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Resist (#2): The Riptide Series

Page 9

by Brooke Page

  “How are you feeling?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “I’m doing pretty good, actually. I haven’t used since I’ve been back from the hospital. Colby has been hanging around a bit much, but he’s grown on me over the years.”

  I frowned. Half the time she couldn’t even remember Colby’s name. “And the pain meds?”

  “Colby keeps them and will only give them to me when the time is right. I swear, Lo, I’m going to stop this time.”

  I crossed my arms and began to pace. “Really?”

  She laughed. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

  “I’m not. I just have a hard time believing you.”

  She didn’t respond, and I felt horrible for hurting her with the truth.

  “I don’t blame you, but I’m going to try harder this time. I promise.”

  “That’s good to hear, Mom.”

  She was quiet again, then the desperation began. “Money will be hard to get, things will be tight, but nothing we haven’t had to deal with before. We can help each other.”

  It was her subtle way of asking me to come home.

  “Thank you for the money you’ve sent,” she added. “How did you get it?”

  I rolled my eyes. I wrote in the letter with the money how I had gotten a job and earned the money, but her drug addicted brain had trouble remembering almost everything. “A side job. It’s been really good for me.”

  Her voice became accusing. “What kind of side job?”

  My anger began to rise. I knew what she was hinting at. “I’m not fucking anyone for it, Mother. I’m actually working for a successful company.”

  She took a deep breath as if she were trying to regain her patience. Something she rarely worried about losing. The change was odd, and unsettling to my stomach full of nerves.

  “Lauren, I really want you to come home. I want a functioning relationship with you, how it should be. No drugs or men to get in between us. I didn’t realize it was such a big wedge. I was only trying to find a way to support us. I didn’t think it had a big effect on you until I realized it was why you ran off in the first place.”

  She wasn’t making sense, and actually sounded like a parent who was taking responsibility for their actions. The foreign feeling felt great, but I was reluctant to trust it.

  Vance breezed by the sliding glass, meeting my eyes for a moment, then proceeded into the bedroom. Was he upset I was on the phone? Did he assume I was talking to Colby?

  “Mom, can we talk about this later? I promise I’ll call you soon.”

  She sighed, and her tone heightened. “Come home, Lauren, please.”

  Frustrated with her beginning to whine, I rushed to hang up the phone. “Bye, Mom.”

  Pulling the speaker away from my ear, she muffled, “Okay, I love you.”

  My thumb was already on the end call button before I could respond.

  I opened the sliding door as quietly as I could, only to be startled by Vance’s deep voice. He emerged from the bedroom wearing a pair of black mesh shorts instead of his bathing suit, his yummy stomach and pecs on full display. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, it was Colby.” My eyes instantly squinted together, waiting for him to respond.

  He only chuckled, taking the few steps toward me and setting his hands on my hips. “Lauren, you’re allowed to talk to other people. Especially someone you’ve known nearly your entire life.”

  I opened one eye, peering up at him. “Even someone who’s in love with me?”

  Vance shrugged his shoulders, snaking his arms around my waist until our bare stomachs were touching. “Can’t blame him.”

  I flushed, unable to control the grin from forming across my lips.

  He smiled down at me, kissing my forehead then let go, heading into the kitchen. “Did you talk to Marcy, too?”

  “Yes. I guess YaYa wants us both home. I told her we’d meet at the shop at nine so we would arrive back to her house together.”

  Vance planted both his hands on the kitchen counter. “Works for me.”

  I frowned, then turned to head to the bedroom and change. I wasn’t sure what I was more upset about, having to leave him, or the weird phone conversation with my mother.

  So many feelings were bouncing inside of my head, and they were beginning to get the best of me. Eyeing the shower, I decided to collect myself with the warm water washing away the salt and sand from our perfect day.

  Turning on the water and tossing my suit to the floor, I waited for it to warm, then stepped inside. Crying felt like the appropriate action.

