Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 2

by Ashlee Price

  The tempo increases. Kay's notes ascend and Josh's guitar breaks into a screech. Then Kay falls silent and so do Alice and Josh. Only Riley's drumming and my plucking remain. After a few more beats, I, too, stop, and seconds later, the clang of Riley's cymbals ripples through the air.

  And then silence.

  Then faint applause.

  I open my eyes to see the crowd at the bar, a sizable turnout even for a Saturday night, clapping their hands above their drinks-those of them who aren't too busy drinking or already too drunk to bother, that is.

  No matter. I don't play for glory anyway.

  As I catch my breath and wipe the sweat off my brow, I turn to the other members of the band. They're all sweaty and breathless just like me, tired, but I can tell they've all had just as much fun as me, too. That alone brings a smile to my lips.

  "Thank you!" Kay shouts into the microphone after she recovers. "And have a good night, everyone!"

  She goes down the stage and the rest of us follow. I lift my hand for the routine series of high fives that leaves my palm rosy. I pull the strap of my guitar over my head and put it to sleep in its case before following the band to the bar.

  "Here you go."

  Riley hands me an icy bottle of beer as soon as I occupy the stool between him and Josh. He lets his own clink against it.


  "Cheers!" I tell him before taking a gulp.

  The cold liquid feels good as it slides down my dry throat, and I let out a breath of satisfaction as I set the bottle down on the counter.

  "Nothing like a cold beer after a performance," I say.

  "Ditto," Josh seconds with a smile.

  It's a dashing smile that shows off his dimples and gives a glimpse of perfectly white teeth with just a slight gap between the front two. Even after all this time, it still makes me weak at the knees.

  I stare at those lips as they wrap around the mouth of his bottle, wishing they were pressed against mine.


  You'd think that after three years of hiding my feelings with him right next to me, my heart would have become immune to his charms and my mind would have stopped hoping that I'd be anything more than a friend.

  For God's sake, he's taken, Jess. When are you going to get that stuck in your brain?

  But I guess a girl never forgets her first real crush, or her first real kiss. I shared mine with Josh in my apartment after he brought me home from a party at Kay's house one night. We were both drunk, of course, and he apologized for it afterwards. I laughed it off even though I could feel tears welling up inside my chest. But my heart still goes crazy at the memory of it, which seems to be preserved in HD in my mind.

  Besides, it's not like he's married, so I still have...

  "Josh, didn't you mention that you've got something to say?" Kay's voice breaks into my thoughts.

  "Um, yeah."

  He puts his bottle down and touches his silver loop earring, as he usually does when he's nervous.

  I take a sip of beer. I feel nervous, too.

  "Well, I..." Josh rubs his neck and my heart skips a beat.

  Even when he's nervous, he's still cute as hell.

  He draws a deep breath. "Marianne is pregnant, so..."

  "Oh my God!" Kay squeals as she gets off her stool. "You're having a baby?"

  My hands freeze around my bottle of beer as my body suddenly grows numb. The bitter alcohol bubbles to my throat.

  They are?

  "I'm so happy for you." Kay wraps her arms around Josh. "Congratulations!"

  "Yeah, man." Riley gives Josh another high five behind me, then a whistle. "You're the man, alright."

  Alice, who doesn't talk much, gives Josh a thumbs-up as she takes a sip of her whiskey sour.

  Now I'm the only one left to congratulate him.

  I square my shoulders, put the shattered pieces of my heart together, and force a smile.


  Josh smiles back. "Thanks."

  This time, that smile nearly makes tears spill out of my eyes.

  I quickly grab my bottle and swallow another gulp, and another.

  "I don't really feel like celebrating, though," he says as his smile vanishes. "I still can't believe it's real."

  No shit.

  "But drinks are still on you," Kay says as she gets back on her stool. "Did you hear that, Benny?"

  Josh pouts.

  "You're ruthless." Riley pinches her cheek and then kisses it. "But I guess that's one of the things I love about you."

