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Married to the Royal_An Accidental Marriage Romance

Page 10

by Ashlee Price

  "Steff," I say his name in both a plea and a warning.

  Then I gasp as his hand cups me through my pants. At the same time, his nose moves my bra out of the way and his lips imprison my exposed nipple.

  My eyes squeeze shut. My knees tremble.

  Steff continues to rub me between my shaking legs. That part of me swells and melts and leaks.

  Then he lets go of my hand and gets off the bed.

  I open my eyes to see Steff above me, unbuttoning my pants and pulling on the zipper. Then he pulls them down my legs along with my soaked underwear. They catch on my ankles, but Steff kneels on the floor and yanks them off. He settles between my legs and I feel his burning gaze on the place where they meet.

  I close them as I stare at the ceiling. Heat explodes in my cheeks.

  Why is he staring? My curls are probably all tangled and I'm wet and sticky. There's nothing good for him to see.

  But Steff pries my knees apart and pulls my hips closer to the edge of the bed.

  I feel his warm breath on my skin.

  I prop myself up on my elbows and lift my head.

  "Steff, what are you do-?"

  The rest of my sentence vanishes and I let out a cry as his fingers open me up and his tongue presses against my skin. My head falls to the bed as it slides up and down.

  What on earth? He's licking me there?

  "Steff, stop," I tell him as I squirm. "Isn't that dirty?"

  "No," he answers without hesitation before taking another lick. "In fact, this is the purest, most honest part of you."

  He presses a reverent kiss to my curls. Then the tip of his tongue rubs against the nub of flesh hidden beneath.

  My back arches. My hands go to his head. My fingers grip strands of his hair.


  The curse escapes my lips as Steff teases the nub. His finger slips inside me.

  My eyes grow wide. What?

  This feels weird. My whole body feels weird.

  What's going on with me?

  Steff switches so his thumb rubs against my nub as his tongue delves inside me.

  My hips rise off the bed as I let out a cry.

  He continues to tease that nub until it burns beneath the pad of his thumb. His tongue wriggles inside me and I melt even more.


  My body becomes suddenly numb, but only for a moment. In the next, it shatters. I feel my nub pushing against him. Something gushes out of me just as Steff's tongue leaves me. My back arches and my body trembles. My mouth and my eyes gape at the ceiling.

  And then it's over. My back crashes against the bed and I close my eyes as I force air back into my lungs. My heart hammers in my chest as my muddled mind tries to make sense of what just happened.

  What was that?

  I lie there in a daze for some seconds, but I snap out of it as I feel Steff's hand on my thighs. My eyelids flutter open.

  It's... not over?

  But of course it isn't, I think as I lift my head and see Steff's bare cock between my legs. It curves up and out towards me, and I can see something glistening on the tip.

  A lump forms in my throat as wonder seizes me. Then I swallow it as fear takes over.

  That... thing is going inside me?

  Well, it's not like this is the first time-but I can't really remember the first time.

  Was it painful?

  "Just relax, Jess," Steff says.

  I frown. That's easy for him to say when he's not the one getting penetrated. He doesn't have anything to worry about.

  Or so I think until I look up at his face and see the tension in his cheeks and in his jaw. His teeth dig into his lower lip.

  He's not relaxed at all. In fact, Steff seems like he's... in pain?

  He pushes in. I feel the tip of his cock enter me and I let out a gasp. I stare at the ceiling and hold my breath as he keeps pushing. His cock fills me inch by inch.

  It stings. I feel like I'm being torn apart from the inside, and I want to cry.

  But then Steff stops. He leans over me and traps my hands beneath his. His fingers entwine with mine. His hair grazes my forehead as his hooded eyes search my own.

  They're still a pretty shade of blue, but there's nothing icy about them. They remind me of a blue flame. Scorching.

  And just like that, all pain leaves me. I'm left with only the warmth of his body seeping into mine. My heart feels full.

  "Jess," he whispers my name tenderly.

  I smile. "I'm fine, Steff."