  Why was I being such a girl? Or was I feeling more emotional because I talked to my mother for the first time in weeks? She apologized for all of her poor decisions, something I had secretly wanted to hear my whole life. Could my mom really change? She’d let me down so many times before, what would make her stop now?

  Then there was Colby, the boy who did nothing but love me and want to take care of me, yet I felt nothing more than friendship toward him.

  My body shook, unable to control my confusion. How could I have such a perfect day, then let my brain destroy it within minutes?

  I caught the shape of Vance on the other side of the frosted shower door, standing in the bedroom.

  His body came closer, still a blur. “Pizza is here.”

  “Okay,” I tried to carry my voice over the pounding of the water, but it only came out in a croak.

  The door opened, and a naked Vance stepped into the water behind me, both his arms wrapping around my stomach to pull me into him. He didn’t say anything, only held me, and I began to shake.

  “What’s wrong? You’re trembling,” he murmured against my ear, keeping one arm around my stomach and bringing the other to my shoulder.

  “I don’t know,” I croaked. “Today was so perfect.”

  He stayed silent, keeping me in his hold, beginning a comforting sway.

  “I’m reeling from talking to my mom.”

  Vance stilled his movements, his hold tightening slightly.

  Tears filled my eyes. “She sounded… really, really good.”

  “That’s good… right?”

  “She said she realizes how much the drugs and men put a wedge between us.” I swallowed, squeezing my eyes closed.

  Vance kissed my shoulder, and I broke down. Covering my face with both hands, cried, wanting to cocoon into the shell I always wrapped myself in when I couldn’t get a grasp on my brokenness.

  His hands released me, and I found the wall of the shower, crossing my arms around myself. It was how I soothed myself when I felt out of control. The endless hours in the dark closet when my Discman was broken, covering my ears and begging for what was happening on the other side of the door to end. All of the times in school when everyone else’s parents were there and involved, while I sat by myself, making up excuses for where my mother was and why she wasn’t there to support me.

  Vance turned me to face him then brought me into his arms. It was as if he were becoming the shell I protected myself with to block out these wrecked emotions. His presence was calming, his palms sweeping down the length of my bare back, caging me to him-- Vance became my escape.

  Taking a long exhale, I relaxed into his chest, finding the euphoric place I always had when I was with him. “Thank you,” I breathed into his skin.

  He grabbed my chin and tilted it up so he could look at me. My eyes were most likely red and blotchy from crying.

  Vance stroked my jaw. “I know what it’s like, wondering if they’re going to keep their promises. Having faith in them changing their ways isn’t easy, and every time they break a promise, it’s harder and harder to believe in them.”

  “My mom has never admitted to her lifestyle hurting me. It’s been nineteen years. Probably why I’m so emotional.”

  His eyes softened. “You have a heart, that’s why it upsets you.”

  I flexed both of my hands on his pecs. “Maybe since she’s never made promises like this befo
re, she’ll actually try. Maybe she will change?”

  Hope was restored inside of me. She could be telling the truth this time. Wouldn’t that be something? If she actually tried at life, found a job and we became a normal family? The little girl inside of me was spinning with a new faith in my broken mother.

  Chapter Twelve


  Hiding the edginess looming over me was damn near impossible, but I must have done a decent job, because Lauren seemed more calm and collected. I was terrified by the phone call, worried what her conversation with Colby was about. I knew it was him; it was always him if it wasn’t Marcy. Though, I was shocked to hear her mother was on the phone as well.

  Finding Lauren in the shower and watching her breakdown was gut wrenching, but being able to deviate her worry and stress was amazing. Like my arms around her magically cured her ache, the same way she healed mine. Being away from her was going to be torture.

  “Are you going to work tonight?” she asked while we hugged under the stars, waiting on the back deck of the shop for Colt and Marcy to arrive.

  “I’ve got a lot to catch up on since I was gone. Should be a long night.”

  She stood on her tip toes, pressing her lips to the base of my neck. “Call me if you need a distraction.”

