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New York Hope

Page 7

by Rachel Wesson

  “What woman, boss?”

  Ned turned his cold stare back to the window. They were both gone. Uttering a vulgar word, he kicked the table beside him. The boy went running. Still, Charlie wouldn’t be hard to find and then he’d find the blonde. It was turning into an interesting day.

  Chapter 24

  Lily held her breath as the girls led her into a normal looking house that was slightly larger than those surrounding it. But on the inside, the house looked just like the Red Feathers had. The downstairs rooms were decorated to a high, if garish, standard. The paintings on the wall looked expensive even if they clashed color wise with the interior decorations. The stained wooden floors were polished to a high shine and expensive looking rugs were dotted around the room making it feel welcoming. The furnishings looked expensive with luxury sofas and chairs. Even the gas lamps had beautiful crystal lampshades.

  She imagined the rooms where the girls slept would be similar to the ones she used to live in. They’d be lucky to have a window and a bed to themselves.

  There was no sign of Duffy or anyone else in charge other than a woman well made up and dressed in clothes almost as good as those worn by Alicia. Mattie brought Lily over and introduced her.

  “Mrs. Clark, this is Sandra,” Mattie said, using the fake name they’d agreed on. “She’s looking for work. I told her she needed to speak to you.”

  “Thanks Mattie. So you got experience?”

  Lily nodded, too scared she wouldn’t be able to speak. The four walls felt like they were closing in on top of her. All her instincts told her to run. She had to fight hard to keep her legs and body from shaking.

  The woman looked her over, asking her to turn around.

  “You’re a bit older than he likes them but he’ll be in later tonight. He will make a decision then. He likes to test the goods himself so do yourself a favor, stop looking like you’re going to chuck up and give him a good time.”

  Mattie dragged her away, saying to the woman she was going to show her a room.

  “Mattie, I can’t stay here. I have to get out,” Lily said, breathing hard.

  “Shut up and be calm. You said you wanted to help. This is your best chance,” Mattie whispered to her as they moved through the house.

  Chapter 25

  As Lily suspected, the bedrooms used for entertaining were comfortable, but the ones the girls lived in resembled some of the worst slums in the area. She could see how young some of the girls were as they lay on their beds, not acknowledging the stranger in their midst.

  “Put your coat on that bed, you can have it if you’re staying. Girls, this here is Sandra. She may be joining us. Say hello, will you?” Mattie admonished the girls. A couple gave Lily a half smile before turning away. She caught sight of one of the girls lying on a bed in the corner of the room. She looked half dead.

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  “That’s Stella. She’s new. Got hurt.” Mattie’s expression told Lily everything. Lily moved quietly toward the bed, kneeling down beside the young girl.

  “Hello, Stella, can I get you something?”

  The girl didn’t move but stared back at Lily. Mattie came over, pushing Lily out of the way.

  “Got you something to help the pain, love” Mattie gave the girl a drink of something alcoholic judging by the smell. At least it wasn’t laudanum. The girl had enough problems without becoming addicted to that poison. Then she took the cover off her back. Lily took a sharp intake of breath at the mass of bruises and scratches. She looked like she had been beaten with a belt.

  “Stella, Sandra and I are going to take you to a doctor. You listening? We need to move quickly and quietly. It will hurt but you can’t say a word. Here, have some more of this. It will take the edge off.” Mattie gave the girl some more drink.

  “You sure you’re up for this?” Mattie hissed at Lily.

  Lily nodded, “Never been more sure of anything. Let me carry her, you lead the way.”

  Mattie moved slowly and Lily followed with the girl in her arms. They took the back stairs out of the building. Mattie called out to the woman in charge that she had forgotten her purse back at the café. Lily looked at Mattie with respect. The girl must be trusted one hundred percent to get away with coming and going so easily.

  Lily carried Stella outside. She hailed a cab showing the driver she had the money to pay. Then she ordered the cab to go to a street near the hotel. She wanted Doc Erin to look at Stella and Mattie but she didn’t want to direct the cab to the hotel as that would implicate Mr. Prentice.

  They stopped outside the café as Lily ran in and got Charlie. He jumped into the cab, too, and they were off. There was no sign anyone had noticed them.

  “My heart nearly stopped beating when you went off with her. What did you do that for?” Charlie asked.

  “I had to. Now look after Stella, will you?” Lily snapped as she noticed Mattie was finding it difficult to breath. “Are you alright, Mattie?”

  “Just moved quicker than normal. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”

  Lily didn’t agree but she didn’t want to argue. She wanted to tell the cab driver to drive faster, but she couldn’t or someone was sure to notice. It was incredible she could walk out into the street, carrying a young girl in her arms and nobody stopped to help or ask what was wrong. People really didn’t hold much value in this area, did they?

  They got to the address she had told the cab driver. Lily paid and they all got out, Charlie carrying Stella as Mattie held her hand and fussed over her.

  They went through the back of the hotel and up the servant’s stairs to Lily’s quarters. Nobody saw them.

  “Doc, thank goodness you’re here. This girl needs help. So does Mattie but I think Stella is worse.”