  He kisses me and a tangle of desire, excitement and joy spreads through my veins.

  I don't care if he hurts me anymore. Not even if he breaks me. I want him to feel good, too.

  He lets go of my lips and starts moving his hips. The bed creaks.

  His cock rubs against me, against parts of me that have never been rubbed before. It's hot and wet and pulsing.

  I grip his hands and moan.

  So this is what sex is like?

  It's confusing. It's maddening. It's amazing.

  I don't know how I've survived without it for so long.

  Steff moves faster. The friction inside me intensifies and the heat builds.

  I move my hips against him as I moan even louder. He grunts as his skin slaps against mine.

  Then his movements become erratic, wild.

  It's too much.

  I feel myself shatter again as I throw my head back and cry out.

  Steff continues to move inside me until finally he pushes in deeply, as if he's trying to carve himself into me, and then his cock quivers inside me and floods me with warmth.

  Afterwards, he lets my hands go and places his above my head as he catches his breath. I see the stain of sweat on the front of his shirt.

  For a while, he stays like this, hovering over me. His cock remains still inside me. I can feel it getting softer. I can also feel something sticky trickling down my butt.

  Steff pulls out and tucks himself back into his clothes.

  I sit up and clean myself with a wad of tissue from the box on the nightstand before putting my panties back on.

  They're still sopping wet, but I don't care. Right now, I'm tired. And sore.

  "Are you okay?" Steff brushes strands of my hair aside and touches my cheek.

  "I'm fine," I assure him. "I'm not that fragile."

  "No, you're not," he agrees.

  I grab a pillow and hug it to me. "But you owe me, so you're cooking dinner."

  Steff points a finger at his chest. "I owe you?"

  I look away.

  He sighs. "Well, I was going to cook you dinner one last time before I left."

  I glance at him. "You're not still leaving, are you?"

  "Of course not," Steff answers. "Where else would I find a roommate who likes to be kissed so much?"

  I frown and blush at the same time.

  He chuckles. Then I feel his hand on the top of my head. His fingers ruffle my hair.

  "Don't you worry about a thing. Just rest."

  Why is he treating me like a child? Still, I can't deny that his hand feels nice. Or that his pillow smells nice.

  My eyelids drop.

  Everything feels so nice I could almost fall asleep.

  Chapter 12


  I smile as I stare at Jess's sleeping face beside me.

  It's already nearly seven and she's still sound asleep. She fell asleep so quickly yesterday that I didn't even have time to make her dinner.

  I guess she must be tired.

  Well, she did have a long day yesterday. And today is her day off, so I guess I'll let her sleep in.

  I toss the blanket aside, get out of bed and head to the bathroom in my briefs.

  Now that Jess and I have had sex-twice-she shouldn't mind me walking around like this.

  On my way back from the bathroom, I hear the doorbell ring.

  My forehead creases.

  Who could that be so early in the morning?

  Someone from the
cafe who wants Jess to come to work? Someone from the band?


  My eyes widen at that possibility. A frown forms on my lips as I reach for the door knob.

  That asshole. Doesn't he know when to give up? Hasn't he already caused Jess enough trouble?

  I open the door.


  I pause with wider eyes as I see who's outside Jess's apartment.

  It's a man, alright, but it isn't Josh. This man has black hair and eyes just like Jess. A thin beard coats his chin. He's older than Josh, too. And taller. Nearly as tall as me. And he has a heavier physique. The gray shirt he's wearing shows off muscles that can only come from frequent trips to the gym. Or military training, I think as I glimpse the silver chain around his neck and make out the dog tags behind the cotton. A frown forms on his face as he assesses me with a displeased gaze.

  I place a hand on my hip. "I'm sorry, but who are-?"

  To my surprise, he kicks the door open. I jump back. He throws a fist at me and I duck.

  Is he a burglar?

  I don't know, but I can tell by the way he's throwing those punches that he knows how to fight.

  Fortunately, so do I.

  From the corner of my eye, I see the phone charger on the coffee table. I grab it and coil the wire around my fist as I jump onto the couch. He glances behind him and sees the guitar on the wall.

