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THE DAY: A Novel of America in the Last Days (The End of America Series)

Page 6

by John Price

  "So, gentlemen, since we can’t count on any military assistance from our former closest ally we need to structure our response to the invaders accordingly. Alert our remaining undamaged air wings to be ready for launch. What’s the current most forward location of the armored columns? How many kilometers from Tel Aviv? "

  The General tasked with coordinating the defense of Israel replied, "We’re about an hour, maybe fifty minutes, from massive bloodshed. Our recon shows that the initial strike will be east of Tel Aviv at Petah Tikva. We’ve of course alerted everyone. As you know, there are about 200,000 residents in Petah Tikva. It looks like they will be the largest metropolitan area hit first."

  The Prime Minister rubbing his temples, clearly in distress, suggested, "Well, it’s appropriate that the battle line will first be in the Valley of Achor, at the city named from Hosea’s prophecy, ‘the opening of hope’."

  The Defense Minister nodded in agreement, saying, "As you may recall, the first attack on our Jewish ancestors took place in Petah Tikva, back in the late 1800’s. So, yes, it’s very appropriate that the first major assault will be at Petah Tikva. My grandchildren live in Petah Tikva. Let’s pray that our IDF boys and girls can hold off the invaders long enough for Petah Tikva’s residents to either flee or get securely behind their safe room doors. If not, let it be always known that the blood of our brothers and sisters….and grandchildren….will be on the hands of America’s President. On America itself."


  Western/Wailing Wall (Kotel)

  Jerusalem, Israel

  The Western Wall had been called the Wailing Wall for centuries, as mourners would kiss the stones and bemoan the destruction of the Temple. Jewish tradition held that Solomon had placed the foundation stones underlying the Wall, with others holding that Herod the Great had authorized the edifice upon that foundation. The Western Wall is revered as a holy site, as close to the Temple as one could come. Mourners frequently write prayers on small pieces of paper, roll them up and place them in the cracks of the wall. Today’s tearful, mourning reaction to Rabbi Herzog’s words by the now overflow crowd was in keeping with the name of the Wailing Wall.

  Rabbi Isaac David Herzog was weeping also, having just emphasized the difficult news from scripture that no nation would come to Israel’s aid and its weapons would be insufficient. The Chief Rabbi was only able to continue speaking because he knew the rest of the story, the prophetic revelation given to the Prophet Joel. Wiping his face, he continued, "Joel said, ‘Alas, for the day!’….’Alas, for the day!’….But….then Joel wrote….for the day of destruction….from the Almighty….will come. Yes, this is a day of destruction. Yes, many of our brothers and sisters have died and more will die as this evil army from the north sweeps south….but…the Almighty confirms this in His word. The invasion will happen, which it has, just as He said. There will be blood shed in Israel, but Joel tells us that the Almighty will become jealous for His land and will have pity on His people….As Joel urged, ‘Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice, for the Lord has done great things’ and ‘Be glad, O children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God’…..Why?

  "Joel conveys to us a special message written just for this day. God revealed to Joel that He will remove the northerner far from us and will drive him into a parched and desolate land, destroying the army, some in the eastern and western seas, with the stench and foul smell arising from their slain bodies. The Prophet Ezekiel foresaw the same invasion of Israel. He prophesied God’s anger would arise against those defiling His land and coming to kill His people. He promised that the invading fighting men would fall on the mountains and on the open fields. Will you join me as we pray?

  "Almighty Jehovah God, just as you instructed, we have sounded the Shofar, we have gathered a Solemn Assembly, we are fasting, praying and seeking Your face and Your will. We thank You that You knew from the beginning of time that this great and powerful army would come against Your land and Your people. We pray for our people in Your land who are suffering and dying. We weep, we mourn, we implore You to fulfill Your Word given in the Holy Scriptures to Joel and Ezekiel. We pray that You turn in your righteous anger and act. We pray that the great earthquake, and torrential rains, and hailstones and fire and sulfur, about which the Prophets wrote, will soon fall on these evil invaders of Your sacred land. As the Prophet Joel wrote, ‘The Lord utters His voice before His army, for His camp is exceedingly great; He who executes His Word is powerful’. Please, Almighty Jehovah….save us, we pray, for there is no force on this earth that can do so, except for You. Amen and Amen."