  “Lily what are you doing dressed like that?” Erin asked, looking startled by their sudden appearance. “Oh my, the poor girl. How awful. What happened to her?”

  “I can’t tell you anything at the moment. Can you help Mattie too? She seems to be having breathing problems. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Picking up the edge of her skirt, Lily rushed to find Robbie.

  “We need you in Doc Erin’s rooms,” she said once she’d found him. “We have two of Duffy’s girls there.”

  “I’ll tell Prentice and meet you back up there.”

  Turning back, Lily headed back to the suite. Opening the door, she saw Charlie and Mattie sitting. Doc Erin was in the bedroom talking to Stella.

  “Oh, Lily, thank goodness you brought her here. The poor girl has been treated so badly,” Erin said, seeing Lily walk in the door.

  “Stella, my real name is Lily and we are going to help you get away from Duffy. Nobody will ever hurt you like that gain. I promise.”

  Stella only stared, her eyes wide with fright and pain.

  “Mattie gave her something to help. I think it was alcoholic.” As Erin pursed her lips, Lily continued, “She had to give her something. The pain would have been too bad otherwise.”

  “I know, Lily. I’m going to give her a bath and put some salve on those marks. Stella, do you have family living nearby?”

  Stella shook her head.

  “How did you come to be living at Duffy’s house?”

  “He got me from the orphanage.”

  Lily exchanged a long look with Erin. She could see what Erin was thinking.

  “Stella, my friend comes from a lovely town called Clover Springs. She is going home soon and you will be well enough to go with her. She will look after you very well. Clover Springs is a fabulous place. Nobody will hurt you, I promise,” Lily told the young girl.

  Then she left the room to speak to Mattie just as Robbie and Mr. Prentice arrived.

  “Mattie, these are the people who sent me to help you. This is the man who will give you a job.”

  “Too late for me, but please help Stella. She only arrived at the weekend. Duffy got her from the orphanage. He has an arrangement with some priest.”

  Charlie looked fit to burst. Robbie moved closer to Mattie.

  “Would you be willing to tell the police what you know?”

  “They won’t listen to the likes of me.” Mattie shook her head as she spoke.

  “They will if I make them. I guess you know money talks.” Mr. Prentice pulled up a chair and sat down beside Mattie. “I give you my word Duffy will never hurt you again. You will be safe and I will get you the best medical attention.”

  “Why? What do you get out of this?” Mattie asked warily.

  “Satisfaction. Duffy tried to get one over on me. He will live to regret it.”

  If Lily didn’t know the other side of Mr. Prentice, this new side would have scared her.

  As she stepped away to get a glass of water, Charlie approached her.

  “You are some lady. I don’t think I ever saw anyone do what you did for a total stranger. I’m in awe of you, Lily.”

  “I didn’t do anything. Mattie is the brave one, not me.” Lily took a large drink, the expression in his eyes making her nervous.

  “Our Nora mentioned before how wonderful you are but I wasn’t taking much notice. I never met a girl like you. I…” Charlie shuffled, “I would like to get to know you better.”

  Before Lily got a chance to answer, Robbie was at her elbow. “Lily, are you ready to tell the police what you saw? I have an officer waiting downstairs.”

  “I’d like to get changed first and then I’ll follow you down.”

  Robbie nodded and Lily walked quickly to her room. She changed, kicking her old dress into a corner. She vowed to never wear it again. It was tainted in her eyes. She took several deep breaths trying to calm her pulse rate. Being in that house had brought back some deep-seated memories. She knew the nightmares would come again tonight. Still, it was a small price to pay if Stella and the other girls like her would be safe. Would the police close it down and set them free? Was there anywhere for those girls to go? She didn’t know, but she hoped there was. She’d love to send them all to Clover Springs. She knew Wilma would look after them and, with Doc Erin’s help, return them to full health. But then Ma Kelley would make their lives miserable. There had to be a better solution. First things first, she needed to tidy herself up and face the police.

  Chapter 26

  “I ain’t telling him. You tell him, Paulie. He won’t get too angry with you, but he’d kill me,” Adam the newest member of staff hissed to Paulie.

  “Who’ll kill you?”

  The boy went paler than a corpse, the look of terror in his eyes causing Ned concern. Not because the boy was afraid of him, that much was normal. But to look this scared meant there was something wrong. Something bad.

  “What’s he going on about? Tell me.” Ned leaned closer to Paulie who had also gone a little pale around the edges. “What the heck is going on?”

  “We have a situation, boss,” Paulie finally spoke. “But it will all be under control soon enough.”

  “What type of situation?” Ned spoke coldly causing Paulie to pale further. All his boys knew when he was shouting he wasn’t too angry. It was when he grew cold, they needed to worry.

  “Seems that new girl, Stella, escaped. Along with Mattie.”

  “What?” Ned’s fist almost split the table in half as he hit it. Glasses crashed to the floor and shattered. All eyes turned toward them. “How did you let this happen?”

  “I didn’t. I was off visiting our friend, just like you told me. I wasn’t anywhere near the place. Mrs. Clark was in charge.”

  “Where did they go? They couldn’t have just disappeared,” Ned said.

