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Fire Warrior: Dark Warrior Alliance Book 14

Page 14

by Trim, Brenda

  “I seriously doubt we will ever be in that position, but aye, I would want to be told,” he responded.

  Rhett looked over at Breslin. He could tell she was concerned for the stripling, as well. She was filthy from head to toe, but looked sexier than ever. Despite the seriousness of Tristan’s predicament, he wanted his vampire in the worst way. The adrenaline rush from battle hadn’t receded and he needed to work off the added boost of energy. Or, maybe it was anxiety that urged him for release.

  As he stood on the cliff and called his fire, his beast stirred, and it took considerable effort to keep it at bay. It was unsettling to fight for dominance over his body and mind with an inner entity. He refused to tell Breslin how close he was to losing that war. In time, he hoped he would learn how to maintain control over his demon.

  Rhett walked behind Breslin and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against the hard line of his body. His cock jerked in need at the feel of her ass rubbing against his groin.

  Several warriors made their exit, saying they needed to get cleaned up and rest before the next patrols. Rhett glanced at the clock on the wall. It was five in the morning. The past couple days hours had been a nightmare, and he wanted to put it behind him.

  From seeing Breslin with the shifter, Rhett’s beast awakening for the first time, Zander’s speech about his intent regarding Breslin, then the fight on the cliffs. It was too much for anyone, especially his kind.

  Typically, Rhett would’ve packed his shit and escaped, but he was determined to be more dependable. He had to for Breslin. She needed that from him.

  “Brathair, if you need anything, I’ll be in my room. I need a shower in the worst way,” Breslin informed the remaining warriors in the room as she grabbed Rhett’s hand and headed for the door.

  “Will do, Bre. Get some rest, you’re on duty tonight,” Zander ordered and pinned Rhett with a glare.

  Rhett glared back at Zander. He knew the male didn’t like him, but he was taking the protective brother role a little too seriously. After all, Breslin was a grown ass female and could make her own decisions. Zander didn’t get to call the shots.

  As soon as he and Breslin stepped from the room and into the hallway, Rhett shoved her up against the wall. His lips crashed against hers and he forced her mouth open. She answered by stroking her tongue against his. Flames ignited where their bodies touched, and his hands roamed over her curves.

  Groaning, he murmured, “Flame, I’m going to fuck you until it’s time for patrols, so I hope you don’t need sleep.”

  Her lust-filled eyes met his and she smiled. “Doona make promises you canna keep.”

  “Oh, it’s a promise, love. One I will enjoy keeping,” he replied and lifted her off the ground.

  Breslin wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him the entire way to their bedroom.

  * * *

  Rhett couldn’t get Zander’s words out of his mind. Was he ready for that level of loyalty and devotion? He was a nomad by nature and the urge to flee rode hard, but he’d made a promise to Breslin, and was fighting tooth and nail to remain in place. Admittedly, it wasn’t easy.

  No one understood his need to get away and roam. It cleared his head and relieved stress. Stress and fire demons didn’t exactly mix. Traveling and getting away from it all was inherent to his nature. It was a vital part of who he was, and he couldn’t change that now.

  There was only one reason he stayed put. Breslin. Things between them were going great and he didn’t want to fuck it up. He just hoped she accepted who he was and they found a common ground.

  It was still awkward living back at Zeum, which pissed him off. Zeum was the first place that truly felt like home since Rhett left his parent’s over a thousand years ago. After finding Mack and Kyran in the volcano on Khoth, he traveled back to the Tehrex Realm with them and discovered a home base. Every fire demon had a location that functioned as their touchstone and Zeum was it for him. Having a landing spot was as important as being able to roam and explore.

  Finishing up in the bathroom, he made his way back to the war room. Shae had joined the group while he was gone and Rhett couldn’t help but notice the female didn’t look healthy. Her skin was pale and there were dark circles under her jade green eyes.

