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THE DAY: A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series)

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by John Price

  The Second Term Trilogy


  A Novel of America

  in the Last Days

  John Price

  Christian House Publishing, Inc.

  The Day is Book Three of a trilogy of novels arising from events which may occur in the second term of an American President based on Biblical prophecy.




  Copyright 2014 © by John Price

  This book is a novel, a work of fiction. Any similarity or resemblance of the characters depicted in this book to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Names, characters, places and incidents depicted in this novel are devised and used fictitiously.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the author or Christian House Publishing, Inc.

  Price, John


  A Novel of America in the Last Days

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9840771-7-5 (Amazon)

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9840771-8-2 (Kindle)

  Printed in the United States of America









































































  Author’s Note to Reader

  Excerpt-The End of America



  "Alas for the day."

  (Joel 1:15)

  "The day of your watchmen, of your punishment, has come"

  (Micah 7:4)

  "Behold, it is coming and it will be

  brought about, declares the Lord.

  That is the day of which I have spoken."

  (Ezekiel 39:8)





  "The word of the Lord came to me: "Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal (currently known as Russia), and prophesy against him and say, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal..…Persia (currently known as Iran), Cush (Currently known as Ethipia and Sudan), and Put (currently known as Libya) are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; Gomer and all his hordes; Beth-togarmah (currently Turkey and parts of Eastern Europe previously under Soviet domination - Muslim population) from the uttermost parts of the north with all his hordes—many peoples are with you….

  "After many days you will be called to arms. In the latter years you will go against the land that is restored from war, the land whose people were gathered from many peoples upon the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste. Its people were brought out from the peoples and now dwell securely, all of them. You will advance, coming on like a storm. You will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your hordes, and many peoples with you. (Ezekiel 38:1-3, 5-6, 8-9)


  Russian/Iranian Coalition Headquarters

  Damascus, Syria

  The time to annihilate Israel must surely be near. Russian Colonel Nikolaevich carefully read each day’s digital flash traffic from Moscow. What he had not yet seen, but was anxious to read, was the message – PREPARE TO INVADE ISRAEL. For the last several weeks thousands of troops from Russia, Iran, Libya and Turkey poured into Damascus, chosen as the staging area for the upcoming invasion of Israel. The only thing needed now was the joint final attack order from Moscow and Tehran.

  Colonel Nikolaevich’s view was that he had been stationed in Damascus too long. He missed the tasty borscht and other food and drink which he previously enjoyed in Moscow. He was tired of eating mostly Syrian food for the last fourteen months, during which his assignment from the Coalition was to assemble and store thousands of armored military vehicles. Twenty acres of warehouses at Mazah Highway (Route 7) and Hafez Al Asad Road sheltered Russian and Iranian tanks, assault vehicles, troop carriers, mobile rocket launchers and other instruments of war.

  From the warehouses the assault force would travel thirty miles southwest along Mazah Highway to reach the border with Israel. Once in Israel, the distance to Tel Aviv was just over a hundred miles. The Colonel’s review of terrain maps showed that the average driving time from Damascus to Tel Aviv was five hours and twenty-two minutes. He multiplied the projected travel time by ten, given that the average speed of the armored vehicles in his warehouses was ten percent of that of a highway motor vehicle. Traveling by day only, Colonel Nikolaevich calculated that he could enter Tel Aviv within four days of his departure from Damascus. He also was painfully aware of the fact that his standing order was to immediately halt the Coalition assault force should the United States militarily oppose the invasion. Should America intervene by force of arms Colonel Nikolaevich was to make a one hundred and eighty degree turn back to Damascus. Moscow, though, rated the odds that the US would come to Israel’s defense at less than 10%.

  Right on time, the Colonel’s aide brought his noon lunch, the only meal of the day he enjoyed, as it usually consisted of food as close as possible to that of Mother Russia. Dark bread, sliced tongue, stone ground mustard and a carafé of Stolichnaya vodka. The aide knocked, then entered into the Colonel’s makeshift command center on the second floor of the expansive warehouse. From his office the Colonel looked out at the sea of Russian and Iranian armored vehicles. He wondered how soon it would be before the Coalition launched the attack, He doubted that the over one hundred fifty thousand soldiers now scattered in Damascus would be staying in the Syrian city very much longer. The cost alone of doing so militated against a substantial delay. As he finished the last of his lunch, swallowing the final gulp of Stolichnaya, the satellite phone on his desk commenced loudly buzzing, crawling slightly across his desk as it sounded.

  He quickly grabbed the satellite phone, saying in his Ukrainian accented Russian, "Colonel Nikolaevich. Coalition Command Center. Damascus."