  The blood drains from my face. Not again.

  I jump down. "No. Not Jess's guitar!"

  I try to wrestle the instrument from him, but I can't employ my full strength without damaging it.


  At this rate, he's either going to break the guitar or break my skull with it.

  "Who the hell are you?" I ask him through gritted teeth.

  "Me?" His eyes grow wide. "Who the hell are you?"

  "Stop it!" Jess's sudden scream interrupts our little getting-to-know-you talk.

  I let go of the guitar, but the moment I do, the man swings it at me. I barely evade it.

  "I said stop it, Keith!" Jess grabs the guitar.

  My eyebrows arch. Keith?

  Finally, the man goes still. Then he lets out a deep breath as he surrenders the guitar to her. She hangs it back on the wall.

  He crosses his arms and leans back, fingers tapping his biceps.

  "Who's this?" he asks.

  Jess turns to me. When she sees what I'm wearing, she slaps her forehead. Then she looks down at her panties and open shirt and her cheeks turn red.

  I grab the sweater from the couch and wrap it around my waist. She hastily buttons her shirt, which unfortunately isn't long enough to completely cover her underwear.

  "Who's this?" the man asks again.

  Jess sighs. "Keith, this is Steff. Steff, meet my brother."


  Now that she's said it, I can see the resemblance even more. So he's Jess's older brother, huh?

  I smile and extend my hand. "Nice to-"

  "Who is he?" Keith interrupts. His arms remain on his chest. "Why is he here in your apartment?"

  Jess scratches the top of her head. "Well, actually, he's staying here."

  "Staying here?" Keith turns to her with narrowed eyes.

  "He's... um, my..."

  I wait for Jess to come up with an explanation. What will she say now? She can't say I'm her cousin, and given what he caught us wearing, he's not going to believe her if she says I'm just her roommate. Unless maybe I'm her gay roommate? Is she going to pull that again?

  "He's my boyfriend," Jess blurts out.

  My jaw drops. I wasn't expecting that.

  "What?" Keith's arms fall to his sides.

  Jess stands beside me and grabs my arm. "Steff is my boyfriend, so he sleeps here sometimes."

  I glance at her.

  What's with that sheepish grin? We're both consenting adults, after all.

  "More importantly, when did you get back?" Jess asks as she grabs a pillow to hold in front of her panties. "Why didn't you call me?"

  "I was planning on surprising you," Keith says. He doesn't look so angry anymore.

  Jess shrugs. "Well, consider me surprised."

  Keith says nothing.

  "Now, why don't I just go get dressed and then we can talk?"

  Without waiting for an answer, Jess hurries off to her room.

  I frown.

  Is she just going to leave me here? Has she forgotten that I'm not fully clothed, either?

  Keith hasn't.

  "Go put some clothes on," he orders.

  I nod and head to my own room.

  When I come back out with a pair of pants, Jess and Keith are in the kitchen. Keith is sitting on a chair and Jess, now wearing a shirt and jeans, is preparing a pot of coffee.

  "So how long until your next assignment?" Jess asks her brother.

  "What? Are you sending me away already?"

  "Of course not." Jess turns to him. "I just want to know how long I'll be seeing you before you disappear again."

  "You mean how long you'll have to endure having me around watching you like a hawk?"

  Jess sighs. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to have a nosy older brother?"

  "I'm not nosy," he argues. Then he turns to me. "So how long have you and my sister been going out?"

  "Nosy," Jess tells him before I can say anything. "And just a couple of months."

  She glances at me.

  "Just a couple of months," I repeat as I sit across from Keith.

  "You don't look American." Keith leans forward. "What country are you from? Are you an immigrant or a tourist? What do you do for a living?"

  "Nosy." Jess pushes Keith back. "I will not have you interrogating someone in my apartment."

  Keith sighs. "I'm just concerned, Jess. After all, he is your first boyfriend."

  Jess blushes.

  Ah. That confirms one of my suspicions.