  Vampires didn’t get sick, but she wasn’t entirely vampire anymore. The previous archdemon used his venom to turn Shae into an altogether new creature. So far the side effects seemed minor, but perhaps there was more than the scientists uncovered.

  “Hey, Shae. How are you doing?” Rhett greeted as he entered and went to Breslin’s side. His restlessness eased the second Breslin grabbed his hand and twined their fingers together.

  “Wish I could say great,” Shae replied and turned to Elsie. “We got ten new clients this week and three of them are relocations of battered women with their children. We need more money if I’m going to meet their requests. I told them I would get back to them but I’m afraid we can’t help.”

  Elsie’s eyes turned black and her fists clenched at her sides. “You can’t turn them away. Providing for victims in every way possible is what sets Elsie’s Hope apart from other charities. Our account can’t be empty,” Elsie protested.

  “Our balance isn’t zero but there isn’t enough for all of the requests,” Shae informed her.

  “Dammit. Have we heard back about the grant I applied for?” Elsie inquired as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Zander rubbed circles on her back in a comforting gesture.

  “A ghra, you doona have to worry aboot matters like this. I will deposit more money into the account and things will be fine,” Zander reassured his mate.

  The love shining in his eyes for Elsie had a lump forming in Rhett’s throat. What would it be like to look at Breslin with such emotion? Was he even capable of that depth? He wasn’t familiar with love on that level outside of familial relationships and doubted his ability to see Breslin as his reason for breathing.

  “We can’t continue carrying Elsie’s Hope financially, Zander. And, before you start, I know you have more money than you know what to do with, but we will live forever, right? We need to be responsible with what we have. This place could bleed us dry if we let it, plus we need to build realm shelters and social services. Problem is I don’t know what to do to manage what is needed. The investments Evzen helped us set up are doing great, but not providing the funds we require,” Elsie explained and met Zander’s gaze.

  Rhett considered the conversation and his brain clicked through a thousand options at once. Zander had asked what role he would play at Zeum and maybe this was it.

  “What are you willing to do to make this work?” Rhett asked Elsie.

  Glancing sideways, their gazes locked and the Vampire Queen cocked her head to the side. “I would do whatever it takes. There are hundreds of innocent women and children that become homeless and go hungry because there aren’t enough services. I can’t stand the thought of living in such luxury while so many suffer. Why do you ask?”

  “I’d like to help with your financial problems. Money is my thing. I’m what you would call an expert in managing funds and profitable investments,” Rhett replied as he pulled his hand free of Breslin’s and waved it in the air.

  “This isna Khoth, Rhett. Earth is a bit more complicated. We have the realm banks, as well as, the human ones, and from what little I know they operate verra differently,” Breslin said as she patted his shoulder.

  “I know that, Flame. The first thing I did when I came to this realm was learn both banking systems. I even considered a job on Wall Street a year ago,” he told his mate.

  Breslin’s jaw dropped and she gave him a once over. The look on her face was comical, while at the same time, insulting. What exactly did she think his skills were? As soon as the question formed in his mind, he answered it. She thought his skills involved females and giving them pleasure. She didn’t see him as anything aside from a gigolo.

  “I have skills outside the bedroom, Love. There
is a reason I was the most sought after financial advisor on Khoth. I’m good at what I do,” Rhett retorted, trying to keep the hurt from his voice.

  He was used to being underestimated, but he expected more from Breslin. When they’d had sex that first time, it seemed as if she actually saw the real him.

  “Och, I might know that if you didn’t keep disappearing,” Breslin countered. Rhett didn’t want to get into fruitless arguments with her and nodded his acknowledgment.

  “I’d love the help,” Elsie said. “I just don’t know what we can do to get everything we need.” A deep furrow appeared between her brow and she pursed her lips.

  “That’s where I come in. I can raise the money for realm services and help support the human one, too,” Rhett reiterated.

  “How much do you know about the human and realm banking systems? We can float the requests until you can come up with a solid plan,” Elsie replied.

