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An Alpha for the Demigod

Page 8

by Ezra Dawn

  I look between my dad, the guy in the chair, and the door. Making a split second decision, I make a mad dash for the door hoping to catch Liam before he leaves. I run straight through the front room of the house and out the door. Once I’m outside I take a deep breath to calm myself so that I don’t sound so much like a phone stalker.

  I look around and find him bent over behind an SUV pulling off his doctor booties. He opens the lift gate on the back, pitches the duffel bag inside and drops the booties into a mini trash can. He closes down the back and walks around to the driver side door. I finally snap myself out of whatever staring hold I was under just in time to call out “Liam wait!!” He sighs and closes the door he’d just opened.

  He turns around, crosses his arms and says “What do you want Declan?”

  I run my fingers through my hair and say, “Can we talk?”

  He snarls. “Oh, so now you want to talk?!”

  I nod. “Yeah, I want to talk.”

  He stomps forward and shouts in my face “Well then, let’s fucking talk!! Let’s talk about how you bit me after we fucked and then called it a mistake the next morning! Let’s talk about the fucking agony I had to go through to have the bond we started severed!! Oh, I know! How about we talk about the fact that you’re going to mate with someone else and leave me to be alone for the rest of my fucking life while you prance around happier than a…a...fucking Christmas tree on crack!! Yeah, let’s talk about that!”

  By the time he’s finished his rant he’s breathing heavily. I can’t help but stare at him in open mouthed shock. I almost want to laugh at that last part but I don’t. Instead, I just smile and grab his hand. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that to you.”

  He pulls his hand away and says “Don’t touch me. I can’t handle it.” Boy, this is going to take some serious groveling but I’m prepared for that.

  I grab his hand again and say “Well, you’ll just have to get used to it. I have a few things I want to say to you and since you don’t seem to want to talk to me you’re going to stand there and listen.”

  He glares at me and says, “I don’t have to do shit.”

  I shrug and say, “No, but you’re going to.”

  He sighs and says, “Fine, talk. I’m listening.”

  I nod. “Good. First off, I’m sorry you heard that conversation. You weren’t supposed to and I hate that you did. I was freaking out about the possibility of a pack war and I wasn’t thinking when I spoke. No brain to mouth filter.”

  “It’s fine, I’m not worried about it. You done? Can I go?”

  I shake my head. “Not yet. Second, the only reason I was mating with someone else was to become Alpha and hold a truce with the Coal Springs pack.”

  He sighs. “I know all of this already, what’s your point?”

  “My point is, I found you. There’s no need to choose someone else as a mate to become Alpha when I have a fated mate. The truce side worked itself out.”

  He tilts his head like he’s making sure he hadn’t misheard what I said “So, what are you trying to say?”

  I smile. “I’m saying that I want you. I always wanted you even if I didn’t act like it. I’m sorry I made you feel differently.”

  He smiles wickedly and says, “I hope you’re sure because I won’t be undoing our bond a second time.”

  I nod. “I’m sure. I was sure of it that day you left me alone in a hotel room because of a conversation you overheard.”

  He laughs and says, “Good, now hold still.”

  I stare at him wide eyed. “For what?”

  “For this.” He grabs a handful of my hair, jerks my head to the side, and sinks his shifted canines into my shoulder. The bite of pain has me almost pulling away. However, the pain quickly shifts to a burning pleasure that rapidly spreads from my neck straight to my crotch and has me releasing a groan. I’ve never come so hard, so fast before and in my jeans no less, on the front porch of the pack house! Wow, I’m totally going to be the pack gossip for weeks.

  He pulls his teeth from my shoulder and licks the wound closed. He strokes my cheek and smiles at me “Sorry about that sweetness. I know it hurt but I wasn’t about to let you walk around unclaimed. At least in part, now that you’ve made it clear that you want this.”

  I blush. “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “Good. I have to go now. I have some things to take care of but I’ll be back later. Which house is yours?”

  I point in the general direction. “It’s down that way. The blue one with the white shutters and the red door. You can’t miss it.”

