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Beware of Bad Boy

Page 10

by Brookshire, April

  Her fingers moving over the screen, she answered while responding to the text. “It’s Cece. She’s being a weirdo.”

  Annoyed for no good reason, I stepped out of her room to go next door to mine. I couldn’t believe what a spaz I was becoming. I felt like a jealous boyfriend ready to throw down with any dude who flirted with her. I refused to become pathetic like Josh or Jared.

  At dinner that evening, World War C began. Gianna brought up the subject of quitting cheerleading soon after everyone had dug into their tacos and rice. She was right, her mom freaked.

  Her mom started off by trying to cajole Gianna into compliance. “Honey, why would you want to do that? You were meant to cheer. Just look at you. You’re beautiful, popular and so talented in dance.” Was this lady serious? The only part of her argument that made sense was the part about Gianna being a good dancer.

  I finished off my first taco and waited for Gianna’s response. “But mom, it’s not fun anymore. I don’t want to do it.” Gianna plate was still full, her food ignored.

  “Cheerleaders are hot!” Chance interjected through a mouthful of rice.

  Surprisingly, I was the only one who laughed. My dad threw me a look as if to blame me for the kid’s wisdom. I gave my dad an innocent look back and his attention returned to his wife.

  Julie was too focused on Gianna’s submission to care about her son’s inappropriate comment. “Honey, I got pregnant with you when I was sixteen years old and had to give up cheerleading. I missed out on so much. I couldn’t be a pregnant cheerleader.” Persuasion was turning into a guilt trip. How great of Julie not to abort Gianna so she could hop around with pom-poms.

  Gianna wore a stubborn expression, leaning forward in a move of defiance. “Mom, I don’t care what you did or didn’t get to do when you were in high school. It’s not my fault you got pregnant with me. I shouldn’t have to do something because you wished you could have. This is my life and I’m not cheering anymore!”

  My dad shifted in his chair, obviously uncomfortable with the scene, but unwilling to interfere.

  Julie slammed her fist on the table. “Gianna Hilary Thorpe! You will not quit cheerleading and that’s final!”

  “If you don’t let me, then I’ll go live with dad!” Gianna shouted, storming out of the dining room.

  I swallowed down the last bite of rice and gathered my dishes to rinse them off in the kitchen sink. As I stepped through the doorway, I heard Gianna’s Jeep screeching out of the driveway.

  That went well.


  The remainder of the week flew by. Gianna and her mom weren’t speaking to each other except to bicker. Every day Gianna and I sat with who I liked to call the misfits at lunch. Josh stayed away from Gianna, probably because I kept close to her.

  Desiree, the girl I had my upcoming date with, visited our lunch table on Friday and plopped herself on my lap. “Hello there,” I flirted.

  She flipped her straight blonde hair over her shoulder. “Where are you taking me tonight, Caleb?”

  Flicking a look at Gianna sitting across from me, I leaned in to whisper something dirty in Desiree’s ear. Gianna’s eyes narrowed in either jealousy or disgust when Desiree giggled. “You’re so naughty, Caleb.”

  By her response, I could tell Desiree was naughty, too. Unrepentantly, I grinned. “You’ll find out.”

  Glancing around, I noticed we had the attention of the rest of the table. Gianna rolled her eyes and turned to say something to Kara. Once my target audience was no longer rapt, I had the urge to move Desiree off my lap. The perfume she wore was fruity and she’d pumped one spray too many.

  I nixed the idea of sending her on her way when Seth came over to finalize plans with Gianna about their date. When he stroked her cheek, I had a new urge to snap his finger. Gianna moved her backpack. “Sit down, Seth.”

  “Thanks, babe.”

  Babe? They hadn’t even had a first date yet.

  I checked Seth out while he gazed at Gianna. His mom obviously dressed him and his hair had too much product in it. I was definitely better-looking. Cooler, too, but that was a given. Was it just me, or did his voice squeak a little? No contest, I’d be able to take him in a fight.