  “I know plenty about both. Like I said, I did a lot of research after I arrived. And, I already have some ideas for you to consider,” Rhett countered.

  “That’s fantastic,” Shae said. “I hate turning anyone away and these families need us.”

  “First, Zander, can you post on TRex asking for anyone that has property they are willing to lease out? It will be far faster to lease a home than purchase land and build new. We can put that in the pipeline. Most important is you guys need to think outside the box,” Rhett encouraged.

  “What do you mean exactly?” Shae asked as she loaded her plate with two sandwiches and three chocolate muffins. Despite looking ill, the female had a healthy appetite.

  “Elsie, you mentioned applying for a grant, which is great. Continue doing that, but have you solicited donations? Unlike most of my clients, our strategy will not involve ROI assessments, P and L evaluations, or traditional business plans. As a non-profit, your goals aren’t to make money.”

  “We have a few companies that offer donations, but not many. We can’t afford a warehouse to store the goods,” Elsie said.

  Rhett shook his head. “Yes, you can. First order of business, Shae is going to be drafting requests for donations. I want you to send it to every large corporation, human and realm. And, Elsie, you need to find two warehouses to store the stuff. It’s ridiculous to give families money to purchase items that you can have donated,” Rhett said. He glanced over and saw the appreciation in Breslin’s eyes. His mate’s approval spread warmth through his chest.

  “So, we divert money from buying items to paying for a warehouse? How do we run the place? We’d have to hire employees. I don’t see how this will be cheaper,” Elsie said.

  “Easy. You use your clients as employees in the warehouse. Every person is required to work ten hours when their application is approved. And, there will be a small fee attached to getting physical items,” Rhett indicated.

  “No way. That’s counter productive. We provide for them. We don’t ask for money,” Elsie said as she thrust her hands on her hips.

  “You’re thinking like a social worker, not a business person. I’m not suggesting we charge them an exorbitant amount. There will be a flat fee of say ten dollars for clothing and twenty-five for furniture so we can pay for necessary employees. It is a nominal fee and will allow you to keep functioning. Biggest priority is getting donations. Every major corporation needs tax write-offs and they look for good causes to donate toward. You can get the goods needed and fund the warehouse without coming out of pocket at all,” Rhett explained.

  “I never thought of it that way,” Elsie admitted.

  “Another thing is you need to start asking for discounts from professionals,” Rhett said and grabbed a notepad and pen. He started jotting down action items and ideas.

  “I don’t understand,” Shae interjected. “Asking victims to pay for clothing and furniture is one thing. What you suggested is reasonable, but we pay for therapy when they need it.”

  “You negotiate deals. Say you have females that go to a self-defense class. Instead of paying the usual fee, you barter for a lower rate. Same goes for therapists. They are used to taking less from insurance companies. You need to insist they give you discounts, as well,” Rhett replied.

  “I never considered anything like this, but it makes complete sense. I didn’t see us as in the same category as insurance companies. This could work,” Elsie replied excitedly.

  “That’s where I come in. I excel at thinking outside the box and have a hundred more thoughts percolating. Shae, can you make a list of the services and products you provide? I can develop a better approach once I have that. Our objective is to offset the cost and minimize what we have to pay for,” Rhett instructed.

  Shae sat forward, the lines around her eyes not so deep and a smile on her face. “You think we can get cars donated? That’s the one thing we have always denied clients, but cars are a necessity these days.”

  “From the research I’ve done, it’s possible. I read about a church that takes any car, running or not. I have details to work out, but I say we give it a try. This will not be a low-cost thing for us, but we can minimize cost. First, we need to find a mechanic willing to donate time. Zander can use his pull as Vampire King and encourage realm citizens to donate time. I’ve watched shows about junkyards and old cars that we might be able to use for parts. If anyone knows a car expert, get them on board with helping. We can use the social media sites in our efforts. I know you guys don’t use Facebook, but that shit is everywhere in human society and can be used to find donations, as well,” Rhett relayed as he added more notes to his lists.