  I roll my eyes.

  Usually, I don't mind the lovebirds being all over each other, but for some reason, all of a sudden, it makes me sick. I take another swig of beer.

  Josh sips from his bottle and sighs. "Anyway, what I wanted to say was that since Marianne and I are having a baby, I might have to quit the band."


  My jaw drops and the puddle of beer still in my mouth trickles down my chin. I quickly wipe it with the back of my hand.

  "I need to get a real job," Josh explains. "A steady job."

  "I guess that's understandable," Kay says.

  "Can't be helped," Alice seconds.

  Well, yes, I can understand that, but...

  I look at Kay. "You're okay with it?"

  She shrugs and tucks a strand of emerald hair behind her ear. "The truth is, Riley and I have been thinking of settling down, too."

  My eyebrows arch. "What?"

  "You know, we're not getting younger, and I want kids."

  "I want you to have my kids," Riley pipes in as he wraps an arm around her.

  "Don't get me wrong," Kay says. "I love the band. I love you guys. But maybe it's time to move on to the next stage and experience a different part of life. You know how basketball players eventually retire and then they take care of their families or run their own companies, or how beauty pageant queens have another career after they've given up their crowns? It's something like that."

  My mouth gapes as I stare at my bottle. I don't say anything. I can't.

  I can't believe I'm hearing this.

  Yes, I understand what Kay is saying. Yes, I knew this day would come. But now?

  "Hey." Riley squeezes my shoulder. "Don't worry. It won't happen right away. We still have to finish the gigs that have already been booked."

  "I'm thinking we should save the best show for our final gig," Kay says. "How's that song you're working on coming along?"

  "Um..." I tap my fingers against my bottle.

  Are we really talking about this?

  "I've barely started," I answer as I remember that notebook back at my apartment with all the torn and crossed-out pages.

  "I was thinking we could use that for our final performance," Kay says. "What do you guys think?"

  "Cool," Riley answers.

  Alice gives another thumbs-up sign.

  I shake my head. "I'm not sure I..."

  "Hey." Josh places a hand on my shoulder. "I know you can do it."

  And again, he flashes me that smile, and silly me feels a little better.

  "I'll try," I end up promising him.

  "Great!" Kay cheers.

  She finishes the rest of her bottle in one go and sets it down with a thud. Then she grabs Riley's arm.

  "Let's dance."

  "Whoa." Riley nearly falls off his stool.

  Next, Kay grabs Josh's arm. "You too."

  "Me?" Josh gives her a look of disbelief.

  But she's not looking, she's already dragging the two reluctant guys to the dance floor.

  After a few steps, she stops.

  "Jess, Alice, you should join us!" she shouts over the music.

  Alice shakes her head.

  I give her a sheepish grin and lift my nearly empty bottle. "I think I'll have another beer first."


  She walks off with the boys in tow and gets lost in the crowd.

  I let out a breath of relief, finish my bottle, and then order ano
ther. As I start on the second, Alice moves closer to me.

  "Are you alright?" she asks.

  I glance at her.

  She might look like she doesn't give a fuck, what with her thick black eyeliner and her piercings and all, but I've been with her long enough to know that she's perceptive. In fact, she's the only one in the band who's noticed that I have a thing for Josh.

  "I'm fine," I lie before taking another swig.


  I set my bottle down and wipe my lips. "Well, maybe I am upset. After all, I've just been told the band is breaking up. How can you not be upset about that?"

  Alice shrugs.

  Maybe she's just more mature than I am.

  I enjoy another sip and sigh. "What am I supposed to do? I'll have to get another job."

  "Don't you work at a cafe during the day?"

  "That barely pays the rent," I answer. "And to make matters worse, I still haven't found a new roommate."

  My old roommate, Sheila, left two months ago after she got engaged to some guy she met online.

  Shit. Everyone around me is moving on in the romance department. And in life.