  He nods and says, “Good, I’ll be back sometime tonight. We have some things to talk about before we take care of our unfinished business.”

  I smile. “Okay, do you like steak? I can cook.”

  He laughs. “I love steak. Who doesn’t?” “Veggie people?”

  He laughs harder and says, “Okay, smartass. I’ll see you later.” He kisses my cheek and steps off the porch. I watch him climb into his SUV and wave as he pulls off then I head back inside to help with the cleanup. Afterwards, I go home to cook dinner and pack up Mirajane’s things so that she can pick them up.

  Chapter Ten


  I wasn’t expecting Declan to call. I only left my number in that note as a precaution. If I ended up being the cause of a pack war then it was my responsibility to handle it. If I secretly hoped that he would call just because he wanted to then the pain it caused was my own fault because I had wished for the impossible to happen. Hearing his voice only drove the wedge deeper into my heart because I knew I’d never be able to have him again. On top of that, he lived in the town of Asphalt Bay so, knowing he would be close by at all times hurt even more.

  Today though, my outlook on all of that changed. I had expected to walk into the pack house and see him with his soon to be mate fawning all over him but instead he sat alone on a couch. I introduced myself to the Alpha but kept my real name to myself. I didn’t want him to freak the fuck out over his son having such a violent true mate. I know my reputation has gotten around.

  I took care of the trash in the basement. It didn’t take long. The poor guy was one of the easiest I’ve ever had to break. It really didn’t take much. Even with the scent of blood and fear in the room I could still catch Declan’s scent, sweet as fuck and totally delicious. I had to get out of there. I made quick work of packing my tools then I donned my doctor booties so I wouldn’t track any blood through the place and I strolled out so fast it was like the hounds of hell were nipping at my heels.

  I threw my stuff into the back of the SUV and raced around to the driver side but I didn’t make it inside. Declan called for me to wait, right at the moment when I was about to open the door and escape. You guys know the rest, I went apeshit on him, he apologized for everything and then I forgave him because I’m a sap and the fact that he wanted me as much as I had wanted him was too good to pass up. I made sure I staked my claim before leaving, I wasn’t about to allow another bitch to try and sink their claws into him.

  Which brings me to now, filling out paperwork to mail in to Valik’s office so that I’ll be restricted to limited duty. I’ll only work the really important cases and they’ll only be allowed to call me in once a month if that. I love my job but my mate is more important. Our wolves will pine away and die if I’m away from him too long once our bond is complete. I don’t want that to happen so I’m taking measures to prevent it.

  Once I’ve finished, I seal the papers into an envelope scrawl my address and such on the front like a letter is supposed to have then I teleport it to his desk. I may have said I was going to mail it but this is really how I mail things. It’s a hassle to wait for the human system to take care of it. Weeks of waiting for it to reach the other person, this way is so much faster.

  I walk upstairs to my bedroom and throw a couple sets of clothes into a duffel. I’m not sure if he’ll want me to move in or not so I’m only taking enough clothes for a few days. Norma
lly, with mates it’s a given but with his situation of becoming Alpha and my job he might not want that. It’s among the list of things we need to discuss.

  When I’m sure I have everything I need I teleport myself into my SUV that I left parked at the docks of Asphalt Bay. I drop the duffel bag into the passenger seat, start the SUV, turn up the radio and pull out onto the street. I don’t see the eighteen wheeler barreling through the intersection until it’s too late.

  I must’ve blacked out from the hit because I wake up a few minutes later to the smell of blood and shifter. Someone is leaning in the passenger side window calling out to me “Hey, hey, hey kid are you alright? I’m so sorry! I lost control of my truck. The brakes wouldn’t work. I tried to avoid you but it was already too late. Can you hear me? Kid?”

  I hear footsteps like he’s pacing then he’s talking to himself “Fuck, I just killed this kid. The Alpha is going to have my ass for this. I’ll get fired. What am I going to tell Rosie? We need the money. Raising two grandkids that lost their parents, can’t do it without the money from this job.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and groan. Fuck that hurts. The man immediately leans back into the window “Hey, kid are you okay? Can I call someone for you? I already called my Alpha and the pack doctor. They’re on their way. There are some shifter police officers blocking off the scene so hold tight and we’ll get you some help.”