  In response to Rabbi Herzog’s pleas, millions in Israel, denying their bodies food by fasting, also earnestly and fervently prayed for a miracle of God.

  The Shofar sounded a long wailing, rising sound.


  Hannah and Gary’s Family Room

  Birmingham, Alabama

  The six remaining members of their small group Bible study were huddled around the television. What they were seeing was not only history in the making, but spiritually disturbing. Israel’s Prime Minister had just finished making what he called a ‘final plea’ for the United States to send its military resources into Israel to stop what he said would be the ‘wholesale massacre of Israelites’ in Tel Aviv and soon throughout Israel. Fox’s network talking head summarized the PM’s passionate call for help from America, but was interrupted by breaking news from the White House.

  "Whew!" Scott exclaimed, "This could be it. The President may have seen the light and reversed course. It may be that we’re about to hear that America is coming to the rescue. It’s really late….the invaders are close to entering Tel Aviv….lots of dead people in towns on the way to Tel Aviv. But….if we send in American jets and our troops now, we could still spare millions of people….there, watch. It’s the Secretary of Defense….never liked that guy much….but….okay….here he goes…."

  The Secretary of Defense had apparently been delayed by media on his way into the Executive Avenue entrance to the West Wing of the White House. The wind had tosseled his silvery hair, giving him a frazzled, even wild look. The look in his eyes as he stared at the reporters who had stopped him further enhanced the look of an important person who didn’t like being disturbed. Glaring at the assembled media, he snarled, "We have, again, just heard from Israeli officials in Jerusalem. They have, again, requested that the US interfere, uh, that is, intervene, in the regional disagreement in the Middle East."

  Scott dropped his head into his hands, groaning, "Oh, no, this is not going where it should."

  After looking at his watch and looking for any nearby aide who could rescue him, the Defense Secretary continued, "The official position of the United States government has not changed. We will not exacerbate what is already an obviously tense situation by throwing our military might into some other nation’s controversy. We would urge Israel to settle its own problems and to desist from continually badgering us to do something that we have made clear we will never do…..That’s all….I have a meeting with the President."

  Audrey and Hannah were hugging each other. Sally, who had said for the last two years that there was nothing that would cause her to move from the US, was crestfallen. Wringing her hands, she burst out, "Can you guys ever forgive me? I know we talked about this earlier, I apologized, but I just can’t get over the fact that we had a chance to flee, and we willfully….I willfully….decided not to listen to what God was telling me in His Word. If I hadn’t been so stupid, you all might have followed Marty and Tom and Liz and Max out of what is about to happen to us."

  Scott put his arms around his wife, comforting her, "Sally, my dear, I knew the same things you knew. I studied the same verses. I knew in my heart that America is the Daughter of Babylon prophesied in the Bible. It can’t be any other country. It can’t be ancient Babylon. I just read in my Bible reading this morning that God told Jeremiah that after Israel was captive in ancient Babylon that He would impose on Babylon an everlasting des
truction. He kept His word. Ancient Babylon is still a pile of rubble. America….is….the descendant of Babylon. It was both of us, honey, who decided not to obey all those verses to flee the Daughter of Babylon."

  Everyone was quiet, then Beau said, "I suggest that we go straight to prayer. It’s quite obvious that the President of our country has not only stabbed Israel in the back, now we’re twisting the blade, telling Israel to stop bothering us with its repeated cries for help. God forgive us for what we are doing to Israel. But, we know what He promises for those who mis-treat Israel. So….we know we’re toast. The only remaining question is when do we head to our bolt hole, our safe house?"