  Shae and Elsie became animated as they talked about asking the police to hold drives to gather items for victims. As Rhett talked and worked with the females, the walls expanded and didn’t seem to be so confining. It had been too long since he’d had a job. Not that he needed the money. His investments were lucrative, but it was invigorating to be useful.

  A visible weight lifted from Shae and Elsie’s shoulders and Rhett was glad he played a major role in it. He had been wracking his brain for how he could contribute to the household and worried he wouldn’t be able to find his place in the large compound, but this might prove to be his niche.

  Rhett followed Breslin from the room and his chest puffed with the massive smile she shot his way. Being proactive and integrating himself in a major role was another step toward proving to her he was serious about the two of them and their relationship.

  The heated look in her eyes had Rhett’s groin tightening and his blood singing with anticipation. They needed to fireproof their room soon. Their passion was explosive, incinerating everything around them. The last thing he wanted was to destroy more of the lovely home, but he wanted his mate in the worst way.

  The sway to her hips told him she was thinking the same thing. Before they could slip away, Elsie grabbed his attention by telling him they would discuss more details over dinner. He loved her cooking, but he wasn’t hungry for food.

  Unfortunately, this was the closest he’d come to being back in the fold since he returned and there was no way he was going to skip the meal. It was one of the keys to winning Breslin back so he would endure what he needed to and then indulge in his sexy princess.

  Leaning into Breslin, he nipped her ear and murmured, “Eat fast because I want dessert.”

  Breslin pressed her firm backside against his erection and wiggled her hips. Unable to resist temptation, Rhett grabbed hold of her and tugged her into the small bathroom in the hall.

  “Fuck it. Dessert first,” he growled in her ear.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Bang, bang, bang, echoed through the small bathroom. The sound of a meaty hand against the door interrupted what promised to be a scintillating interlude and brought a curse to Breslin’s kiss-swollen lips.

  “Get off my puthair. ‘Tis time to lock and load,” Bhric called out as his fist once again slammed against the wood.

  “Fuck off, brathair,” Breslin called out as she twined her han
ds behind Rhett’s neck.

  She wasn’t ready to let reality intrude. Rhett made a major step in proving he was there to stay when he’d taken on the role of saving Elsie’s Hope. She’d gotten a glimpse of a side she’d never seen before.

  Rhett came alive when he strategized and talked about ways to salvage the program. Breslin cared about Elsie’s Hope because it was important to her brother’s mate. She put her life on the line to protect humans and realm citizens, but she didn’t particularly care about the day-to-day workings of their lives like Elsie. Breslin also hated to admit that she unfairly misjudged Rhett.

  What did it say about her that she never saw past his sexy smile, flirtatious personality, and reputation with the females? Sex wasn’t taboo in the realm and no one was viewed negatively for having a healthy sexual appetite, yet she abhorred him for enjoying female companionship. In her defense, that judgement was born out of an unknown mating compulsion.

  It was unforgiveable that she saw him as one dimensional and incapable of anything but pleasuring the opposite sex. He had more depth than she imagined, and now she wanted to explore each layer. She needed to set aside how badly he’d hurt her and see him for who he truly was.

  Breslin guessed that few beings knew Rhett well, mainly because he took off when things got tough. That thought gave her pause. Could he ever stop wandering, and be with her for eternity?

  “Now isna the time to fuck around, Bre. There’s a fire in a realm apartment building and the human fire department has been notified,” Bhric called out.

  Shaking her head, she dropped her arms and focused on the matter at hand. “Och. Coming,” she replied before turning to Rhett. “You’ll be verra hungry for dessert by the time I get home. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “I’m going with you, Flame,” he demanded.

  She frowned as she opened the door. “I doona know, Rhett. What aboot your demon?” The last thing she wanted was for his inner beast to take control again.


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