  I smiled, tilting my head slightly, inviting her gentle suckles. “If I get distracted, then I’ll have to wait longer for the real thing.”

  She laughed, then nuzzled her face into my chest, keeping her arms wrapped around me. It was perfect, and I hated seeing Colt’s car lights coming down the road.

  I sighed, not knowing if this would be the last time I’d hold her in my arms, at least until I could take down Marcus. After today, I knew I had to come find her the moment he was put away, because if I had to live without her, I might as well throw myself in a jail cell next to him.

  “I wish I didn’t have to go,” she whispered.

  “I wish, too.” I held her face, loving how soft her skin felt against my fingers. I studied her, engraining her beauty, every little detail, like the curve of her eyebrows and the length of her eyelashes, the sun-kissed freckles peppering her cheeks, and the curve of her lips when she smiled. She was breathtaking, and I’d need the memory of her to get me through the fucked-up shit I had to finish.

  Marcy rolled down her window once they were in the parking lot. “Sorry to split up you two love birds, but YaYa is not one to be messed with.”

  “No, she’s not,” I sighed, rubbing Lauren’s biceps and gently guiding her to let me go.

  She dropped her arms from around my waist and brought her gaze back to me. “Call me?”

  I nodded, taking both her hands with mine. “Call you.” Leaning down, I kissed her cheek, letting my lips linger on her silky skin. “Text me when you’re in bed.”

  Her face was flushed when I removed my lips and let go of her hands. Colt threw a wave my way from the driver’s side. He somehow made good graces with YaYa, and would most likely be allowed to go inside with the girls.

  Watching Colt pull out of the driveway with my heart in the backseat sucked, but all in all, motivated me to take down my father’s empire.

  I had a late night ahead of me, and even though I appeared to be strong and resilient, I was trembling inside. Everything had to fall into place, and if one slight detail went askew, the whole take down would be compromised and blow up in my face.


  The fitted suit wasn’t my normal style, not helping my comfort level for where I was about to go and who I was going to meet. It had taken me my whole life to gain enough trust from Marcus to come to this meeting, and it was one more piece to the puzzle. I fidgeted with the black tie setting against my charcoal button-up shirt. The gray suit overtop it was new, typically tucked away at my shop. The only other suit I had was the one I wore at my mother’s funeral.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket.

  Your driver will be at Tankini’s at one.

  I closed my eyes, my head thudding as it hit the headrest. I bought a beater car, wanting to be more discreet as I traveled around the city. Colt did an awesome job keeping the girls busy while I was gone, until they went rogue and all hell broke loose. Thankfully, I found a story to cover my ass, and ended up having the best day of my life with Lauren because of it.

  I kissed Lauren goodbye a few hours ago, and now I sat in this beat-up Taurus a hundred feet down from YaYa’s house, mentally preparing myself to see the Cage.

  Lauren was so close, and keeping myself in this car was difficult knowing she was only a few hundred feet away, sleeping in a warm bed. I wasn’t exactly up on my sleep, and curling around her was tempting.

  A knock startled me against my window while I daydreamed.

  I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

  Riley slid inside, tugging his baseball cap down and peering out the back window. “I thought you were headed to Tankini’s?”

  “We aren’t meeting for another few hours.” My eyes were on YaYa’s, waiting for Colt to walk out of the house. He was inside with the girls, and once YaYa kicked him out, he would sit outside her house in his car, making sure none of Marcus’s thugs got any ideas.

  Riley followed my line of sight. “You bringing her in tonight? I thought you were going to wait until Friday?”

  I swallowed. “No. I’ll bring the girl in on Friday.”

  He patted my shoulder. “We’ll bust them before she gets hurt. I know you’re worried.”

  I didn’t meet his eyes. “She’ll be damaged. They always are.”

  To my surprise, Lauren opened the door, and Colt ran out behind her along with Marcy. I scowled and leaned over the steering wheel, curious what they were doing. I relaxed some when Lauren grabbed a bag from Colts car, then ran back up the steps.