  "So what?" Jess crosses her arms over her chest and sticks her chin out. "I'm not a child, you know. I'm a twenty-seven-year-old woman."

  "Who still acts like she's eleven," Keith teases.

  Jess scowls at him.

  "See. You still lose your temper so easily."

  "Because you still tease me like a mean little boy," Jess points out.

  I grin in amusement.

  "Does she still wear Minnie Mouse pajamas?" Keith asks me.

  "Yes," I nod. "When she's not running around half naked, that is."

  Jess glares at me. Keith laughs.

  "You know, the two of you are supposed to be grown gentlemen, and yet here you are bullying a girl," Jess says. "Who's being immature now?"

  "Oh, come on." Keith pats her shoulder. "I was just teasing you."

  She frowns.

  Just then, a phone rings. I look around for Jess's phone, but it turns out to be Keith's.

  "Hello." He answers the call as he gets off his seat.

  As he walks off, Jess leans on my shoulder.

  "You see what I've had to put up with all my life," she says.

  I say nothing.

  After a few seconds, Keith returns.

  "Sorry," he says. "But I have to go."

  "But the coffee is almost done," Jess whines.

  "Don't worry." He pats Jess's head. "We'll see each other soon."

  Jess pouts. "Like that's what I'm worried about."

  Keith scratches his beard. "Actually, I have an idea. You see, there's a party being thrown for me and my buddies tonight. Family is invited, too. You and Steff should come. Be a good chance for us to get to know each other better."

  He places his hand on my shoulder.

  "You mean a good chance to interrogate him some more," Jess says.

  "We'll be able to catch up, too," he tells Jess. "And I can show off my beautiful little sister."

  "Yeah, right."

  "I'll bring somebody, too, so it will be like a double date."

  Jess raises her hand. "No thank you."

  "I'm guessing Mom and Dad don't
know you have a boyfriend yet, do they?" Keith asks her.

  Jess's face grows pale.

  "Not even Laura?"

  Jess glares at him. "Are you threatening me?"

  "Come to the party and I'll zip my mouth for now." Keith makes a zipping motion with his fingers.

  Jess sighs. "You really are such a pain in the ass."

  Keith grins. "I'll take that as a yes."

  He turns to me. "You have a suit, don't you?"

  "Um, no. The airline lost my luggage."

  He glances at his watch. "Then you have about eleven hours to buy one. I'll pick you guys up at six."


  Keith smiles. "See you guys then."

  He walks to the door and lets himself out.

  As soon as he's gone, Jess sinks into a chair.

  "What are we gonna do?"

  "I don't think we have any choice," I tell her. "Well, you don't have any choice."

  She frowns. "You have an older brother, too, right?"

  I nod.

  "Is he this difficult?"

  I touch my chin. Come to think of it, he's always been concerned about me, but I feel like I've always watched out for him more than he's done for me.

  "We get along well," I answer.

  Jess pouts.

  I touch her arm. "I think you're lucky to have a brother who cares about you a lot."

  "Well, I don't feel lucky."

  She gets up and goes to the counter.

  She says that, but I think she cares just as much about him.

  "So after breakfast, we'll go buy clothes?" I ask as I glance at her. "Like your brother said, I need a suit. What about you? Do you have a dress?"

  She turns to me. "Do I look like I own a dress?"

  I shake my head. "I guess we'll just have to get you one."


  I knew Jess would look amazing in a dress, but I wasn't expecting this.

  As she stands in front of the bathroom mirror with her salon-straightened, black-dyed hair cascading past her shoulders, I can't help but stare.

  The dress that she chose is black, of course, and it's simple, with a plain, round collar and no sleeves or embellishments. It looks classy, though, with the skirt draped beautifully over her legs and the hem dropping just below her knees. And it fits her well. The fabric glides over her breasts and hugs her waist. The sheer lace back exposes the soft curve of her spine.


  As I stare at her, my own expensive suit starts to feel uncomfortably tight in the crotch. I wonder how it would feel to rip that dress off her.


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