  "Colonel, this is Vladimir. I have very good news for you. You have been patient in waiting….but it is now finally time….Time to launch our joint invasion of Israel. Your co
mmand orders will be digitally flashed to you on the secure communications system, of course, but I wanted to give you an advance call. Expect your orders within the hour. As the Attack Commander you are expected to be in Tel Aviv within no more than five days, less if possible. Your attack is to begin prior to dawn tomorrow morning. Understood?"

  "Fully understood, sir. Thank you, Mister President, for this call. We won’t let you down. We won’t let Mother Russia down."


  Press Briefing Room – White House West Wing

  Washington, DC

  Normally when a President plans to address the media in the Press Briefing Room a media advisory goes out with at least two hours’ notice. The advance notice allows the most visible talking heads to be in the press room so they can appear on camera. Today the President’s Press Secretary broke the informal rule. Media in the area had ten minutes’ notice that the President would be doing a no question ‘presser’. Some speculated that the President was not anxious to have maximum coverage, but nevertheless felt it necessary to address the media in person.

  The President strode briskly into the Press Briefing Room on the lower level of the west wing of the White House. He stepped behind the podium on which was hung his Presidential seal. Reporters noticed that there were no teleprompters in use, which was not the norm for this President. He had what appeared to be a three by five card in his hand. During his brief statement the President’s eyes only looked up briefly, returning to the prepared text on the card which he held with both hands.

  The text was read by the President in what one Fox reporter called a "somewhat low mumble". The President read, "Thanks for coming. I have a brief statement….No questions….It now appears that the joint Russian, Iranian and Libyan military training exercises north of Israel may have taken a different turn. We have intelligence sources reporting that these troops may be under orders to enter into Israel. If true, the United States does not favor this incursion. We call on the nations involved to stand down their men and equipment before violence commences.

  "I have just finished a conversation with the Secretary General of the United Nations. I requested that he convene an emergency meeting of the Security Council to discuss this potential threat to world peace. I have also been in communication with the Prime Minister of Israel. He has demanded that the United States enter this potential armed conflict on the side of Israel. I have thoroughly discussed this request with our nation’s Secretary of Defense, who is in complete agreement with my decision. I have decided that honoring Israel’s request would not be advisable. Let me be clear, the United States will not honor Israel’s request. Our entry into any military conflict could be de-stabilizing in this inter-regional disagreement. Again, we urge these nations to work out their differences for the best of all concerned. That’s all I have. Thanks again for coming."

  The Fox reporter turned to the CBS reporter and said, "Good bye, Israel. Your only true friend in the world just kissed you adios, suggesting that you should just get along with your attacking enemies….the Rodney King School of International Diplomacy. Since when did an armed invasion become an inter-regional disagreement? The SecDef hates Israel, so his lack of support for a military response comes as no surprise. What about our treaty to defend Israel if it’s attacked? Julie, CBS better get ready to start airing video of dead bodies, lots of dead bodies. What a betrayal of our ally!"


  Office of the President, The Kremlin, Moscow, Russia

  Office of the President, Sepah Square, Tehran, Iran

  Sheba and Dedan (Saudi Arabia today)…will say to you, ‘Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your hosts to carry off plunder…to seize great spoil?’(Ezekiel 38:3)

  "Mahmoud? Vladimir here. Did you just hear the President?"

  "Yes, Vladimir, Allah be praised. You were right about him all along. You said you had looked into his soul….you knew he would flinch. His weak reaction to your takeover of Crimea also proved it. There’ll be no American involvement in our, what did he call it….our inter-regional disagreement? If the American President only knew that we would have stopped, instantly, had he just said the word – just one word that his country would fight us. We couldn’t continue this invasion of Israel without either America’s consent or its cowardly refusal to oppose our Coalition forces. Vladimir, we’re finally on the brink of getting rid of the Zionist pigs and apes."

  "I told you. It’s in his background and his beliefs that America is the world’s problem maker. In his heart he looks at America the same way we do…..And don’t forget, Mahmoud, we’re also on the brink of grabbing the Middle East’s largest supply of natural gas just off Israel’s coast. What a coup. The only push back worthy of our attention is the protest by the Saudi King. Can you believe that the King seriously asked us if we’re coming into Israel to take a great spoil? What kind of question is that? Why else would we invade…."

  "To push Israel into the sea, of course, and to get rid of the Little Satan. Don’t neglect that goal, Vladimir. Are your people in the Great Satan ready for our signal?"

  "Yes. More than ready, Mahmoud. As you know, we’ve had our special gifts to America in the ten cities we discussed in place for some time. My secure lines are ready to transmit, when you are ready to do the same."