  And me? I'll probably just stay a virgin forever, working two jobs and writing songs that no one really listens to.

  "Want to move in with me?" Alice asks suddenly. "I've got a spare room."

  My eyebrows go up.


  "Nah," I answer before taking another sip. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm quite fond of my apartment."

  "Okay. Anyway, my girlfriend probably wouldn't like me having a roommate."


  "Good luck with finding one soon," she adds.


  I tip my bottle up and gulp down the rest. Then I catch the bartender's eye.

  "I'll have one more, Benny."


  After a few seconds, he places another icy bottle in front of me.

  I grab it and quickly swallow a third.

  "Wow," Alice remarks. "You're more upset than I thought."

  "Or maybe I'm just thirsty," I say, stopping as I feel the alcohol settle in my stomach.

  Alice says nothing.

  Nah. Who the hell am I kidding?


  "You have got to be kidding me," I mumble as I stand in front of the lone elevator in my apartment building.

  I'm so drunk I'm starting to see double, but there's no mistaking that yellow 'Out of Order' sign on the door.

  Was that there this afternoon? It doesn't matter. Right now, I have no choice but to take the stairs.

  All the way to the seventh floor.


  I drag myself up the staircase one step at a time, stopping at every landing to catch my breath and keep myself from throwing up. At the third floor, I nearly do, but I take deep breaths and manage not to. By the time I get to the seventh floor, my vision is a blur and I have to lean against the wall of the corridor to keep myself from stumbling as I make my way to my apartment.

  706... 706... 706...

  I finally find the right door, but just then my tired legs give in. I fall to the floor and my purse falls out of my hands. Its contents spill out all over the place.


  I start to pick them up. To my surprise, another pair of hands seems to be helping me.

  My eyebrows furrow. Am I hallucinating?

  The other pair of hands gathers all my things as mine stop moving. Eventually, everything ends up back inside the purse, which is then handed over to me.

  "There you go. And here, let me help me you up as well."

  The voice is a husky tenor. I look at the hand in front of me and then up at the face it belongs to. The dark lenses of gold-rimmed sunglasses throw my reflection back at me. Pale hair cascades out of the hood of a blue sweatshirt.

  None of those can disguise the flawless complexion or the impeccable bone structure of the person in front of me, though.

  A model? A nymph? A vampire, since she's pale as a moonbeam and wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night?

  I must be dreaming.

  And yet the hand that grips mine feels real. The palm is smoother than any I've ever touched, true, but it feels reassuringly warm. The long fingers entwine with my shorter ones, and somehow, I manage to get back on my feet.

  "Who are you?" I ask.


  Steff. Short for Stephanie, maybe?

  "And you must be Jessica Campbell."

  My eyebrows furrow. "How do you know?"

  "I saw your ID when I was picking up your stuff. Also, your name was on your ad."


  Now I'm even more confused.

  "I'm here for the room."

  My eyes grow wide. Then I let out a gasp as reality sinks in.

  "You're my new roommate?"

  Steff shrugs. "If you'll allow it."

  Allow it? I'd be jumping for joy if I didn't already feel like I was floating.

  Unable to contain my excitement, I give her a hug.

  "Of course. Welcome and thank you. Thank you so much!"

  Filled with a fresh burst of energy, I quickly search for my keys, slowly select the right one, and somehow manage to slip it into the hole.

  "Please come in."

  I push the door open and step aside to let Steff in. I follow her inside and grab the papers from the counter.

  "I've had this prepared for some time." I place the contract on the coffee table. "Now, if you can just sign and give me the initial deposit..."

  She grabs my hand and places a thick wad of hundreds in it.

  "Is that enough?"

  I stare at the bills with wide eyes.

  Even though I'm drunk, I can tell this money is real. It smells real. And it looks like more than enough. I trust my instincts more than my math skills right now, so I slip the cash into my pocket without bothering to count it.

  "Now, just sign those papers and..."

  I pause as my stomach churns.