  A hand creeping up my thigh turned my thoughts back to Desiree. Her hair wasn’t very healthy-looking; it didn’t have the shine Gianna’s did either. Her nose wasn’t cute like Gianna’s was. I didn’t have the urge to kiss her. She wore a lot of dark eye makeup and dressed to school like she was going clubbing. Girls shouldn’t try so hard and I liked it when they were more casual. There was a time for a miniskirt and there was a time for jeans.


  My head snapped Gianna’s way. “Yeah, what?”

  “You’ve met Seth, right?”

  The guy hadn’t done anything to piss me off yet, so I offered my hand. “Sort of. You’re friends with Josh, right?”

  Seth shook my hand. I thought his grip was weak. “We’re on the football team together.” I hoped he gripped a football better than that.

  “Well, he’s on my shit list,” I informed Josh’s teammate.

  Seth shifted uncomfortably on his seat and changed the subject. “So, you’re Caleb, Gianna’s brother.”

  “Stepbrother,” I corrected. “We’re not really related.”

  “Oh,” was his cautious response. I could so take him in a fight.

  “Anyways,” Gianna interrupted, “I was just telling Seth we’ll be doubling on Friday after the game.”

  A smile popped on my face when I spied Seth’s disappointment at the prospect. Fucker had obviously looked forward to getting one-on-one time with Gianna.

  I knew Desiree didn’t care about the double date when she whispered in my ear that we’d have to get some alone time afterwards. I smiled a different type of smile then. The unwanted thought of whether or not Seth was thinking the same thing about Gianna entered my head. This whole situation with Gianna was starting to aggravate the hell out of me. I mean, how was I supposed to enjoy getting laid when I’d have to worry about Seth trying to get in her pants?


  Desiree was such a slut! If she touched Caleb one more time, I was going to pull her away from him by her stringy hair. Dammit, she just touched him again. I needed to calm down. I’d have to get used to seeing girls touch him. Caleb was a manwhore and would likely be both that and my stepbrother for years to come. I was so going away for college. My dad would welcome me with open arms in Houston.

  I sat miserably at the football game Friday night with Caleb and Desiree. After the game, we were meeting Seth in the parking lot and going out to eat. Until then, I’d have to sit here in the bleachers, trying to ignore Desiree grope Caleb like a bitch in heat. Her skirt was so short I was sure anyone sitting down below could turn around and see her panties, if she were even wearing any.

  As much as I wanted to say something snide to Caleb, I couldn’t because I was supposed to be his protégé. The more convincing move would be to high-five him. Caleb pulled out his phone and started texting someone. My phone beeped a couple seconds later. It was from the man himself. What was he up to?

  Caleb: Why do you keep dogging us? Jealous?

  I immediately answered his taunt.

  Gianna: Just watching the master work. Taking notes for Seth later. Can’t wait to put my hands all over him!

  His clenched jaw gave me immense satisfaction.

  Caleb: That’d make you a slut like Desiree, not a player like me.

  Gianna: I’m confused, aren’t you a slut too? What you’re saying is I should be the one with Seth’s hands all over me?

  Caleb didn’t text back again. He just rolled his eyes as if I were an idiot and put his phone back in his pocket.


  How was I to convince Gianna to remain a virgin and not be a player like me without sounding like a hypocrite? If Seth laid one sausage-fingered hand on her, I was going to break it. If I saw her put one hand on him, it’d be my own hand landing
hard on her cute ass. Actually, the idea of spanking Gianna turned me on so it’d be no hardship.

  After the game, we met Seth in the parking lot and decided to take separate vehicles to the restaurant. Desiree rode with me and Gianna went with Seth in his car. Desiree was starting to get on my nerves, but I still planned on screwing her tonight. I figured the whole problem with Gianna stemmed from me going too long without sex. Obsessing and lusting after her was a result of not getting laid in awhile.

  Our booth was large at the restaurant. It was already past nine o’clock, so the place wasn’t full. Desiree slid up close next to me and Gianna eyed the lack of space between us. Desiree’s hand found its favorite spot on my leg under the table. If we didn’t have company, I’d be checking out what was beneath her skirt.

  Seth was pathetic in his admiration of Gianna. She wasn’t exactly discouraging him, responding politely and smiling when he sucked up to her like a little bitch. The whole scene was pissing me off. I kicked my leg out under the table.

