, you would tell me those reasons," she reminds me as she gets to her feet.

  Her long shadow falls across my chest.

  I draw a deep breath. "Someone has been trying to kill me."

  Danni's lips part to let out a gasp. She lifts a hand to push her glasses up her nose.

  "As I've said, you're a Prince of Brelv. There are inevitably a number of people who want you dead."

  I know.

  "What I mean is that lately, someone in the Palace has been trying to poison me."


  "I first noticed it a week ago after I spilled my glass of wine on the balcony."

  "I remember that."

  "In the morning, I noticed that the fingers of the maid who had cleaned up that mess looked burned. But she said she hadn't been near a fire. Later that day, I deliberately tipped my cup of tea into a potted plant. After a few hours, the plant wilted."

  Danni slaps her forehead. "I should have noticed."

  "You weren't the one being poisoned," I tell her.

  "Then you should have told me. I could have hired a taster."

  "And what? Have someone innocent die because of me?"

  She grits her teeth.

  "Besides, I wanted to find out who it was myself. One night, I..."

  To my surprise, Danni slams her fist into the wall. The sound thunders throughout the room.

  "Danni?" I sit up.

  "Am I so untrustworthy that you didn't confide in me? Am I so incompetent that you won't rely on me? Am I useless after all?"

  As her voice quakes, her shoulders tremble even more.

  Is she crying?

  I place a hand on my forehead. "I'm sorry, Danni. I didn't mean to make you feel useless. I just thought I'd try it my own way first."

  No answer.

  I rub my neck. "Well, I did call you, didn't I?"

  For a moment, she remains still and silent. Then she lets out a deep breath. Her shoulders relax and she lifts her head.

  "So what happened next?"

  "One night, after you'd gone to bed, I told one of the maids that I wasn't feeling well and asked if she could prepare a tonic for me and serve it in the garden. She did and I pretended to drink it. I pretended to cough, too, and stagger back towards my room while clutching my stomach. On the way, I stopped to check behind some bushes and I saw an onyx bead on the ground."

  "An onyx bead?"

  "In the morning, I thanked the maid for the tonic," I continue. "It was only for an instant, but I thought Natasia looked annoyed."

  "Princess Natasia?" Danni's eyebrows arch. "Are you saying...?"

  "When I glimpsed her riding off on her horse after the downpour started, I followed her."

  "And that's how you ended up at that cabin?"

  "Yes," I answer. "She was talking to someone. A man with a scar above his nose."

  I touch the spot on my own face to demonstrate.

  "He was the one who attacked me after Natasia left, although he ran away when he saw my ring." I glance at the ring on my finger, a golden vine with purple sapphires to symbolize wolfsbane, the flower of the royal family. "I managed to wound him, too."

  Danni nods and stands up. "I will look for him immediately."

  "Wait." I grab her arm. "You don't need to. I heard Natasia confess."

  "She confessed?" Danni turns to me with an expression of disbelief. "Then she must..."

  "Nothing must be done." I look into Danni's eyes as I grip her arm more firmly. "No one must know."

  Her eyebrows furrow. "But why? She..."

  "Is my brother's wife, and everyone knows he loves her." I let go of her arm and let mine drop on my lap. "He will be crushed if he finds out."

  "Of course he will be," Danni says. "You're his brother and she tried to kill you."

  "She probably doesn't have anything against me personally," I reply. "She's probably just beginning to panic because she and Viktor still don't have any children. She knows that if they don't produce an heir, then I will be the one to inherit the throne."

  "As the law commands."

  "But my very presence must be a constant reminder of that. It must have been gnawing at her all this time. I should have realized that she's been suffering in silence."

  "She tried to kill you," Danni reminds me.

  "Because she's getting desperate," I say as I remember the pain in Natasia's words. "She's become so unhappy that she can't bear it any longer. It's starting to affect my brother, too."

  "So you're going to let her kill you just to make Prince Viktor happy?" Danni holds her glasses in her outstretched hand. "Seriously, sometimes I wonder if the weight of your crown has impaired your thinking."

  "I'm not going to let that happen, of course!" I walk towards the window and gaze down at the garden. "But I can't let things continue as they are."

  "So what will you do, Prince Steffan?"

  I touch my chin and turn to her with a grin. "I'll leave."

  Danni's arm drops to her side. "What?"

  "I'll get out of the Palace, of Brelv," I explain. "With me gone, Natasia will have a chance to be happy again. She might even be able to bear V
iktor a child, which would surely make everyone happy."

  "Are you going to ask the King and Queen to exile you?" Danni places her hands on her hips. "Because they won't do it. In spite of all the trouble you've caused them."

  "I'll simply leave. I'll leave them a note saying I've gone on an adventure or something. As you said, I've caused them trouble before, so they won't be surprised. They'll think I'm just rebelling again."

  "They will be angry, to say the least."

  "I can live with that."

  I clasp my hands behind me and turn back to the window, this time looking up at the gray sky.

  Danni snorts. "You think you can just leave?"

  "You'll help me, won't you, Danni?" I toss her a smile over my shoulder. "You are the only one I can rely on, after all."

  Danni frowns and rubs her arms. "This is unfair."

  "It's for the best," I say in a more serious tone. "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made in order to achieve the best outcome."

  She sighs. "Why is it only now that you start acting like a prince?"

  "Sorry." I walk over to her and place my hand on her rigid shoulder. "I've only ever made you worry, haven't I?"

  She looks away. "It is my job to worry about you."

  "So can I count on you?"

  Her lower lip quivers, the rest of her body still. Then, slowly, she places her right fist above her heart and sinks to the floor on one knee. She lifts her left hand in the air before pressing two fingers to her lips as she bows her head.

  It's a yes if there ever was one, a Brelvan's gesture of utter loyalty.

  Truly, I could not ask for a better attendant.

  I feel a thorn prick my chest as I pat the top of Danni's head gently, but I force a smile.

  "Now, now, don't look so glum." I glance back past the window. "Who knows? This adventure might be the best for me, too."

  Chapter 1


  Los Angeles, California

  I close my eyes against the bright lights and surrender to the music-to Kay's hypnotizing lead voice, to the clash of Riley's drums, to the poetry of Alice's keys, to the cries of Josh's guitar accompanying the rhythm of mine.

  My fingers dance on the strings as if they have a life of their own. My shoe taps the wooden floor. My head bobs. The messy cascade of black and pink waves bounces off my cheeks, concealing the beads of sweat that travel down to the edge of my jaw and linger before dropping onto the back of my hand.


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