  Gary, who had been quietly contemplative up to now, said, "Here’s the deal. God’s response to our country’s betrayal of His chosen people is imminent. If I had to guess, I’d say with this final announcement from the White House that we’re not far from doom. If you ladies are right about how long our food supplies will last, then getting us and what food we have over to our safe house in a timely manner is critical. Scott, you’ve been our point guy on the safe house. What’s your plan once we see America under attack?"

  Still hugging Sally, Scott replied, "As you know, there are guys from twenty small groups who’ve been planning what we would do if….when….disaster hits. We’ve been meeting monthly. Though we’ve kept it very quiet, I can share with you that we’ve selected an older, abandoned grade school building between here and Pelham. It was closed due to school consolidation, moth-balled for years. It’s not on any major road. It was built back in a wooded area probably forty years ago. Just one floor. All brick. Windows, of course, but not so many that the building can’t be defended. Central courtyard, so we can use the outdoors, without going out of the building. Kitchen facilities so we can prepare food for the hundred or so men, women and children who will live there."

  Audrey, dabbing her eyes, whispered, "I just can’t believe that we’re talking about hiding out in some bunker….Is it really going to come to that? Really?"

  Beau not only looked like he was military, he had just retired from the Army Reserves only a year ago. He replied, "Audrey, dear Audrey. We’re not the first Christians, nor the first humans to face truly tough times….war, destruction, death. In fact, we’ve been blessed for years, for decades when we’ve lived quiet, plentiful lives. But, nothing lasts forever, that is, except for God’s word and people. What we do now, in face of what we know is about to come down on this country, is we do what the Bible says, we see the danger and we flee from it…..I get that it’s too late to flee the country. Foreign air travel has been restricted since August, but that doesn’t mean that we should stay here, stay in our homes and get picked off by every marauder, thief and murderer who knocks on our door and asks for food. We have to protect ourselves, protect our kids."

  Scott joined in, standing as he spoke, "Brothers and sisters. The way we left it with the other small group leaders who’ve been meeting to plan our safe house is that we are not going to wait around, mouths agape, scared silly once we see the US has been attacked. Most folks will be so shocked in the first day or two that they won’t know what to do. But for many all they will need is the mere hint of widespread problems and they’ll be off to the grocery stores like a shot. Wham. Let’s grab all the food we can, they’ll say, before somebody else does. The result? Empty store shelves everywhere. The gun stores that still have weapons or any remaining ammo will likewise be picked clean. Gas stations won’t last long."

  Gary asked, "What’s your estimate on how long it will take?"

  "Picture this scene….because we’re about to actually see it. The nukes go off. The media that survives report that American cities, all across the country, have been hit….hit with nukes. The average Joe watching it on his big screen at first won’t believe what he’s seeing. How can this be, he’ll ask? His wife will say what are we going to do? That will make Joe start thinking, yeah, what are we going to do? He’ll remember that his truck is below a quarter tank on fuel – most guys can tell you the gas level on their cars, believe it or not, ladies. So he jumps up, grabs his keys and starts for the door. His wife asks, where are you going? He says, to get some gas before everyone runs the tanks dry at the gas stations. She says, but what about food? All we’ve got is what we’ve got in the pantry and the frig. We were gonna stock up at Costco this weekend, she says. He replies, okay, I’ll hit the grocery as soon as I get some gas."

  Beau added, "Multiply that scenario by the population of south Birmingham. Everyone panicking at once. Remember what it was like in 2003 when the blizzard warnings came out?"

  "Yeah. Within a few hours you couldn’t find a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread. The lines at the gas stations were up to a mile long, before they started waving people away because they were out of gas."

  "So, what do we learn from all that?", Sally asked.

  Beau spoke slowly, "We….learn….that….we can’t wait around once the first news comes that we’ve been attacked…..We would have literally….no time….to get organized. We have to be organized now, which is what Scott has been doing. Scott, what did you guys decide we should be doing once we got to this stage?"