  “Ow!” Gianna cried. Crap, I meant to kick Seth, the little bitch.

  “Sorry, leg spasm,” I lamely apologized.

  “Are you alright, Gianna?” Seth asked in exaggerated concern. I wondered if they’d believe my leg had another spasm.

  She gave him a sweet smile that he didn’t deserve. “I’m fine. Thanks, Seth.”

  Obviously something had to be done about Seth. Any good stepbrother would do the same. “So, Seth, how good of friends are you with Josh?”

  Seth appeared both wary and uncomfortable, as he should. “We hang out sometimes.”

  “Are you a date rapist like him?” I blurted out, earning a gasp from Desiree.

  “Caleb!” Gianna scolded through her embarrassment.

  I gave them the innocent look that stopped working with my mom years ago. “What? I just want to know if I’m going to have to pull him off you and beat his ass like I did Josh.”

  Gianna’s blush darkened, but I was guessing it was also from anger. Seth turned to her in shock, taking hold of her hand. “Babe, did that really happen? Is that why you broke up with him?”

  Gianna glared at me as I took a sip of soda out of my straw. “Yes, last Friday.”

  “I’m sorry, Gianna, that’s horrible. I’d never try anything like that.” His earnest expression seemed sincere, but I wasn’t ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. To be safe, she shouldn’t either. In fact, she would be better off not dating at all for awhile.

  Gianna, unfortunately, wasn’t of the same thought. She gave him the sweet smile again. The smile that should be reserved for a guy more worthy. “I know, Seth, you’re a good guy.” Agree to disagree.

  In my opinion, Seth was coming out too good in this conversation. A guy shouldn’t earn brownie points for simply stating he wouldn’t force himself on a girl. Desiree rubbed higher up on my thigh. Instead of being able to enjoy it, thinking about what I’d be up to later tonight, I had to worry about what the couple across from us would be up to later that night.


  Caleb was such a jerk to blab to these two about what happened with Josh. What the hell did he do that for? At least Seth was a gentleman. Caleb should be taking pointers from Seth on how not to be an ass. Why was I even attracted to Caleb? He didn’t want me because I was a virgin. He didn’t feel guilty about loving and leaving girls if another guy had been there first. Like it was okay to use girls if they’d already slept with someone else.

  Seth was the type of guy worth my time. He was handsome and sweet. He hadn’t given any indication he was expecting me to have sex with him tonight. And if I told him I was a virgin, I was sure his response would be a lot nicer than Caleb’s had been. Not that I would’ve slept with Caleb anyways. Not that I was planning on sleeping with Seth.

  From the way Desiree was acting she definitely planned on spreading her legs for Caleb tonight. Being a hotshot player, he wouldn’t pass up the offer. The thought of it was driving me crazy. Stupid sexy player, the way he kissed me all the time and made me want him. Stupid slut Desiree, being the kind of girl he wanted.

  The whole point of the double date was to ruin Caleb’s date with Desiree. “So, Caleb, why’d you and Hannah break up?” I asked out of nowhere.

  Caleb threw me a suspicious look. “Hannah and I didn’t break up because we were never technically together.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right. You don’t do relationships. What was it you said again? That the word girlfriend is a bad word.”

  Desiree’s head jerked at my words. “Did you really say that?”

  Caleb glared at me before answering her. “What does it matter, I’m here with you now, aren’t I?” His logic sucked, but Desiree must’ve been some sort of idiot because she smiled as if satisfied with his answer.

  I spoke to Desiree, turning her attention away from Caleb’s neck. “Yeah, maybe Caleb would be willing to have a girlfriend. He told Hannah he’d let her be his girlfriend as long as she was okay with sharing him with other girls.”

  Desiree put her arms around his neck in a possessive way. “Probably because he didn’t like Hannah. But he likes me.” The face Caleb made said otherwise, but with her head on his shoulder she missed it. Caleb’s silence told me he didn’t plan on enlightening her and ruining his chance to get laid.

  Frustrated, I scooted out of the booth. “I’m going to the restroom.”

  Desiree popped up immediately. “I’ll go with you.”