  I force my eyes open and say “Which pack? What time is it?”

  He says “Asphalt Bay. Don’t worry about the time kid, you’re beat up pretty good. You could have some serious life threatening injuries.” I look around and notice the damage. Holy shit. I’m practically sitting in the passenger seat while still sitting in the driver’s seat. The seat has literally been pushed over. No wonder I feel like I got beat like a fucking rag doll.

  I wave my hand at the man and say, “Move, I’m coming out.”

  He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t recommend moving. You’re covered in blood kid. You could be seriously injured.”

  I growl at him. “I’m 3500 years old, my name isn’t kid it’s Liam. I just missed dinner with my mate because of this so, step the fuck back before I really get pissed off.” His eyes widen in shock and he moves aside. “Thank you.” I crawl out the window slowly because it hurts like a motherfucker but once I get on the ground I feel a little better. I reach inside and grab my duffel bag then sit on the ground beside my SUV to wait for the pack doctor this guy called.

  A few of the officers walk over and crouch in front of me to check me out. One looks me over and says “How are you feeling sir?”

  I sigh. “Like I just got run over by a Mack Truck. A little tired, but I’ll be fine.”

  He nods and says, “The pack doctor should be here shortly. Is there anyone else we should call for you?”

  I close my eyes and shake my head. “I think I’m just going to sleep for a few minutes.”

  The other officer taps my cheek and says, “Hey, buddy. You can’t go to sleep. Stay awake okay?”

  There’s some loud commotion and the officer says “Just hang in there, the doc and Alpha are here now. Don’t go to sleep!”

  Someone says, “Step aside you two! Let me get to the patient!” He opens my eyes and shines a light into them. “Who moved him?”

  One officer says, “No one, he climbed out of the car himself.” Then a voice I’ve heard before says, “Oh, Jesus Christ!”

  The doctor says, “What’s wrong Alpha? Squeamish?”

  Joseph says, “No, I’m not fucking squeamish you dope! That’s my son’s fated mate!! Oh god, I have to call Declan.”

  The doctor says to someone, “Has he said anything?”

  An officer says, “Just that he wants to go to sleep. We tried to keep him awake until you got here.”

  I sigh. “If you all would shut up and stop poking at me I’d have gone to sleep a long time ago.”

  The doctor says, “Usually, when people go to sleep after a major accident they don’t wake up…ever.”

  I laugh…well try to, it turns into a cough. “I’ll be fine. I’m immortal. Nearly invulnerable. Whatever. Can’t die. It was a gift from my father. Now, shut up and let me sleep! I’ll shift and heal later if I need to!” I put my duffel behind my head to use as a pillow, cross my arms, lean my head back, and sleep.

  When I wake up, I’m lying in a soft bed only in a pair of shorts covered up by a red silk sheet that smells fresh and clean. I take a deep breath, scenting the room, and smile when all I smell is vanilla and raspberries. I look around the room and notice all the little red candles, they aren’t lit anymore but they’re everywhere. There’s even rose petals on the floor. Aww, my mate is a little romantic. Well, technically he’s not little but still you get my point. I stretch my arms above my head feeling all my muscles and bones pop like they should. There’s no pain and I don’t feel like I was given any medication. Hmm…guess I didn’t need to shift to heal after all.

  I slip off the bed and make my way into the living room. I stop when I hear voices. My poor mate sounds like he’s in hysterics. “What if he doesn’t wake up?! What if he’s in a coma?! What if he dies?! Or wakes up and has amnesia! Oh god, what if he forgets we’re mates! What am I going to do Crispin?”

  A guy whom I assume is Crispin says “Shh dude, it’s going to be alright. The doctor said he’d make a full recovery. Don’t worry so much.”