  I rush to the bathroom and reach the toilet bowl just in time to throw up all that alcohol I shouldn't have drunk. My hair tumbles down and nearly gets drenched with vomit, but a hand pulls it up.

  "Are you okay?" Steff asks behind me.

  I nod and continue throwing up.

  Now this is embarrassing. At the same time, though, I feel glad.

  I finally have a roommate again, someone I can count on. And she completely understands the woes of someone with long hair-probably even better than I do; hers is gorgeous and she must spend hours on it.

  "We'll talk about the rest in the morning, okay?" I answer afterwards as I flush the toilet. "I'm afraid I've had a rough night."

  "No worries."

  The hand lets go of my hair and I allow it to conceal my flushed cheeks as I wipe my mouth.

  "Your room is right next to the kitchen. Good night."

  "Good night."

  After Steff leaves, I quickly brush my teeth then head to my bedroom and throw myself onto the bed. I don't even bother taking off my coat or my shoes. My head is still spinning. My heavy eyelids fall shut. Within moments, I drift off to sleep.


  I wake up to the sound of the TV from the living room.

  At first I think I'm dreaming, but the cobwebs of sleep soon melt away and my eyelids flutter open. I find myself staring at the clock on my bedside table. It tells me it's 11:43 AM.

  That late already?

  I lift my head off the pillow, which I've drooled on, and sit up. My body still feels heavy. My head aches and I frown as I rub it. Again, I hear the TV.

  Did I leave it on last night? Or is there...?

  I pause in fear at my other theory, but tell myself to calm down.

  It can't be an intruder. An intruder wouldn't turn on the TV. I doubt it's a guest, either.

  Then, as I place my hand on my forehead, the wheels of my alcohol-muddled mind start turning and my memories flash back. Some of them are hazy, but I
do remember letting a woman inside my apartment. I even remember her kindly holding my hair as I threw up in the bathroom.

  Right. I have a new roommate.

  What was her name again? Stella? Sarah?

  No. Stephanie.

  A smile forms on my lips as I remember my luck, then vanishes as the voice in my head scolds me for being so careless.

  You didn't even ask for an ID, stupid. What if she's a criminal? How could you have let her sleep in your apartment without interviewing her first?

  I sigh.

  True, I should have been more careful. And more decent.

  Still, a roommate is a roommate, and I'm happy I have a new one.

  I remember the money she gave me, too, and I run my hands over my coat to see if I still have it. The lump in one of the pockets confirms that I do. I shrug the coat off and take the money out, lay the bills out on the bed and count them.

  It's real, alright, and it's more than three times the deposit I asked for.

  That probably means she's not going to rob me or take advantage of me. Then again, it seems a little shady, too.

  I grab the bills and get off my bed.

  Oh, well. I just have to talk to her, right?

  As I step out of my bedroom, the aroma of freshly baked pastry, cheese and tomatoes drifts into my nostrils. I follow the scent to the living room and see a head of platinum hair over the couch.

  Her hair really is gorgeous.

  She turns and I gaze into icy blue eyes that quickly take me captive.

  "Good morning, Jessica." Thin lips moistened with olive oil, a thumb held captive between them, curve into a smile. "Care for some pizza?"

  My throat goes dry.

  Damn. That's sexy.

  I blink.

  Whoa. Did I just say sexy? But I'm not...

  Then Steff stands up and I see the sculpted muscles through the loose front of a white robe.

  No breasts. Just perfect ridges and dips of muscle that make my jaw drop and the bills slip out of my fingers.

  No way.

  In the blink of an eye, I grab the guitar hanging on the wall and point it at the man in my apartment.

  "Don't you dare come any closer, you lying son of a bitch!"

  Chapter 2


  A lynx trying to defend her territory.

  That is what Jessica reminds me of as her ebony eyes glare at me from beneath hooded eyelids and crinkled eyebrows. Her nostrils flare above thinned lips and I can almost hear her grinding her teeth behind them. Her chin pushes out.


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