  "What we decided was that we really don’t wait until the bombs go off. That will trigger panic. Clogged roads. The whole bit. We’re suggesting that everyone load up the trunks of the cars with food that’s not refrigerated, guns and ammo, our warmest clothes for when it gets cold and we don’t have power and, for the sentimental, a few family pictures. Forget the laptops, and ipads, iphones, ijunk, none of that’s going to be working a few days after the attacks. Forget electric razors, too. And once the razor blades wear out, every man will be bearded. The school is about ten minutes away for most of us, so we’ll possibly be able to make a second, maybe a third trip back home, but that’s it. Then, once everyone’s in the school, we lock it down and get ready for all hel….heck….to break loose."

  Hannah, the practical member of the small group, asked, "But, Scott, we can pack our trunks full now, but we’re not going to drive over and move into the school before the nukes go off, are we? How does the timing work?"

  "Good question, Hannah. We wrestled with that for some time. What we decided was that everyone needs to keep their cell phones with them. Not in the car. Not in the bedroom. But, with us. Once anyone in our group hears of the attack, even if it’s a sketchy early report, call my cell. I’ll send a group text and alert the other small group leaders. The plan is to get our family members gathered up, wherever they may be, quickly. Loaded up. Then get over to the school. We can park behind the school and wait while we listen to the radio reports. Once we know for sure that the U.S. has been attacked, we start unloading our stuff in the school. One of the other leaders who was an administrator at the school has keys to the school. Then we’ll try for a second load and pray the roads aren’t clogged yet. We should be okay at that stage because most folks will be in initial shock before full panic sets in."

  "But Scott," Beau asked, "What about our cars and trucks, we can’t leave them there, they would be a huge sign saying ‘there are people in here’."

  "Correct. Our plan is to drive to and scatter park the cars in a small sub-division, about a mile away. Then walk back to the school. They’ll be close if we need to get to them, but they won’t tip off our location."

  "It sounds like you fellows have thought of everything," Audrey said "Have you? Are we forgetting anything?"

  Beau responded, "In war and in similar situations like we are about to face, the one rule is that planning is always faulty. You can’t know what you don’t know, but I agree with you, Audrey, Scott’s group has put a lot of thought into how we survive the train wreck headed our way."

  "I don’t want to be too negative," Scott said, "but what we have planned is for short term survival only. Medium and long term? Well, that’s another story that we can talk and pray about when we have a lot of time at the school. On that somber note, I think it’s time that we pray


  The Moshe and Sophia Guttman Home

  Petah Tikva, Israel

  Several hours had passed since the President’s White House Press Room news conference in which he had announced that America would not get involved in the invasion of Israel by Russia, Iran and Libya. During ten of those hours the Guttman family inhabited their flat’s safe room. Though they didn’t have cable in the safe room, a small radio kept them apprised of the latest news. They were temporarily cheered when the radio newscaster announced that Israel’s PM was making what he called "one last attempt" to change the President’s mind and obtain American military help against the forces invading their country. That good news allowed the four family members to finally get some sleep on their cots, which were none too comfortable.

  Just after 6 AM Moshe awoke and turned the radio on at a low volume so as not to awake the others. He listened carefully to reports of the location of the invading forces. He heard a reporter who was located at Israeli Defense Forces headquarters in downtown Tel Aviv confirm that the lead units of the invading force were still traveling south on Highway 6, Yitzhak Rabin Highway, and were just now south of Highway 5. With a sinking feeling Moshe realized that the invaders of Israel were now only about four miles from Petah Tikva and their apartment building. Moshe knew that if the armored column pushing south left Rabin Highway and headed west towards Tel Aviv on 483, then moved to 481, one direct route to Tel Aviv, that his building and his neighbors in east Petah Tikva might escape harm. On the other hand, if the forces turned south on 40, the Yerushalayim Highway, they would soon be on their doorstep. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll take 483 and 481 straight into Tel Aviv. If they do in Tel Aviv what they’ve done already in Israel, he realized, his dental office would be no longer, but at least they would still be alive.


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