  “Mrs. Clark said Mattie brought in a new girl, a blonde. She went upstairs and then they were all gone,” Paulie said.

  “This blonde? She got a name?”

  “Sandra. The other girls said she came over to them when they had a drink in Red’s.” Paulie wiped his forehead, he was sweating so much it ran into his eyes.

  Silence lingered in the room as everyone stared at Ned. He swiped the rest of the glasses off the table with his arm making them jump. Good, they needed shaking up. A couple of years ago nobody would have dared cross Ned Duffy like this. He couldn’t afford to lose his grip on Hell’s Kitchen, there were other gangs biting at his heels for a piece of the many lucrative businesses he owned. “I knew he was up to no good when I saw him drinking in the Red Spirit. Too much of a coincidence for him to suddenly choose that café the day the girl goes missing. Find me Charlie Doherty and bring him in. Get everyone out looking for Mattie. That old hag’s days are numbered. Should have got rid of her weeks ago.”

  “What about Stella? She’s the link to the…”

  “I know what she is,” he cut Paulie off. Stupid man didn’t realize not everyone knew about Stella or where she’d come from. He grabbed Paulie by the shirt and pulled him closer, ignoring his fetid breath as he had him face to face. “She is never to be seen again? Understand?”

  “Yes, boss.”

  “You’ll be feasting on lead if any of this leaks to the press,” he added, wondering if Paulie was the rat in his group. Someone was telling tales and he needed to stop that canary from singing.

  “Ah boss,” Paulie started but shut up quickly as Ned glared. “Yes boss.”

  Ned let him go so suddenly Paulie fell over. He didn’t even look down at him but walked to the window staring at the Red Spirit. How dare Charlie Doherty have the nerve to take two of his girls from under his nose? In broad daylight. Who was the witch who’d helped him? Floyd was arrested and two girls were gone. Were the two things linked? Nothing to say they were, but some instinct told him it wasn’t a coincidence. Was Robbie Fenton the mastermind behind all this? Doherty had guts; it seemed to run in the blood of that blasted family, but he didn’t have the same connections Fenton did. Rumor had it Fenton was out for his neck. But why now?

  Regardless, he couldn’t afford to look weak. The Whyos gang were breathing down his neck just waiting to take over his empire. He’d done well keeping it clear of them up to now. That gang had everyone in their sites. Their grip on Manhattan was another reason he should be considering retirement, but not yet. He had more money to make first.

  “Rory! Get in here now.”

  “Yes boss?”

  “Get three of your best men over to the house across the street and have it cleared out now. The cops are on their way. I want it empty. Move the girls to 9th Street.”

  “Yes boss. I’m on it.”

  Rory turned to go but Ned grabbed his arm. He spoke lower this time, for Rory’s ears only.

  “Get one of our men over to Prentice’s hotel. I want to know what’s going on. What’s Fenton up to? If he’s wiping his nose, I want to know. See if Charlie Doherty shows up there too. In fact, take a few men. I want Doherty shadowed and if you find a blonde woman meeting the description Paulie will get for you, put a man on her too. But tell them to stay out of sight. I don’t want word of this getting back to Fenton. If I do, tell your men it will be a long swim in the East river in their near future.”

  Rory’s eyes gleamed. His lust for trouble and brutality knew no bounds. He would gladly dispatch even his closest men if Ned ordered it. It was a good job Rory didn’t have the brains to take over the gang or Ned’s days would be numbered.

  Chapter 27

  Lily settled Stella upstairs in her suite. She finally had to ask Alicia to sit with the girl, as the poor thing was terrified. Doc had given her something to sleep but Stella was fighting it. The doc also saw to Mattie, who was in very bad shape. Erin gave the girl only a few more hours to live. Lily held her hand and told her how brave and amazing she was for helping Stella to escape. Mattie had smiled once and then drifted into unconsciousness. Erin didn’t know if she would wake up or not.

  Lily wasn’t overly surprised to find Pascal Griffin waiting downstairs with Robbie and Mr. Prentice.

  “Officer Griffin at your service, Miss Green.”

  “Your son is a friend of Jamie Headford’s,
isn’t he Officer?”

  “Yes Miss, he is. Jamie saved his life, I reckon. I guess you two are acquainted.”

  “I have yet to meet him but his cousin Nora has become a close friend. Now, how can I help you?” Lily sat in what she hoped was demure fashion, her hands clenched tightly in her lap. She was dreading answering the questions the police officer would likely ask her.

  “I need you to tell me everything that happened today from the moment you met the girls until the time you turned up here with young Stella. I believe she said she came from the orphanage?”

  Judging by the look on his face, Lily knew this wasn’t the first time the Inspector had come across a link between the orphanage and Duffy. She shuddered thinking of Stella’s injuries. The girl was likely to be scarred for life physically, never mind emotionally.

  Lily gave the officer a run down of what had happened, stopping to answer his questions or give him more information about certain aspects. No, there was no obvious security apart from the Mrs. Clark woman who appeared to be in charge of the girls; yes, the windows and doors were all locked, those that existed. She explained the girls lived in rooms at the top of the house with no windows.


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