  Washing my hands at the sink, I glanced at Desiree in the mirror as she came out of the stall. “So, Gianna, have you fucked Caleb yet?”

  “What?” I asked, surprised by the crude question.

  Desiree shot me a dirty look in the mirror as she smoothed down her hair. “I know you want him, you’re practically gagging for it. But he doesn’t want you back does he? That’s why you were out there trying to make him look bad in front of me. What’s the matter? The perfect Gianna Thorpe finally met a guy who doesn’t worship her?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I denied while contemplating pulling her hair.

  “I think I do. And you know what? After we ditch you two, Caleb told me we’re going to be spending some alone time together, if you know what I mean. And if you don’t, I’ll spell it out for you. We’re going to be fucking each other’s brains out.” Her smirk made me what to sock her. She spun on slutty stilettos toward the door, saying over her shoulder, “Have a good night with Seth.” If I took both her kneecaps out, she’d have a hard time wearing shoes like those.

  I studied my own reflection in the mirror. The jean shorts and cute tank top made more sense than her fancy getup. She was pretty, but her outfit screamed desperation. Unfortunately, my hurt feelings didn’t care about how pathetic Desiree acted. I stood there for a minute gripping the sink, trying to hold back the stupid tears. That bastard. I wasn’t good enough for him, but that slut Desiree was? I needed to get out of there. I left the bathroom in a rush and strode back to our booth. I didn’t even bother sitting down.

  “Seth, do you think we could go now?”

  Despite his confusion, he readily agreed, “Sure, babe.”

  We’d only ordered drinks so far, so Seth dropped some money on the table and, without even looking at Caleb, I walked out of the restaurant holding Seth’s hand. I forgot about trying to ruin Caleb’s good time. He could do whatever and whoever the hell he wanted for all I cared. Hopefully he’d catch something from the nasty bitch.


  “Beauty and folly are old companions.”

  -Benjamin Franklin


  I slapped my alarm off when it woke me up at eight o’clock Saturday morning. What the fuck? Oh yeah, Gianna, Saturday. I dragged my ass to the shower and dressed quickly. Catching up with her as she was going downstairs, I ignored her unhappy frown. What was her problem?

  “Hey, Gianna, I’m taking you downtown today.”

  She turned to face me where I stood on the
steps. “Like hell you are!”

  Julie walked in on cue from the kitchen. “Gianna, watch your language. I think it’s a wonderful idea for Caleb to drive you. I get worried, you going down there by yourself.”

  Gianna dropped her bag on the floor and asked her mom, “So now you’re talking to me again?”

  Julie hugged Gianna, patting her on the back. “I just think you’re going through some sort of teenage rebellion thing. You’ll regret quitting and go back to it in no time.”

  Gianna’s only reply was to grunt. “Come on, punk, I don’t want you to make me late.”

  So it was back to punk again, was it? As we got into my car, I checked out the large duffel bag she threw into the backseat. Did she have the dress and lingerie in there? Should I chuck it out the window while on the freeway?

  As I started the car, Gianna switched it to a Top 40 station, turning it up full blast. Reaching out, I turned it back down. “What’s the matter, princess? Did you get your period this morning?”

  “Nothing’s the matter. How was the rest of your date?” she asked then turned her head to stare out the window.

  “Fantastic,” I enunciated slowly. “How was the rest of yours? Did that loser kiss you goodnight, or was he too much of a gentleman to kiss on the first date?”

  “How was the slut? Did you knock her up?” she retorted, sounding peeved.

  I didn’t see Gianna after leaving the restaurant last night. Desiree and I stayed to eat and Gianna didn’t respond to my texts later on. When I got home, Gianna was already in bed. “Why’d you rush out of the restaurant?”

  “I couldn’t wait for dessert.” Leaning one elbow against the door, her smug face and words insinuated that more than a kiss goodnight happened.

  I gripped the steering wheel tightly and turned the music back up. A popular boy band sang about a girl being beautiful but I didn’t care. Thinking about Gianna making out with that loser made me wish I’d drug her out of the restaurant myself last night. Kissing better be all they’d gotten up to.


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