  “And what about her,” he asked, nodding his head toward Lauren after she had closed the door. “You going to bring her in along with the other one?”

  My eyes darted to him. “They’re not touching Lauren.”

  He frowned. “I don’t have to tell you how these people work, Vance. If he wants Lauren, he’ll get her. I’ll prepare my men to reach her first.”

  My stomach felt like a rock. “She won’t be in town,” I mumbled, hating myself for the call I made, but knew it was the only way to get Lauren away from this wretched place.

  Riley was studying me, but I refused to meet his stare. Hiding my emotion when it came to Lauren was becoming impossible.

  “After the sting and your six-month hiatus, you’ll be able to join her. I’d suggest finding a new city for the two of you after your time period is up, for safety reasons.” He patted my shoulder as if it would ease my worries, but his light-hearted comment probably wouldn’t come true. I’d love to whisk her off her feet and into a perfect world with me, but I doubted life would work out in my favor.

  “What about this guy?” Riley nodded toward Colt and Marcy, who happened to be making out against his car. I grinned when he grabbed her ass under her skirt.

  “He doesn’t work for Marcus anymore.”

  Riley raised a brow. “He’s working for you?”

  I glanced at him. “Something like that. I doubted you’d offer him a pardon if I brought him into the sting, so I gave him another option. He’s a good kid, just lost his path.”

  Now both of Marcy’s legs were wrapped around Colt’s waist, and he was dry humping her against the car.

  Riley sighed. “Oh, to be young again.”

  I smirked, peeling my eyes away from Colt and Marcy. “You going to meet me after tonight? Or will a call suffice?”

  Riley furrowed his brows. “I’m tailing your ass.”

  I sat tall in my seat, gripping the steering wheel. “No. They’ll catch on. Marcus has eyes everywhere.”

  Riley’s lip twitched upward on my side, a sparkle forming in his eye. “So do we, son. I’ll find you after. Do what you have to do.” He slipped out of the car and disappeared.

  I rested back on the headr
est, focusing on the faded fabric of the ceiling and dirty fingerprints around the rim by the top of the door. I needed to focus and be at the top of my game. Lauren was safely in YaYa’s house, and even though Colt was a milli-second from fucking Marcy outside, I knew no harm would come to her.

  My phone buzzed on my lap, distracting my mental prep.

  Lauren: Cozy in bed. Don’t work all night.

  The blood in my veins pumped faster, my heart racing knowing she was behind the door of the house a few hundred feet from me. My hands pressed into the back of my neck. I wanted to text with her badly. A simple text wouldn’t hurt.

  I’ll only work for half of it, then pass out.

  Lauren: I wish you could pass out with me : (

  Me too, baby.

  YaYa would kill me.

  Lauren: Yeah, we need to work on that. Maybe YOU should be the one to drop me off or pick me up next time. Work your way into her good graces.

  I smiled at her hopes, but there was no way I’d ever be in YaYa’s good graces. She hated my father, and rightfully so. He had destroyed some of the ones she loved, and there was no forgiveness in her toward my family.

  Maybe. You should sleep.

  Lauren: If only I could have a goodnight kiss…

  I smirked, unable to keep my fingers from moving on my keyboard.

  I’ll blow you one.

  Lauren: Where?

  I raised a brow. Where do you want one?

  Lauren: My mouth, my neck, and lower…


  Lauren: lower, as in between my legs. I think your mouth down there is my new favorite place for it to be.

  “Jesus,” I mumbled, fidgeting in my seat. The uncomfortable suit pants were straining against my stiffening cock. My mouth between her legs was one of my favorite places for it to be, too.

  It’ll be there again soon, but you need to sleep.

  Lauren: Okay I’ll stop distracting you. Goodnight, Vance.


  I hated stopping the conversation, but I needed to focus, and as soon as Colt stopped humping a very aggressive Marcy, I’d head to Tankini’s, have a drink and prepare myself for the Cage.


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