  I peek around the corner and see them hugging. I hold back a snarl. He’s only comforting him. I can handle that. At least I can for a few seconds, the whole patting of the back and the circle rubbing has me ready to rip Crispin’s arms off his body. I fully emerge from the corner and lean against the door jamb that leads into the living room. Not in anyone’s line of sight of course. I do my best to look casual when I say “Hey bitch, get your paws off my mate if you want to keep them.”

  I don’t want to seem too happy when Declan practically throws Crispin off him and spins around to face me but I’m ecstatic. His friend makes a break for the front door while he walks over to me and says with tears in his eyes “Hey, you’re awake. I was so worried. For a second there when my dad called, I thought I’d lost you.”

  I hold his head between my hands and stroke both cheeks with my thumbs. “Aww, sweetness you don’t have to worry about that. I’m fine. I’ll always be fine.”

  He puts his forehead to mine and says “But, what if…”

  “Shh…There’s no what if, about it. Okay? I can’t die sweetness. My father gave me the gift of immortality as a kid. Which came with near invulnerability. When we bond your life will extend to match mine. We’ll have each other until the end of time…literally. It is virtually impossible to kill me.”

  His mouth drops open in shock. “Immortal? But, you’re a wolf shifter.”

  I shake my head. “Only half, sweetness.”

  His mouth forms this little O shape like he finally understands what I’m talking about. “So, what’s the other half of you? Fae? Demon? Angel? I know you aren’t half vampire. Sun exposure and all that.”

  I laugh and say, “No sweetness, but you’re getting close. I’m half god. My father is Poseidon.”

  He shrieks like a little girl. “That is so fucking cool!! So, can you do the water thing? You know control it?”

  I laugh at his enthusiasm. “Yeah, sweetness I can control water. I can do lightening too.”

  He tilts his head to the side and says “Isn’t that Zeus’ thing?”

  I nod. “He gave the power to me when I reached my first millennia.”

  His eyes widen. “Millennia? Just um how old are you?”

  I lean in and whisper in his ear “Three thousand, five hundred. Is that going to be a problem?”

  He gulps and says, “Nope, no problem.”

  I loop my fingers into his belt loops and pull him closer so that there’s no space between us. I nip at his earlobe and whisper “Are you sure about that?”

  He nods. “Ugh huh, positive.”

  I smile. “Good. B
y the way, I saw what you did with the bedroom. Was that for us?” He blushes but doesn’t answer so I’m taking that as a yes.

  “I’m sorry I missed dinner.”

  He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t your fault. I saved it so, we can reheat it if you’re hungry.”

  I lick my lips and nod. “I could eat.” I don’t mean food of course but I’ll let him feed me. As long as it wipes that worried look off his face. He turns around and walks into the kitchen. I follow and sit down at the kitchen table, making sure I have a perfect view of his ass while he cooks. What? I like to watch.

  He says, “Crispin got your stuff out of your SUV before they towed it. I put everything in the spare room except for the bag you were sleeping on, that’s in the bedroom. Your car is totaled though.”

  I sigh. “I know it is, I’ll have to get a new one. I’ll also have to thank Crispin for getting my shit.” He puts a plate in front of me that smells absolutely fantastic. My mouth is literally watering. “Thanks sweetness.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  He goes to walk away but I grab his wrist and pull him into my lap. He laughs. “I’m too big for this! Let go!”

  I shake my head. “I don’t give a shit if you are big. You’re going to sit right there, not miles away where I can’t reach you.” I slip my right hand under his shirt and rest it on his hip while I use my left hand to stab at the food on my plate and eat. I don’t eat that much, just a few bites of the veggies he made and half of the steak. After I take the last bite I lick my lips put the fork down and push the plate away.

  He immediately looks at me and says, “You have to eat more than that. You hardly touched it. Is my cooking that bad?” He’s got this sad, hurt expression on his face and suddenly, I feel bad. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his cheek. “I’m not that hungry sweetness. Well, not for food that is.” I finish off that last statement with a smile and a wink.

  He smiles this slow smile and says, “Oh really?” I nod. He wraps his arms around my neck and says, “So, what exactly are you in the mood for?”


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