  "Let’s do it, Vladimir, as soon as we capture Tel Aviv. As we discussed, before America is destroyed I want the Great Satan to watch as we push Israel into the sea. Let them watch Jewish blood flowing in the streets of Israel on their large screen TVs. Then we’ll light up our special gifts for the American fools. Allah be praised. Death to Israel now….and then….soon….very soon….Death to America."


  Israel Defense Force War Room

  (Tzva Hahagana LeYisra'el)

  HaKirya Compound, Tel Aviv, Israel

  Israel’s Prime Minister was sick at his stomach. He had just watched a televised US President reading from a small card in the White House press room, announcing that America would not come to Israel’s military assistance. The PM was incredulous that the President described the recent invasion of Israel by Russia, Iran, Libya and other Nations, most of which were Muslim, as ‘an inter-regional disagreement’. The leader of the western world at least acknowledged, the PM bitterly thought, that Israel had demanded that the United States come to Israel’s aid. But the President revealed that he had decided not to do so, facetiously arguing, the PM angrily reflected, that to do so might ‘destabilize the region’.

  Shaking his head, the PM said to no one in particular of the twenty military advisors gathered in Israel’s war room, "Did you hear what he just suggested? That we ‘work out our differences’? How exactly do we work out our differences with what looks like well over a hundred thousand land-based invading troops? Differences? I should take advice from a man who extorted me into signing a peace treaty with our enemies? How did that work out for us? Look….look at our drone video feeds….we’re staring at our extinction as a people. Differences?"

  Lieutenant General Abraham ‘Benny’ Walzer responded to the Israel’s leader’s outburst, "Sir….do not forget that we have the big stick. We can selectively target our nukes on the invaders, as we can….."

  "Benny….Benny….listen to yourself. We can’t nuke the invading forces….they’re on our own soil. Selectively target? Are you suggesting we nuke Moscow….or Tehran? Do we want to bring Russia’s many nuclear weapons down on our heads? Face it, Benny, we’re stuck….We have only one move….now that America has betrayed us. We have to throw everything we can at the invading forces. We’re about to be in a straight up conventional war against a huge armed force. Our odds are no better than 50/50. Damn the Americans….damn them….damn them."

  "Sir, if the evangelicals and some of our own people are right, that’s exactly what’s about to happen."


  The Moshe and Sophia Guttman Home

  Petah Tikva, Israel

  Moshe loved Sophia and vice-versa. Moshe and Sophia
originally met as students at Tel Aviv University, where Moshe was pre-med, leading eventually to dentistry school. Sophia loved children, leading her to obtain her degree in elementary education. Moshe was described to friends by Sophia as "tall, dark and handsome". This always caused Moshe to smile, as he was under five feet seven inches tall, slightly portly and prematurely bald. Moshe referred to Sophia as his "beautiful Jewish jewel of a woman", which she was internally, though her looks were quite a bit shy of movie star level.

  Soon after Moshe and Sophia were married, the Guttmans moved to Petah Tikva, a comfortable suburb located east of Tel Aviv. They liked the fact that the name of the Israeli city was chosen by its founders from the prophecy of Hosea 2:15, which referred to "an opening of hope" in the Valley of Achor, with vineyards and singing. Once they moved, Moshe launched his dentistry practice, which prospered due to Moshe’s friendly and caring demeanor with his patients. Some even told Dr. Guttman that they didn’t mind going to the dentist because he was so kind when he worked on their teeth. Sophia was soon hired at an elementary school not far from their small apartment in Petah Tikva. Within a year of their marriage Sophie conceived their first child, a beautiful girl whom they named Golda, in honor of Israel’s only female Prime Minister. Within another two years the Guttmans welcomed into their family a second child, whom they named Yitzhak, after Israel’s martyred Prime Minister.

  Once the Guttman family had grown to four, Moshe and Sophia decided that it was time to move into a larger living space. After carefully calculating how much they could afford, Moshe and Sophia made an offer on a four bedroom flat in a new development on the far eastern edge of Petah Tikva. The apartment tower was located at the edge of the Milkhemet Sheshet HaYamin Garden and looked across at the Shilo River wadi. From their flat east they had a great view of the open fertile plains of central Israel, south of the Sea of Galilee, with hundreds of acres of citrus trees. Residents of Petah Tikva knew well its history, that in the late 1800s the area was a malarial swamp, which was drained by early Jewish settlers, with funds supplied by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. In 1886 the first recorded attack on Jewish residents by Arabs took place in Petah Tikva.


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